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Master Marksman

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Posts posted by Master Marksman

  1. On-topic - you already have an effective 200% attack speed and you think they are going to give you more? Realistically, fighting with 2 weapons is actually extremely difficult - getting your body in balance and striking with enough force is difficult. Game-wise it should be viable but practical, i.e. being able to block but being slower than 200%.


    Off-topic - I think you should be able to block, but it would be unbalanced. Blocking 1 handed weapons is fine, but blocking a 2 handed weapon? No, simply due to momentum. I agree with Nate, that blocking should be the price you pay to hold two swords in tandem. You have the ability to attack at 200%, stagger your attacks, increase your DPS through perks, and enchant EACH of them, and they do not even have to be the same enchantment or weapon. Two weapons gives you the greatest versatility, and the game should balance the other options. I dont care whether you want fair gameplay - you are given a great damage advantage, so live with it.

  2. Well, if it does pass, apparently you can ask the company that owns the game/music if you can present it on Youtube, meaning the Bill does not necessarily impact us if we allow Bethesda to allow us.
  3. There are only two functions for each hand - the tapped and the held. One Handed weapons will normal attack/power attack, spells will single shot/sustained. Combining I think does a flourish. Two-Handed weapons and Shields can block.
  4. Meh, I read somewhere online that because the map has been leaked earlier, it may mean the entire game may have been leaked. The leaking of this manual further verifies that speculation.


    So a Russian Map and an English manual would....wait, what?

  5. I'm curious and this might all ready be answered but if not, do bound weapons get affected by the one handed and two handed perks? If not I would say it just lost it's viability for late game characters.


    Why wouldnt they. They are weapons, are they not? (although you cant smith them lol).

  6. If Alteration still has Feather, than I am definitely using it again. Feather didn't increase your speed but it decreased your decrease in speed due to encumbrance as well as allowing you to carry more. Alteration may also have the unlock spell, but lock-picking was easy enough.


    You should get at least One-handed, if you go up against a magic resistant enemy you'll need a "side-arm" so to speak.


    (And "Stealth" is sneak for future reference.)

  7. Yeah, they are pretty awesome for beginners, cos you get an extra fighter on your side (which you don't need to heal) and your weapons are weightless, you pretty much get free arrows, but it will probably drain your magicka as you use the weapons.
  8. Was it me, or could this have been done in less than 37 seconds.


    No offense, I see you are quite passionate and proud of this, but its pretty much an animated slide-show.


    yeah i know what you mean, i was going too make it a bit shorter and interesting but my laptop pooped itself. so i uploaded what i had at the time.


    Thats fair enough - better than nothing :} Then I hope you luck in any further attempts.

  9. I'd prefer the game feel natural to your whims, but nonetheless somethings will get repetitive no matter how awesome or random you make them.


    Then you know its time to start a new game.

  10. @ Stormguy


    Actually, I dont think powerleveling will hold much effect at all. The new radiant story system seems to interpret the skills you choose to use and bases enemies to those particular things. If you power level your bow, the game might choose enemies that are hard to shoot.


    Or enemies with shields and heavy armor, or skeletons. I hate shooting skeletons.


    But then again, the old Oblivion system of attribute points based on your skill usage was a bit too RPG, and you could have some characters dynamically higher in total Attribute points. This is a streamline (similar to the DA -> DA2 system) that makes it a lot more equalizing. The perk system is nice because you choose what you need and get what you want.

  11. "Couple of things from Game-informer"


    links to EGM lol. also rare Argonian ale sounds awesome


    Yeah, it says "A couple of things from Game Informer" In the Buzz part. But yeah, from EGM.


    And yeah, looks like Pickpocketing might actually have some non-monetary rewards.

  12. I'm not sure if these are new. If they are, have a read. If they aren't, may my execution be swift and uninterrupted.


    " -- THE BUZZ: The latest issue of Game Informer has revealed some new details regarding The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. -- "

    • The player threw a Wolf he killed into a river and it went with the tide.
    • Just killing a random stranger or two won’t be enough for you to join the Dark Brotherhood.
    • Couple of stealth perks include 15x damage increase with a dagger in stealth and a perk that allows you to disappear from battle.
    • Upon exploring Whiterun you’ll be asked if your Battle-Born or Stormcloaks. On this occasion the player said Battle-Born and got to explore their headquarters without any harm. They offer a quest, they suspect one of their soldiers has been taken by the Stormcloaks at Northwatch Keep.
    • Also in Whiterun, a drunkard asks you to go and steal a rare Argonian ale for him as a small favour.
    • Smaller tasks such as the one above will appear as a separate tab in the Journal while the other lengthy quests that require multiple objectives will appear in the main tab.
    • He hears some gossip in the local tavern that a boy in Windhelm is looking for the Dark Brotherhood.
    • After that, the writer didn’t want to describe what happens next because of spoilers. He says that if you’re a fan of previous questlines you’re going to love it and has it’s a nice mix of dark humor and brutality. Just as he was about to visit the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, his time ran out.
    • Briefly before he finished he climbed up a mountain to Azura’s Shrine and was offered a quest.

    " -- EGM’s TAKE: Every little detail just makes the wait for this game more excruciating. --"


    None of this is in my words, I dont claim any of it, but the link is here:






  13. Seems like you're not sure about what you want to use so I'll just say use what you want. You make the advantages/disadvantages seem more than they are though. If you're that worried about not having a shield then use heavy armor. As for not having magic. You need to have both hands free for dual casting anyways, so weapons don't even come into play.


    I'm sure I want to use 2 handed, but I'm not sure if its going to be as effective as 1 handed.

    I'm not worried about having a shield because i can still block with a 2 hander.

    You only need one hand for magic, but it can be more potent with 2 hands of magic.


    Now you're sounding like 2h is better then 1h. Nobody said you couldn't use both though.


    1st point is saying there is uncertainty, 2nd Point is saying an advantage of 2 handed, 3rd point is saying an advantage for 1 handed (can simultaneously use spells and one handed weapons).

    And it really is inefficient to use both one handed and two handed, it would dilute your melee potential.



    I wondering similar things myself. In the Block skill Perk list everything seems to pertain to Shields. Is there no point in taking Block as a starting skill unless you intend to use a Shield?


    I assume they made it so that you can't block with two weapons specifically to balance the 2H weapons which you can block with. Perhaps using a single 2H weapon is slower and doesn't do as much damage as wielding two 1H weapons but the 2H gives you the ability to Block and protect yourself? Can you block using just a single 1H weapon? If not, then the 2H ability to block becomes very useful I would think...


    Yeah, so the Two-hander is inbetween the dual wield and shield wield in terms of offense and defence. But overall, it lacks the versatility of what having a full inventory of weapons would give you.

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