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Everything posted by AugustaCalidia

  1. The Fallout 4 beta update works well for me. I did have to use the game launcher rather than my F4SE launcher, because the SE guys have not yet rewritten it for the beta update. However, I have no F4SE dependent mods anyway. (In fact, I'm not sure any F4SE dependent FO4 mods have even been written.) The initial game loading time after the update was longer than usual, but after that loading times returned to normal. Finally, there have been no problems with my mods.
  2. Thank you, Nexus guys, for the wonderful new NMM. Today I successfully updated NMM to v0.60.13 and was ushered into the exciting world of game profiling. The update was practically effortless, and my Fallout NV game came through unscathed. There was only one hiccup with a zipped file for DarnifiedUI v4, which I was able to remedy quickly. The whole process took about 30 minutes from start to finish and involved 50 mods (some scripted) with 78 plugins. I did not find the process any more difficult than previous NMM updates where I would encounter an occasional problem. Please know that I am no arrogant techie boasting of some magnificent accomplishment in an attempt to shame lesser mortals. I know absolutely nothing about programming and software development. (My college majors were philosophy and classical Greek.) However, I have learned through hard experience that mods, modding, and mod organizers are not for the faint of heart. Therefore I did a lot of reading and preparation before updating NMM. When I pressed the commit button, I knew full well what could go wrong, and I knew full well what I would have to do to recover my game.
  3. First, I commend the NMM crew for all their hard work and the beta rollout of NMM 0.60.?. Over the years you and other Nexus staffers have transformed the Nexus site into the best modding site in the galaxy. Second, I address a modest suggestion to mod users who have not yet installed the beta version of NMM 0.60.? but would like to do so. (If this suggestion has been made in a previous comment, then please view my remarks as an endorsement of the suggestion.) Before risking the health and well being of your lovingly crafted Skyrim (or whatever) game, first test NMM 0.60.? on a game you have no serious interest in playing. Use that game for experimentation. If the results are positive, then use NMM beta 0.60.? for your serious gaming. If the results are negative, then continue to use your old version of NMM until beta 0.60.? meets your requirements for an acceptable mod organizer. However, DO NOT INSTALL beta 0.60.? until you have backed up and/or copied all of your critical game files and folders! Obviously this suggestion comes too late and is of no comfort for those whose games have disappeared into an NMM abyss. However, I do not blame the NMM crew for this. The term alpha means, "CAUTION - YOU COULD LOSE ALL YOUR MONEY!" and the term beta means, "CAUTION - WET FLOORS!" So when the NMM crew introduced the alpha version of NMM 0.60 earlier this year, I trusted their warnings and avoided it altogether. Likewise, I now trust their warnings that NMM 0.60.? is a beta version, and I will proceed with extreme caution. Thank you, modders and mod users, for your support for this great Nexus site. And thank you, Nexus staff, for the good work you are doing.
  4. And the Chronicler wrote: In the fourth month of the fourth year of the Skyrim Epiphany, there arose a great clamor and gnashing of teeth throughout the Holy City of Freemod. The multitudinous and mighty hosts of the idolatrous Valvites and Bethites were at the gates! They came to rape, pillage and burn in the name of their mod-sucking god, Filthy Lucre. Treachery and betrayal did abound as many Freemodites forsook their faith and hastened to sacrifice at the blood-drenched altar of Filthy Lucre. Moreover, one whom the loyal Freemodites thought to be their champion was now seen as a betrayer, a Judas, a wolf in sheep's clothing! This dark one had committed the ultimate blasphemy! He openly expressed doubt that the Almighty Freemod Him/Her/Itself had ever uttered the command, "Thou shalt have no other mods before me." To the greater horror of the freemod orthodox, this dark one had even been discovered accepting tainted silver from sinister and powerful agents of the dank, steamy mods-for-cash netherworld of Filthy Lucre. "Woe! Woe!" they cried. "What is to be done? The end times are upon us!" In their confusion and anger the Freemodites turned viciously upon one another - brother against brother, son against father. Alas, the Holy City was torn by strife. The Freemodite loyalists in a holy rage threw themselves at the Freemodite renegades. The Freedmodite renegades answered by pouring barrels of burning mods upon the enraged attackers. Fires raged everywhere, and smoke billowed. Soon the smoke formed into a great, dark, oppressive and choking cloud of rumors, innuendo, half-truths, canards and accusations that covered the entire city and rose more than five hundred cubits into the sky. When the Valvites and Bethites saw this, they counseled together and said, "Let us withdraw our armies for a season. Let the Freemodites destroy themselves. Then the Holy City will be ours."
  5. NMM (0.47.1) works flawlessly for me. Thank you NMM team for all your hard work.
  6. Dark0ne, thank you and your team for your continuing efforts to make this the best modding site in the galaxy. Also, it's refreshing to see so many comments and recommendations about the Nexus site's layout. I'm sure this feedback will help you make this an even better site. As for "endorse vs. like," I endorse the use of "endorse." The word "like" doesn't carry the same weight as the word "endorse." To endorse is to recommend, and that's what I mean to do everytime I push the endorse button.
  7. Thank you, Dark0ne, for the best modding site in the universe. I've been a Nexus fan since Oblivion. The mods available through the Nexus source have given each of my games new life over and over. Once I read your blog piece, I realized that I needed to do something more tangible to express my appreciation for the hard work and dedication of you and your staff. So today, to say "thank you," I became a premium member.
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