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About DavidSSabb94

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I was wondering if anyone knew how to do this. The radstorms seem like a good addition in theory but they do +13 rads a second which is pretty overkill. Is it possible to knock it down to something like 3 rads like it is in Fallout 4? I tried clicking around in FO3edit but I couldn't figure it out. I know they're optional, I just think they look cool so it'd be nice to have them if they could be made a bit more sane.
So I know New Vegas Railroads isn't a hugely popular mod, but personally I like the bits of lore that it adds. Problem is, it uses the exact same tunnel to travel to its area (Bullhead City) as Someguy2000s Russell mod does to travel to Carruthers Canyon, which means whichever mod loads after prevents you from traveling to the other one. The cell is CELL:000846EA. It's a tunnel that exists in the vanilla game but doesn't lead anywhere, but both mods change the inaccessible door next to the tunnel into a transition zone for their mod areas. In theory it would probably be as simple as making the one door into two, one that loads into "Hart Tunnel" for Russell, and another that loads into "Bullhead-Mojave Tunnel" for New Vegas Railroads.
Hello, I am attempting to spawn Marilyn the Securitron, just to have her as decoration - I know she doesn't have any V/O lines. I'm inside House's penthouse. I type in "prid 0015e113", which does select her, and then "enable." But she isn't visible. "Moveto player" doesn't make her appear and "player.moveto" puts me back in the same spot. Strangely I even tried typing in "kill" and immediately failed "The House Always Wins" and turned the securitrons hostile. So she exists but also doesn't. What step am I missing here?
Is anyone familiar with what mod adds the dialogue that begins at 6:21 in this video? - https://youtu.be/6gSDlV0qYV4&t=6m21s
So a quick question, I noticed a mod that had its comments turned off. Is it the mod author who has control over this? If so I feel like this runs the risk of people not being able to warn others about serious bugs/conflicts before downloading.
Hey, so I've got a new one. I am not hearing Mr. New Vegas even after an hour of listening to RNV. I do have a Radio New Vegas song expansion but have never had a problem before. I think it may be Brave New World related but I'm not sure - the only conflict I can think of is new voices for the Primm sherriffs, but I've had this bug from the start of this playthrough. 0 0 FalloutNV.esm 1 1 DeadMoney.esm 2 2 HonestHearts.esm 3 3 OldWorldBlues.esm 4 4 LonesomeRoad.esm 5 5 GunRunnersArsenal.esm 6 6 ClassicPack.esm 7 7 MercenaryPack.esm 8 8 TribalPack.esm 9 9 CaravanPack.esm 10 a FreesideOpen.esm 11 b BraveNewWorld.esm 12 c Functional Post Game Ending.esm 13 d TLD_Travelers.esm 14 e NewVegasRailroads.esm 15 f NVStripOpen.esm 16 10 The New Bison Steve Hotel.esm 17 11 AWSW.esm 18 12 Primary Needs HUD.esm 19 13 STUN.esm 20 14 Ambient Temperature.esm 21 15 JustHitIndicator.esp 22 16 PerkEveryLevel.esp 23 17 Karma Perks.esp 24 18 KillingKarmaFix.esp 25 19 JIP Companions Command & Control.esp 26 1a DeadMoneyRealisticGoldBarWeight_25pounds.esp 27 1b Alsatian NCR Guard Dogs.esp 28 1c formalbattledress.esp 29 1d Oven Cooking.esp 30 1e Campfire_Cookin'.esp 31 1f FruitJuices.esp 32 20 LightUpAndSmokeThoseCigarettes_edisleado.esp 33 21 DRV - Dynamic Radio Volume.esp 34 22 Uncut Wasteland.esp 35 23 NewVegasStripOverhaul.esp 36 24 outsidebets.esp 37 25 fastervats.esp 38 26 L38Improved.esp 39 27 LessIntrusiveKillCam.esp 40 28 Easy Unlocking and Easy Hacking and Guaranteed Pick Pocket.esp 41 29 pimpboyfemale.esp 42 2a Atomic Loading Screens.esp 43 2b BinocularUpgrade.esp 44 2c RetrievableThrowables.esp 45 2d FreesideOpenPatch.esp 46 2e Uncut Wasteland FSO OB.esp 47 2f WeaponModsExpanded.esp 48 30 LFox Bottle That Water.esp 49 31 StripOpenMain.esp 50 32 BraveNewWorld-FPGE.esp 51 33 NarrativeExpansion02-LoadScreen.esp 52 34 Distant Gunfire Sound Fix V2.1 - Machienzo.esp 53 35 Fiendsfriend.esp 54 36 Teas.esp 55 37 The Mod Configuration Menu.esp 56 38 ExtendedNVRadio.esp 57 39 STUN.esp 58 3a WMX-DLCMerged.esp 59 3b Functional Post Game Ending - Uncut Wasteland Patch.esp 60 3c Laurens_Bathroom_poetry.esp 61 3d feeltherushofawarmlaser.esp 62 3e CCO - Ulysses Companion.esp 63 3f Functional Post Game Ending - Outside Bets Patch.esp 64 40 The Storyteller.esp 65 41 FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp 66 42 DMSimpleMashups.esp 67 43 WeaponModsExpanded_FO3WeaponsRestoration.esp 68 44 WMX-POPMerged.esp 69 45 The Weapon Mod Menu.esp 70 46 HUD Extended - Ambient Temperature.esp 71 47 BraveNewWorld-FreesideOpen.esp 72 48 HUD Extended.esp 73 49 BraveNewWorld-OutsideBets.esp 74 4a Express Delivery.esp 75 4b housemod.esp 76 4c WPR.esp 77 4d DynamicWeather - General Compatibility Edition.esp 78 4e Courier's Stash Scattered.esp 79 4f Functional Post Game Ending - General Open Strip Patch.esp 80 50 FasterAccessToLucky38.esp 81 51 Near Death.esp 82 52 INDRAD.esp 83 53 LOTW.esp 84 54 OldWorldRadio.esp 85 55 enclaveradio.esp 86 56 RadioVenice_TRAZOM.esp 87 57 LondiniumRadio.esp 88 58 Conelrad 640-1240.esp 89 59 PortableCampsite.esp 90 5a BraveNewWorld-UncutWastelandNPCs.esp
Spaghetti Western Radio
DavidSSabb94 replied to CatcherLuLu1's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Mod Ideas
It's not exactly the same, but Legends of the West Radio (https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/57903/?) plays a mixture of western music as well as western-themed radio shows like Gunsmoke and Frontier Town. -
I'm the - I guess rare - type of person who doesn't judge games based on graphics, so I'm not sure what a remaster would do for me. The visual improvements introduced by Skyrim SE are marginal anyway, it's only benefit is for current-gen console players. They didn't even fix some pretty serious bugs - so I doubt they'd bother too in a remastered New Vegas. If your computer can handle it, you can find all sorts of mods that update the visual quality of the game. If your computer can't handle it, then it probably can't handle a remastered version either.
So I'm trying to uninstall this mod, but I've had 'food poisoning' for multiple ingame days - I think it's broken, and using the IMCN configuration menu "disable and dispel all for uninstall" option does NOT get rid of it. Neither did player.dispelallspells Does anyone know the ref id for Food Poisoning, or how I can figure it out, so I can try dispelling it through the console before uninstalling? Thank you in advance!
Does anyone know if there's a mod that adds generic settlers to Rivet City? It's a little thing but it's always bothered the heck out of me - especially with a. how empty the market is and b. the fact that Megaton and Tenpenny have generic settler NPCs.
So, I just had the thought that it would be cool if - when you take out the Van Graffs as part of Birds of a Feather or Heartache by the Number, if the Silver Rush was then taken over by their competitors the Gun Runners. It could be a merchant or a Vendatron, but with a primarily energy weapons inventory. Isaac mentions that they don't sell energy weapons because some mysterious force (the Van Graffs) wipes out any caravan that carries them. This could be their chance to corner the market. I know there's a mod that causes the Brotherhood to take over - but that one's a bit lore unfriendly particularly if you've not yet lifted the lockdown, and also makes life difficult for anyone who ends up needing to take out the Brotherhood for their chosen faction.
Currently re-watching one of my all-time favorite series, Justified. Just finished Season 1 Ep. 5 (The Lord of War and Thunder)
So this may be of interest to some folks on this forum. There was a complete Fallout Radio playlist that included songs from all the main in-game radio stations (GNR, RNV, etc.), in addition to all songs referenced by mission titles (e.g. That Lucky Old Sun) and a few extras. It has 11,000 followers. The playlist had degraded pretty heavily however, it was about 1/4th gray links and didn't include Fallout 4 or 76 radios. So first I rebuilt it as best I could, though there were still a few songs that I couldn't find. Then, as I tend to do with Spotify playlists, I went really overboard and added songs from my favorite Radio mods and just other songs from the 50s/Early 60s era I like. So, sorry that it's so long, but if you're interested here it is - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/623V8f3WK2aiQmcfuNDDxj?si=ySVdmJGdTTqUyJQBRl3nQA
25. Still doesn't seem quite real to be a quarter-century old.