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Status Updates posted by solsikke737

  1. Thank you very much for your very nice comments :)

    Great to see your shots as well and looking forward to seeing more. A kudos to you :)

  2. Thank you for the very nice comment :)

    A kudos for the nice shots you've already shared...and hoping to see more :)

  3. I like the group vibe here as well :)

    EnB is an addiction it seems and there is always something one wants to change...hope you achieve what you want with it.

    I'm adding you to my friends list, because it makes it easier for me to keep track...hope you don't mind :)

  4. Really a lot of great shots you have. And your EnBs look great...I will try them sometime. Kudos for being such a positive soul here in the Nexus :)
  5. Hi...just popping in to thank you for helping out on Willows Thaiden companion mod, which I really love. Great people helping each other out. Kudos to you :)
  6. I saw SJs mention of more shots on Flickr and kind of suspected you'd might be on his or Mids contact list. One of these days when I have a little time I'm going to sit down and have a closer look at your and others pics there :)

    I added you to my friends list here as well...hope you don't mind.

  7. Just dropping by to say thank you again for you wonderful comments :)
  8. Not true, but very sweet of you to say ;)
  9. Hi. You have a lot nice shots and I think it's wonderful that you share them with us...kudos to you :)
  10. Thank you for your very nice comments and for your nice pictures...kudos to you :)
  11. A very nice story you have going...wonderful pictures. A kudos for sharing :)
  12. Congratulations on your finale :)
  13. A really nice gallery you got there...you have so mane wonderful shots :)
  14. I'm really loving your story, Willow. The pictures are all so well done. You've managed to keep the theme in them in a very impressive way. Looking forward to the finale :)
  15. Thanks for the link...will have a look when I get a chance :)
  16. Just stopping by and saying hi and thanks for sharing you wonderful pictures. I think that deserves a kudos :)
  17. About the eyes...I've blended together one I think will do...BUT, I would really like to test out yours since you so kindly offer :)
  18. I like a lot of different music myself...rock, blues, alternative rock, pop, classical, some jazz...I'm open to any kind. Now I'm listening a lot to Soulsavers and PJ Harvey :)
  19. She's nearly there...just need to get her eyes sorted again (tried something that didn't look quite right after all). So you're into jazz?
  20. Cute panther ;)
  21. You have a lovely weekend too :)
  22. Thank you yourself...quite a compliment coming from someone with such amazing shots. I should have kudo'd you a long time ago for sharing them with us to enjoy...so kudos and welcome as a friend :)
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