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Everything posted by Seattleite

  1. Another small, simple modification. A mod that changes the revolutionary sword to use the same animations as the switchblade or combat knife, speeds its attack up to fast and increases its damage to keep it balanced with weapon-improving mods (most of which double melee damage). That's it.
  2. This is a fairly simple request. Just a mod that completely removes all disintegration, melting and explosion death effects from the game. I care a lot about immersion, and every time somebody is disintegrated, especially by a weapon they had already survived shots from, it smashes my immersion like Gallagher smashes a watermelon, and it makes me want to stop playing. These effects are the entire reason I never use energy weapons under any circumstances, and things would be a lot better if they weren't there. http://i.imgur.com/N1uqyrn.gif
  3. Basically, this is a call to make ammunition much, MUCH less available. 1. Ammo in loot reduced ~80%. 2. Ammo in stores is ~3x more expensive. 3. NPCs and enemies carry ~2x as much ammo, but use ammo in combat, meaning that most will be completely out by the time you kill them. And that's it, really.
  4. And I don't find prudes very interesting, so I'm going to stop acknowledging your existence now.
  5. Grow a sense of humour. You can find them in the "self help" isle, between the lives and the clues.
  6. That's awesome. Now all it needs is an upload on the site.
  7. Just a request for a quick joke mod. A huge bonus to charisma for not having any clothing equipped, probably +5. That's all.
  8. This might have to wait for the GECK, but would some talented modders maybe be interested in making AR-15 and Glock models as replacers for the assault rifle and 10mm pistol models? You'd be replacing weapon models that are ugly and impractical with weapon models that are good looking and functional, and I'm sure plenty of people will thank you for it, me first of all.
  9. Basically, I'm going to be making a total conversion for Fallout 4, which does NOT take place in the Fallout universe (it doesn't even resemble it, really). Right now I'm waiting for the GECK, the script extended for the GECK, and for me to start and finish an overhaul mod that I'll be making first in said GECK. I will also wait for at least a little DLC to come out, and I will be incorporating content from all the DLCs into the TC mod, so you *will* need all the DLC to play it. If I was to estimate the start time, late 2016. If I was to estimate a completion time... Probably some time in 2018, it'll take a while. This is a big project and I am not planning around having much help (though if I do, hey, bonus). If you don't have time to read a long post, that's the gist of it. The player character is a little kid, living In Everett, Washington, in the year 2057. They live in a public housing building, sharing an apartment with another kid their age. How they managed to have an apartment in public housing without adoptive parents and half said parents' extended families is never explained. (Suffice to say, public housing would generally try to cram people into as small of a space as humanly possible. Eight people? One bedroom, count yourself lucky if there's more than a single twin bed.) How the building doesn't have roaches is also a complete mystery, those are normally universal in community housing. (Maybe the meth lab on the other side of the building has something to do with it?) To say you two lucked out is to understate the issue. Intro: You probably picked up on a few things in there if you read it. First, things are pretty bad if they're fencing off entire cities *and* fencing the districts inside them as a redundant defensive measure. Second, magic is clearly a thing in this setting. Not only can you purchase spells early on, but Miller is killed by somebody who can throw fire. It's pretty unambiguous. Third, things killed rise from the dead spontaneously, without outside intervention, in only a couple hours. Beyond what you can gather from the intro, there's a good-sized world to explore, though it is smaller than Fallout 4 by rather a lot, and lots of large, sprawling ruins to explore with multiple unlocking paths and boss fights at the end. There's no overarching story, but there's a lot of little stories and eventually expansions will be added that take you to some pretty insane locations (Annwn being one good example) and these generally have stories. There is a lot of magic and the supernatural despite its near-future setting (the presence of magic and the supernatural, I feel I need to add, does NOT mean conventional weapons are useless), and only for the past forty years. Civilization is slowly collapsing, as the world has been under attack by multiple factions of supernatural invaders for decades, new and dangerous supernatural creatures have entered the ecosystem, and the way most governments reacted to the sudden presence of magic has not helped keep people on their side. Your area has all of the invading factions present and at war within it, the US government is still present in some areas within it (such as your hometown of Everett), and plenty of towns have split off and declared themselves sovereign entities, whether they can really defend themselves or not. The main supernatural factions are the celestials, death lords, raiders, demons, Angels and Presence cultists. Celestials were the first to invade, because they have come to the conclusion that human civilization will collapse if they don't intervene and run things for us until we can do it ourselves. The death lords and the lesser vampires invaded mostly because the celestials did, and they are opposed to the celestials and the gods on a fundamental level. Raiders invaded because Earth is a world they've never been able to visit before with a lot of interesting things to study and they just need enough bases around to do research from, though given that their "research" involves abducting living things and they don't really consider non-raiders to be people per se, their name is well earned. Demons, angels and Presence cultists are all invading to make people worship their respective gods, though they go about it in a different way. (Demons operate as a corporate republic, angels operate as a fascist theocracy and Presence cultists are a theocratic oligarchy.) The factions above frequently clash with one another, in-game, whenever you're near their borders. These fights range from minor firefights between a few individuals to skirmishes to full-on battles complete with vehicles and fire support, and are all way out of your league, so it's best to just not get involved if you want to live. (Also, if you end up in one, try not to become a target and be cognizant of all the fire going around, because bullets and bombs will just as happily kill somebody who wasn't their intended target.) The game world is dangerous, and the game puts a heavy emphasis on caution. Wounds are extremely difficult to heal, especially crippled limbs, it doesn't take much damage to break your little body, enemies crit often (though so do you) and crits deal out devastating special effects, with most penetrating weapons causing life-threatening blood loss from a single critical hit, even if the weapon's damage is normally fairly low. You can start a fight with somebody normally friendly, fights even with hostile creatures can often be avoided and stealth is a big element of the game. Overall, this mod is intended to be darker and grittier, more challenging and more realistic, have stronger survival and stealth mechanics, heavy horror influences, many new places to explore and the simple and organic story of two small children trying to make and keep a place for themselves in a dangerous world they cannot meaningfully influence. If that piques your interest, keep an eye on this mod as it's developed.
  10. Close enough, assuming that I can open and close my doors and the settlers can't.
  11. We already know how to use the console, mate. That's completely unhelpful. I think it just locking automatically whenever you close a door you have the key to, and having keys for your own house's doors, would do it. Though we might also need to fix the broken side door... Game won't let me do that manually, and I couldn't lock it even if I could put a new door there. Unless eventually, a more advanced version also gave you to ability to make lockable doors that come with keys, but that's way more complicated.
  12. This is a simple mod I'd like. Basically, just the ability to lock any door, at least in your settlements. I don't care how it works, as long as it keeps people out of my house. Because if I catch Marcy Long sleeping in my bed one more goddamn time, I am making soylent green.
  13. You are, like, the thirtieth person to request this so far. Trust me, they know.
  14. Name says it all. I would really like a mod that removes any and all grab attacks from the deathclaws' repertoire. Because seriously, they just go straight from one grab to another and keep you stunlocked for 95% of every fight.
  15. I am constantly aghast at how ridiculously bright the game is at all times, regardless of circumstance, even when you're in a pipe at the bottom of a factory in the middle of the night with no possible source of lighting. If somebody could, you know, fix that like they did in Skyrim? That would be wonderful.
  16. I also agree that this ridiculous auto-heal needs to go, and stimpacks should *not* full-heal crippled limbs. (I say 3% to start with, increase along with medic.) I could be wrong, but I *think* I might have invented that. Or, at least, I am unaware of it ever being done before I did it in Fallout 3.
  17. This is a simple mod request. Make weather conditions last longer, preferably most or all of an in-game day. That's it.
  18. I'll quickly answer why it doesn't hurt you, using words from the catalogue of weapon enchantments: "Weapon [sic] such as axes and bows can hold a wide variety of enchantments. The most common are fire, frost and lightning. The simple, yet effective enchantments burn, freeze or shock when they draw blood." The weapon enchantments are activated by blood.
  19. That has nothing to do with Skyrim, or the total conversion mod. I'm also not a modeller or a texture artist. And an object is NOT a feature. So that's no, to the fifth power.
  20. I've got almost nothing but free time right now and for the forseeable future, so I was planning on pouring it into a total conversion mod. The thread for the mod listing the features it should have can be found here. This thread right now is asking if anybody has anything they'd like to request be a feature in the mod. You don't need to read the whole other thread to make requests, I'll let you know if you request something I'm already doing, but the request must be relevant to the total conversion. I might not accept all requests, I'll explain why not if I don't, and I might make tweaks or alterations to requests, which I'll also explain. There will be some prioritization so any request may be lower priority and might not be in the initial version, instead waiting for updates, or might delay currently planned features to later versions.
  21. Amazing Follower Tweaks has the option to make followers do this or not do this, which can override Serana's standard behaviour. You can make her stop using that.
  22. Well, there are mods that allow you to effectively be left handed with one handed weapons, weapon and spell and dual wielding, but unfortunately there's none for bows, shields or two handed weapons. That sucks, sure, but it's a HUGE step up from the last couple games.
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