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Everything posted by pxd2050

  1. I tried to release the spell through dialogue, but there was no response. I don't know what went wrong? Scriptname fm4s_MassMatchMakerGangBang Extends TopicInfo Hidden Function Fragment_0(ObjectReference akSpeakerRef) Actor akSpeaker = akSpeakerRef as Actor akSpeaker.AddSpell(MassMatchMakerGangBang, false) EndFunction spell Property MassMatchMakerGangBang Auto
  2. Thanks for your reply. The mod does not have this kind of chest. It only exists in the picture.
  3. I like this chest very much, Where the resources of this chest? Proudspire Manor Remodel - Bourgeois Apartment - SE at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods.com)
  4. powerofthree's Papyrus Extender Function UnequipAllOfType(Actor akActor, int afArmorType, int[] aiSlotsToSkip) global nativeI don't know how to set aiSlotsToSkip If i want to UnequipAll armor except slot[34], Can someone give me an example? thank you.
  5. I've tried for a long time and haven't solved this bug. I also sent a message to the author but didn't receive a reply. I had to ask for help here. I'm trying to make a DLL for TFC, base on .NET Script Framework. but I found NetScriptFramework.SkyrimSE event “oncamerastatechanging” is invalid, which good person can help? Test Code like this, it don't work in game. Events.OnCameraStateChanging.Register(e => { MenuManager.ShowHUDMessage("- OnCameraStateChanging test -", null, true); }, 1000);
  6. .NET Script Framework "Events.OnCameraStateChanging" don't work . who can help ? Events.OnCameraStateChanging.Register(e => { MenuManager.ShowHUDMessage("OnCameraStateChanging is work? ", null, true); }, 1000); This problem may be a few minutes for you, but it bothered me for more than a week.
  7. I want to debug like script "debug.notifice" in NetScriptFramework, how to do? NetScriptFramework.Main.WriteDebugMessage() do nothing. Events.OnCameraStateChanging.Register(e => { NetScriptFramework.Main.WriteDebugMessage("Free is OFF" ); if (e.PreviousState.Id == TESCameraStates.Free) //NetScriptFramework.Main.WriteDebugMessage("Free is OFF" ); LastPosition.CopyFrom(e.Camera.TranslationInput); if (e.NextState.Id == TESCameraStates.Free) //NetScriptFramework.Main.WriteDebugMessage("Free is ON" ); e.Camera.Node.LocalTransform.Position.CopyFrom(LastPosition); });
  8. Is there a mod that enhances TFC (toggle between First person view and last view)? In sexlab, when toggle free camera,Always start from the first person view. Is there a mod setting that starts from the previous position instead of the first person view? thank In sexlab with ifpv: 1 press the TFC (toggle free camera) key : camera set free. from A(first person view) 2 camera move to B(where you want to watch animation) 3 Press the TFC key :camera return to A. 4 Press the TFC key : camera set free. from A. what I want: 1 press the TFC (toggle free camera) key : camera set free. from A(first person view) 2 camera move to B(where you want to watch animation) 3 Press the TFC key :camera return to A. 4 Press the TFC key : camera set free. from B. 5 if you don't move B. toggle between A and B. 6 if you move to C, toggle between A and C. This function realizes the toggle between the first person view and the user-defined view.
  9. I use mod "BD's Armor and Clothes Replacer" - "graybeardrobe" ,Put graybeard hood on NPC. When I approach NPC, the NPC's graybeard hood does not display. NPC's graybeard hood is displayed only at a certain distance from the NPC.
  10. I'm making a mod to change NPC hair color (including wig), but when LoadGame or load Cell, NPC hair color back to the default value. I use papyrus extender. My mod, onload () is valid for most followers, but sometimes it does not update the hair color for followers without HCLF. So I want to try the peak method you said. can't upload files......
  11. How to set this type of perk in ssedit and second condition?There are too many parameters to be clear.
  12. haha Are you testing on a new game? On a game that has not seen the mod? On a game that the quest in question has not been started? If not, please do. Quests are notorious for not recognizing changes once they have already been started and "baked" into the save file. haha, You're right. It's all caused by not new Gamen. But now there is a problem that OnLoad() is very unstable. I'm trying Sphered's method.
  13. Thank you for your reply. I don't quite understand, This is a new idea I'll try it.
  14. Thank you for your reply. Is there any other way? It don't work. Scriptname outfit__PlayerScript extends ReferenceAlias Event OnPlayerLoadGame() (GetOwningQuest() as outfit__MainQuest).LoadGmae_Init() EndEvent --------------------------------- Scriptname outfit__MainQuest extends Quest Function LoadGmae_Init() Cell playerCell = Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell() Int iElement = Targets.Length Int i = 0 While i < iElement Cell targetCell = Targets[i].GetActorRef().GetParentCell() if targetCell == playerCell (Targets[i] as outfit__MainScript).Outfit_Init() EndIf i += 1 EndWhile EndFunction --------------------------------- Scriptname outfit__MainScript extends ReferenceAlias function Outfit_Init() Form[] ItemRef = FormListToArray(ActorRef, "Equipment02") if !ItemRef ItemRef = FormListToArray(ActorRef, "Equipment01") endif int i = ItemRef.length while i > 0 i -= 1 ActorRef.EquipItem(ItemRef[i]) endwhile (GetOwningQuest() as outfit__MainQuest).HairColor_Init(ActorRef) endfunction
  15. Onplayerloadgame() ? Scriptname outfit__MainScript extends ReferenceAlias import debug import UI import utility import StorageUtil Outfit Property EmptyOutfit Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto Actor Property ActorRef Auto bool IsFollower Event OnPlayerLoadGame() wait(0.25) Cell targetCell = ActorRef.GetParentCell() Cell playerCell = Game.GetPlayer().GetParentCell() if (targetCell = playerCell) Outfit_Init() endif EndEvent Event OnLoad() wait(0.25) Outfit_Init() EndEvent
  16. Event OnLoad() :This event is only sent when an object's 3d is loaded. This may or may not have anything to do with its parent cell and/or the player's location in the world. It do nothing when loadgame. What function can replace it more efficiently? Scriptname outfit__MainScript extends ReferenceAlias import debug import UI import utility import StorageUtil Outfit Property EmptyOutfit Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto Actor Property ActorRef Auto bool IsFollower Event OnLoad() wait(0.25) Outfit_Init() EndEvent
  17. Thank you for your reply. agree with you very much: This is a powerful function. I'm trying to make it with DLL.
  18. In making a mod for changing wig hair color, use nioverride. But I don't know how to get wig's node name. Ask for help.
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