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About EaglehawkAves

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  1. Okay, so what I want is a mod that adds Tauriel's armor to the game. She is awesome as a character, a wood elf and in combat. Her armor is also a mix between a really cool and badass combat armor and a robe for cozy wear. If you have time, you can also make Legolas' armor, which is also rocking awesome, even though as I said, I like Tauriel's armor better because it servers as armor and a robe at the same time. If you need reference pictures, watch the movie and / or google the characters! You are bound to find some nice pictures and concept art of them! All I could find on Legolas' armor that was a little more technical was this: http://i.imgur.com/TqlVdfg.jpg
  2. It's almost 2014, where is this?
  3. ANY RACE RELATED TO BIRDS. Birds are so underrated! I mean, come on, bros! I have a whole idea for a lore in my head, a whole world set for the bird folk in my head. Just Google the most epic eagle in the world, The Harpy Eagle. It's epic! It's the biggest eagle and bird on the Earth! It can easily snatch a baby if it wanted, or even a 5-6 year old child and carry it away... Now imagine such power in humanoid form? Of course, there would be the problem with the flying part, since Skyrim's dragon flying mechanics SUCK and were obviously not even planned ever! But even just a feather covered race, etc. I'm also all for wolves, foxes, tigers... Share some animal love. And when I say animal love I don't mean bestiality, to all you furry folks out there!
  4. Don't like mixing games between each other, but I saw Ezio and Connor robes around, so I guess this will come too, eventually.
  5. Well, I'd like a mod where you can put items like the Elder Scrolls, Dragon Priest masks and relics like that on display at your home. For example, on a wall or something. Of course, there is a drop the item, hold E and place it on a shelf, but it's just a loose object in a world that way. I'd like to actually attach the item on the wall and kinda... merge it with the house? Thanks.
  6. Shadeybladey, this is what mods are for. To ALTER things. And we want to alter the city. No need to make fun of the guy...
  7. My dream mod... Well, that would be complicated, but I have a few: Avian / Bird-beast raceWerevulturesBird/feather like armor, weapons, etc.Falconry skill, so you can capture a hawk, send him to hunt, attack enemies.Anything. Involving. Birds.Well. That's strange, ain't it!? xD I don't have a bird fetish I just love birds!
  8. Love that show, the armor would be great as well! xD
  9. Not all in Riften are evil scum. We need real Caribbean cities. Where the guards were scared to go. So I can kill someone and then a big fight happens OR everyone stands and cheers! Not where someone comes and tells me by the order of the Jarl stop right there.
  10. This needs to get picked up by someone. This is too good to pass along... Come on, modders, you have a chance at an awesome mode here!
  11. It is not exactly what I'm looking for, but it will work very well! Thank you, Muggie! If anyone else found something like my request, or even something like the Arena Fiction mod Muggie posted, please share! Thanks!
  12. Request: Mod that makes knight/warrior tournament or more of them, in Skyrim. After level 50, you are invited to a tournament in Skyrim or to another location you want to add or is added by DLC. The enemies are some of the known knights and NPC's and some are new, coming from all over Tamriel. The enemies would be higher level than you, there would be rules, team battles, rewards for winning such as houses, plots of land, legendary weapons, etc. There would be special fights that allowed magic, brawls along the side, etc. etc. etc. The tournament would take a place over a week and would feature a normal tournament system with semi-finals and finals. Not sure how hard this would be to mod.
  13. To me, it doesn't sound that good, because frankly I like the lore themed mods like this. But if someone had the skills to do it, they probably still wouldn't since all of this would be very, very, VERY hard to mod. I do wish you luck though.
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