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Everything posted by solsikke737

  1. In response to post #28955749. #28957674 is also a reply to the same post. I also doubt it's Win 10 related in itself. I run Win 10 and things seems just fine for me as well.
  2. To those that should happen by; hi and have a good Summer!
  3. To those that should happen by here; hi and have a good Summer!
  4. To those that should tumble by here; hi and have a good Summer!
  5. For those that tumble by here; hi and have a good Summer!
  6. The changes looks good... so far I like what I see. Nice job :) And it works great in both the latest Opera and Opera Mobile
  7. Happy very late Valentine to you too :)
  8. Thank you so much. It is so nice to hear from you and I wish you all the best as well. Hugs :)
  9. Merry Christmas a couple days late, but it's not over yet, is it :D
  10. You see some text files and think adjusting some numbers is all there is to it. You don't like what EnBs do to the game and without trying them you say they all look more or less alike. You have no interest in EnBs at all and a lot of you don't understand the first thing about EnBs, so you put them down to being a waste of time and not deserving of being on the Nexus. I'm almost 40 years old and it amazes me that I can still be surprised at how disrespectful some people can be, while at the same time know so little about what they're putting down. I'm not a tweaker, but I'm an EnB user and tester. Actually I'm an EnB LOVER...and I'm not the only one. I love how they enhance my game. I love the small or big nuances different ones brings to colours, shadows, effects, sharpness etc. I can't imagine my game without an EnB. BUT I understand that not everybody is like me. What a world would that be if we were all alike...quite boring...and I bet we wouldn't have so many different mods to choose from either. But aren't us EnB lovers entitled to our share too? Everybody is entitled to their opinion, but this thread isn't about that. This is pure dis-respectfulness and serves no point other than to irritate a lot of people that understand, tweak and love using EnBs. People that find joy in them and that actually know how much work lies behind a lot of them. I have to sift through a lot of mods with bugs (some so bad they could really mess up your game), that are plainly poorly made, stolen from others etc. to get to the good ones. It's just the way it is. Some are good and some are bad...same with EnBs. But I actually wouldn't have it any other way, because the alternative is a site where someone decides for us what's put here....we'd miss out on a lot of great stuff. Just pass whatever you don't like. That's what the rest of us do.
  11. Thought I'd given you a kudos for sharing your wonderful mods, but looks like I've forgotten (shame on me). Rectified now and thanks for especially your Ranger armour and dress...I love them :D
  12. I added you to my friends list...hope you don't mind :)

    And thank you so much for all your incredible work.

  13. Hey, yourself :)

    Good to have you back, SJ. Even if I haven't had a lot of time to spend here lately, I've missed you and look forward to seeing you around more again. And let's see if I'll pop by here more often :D

  14. IMPORTANT MESSAGE from 83Willow > I was banned for 60 days and will return in the middle of October. If you want to contact me in the meantime > [email protected] Greetings to all my friends, I really miss you! :)
  15. Ill miss you too...BIG hug :D
  16. I'm dropping by to give you a well deserved kudos for all your great videos...especially your latest on the Countervibe EnB. Excellent work! :D
  17. Have an incredible time and enjoy yourself!

    We'll be here when you get back...looking forward to more of your great shots...and more of your amazing you :)

  18. Hey...you have a great weekend too. I'll try to be around a little this weekend...and maybe I'll post something too. Off to check some of your stuff I've missed now :)
  19. Have a great weekend and have fun :D
  20. Just wanted to drop by and say thanks for you nice comments on my screenshots...a kudos to you :)
  21. Hi yourself...greetings to Switzerland from Norway :D
  22. Kudos for your work on the Torch relay...really great of you to do this :D
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