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Everything posted by Seattleite

  1. Could somebody chop up a Ludacris track and replace "Fus - Ro - Dah" with "Move b&@*$ - Get Out - The Way"?
  2. This is a simple one: Power armor that has a sort of skirt, robe, dress, kilt, even a long coat, cloak, cape, some form of flowing or hanging garment. Preferably part of the armor but even regular cloth on top of the armor for decorative purposes would be fine. I just want something to maintain the rough sihlouette of my character (or any character who wears flowing garments) while in power armor, to help them look a little more when mechanised like they do on foot.
  3. Rabbit ears that give a move speed bonus and resistance to falling damage. Extra jump height, if you can swing it. Options for different percentages would also be nice.
  4. There's a YouTuber named JeorgSprave who has made an attachment for bows that is essentially a magazine. It at least doubles and maybe triples your rate of fire, as well as making the bow easier to use and more accurate. You do lose a little power and range, but that's fine seeing how much faster it is. It can even fit sights, and even without sights you can aim down the attachment itself, and it even has a hook that holds the weight of the bow at full draw so you don't have to. Here are a few video links if you want to check it out. So, you know what the request is. Instant Legolas bows, either in Skyrim SE or in TESVI when it comes out, get a series of very quick shots off that are a bit weaker, then reload. Even with reloading, you have a higher overall rate of fire and DPS, but significantly less damage per shot. Maybe 30% less damage per shot with the same bow and arrows but initially 3x the rate of fire and 1.5x after you factor in reloading? So you need to land more shots to kill an enemy, so it takes more skill on your part, but it does have higher DPS if you do, especially with stronger arrows, and double especially during the actual volleys. Downside, less damage per shot, and obviously the father the target and the harder the shots are the more a regular bow's higher damage per shot might be preferable. This mod might be difficult, and maybe have to wait for TESVI, but there's no reason it can't be done.
  5. Â Huh, I thought there was a resist cap just like in Skyrim. Okay, so what if I wanted to have 90% damage resistance in one category? How much armor rating would I need? About 9x the damage of an attack (before all resistances).
  6. There is not actually a damage resist cap in Fallout 4, the armour never reaches 100% resistance to any attack, but it will keep getting closer to it the more armour you have relative to the attack, at an increasingly slow rate.
  7. Thanks for responding, but I'm still having trouble with the script. It's not compiling, I'm getting an error message reading "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: path1".
  8. I can't script. I have a mod that's been on the Nexus for years, on the Skyrim Nexus though it works with the Special Edition as well, which is a massive gameplay overhaul. The problem is, it has a specific shortcoming because I can't script. There is a list of perks in it that the player gets by default, and they should be given to every NPC, not just the player. This includes the basic versions of the weapon specialisation perks, so all maces and hammers bypass some of the enemy's armour, all blades and bows can crit and all axes cause bleeding. It also includes perks that give you weaker versions of Deflect Arrows and Elemental Protection. What I need is a script made that will apply these to every single character in the game, so these traits apply to all of the player's enemies, not just the ones who were given these perks in the vanilla game. Is such a thing possible? And is anybody willing to help me out with this? It doesn't feel right to bring a gameplay overhaul to the SE Nexus and not add anything to it.
  9. I want... A fusion rifle. An Erentil FR4, or a Gallant Charge, or a Wizened Rebuke, or a Main Ingredient, anything like that really. Charge up, fires 7 energy bolts, does a lot more damage than a shotgun at far longer range. They're unique, they're fun, and they're powerful. And in the game they're from they just got nerfed into the floor so hard they're about as effective as a super soaker with no water. Modding them into another game is the closest anybody's going to get to bringing them back to life.
  10. You can cancel out of the "send idiot to" menu and they'll go to their last location. If you've never dismissed them before, that's their original place, IE, Nick goes to his agency.
  11. Sorry, I spent the latter half of yesterday EXTREMELY intoxicated on account of real-world events beyond my control. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it.) I just uploaded the very simple, 1.0 version of the mod. Alternative versions will come out at some point, the first one probably in a day or two changing it to a flat healing value, but for right now Life Giver and Solar Powered each regenerate your HP 0.05%/second. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/43334/
  12. Actually, I managed to fix my CK. I'll just do it myself. Expect the upload later today.
  13. I'd do this myself, but my Creation Kit is on the fritz. It'd take about 2 minutes. Could somebody just nerf all the passive regeneration perks? Change them from a percentage of your HP to a flat value, IE, take Life Giver 3's regeneration from 0.5%/second to 0.5hp/second? Failing that, a flat 90% nerf would also do it. It's just way, way too strong on survival difficulty. That's primarily because the regeneration provided is not reduced on survival, but all healing items take ~10x as long. As a result, your passive health regeneration is usually faster than the healing you get from weaker food items, and as a result those food items are pretty much useless for healing.
  14. I lack the technical skill to pull off something like that in the first place, so it's a moot point.
  15. Yeah, Novafinch has a few mods with burst-fire, but they closed their comments so I don't think they're even willing to talk to anybody about how they did it.
  16. Has anybody made a mod that adds burst-fire receivers to the weapons in the game? And do any of them exist for energy weapons? Especially one that includes the gauss rifle, since the idea of a weapon that charges up and then fires a burst really appeals to me for some reason. Can't quite put my finger on it. Something about bodyshotting people from a different zip code.
  17. Yeah, you know what else says it's definitely possible? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/17898/ Somebody already did it. Not exactly as described here, and there definitely are some issues with how it's handled, but still.
  18. Take your pick. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20188 https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/39042/?tab=description https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12238/? https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/8421
  19. There's a mod that does exactly that. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/20485
  20. Nice! Got that bookmarked, I'll try it later this week. Kinda hard to believe this request from so long ago got a second, more sophisticated mod. Especially since it's the only mod I ever requested that got made.
  21. Can we get a burst-fire energy weapon with a charge time, please? Options would also be nice, for projectile/beam types, or bonus damage, or burst length, or a pistol variant, but as long as it's an energy weapon you charge like a gauss rifle that fires a burst of full-power energy shots when fully charged, it's a fusion rifle.
  22. NovaFinch has Misriah Armory and a second mod that adds the MA37 and BR55. Check it out.
  23. Remember the Ghost People from Dead Money? The enemies that were immortal unless a limb was crippled, depleting their health only knocked them out briefly, and they had a LOT of limb health to make that difficult? Any chance they could be brought back? I really did alternate kill conditions, zero enemies in Fallout 4 have any, and I've only found one mod with alternate kill conditions, and it's a zombie mod that makes feral ghouls headshot-only. Some more variety would be nice.
  24. There's a bunch of flare gun mods. This has the nailgun: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12798 Luger p08: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/15180/
  25. There's a weapon type that is very unique, and it'd be nice to see in Fallout 4. That's the fusion rifle from Destiny. For those Destiny who already know what a fusion rifle is, skip this paragraph. For those who'd rather watch a video of the weapon in action, click , or for relevant gameplay footage. Basically, it's a burst-fire energy weapon with a charge-up time before the burst discharges. This discharge is a burst of energy projectiles that have moderate range but due to spread it's most effective up close. The way I'd see it in Fallout 4 is basically, you charge it like a gauss rifle, about the same charge time too. Once it's charged, you get a burst of 7 of what are essentially plasma rifle shots and each of which is essentially a typical shot from a plasma rifle, in terms of range, spread (not counting the recoil experienced in the burst) and of course damage. This deals a very large amount of damage between the 7 projectiles, with recoil being a bigger factor than spread so you could potentially be pretty accurate at short-medium range if you aim low and to the side opposite the recoil, so it traces up a target. You'd upgrade it to increase the damage, increase the number of projectiles with a corresponding increase to overall damage (Destiny fusion rifles fire 7 projectiles, but nothing needs to be set in stone), make it more accurate, charge faster with less power/projectiles or charge slower for more damage/projectiles, maybe make a pistol version if you really want to, and best of all: Change the element to change its properties. Fire by default, burn enemies over time in addition to your kinetic and energy damage. Change it to electric, no burn damage but bonus energy damage against robots and the like. Radiation, make it a burst-fire gamma gun with kinetic damage on the side. But why stop there? Cryo, less damage but it does crowd control. Poison, which doesn't stack I don't think so putting the poison damage nice and high makes it a nasty prick at a distance but means it gets less of a bonus up close. Maybe kinetic only, give it some flinch and/or knockdown but lose the energy damage entirely. Sky's the limit, the more elemental options you have the more fun the weapon becomes and you've got a lot of room to be creative. But frankly, as long as there are fusion rifles, I'm happy. It's a fun weapon class. I don't care if it's lore friendly to Fallout 4, or if the fusion rifles are actually based on specific Destiny fusion rifles or their aesthetics are based on Destiny at all, so long as they function the way we know and love. I also don't care what ammo type they use, as long as it's something I can use relatively often. Fusion cells, plasma cartridges, whatever. I just want to blast robots, super mutants and deathclaws with a fusion rifle. That's it.
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