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Posts posted by AugustaCalidia

  1. Ditto 1ae0bfb8's remarks. I have never, ever had any problems with Vortex supporting Fallout 4.


    What version of Vortex are you using?


    On the Vortex extensions page, do you see "Game: Fallout 4?" If so, is it enabled? Also, are all of your Gamebryo extensions enabled?


    Have you perhaps hidden the game?


    Finally, what is this "extension wizard" you mention? Are you talking about the "Add Game Wizard" found here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/155?

  2. Nexus Mods is a website that hosts mods for various games (2,014 to date). Vortex is a mod manager that can manage those games' mods, provided that it has been programmed to do so. Thus far game extensions have been written for ~240 games out of the 2,014 games whose mods are hosted on Nexus Mods. If you are so inclined, you can write and submit an extension for your favorite game using the following template: https://nexus-mods.github.io/vortex-api/2022/04/03/Creating-a-game-extension.html.


    For the games currently managed by Vortex, open Vortex and click on "Games."

  3. In the plugins tab, reveal the "Mod" column to see which mod provides it.

    Uh.. what? there is no such thing...status, name, flags, load order, mod index, group, dependencies, actions, settings cog. Up top buttons. Autosort enabled, sort now, manage rules, manage groups, history, and tutorials.



    On the plugins page, go to Settings and toggle "Mod." That column will then appear next to "Name."


  4. Well I found the tutorial button and clicked it and went to load order, added a new group and put it at the very end. Late Loading Patches wasn't doing anything because it's not even set up. I guess I am the fool, now.


    Still I don't understand why this is so much better than click and drag that previous iterations had when it's more complicated.


    It's good that you found a solution to your load order problem, but the solution was already there to begin with. The LOOT group "Dynamic Patches" is designed specifically for the issues you were having.


    As for manual sorting of plugins, it can be done in Vortex, as others have pointed out earlier. As for this issue of manual plugin sorting versus Vortex LOOT based sorting, it has been discussed ad nauseam in these Vortex forums. Use forum search to find those discussions.

  5. And some of us actually prefer the way it is currently.

    I don't want to find myself downloading multiple copies of a mod because it was "hidden" in this profile.

    I also like being able to update a mod in all profiles just by updating it once.


    These remarks, as well as Zanderat's in an earlier post, express my sentiments as well. I do not find the present arrangement confusing at all. There's an elegant simplicity to the current Vortex profile system in that it can accomplish so much with relatively few moving parts. As a wise English Franciscan once said, "Entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem."

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