I see thanks. I must have missed that in the topic, will check through again. Actually your post earlier that you had been file blocked is what got me curious about "what if somebody got blocked but did nothing wrong?"(Unless I am mistaken and you are just referencing from memory what it says from another case or I'd misinterpreted) I totally 100% understand trolls & flamers getting blocked but IMO it kind of sucks if a positive contributing member gets file blocked without any reason. I'm sure he thinks blocking me for reporting bugs and correcting compatibility misinformation was a good reason, but I'm not too worried about it. He's treated everyone else who did so just as badly and it's earned him a hugely negative reputation for covering things up at this point. So he can continue to block me if he wants, it doesn't bother me. I only mentioned it because aphilion thought the message was rude and apparently thinks I've ignored it because I don't agree with him. You have been blocked because you called me a "dick" and an "ass" when I asked you to stop making false statements regarding the features of one of my mod (Immersive Citizens). For people who don't know, Arthmoor is butthurt since the time I refused to help him to improve his mod 'Run for your lives" and to explain him how I fixed specific some AI bugs in Skyrim. This led him to regularly make false statements regarding my mods or to try to ruin my reputation by spamming the community with false and libelous statements on me (the message I quoted is a good example). Another good example is the mod description of Run for your lives where he tries to justify the use of Run for your lives with Immersive Citizens by making false statements on some features from Immersive Citizens despite the fact I explained him in details why his statements are incorrect. The following screen (https://s8.postimg.cc/vdjmuav6d/Capture.png) shows an attempt to have a talk with Arthmoor regarding this matter and explains why his statements are incorrect, note that this conversation has been deleted and he blocked me for bringing this on a public place. Arthmoor, you are probably one of the less suited individual in this community to comment the reputation of other individuals, you are well known to insult mod authors who are not agree with you in the private section of this forum or to make false statements regarding other mods or third parties tools (MO, ENB), you have even been caught making false statements on other mods by the staff (an example: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4977330-so-can-we-do-something-about-this-fake-mod-thats-been-up-for-years/page-5&do=findComment&comment=43599045). Even if I tried very hard, I'm not sure if I could get a reputation as bad as yours. By you action you just justify your ban.