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Master Marksman

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Posts posted by Master Marksman

  1. I believe that would either be a dremora mace (not worth picking up) or a light field bow (sometimes but not usually worth picking up).


    If thats right, why are Land Dreughs called Billies?

  2. Not only is that rather confusing, but I thought Akivir was more aligned to "serpent".


    Oddly enough, Tiger, Dragon, Empire sounds like Emperor Tiber Septim, when aranged as Empire, Tiger, Dragon.

  3. Personally I would go for something easily defendable yet practical. Something like a long hall at the entrance that slowly widens out to a great hall, something like one of the vanilla forts, with stairwells flanking the entrance. I would have a dining hall and throne/sitting room behind the stairwells on the first floor.

    I would then have several bedrooms and high density garrisons up the stairs with an armory in close reach. The garrisons, about two, would also feature doors leading to overwatch balconies covering the West to East. The Armory is linked to the master bedroom.

    The master bedrooms and flanking guest bedrooms would also lead out to more fortified South overwatch balcony. The balcony would feature alchmaical apparatus as well as training dummies.

    Might have a basement, through long trapdoor tube from the master bedroom, with a heavily fortified door only unlockable with a custom spell, where the basement features several shelves and heavy chests for special loot and memorable quest items. May include spell and enchant altars and a few portals.

  4. Natalia Dravarol was a cartographer in 3E 433, considering her name is on the standard map.


    If that is correct, and considering someone is yet to answer it, who is "The Liberator"?

  5. Name of you character: Ithrial


    Weapon or Weapons of your character: Redwood Bow, Redrunner Broad Arrows, Ayleid Longsword


    Head Slot: None (,except Silver Diadem: I also appreciate hair)


    Upper Body Slot: Eyren's Vampire Hunter Long Vest Black (enchanted with shield and feather)


    Hand Slot: Eyren's Vampire Hunter Gloves Black (enchanted with shield and feather)


    Lower Body Slot: Eyren's Vampire Hunter Leggings Black (enchanted with shield and feather)


    Back Slot (Cape): None


    Feet Slot: Eyren's Vampire Hunter Boots Black (enchanted with shield and feather)


    Amulet Slot: Neckless of Swords


    Ring(s) Slot(s): Mundane Ring, Ring of the Ironfist


    Class: Agent


    Birthsign: The Thief


    Race: Wood Elf, Female (because female wood elves run faster than male wood elves)


    The person they worship: Kynareth

  6. I'm sorry for posting again considering i've already enlisted my army, buts its quite suprising how many of the guys are using their armies for the sake of burning and pillaging. By the time you've done this to the first 3 cities, i would really doubt any of those armies would still exist. Its not a bad idea, but its not a practical idea either.


    Your better off getting 250 assasin archers to kill the count of each city one by one.


    In fact, you're better off plundering every single dungeon, as it would be several times more rewarding and even more morally enlightening.

  7. Zarek was beset by a rather stupid and macho bandits, and got two killed while competiting in swimming and running and the third was attacked by a hive of bees. He ran as the last brother of the three was heavily distracted.


    If that is correct, who is 'The Liberator'?

  8. I think I know this one.


    In the game, you get the Mysterium Xarxes, supposably a book of large inherant dark power.


    The book the Ohgma Infinitum (or something like that) reads rather simalarily.


    I'm not truly sure if their actually related, but i'm sure the Mysterium Xarxes was supposably written by Mehrunes Dagon, but the endings don't match...


    So the scribes name (i would guess) would be Xarxes.

  9. My Army? Hmmmnnn...


    Considering I play a wood elf, i would have:


    Myself, im level 52


    249 wood elf rangers, somewhere at bandit/marauder level


    All clad in elven armor, circlets, some average enchantments


    all with elven shortswords and bows and plenty of arrows,


    Then we would all laugh and get hungry,


    Then go off and raid some random fort like fort wooden-hand


    Let half defend it in shifts,


    And the other half join me and raid the market taverns.


    Then swap.


    Then swap.

  10. I believe the first are the Blades, the second are the Mythic Dawn and the third starts with an M. I think they are Maruhkati Selectives.


    If this is correct, what is the book that features an undead vampire, a sealed room with one door and a key?

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