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Everything posted by Keinichn

  1. EDIT: Sometimes you just need to type things out. I've found a vanilla quest that she's an alias in with a package that's conflicting with the one I set. Setting mine to a higher priority fixed the issue. Leaving everything here for anyone who runs into similar issues. So this is a weird one that I can't seem to figure out why it's not working other than the "Skyrim modding is weird" reason. Hoping someone else might have some insight on it. I have a quest created. Said quest has an alias pointing to Hulda at Bannered Mare. I have an AI package on this alias telling her to go to bed at a specific time. The issue is that the package never starts, but only when it's attached to her. If I change the alias to Mikael (for testing) rather than Hulda, it starts just fine. The bed is owned by a faction she's in (and still fails even if I explicitly assign the bed to her). I've confirmed it's a package starting issue by adding debug text that appears on the screen when the package starts. If Mikael is in the alias, it starts fine. If Hulda is, it never does. Even odder is if I put the package directly on Hulda's actor object and put it higher in the stack than her sandbox one, it still doesn't trigger. It seems that she refuses to do anything but move between two spots behind the bar. I've done similar packages with another innkeeper (Iddra) and have not had this issue so thus far I think it's just an issue with her. Anyone have a clue why this particular NPC refuses to run packages that she should be?
  2. That seems to be exactly what I was looking for originally. No clue how I didn't find it. I haven't tried it yet but it looks like it'll get the job done. Thanks.
  3. Unfortunately, that didn't change anything. I might need to rethink this.
  4. Good morning/evening everyone, Currently I'm working on an item that when used has a chance to notify everyone around you of your presence rather than the intended effect. In order to do this, I have a spell created that has an area of effect, but no visual effects, sounds, or projectiles, and is a Self spell. I have the casting sound level set to "very loud", though I doubt that matters since I have no sounds. If I add this spell to my player and cast it, the spell works as expected: All NPCs around me immediately know where I'm at. Casting via the following line in script gives a different result: SpellToCast.Cast(PlayerRef, PlayerRef) I can verify that the spell does cast via debug text that appears when it hits the NPCs in the area of effect, however none of the NPCs detect me and continue doing their AI packages like nothing happened. Anyone have any insight into why the behavior is different via script even though the player is the caster in both situations?
  5. I had done that in my troubleshooting initially, because the same thought crossed my mind. At one point, I even put in a five second wait prior to calling the scene just to give time for the stopcombatalarm line to take full effect. I'm all good now though and it's working as it should.
  6. Ok, seems that I got it to work in a rather backwards way. I made a new AI package that stays close to the player and calls the scene on begin. I attached that package to the reference alias for the new quest and now it magically works. It seems that calling it through script was correct, just had to go the roundabout way of calling it from an AI package rather than a magic effect, a quest stage, etc.
  7. That's a no-go as well. Additional line on the effect doesn't work, nor does entering it in the quest fragment for the stage.
  8. There's a mod out there on the Nexus that makes craftable necklaces and rings that are invisible when worn. It's called Discreet Rings or something, though it may be non SSE only. If you want to do it for all existing rings, you'll have to do manual edits on all the necklace, circlet, and ring files. At least based on my modding knowledge, it won't be a quick process.
  9. So this is my first foray into scenes and they're either extremely frustrating by default or I'm an idiot. Not sure which at the moment. Here's the scenario leading up to the scene: -Combat with NPC happens. NPC's weapon has an percentage chance to knock the player into bleedout on hit. Works fine. -The weapon effect then starts a quest. The quest has a flag to stop combat in the start up stage. This all works based on my debug tracing and the sqv console command showing the quest is started. And the fact the player is no longer getting their face bashed in. -The scene is set to start on quest begin. At the moment, it consists of one action, no conditions, and is just the NPC saying a one-liner while facing the player. This does not work. Based on my debug tracing, the scene never fires. At all. I've determined this by putting debug.notification lines in the phase start and completion fragments. Neither one appears in testing. The NPC is set as an alias in the quest, and the reference ID is correct so it can't be an issue with it not finding the actor. I've looked at a number of tutorials on scene creation over the last few hours and everything I've done is identical as far as phase/dialogue setup goes for the scenes. Anyone ran into similar issues before and know what might be going on?
  10. Let me see if I can do a more thorough step by step: -In the CK in the Object Window (it's the one on the left with the tree of categories), go to Items - Outfit. -Right click anywhere in the list of outfits and click New. -In the window that pops up, give it a descriptive name (most modders typically do initials of the modname followed with an _). -Drag that window over to the right, so that it's not overlapping the Object Window tree. -In the Object Window, go to Items - Armor. Now you can either browse the specific categories or you could search in the full list that appears. -When you find the armor you want to add, click and hold on it and drag it over to the still open Outfit window. When you're dragging, the cursor should have a red circle around it, changing to a cursor with a + when you're over the outfit window. -Once you've added all the armor you want, click OK on the outfit window. -In the Object Window, find the follower you created and double click on it to open the properties. -Go to the Inventory tab. -The first drop down you'll see is labeled Default Outfit. This is directly under the tabs along the top. -In that drop down, find the outfit you just created and choose it. The Outfit Objects box to the right should update with the contents of that outfit. -Click OK on the Actor's properties window to save it. After that, you should just have to save the mod and load it up in game. One word of warning is that if you load it into an existing game where the follower is already with you or otherwise loaded, it will still likely show the old outfit. I think you can open the console, click on them, and do a disable then enable to reset it. Take anything valuable out of their inventory first.
  11. Are you doing it for "unique" NPCs (basically any with an actual name. Ex. Belethor) or the generic ones (Bandit, Whiterun Guard, etc)? The steps do differ slightly depending on that. The way I would do it (being a little fresh/rusty myself) is to make a new outfit and assign it to the NPC. Here's the wiki page for Outfits. It's a little sparse, but not too difficult to grasp. Basically, you'd create a new outfit and drop whatever armor you want into it (you should just be able to drag and drop from the Armor section to the popup). After you save it, you'll want to find the NPC, open them up, go to the Inventory tab, and choose your outfit under the Default Outfit section. You'll want to make sure you select the Immersive Armors mod when you first load the CK, otherwise its armor won't show up when you go to add to the outfit. Hopefully that was somewhat understandable. Note that what I described above only works for the unique NPCs. The generic ones involve leveled lists and all. The premise is the same, but it can be trickier to track down the actual NPCs.
  12. So I'm sure this is rather simple, but my brain just can't seem to figure out how to do it after trying a bunch of different functions. Guess I'm just not using the right ones in the right way. Still kinda new at this. I have a quest that has a number of reference aliases on it (namely for NPCs). If I go in game and enter "sqv questname" in the console, I can see the list of those aliases as well as the reference ID for that particular NPC (ie, FF000983). My goal is to get that reference ID for eventual output to the screen. In my script, I have those aliases declared as ReferenceAlias properties and they're set properly on the quest scripts tab in the CK. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem as simple as just reading that property out to the screen. It typically gives me something like "[REFERENCEALIAS" rather than the hex ref ID as shown in the sqv console command. Anyone know the right command to get that ID into a variable? Thanks.
  13. In response to post #24651394. "Steam pay for the Licence to sell Skyrim." Actually, Bethesda paid Valve to use Steamworks for Skyrim. Not the other way around.
  14. In response to post #24567939. #24568149, #24568224, #24568229, #24568289, #24568664, #24568749, #24568784, #24568864, #24568989 are all replies on the same post. So they have a "trial period" for the paid mods. What prevents someone from copying the mod files and then getting a refund? They still have the mod then.
  15. In response to post #24568089. #24568194, #24568259, #24568389, #24568499, #24568534, #24568589, #24568629, #24568659, #24568809, #24568894 are all replies on the same post. Why worry? Because if some force makes it mildly successful, people will stop posting mods on here and put them on the workshop instead. The implications of this are huge. For example, if the guy who made Wet and Cold starts making money there do you really think he's going to leave that mod up here? I highly doubt it.
  16. Good thing I've never even looked through the Workshop stuff. This is ridiculous. Especially people charging for mods that they borrowed things from to create. Do the original authors get a kickback? I would assume not. There are people charging for in-game models of copyrighted things. There's a dude charging $1 for a sword for Skyrim that's in DOTA2. It's going to be a huge copyright infringement headache. It's also going to, dare I say, create a market for mod piracy. I'd not be surprised if it's already started.
  17. http://tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27665 Doesn't get much more darker than that.
  18. I AM going to buy it. I just want to know if this game supports mods and how they look like. I downloaded it to TEST. Yes, the game supports mods and they look fantastic. If you get OBSE along with it, you can use more advanced mods that people make.
  19. Agreed. If you decide to be cheap, expect a subpar product. The game itself doesn't cost that much now, just buy it.
  20. I don't know about taking hours to kill but I always thought Oblivion had poor boss battles. I'd like to see some detailed bosses with at least some AI and varied abilities. Even thought about making some a few times.
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