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Everything posted by pxd2050

  1. How to get the hair color of the head nif In script ? I want to make a mod to change the hair color base on HairTintColor in head nif, instead of HCLF-HairColor. I don't know what fucation Can do? Can you help me? Thank You
  2. I change " triggerRef as Actor" State BathStrip Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef) If (triggerRef as Actor) OutfitScript.Strip(triggerRef as Actor) EndIf EndEvent Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef) If (triggerRef as Actor) OutfitScript.UnStrip(triggerRef as Actor) EndIf EndEvent EndState It work Thank you very much
  3. ScriptName outfit__020012CB Extends ObjectReference ;;;this is a bastardisation of two separate scripts put together to reduce the number of esps I have to make;;; Event OnLoad() GoToState("BathStrip") EndEvent State BathStrip Event OnTriggerEnter(ObjectReference triggerRef) If (triggerRef as Actor) (GetOwningQuest() as outfit__MainQuest).Strip(triggerRef) EndIf EndEvent Event OnTriggerLeave(ObjectReference triggerRef) If (triggerRef as Actor) (GetOwningQuest() as outfit__MainQuest).UnStrip(triggerRef) EndIf EndEvent EndState Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files... Compiling "outfit__020012CB"... C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(11,4): GetOwningQuest is not a function or does not exist C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(11,21): cannot cast a none to a outfit__mainquest, types are incompatible C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(11,43): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?) C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(17,4): GetOwningQuest is not a function or does not exist C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(17,21): cannot cast a none to a outfit__mainquest, types are incompatible C:\SkyrimSE\Data\Source\Scripts\outfit__020012CB.psc(17,43): type mismatch on parameter 1 (did you forget a cast?) No output generated for outfit__020012CB, compilation failed. Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed. Failed on outfit__020012CB help How to call the function of quest?
  4. Thank you very much for your help. This problem has been bothering us for a long time. I finally get your solution here.
  5. Half the eyeballs were lost ,after convert LE to SE whith SSE NIF Optimizer. what is wrong whith it?
  6. Help! I am modifying the ifpv code with VS2019 and need to use other libraries(Utility Library for NetScriptFramework,Events.OnSave). But I don't know how to do? Can't use "using UtilityLibrary;", will conflict with "using NetScriptFramework;" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using NetScriptFramework; using NetScriptFramework.SkyrimSE; namespace IFPV { ....................... Events.OnSave.Register(e => { Utils.Log("On Save called!"); }); ....................... }
  7. IFPV have a big bug:when save game and load game again,camera(BaseOffsetY) will be changed. so I want to change IFPV source code not to save setting when quit game. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22306?tab=files&file_id=168383 How to do? or help to make a path. Thank you
  8. .NET Script Frameworkhttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/21294 Immersive First Person Viewhttps://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/22306?title=incompatible+with+many+MOd+just+as+%3Asexlab%2Csos&mod_id=22306&post=&tab=files&BH=0
  9. I use vs2019 to modift mod IFPV, but I don't know How to reference NetScriptFramework.Runtime, I have download "IFPV v10 source code"and"NetScriptFramework SkyrimSE v14 source code".next step,how to do? Can you help me?
  10. I use vs2019 to modift mod IFPV, but I don't know How to quote NetScriptFramework.Runtime, I have download "NetScriptFramework SkyrimSE v14 source code".next step,how to do?
  11. Thank you for your reply,I just want put a Key for Immersive First Person View, because script have not function to change camera .
  12. How to execute a hotkey automatically with Script . I'm making a mod, when the game logs in, execute a hotkey. what function can do?
  13. I can't copy a LeveledItem value just like "TempItem = PrivateItem" or "PrivateItem1 = PrivateItem",debug return: PrivateItem1 0, how to copy a LeveledItem? Help Some one can help?
  14. Event OnMenuClose(String MenuName) LeveledItem PrivateItem form ItemRef int i = 31 while i >=0 ItemRef = ActorRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i + 30)) if ItemRef PrivateItem.addform(ItemRef,1,1) endif i -= 1 endwhile TempItem = PrivateItem (GetOwningQuest() as outfit__MainQuest).SetPrivate(IsPrivate,PrivateItem) ActorRef.setoutfit(EmptyOutfit) ActorRef.setoutfit(NewOutfit) if IsFollower ActorRef.SetPlayerTeammate(true) IsFollower = false endif UnregisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") endEvent Scriptname outfit__MainQuest extends Quest import debug import UI import utility LeveledItem Property PrivateItem1 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem2 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem3 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem4 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem5 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem6 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem7 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem8 Auto LeveledItem Property PrivateItem9 Auto ReferenceAlias[] Property Targets Auto Armor Property MRbohArmor Auto bool once = true int Inslot function SetPrivate(int aPrivate,LeveledItem PrivateItem) if aPrivate == 1 PrivateItem1 = PrivateItem Debug.notification("PrivateItem1 "+PrivateItem1.GetNumForms()) return elseif aPrivate == 2 PrivateItem2 = PrivateItem Debug.notification("PrivateItem2 "+PrivateItem2.GetNumForms()) return elseif aPrivate == 3 PrivateItem3 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 4 PrivateItem4 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 5 PrivateItem5 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 6 PrivateItem6 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 7 PrivateItem7 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 8 PrivateItem8 = PrivateItem return elseif aPrivate == 9 PrivateItem9 = PrivateItem return endif endfunction I can't copy a LeveledItem value just like "TempItem = PrivateItem" or "PrivateItem1 = PrivateItem",debug return: PrivateItem1 0, how to copy a LeveledItem? Help
  15. It's so exciting to get up and see your reply,It's a perfect solution to the problem form[], and a lot of similar problems about “Unless pre-filled in the Creation Kit.”. thank you very much.
  16. I refer to SexLab sslActorAlias,why It can work but I can't work. function Strip() if !ActorRef || ActorRef == none || IsCreature return endIf ; Start stripping animation ;if DoUndress ; Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "Arrok_Undress_G"+BaseSex) ; NoUndress = true ;endIf ; Select stripping array bool[] Strip if StripOverride.Length == 33 Strip = StripOverride else Strip = Config.GetStrip(IsFemale, Thread.UseLimitedStrip(), IsType[0], IsVictim) endIf ; Log("Strip: "+Strip) ; Stripped storage Form ItemRef Form[] Stripped = new Form[34] ; Right hand ItemRef = ActorRef.GetEquippedObject(1) if ContinueStrip(ItemRef, Strip[32]) Stripped[33] = ItemRef ActorRef.UnequipItemEX(ItemRef, 1, false) StorageUtil.SetIntValue(ItemRef, "Hand", 1) endIf ; Left hand ItemRef = ActorRef.GetEquippedObject(0) if ContinueStrip(ItemRef, Strip[32]) Stripped[32] = ItemRef ActorRef.UnequipItemEX(ItemRef, 2, false) StorageUtil.SetIntValue(ItemRef, "Hand", 2) endIf ; Strip armor slots Form BodyRef = ActorRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(32)) int i = 31 while i >= 0 ; Grab item in slot ItemRef = ActorRef.GetWornForm(Armor.GetMaskForSlot(i + 30)) if ContinueStrip(ItemRef, Strip[i]) ; Start stripping animation if DoUndress && ItemRef == BodyRef ;Body Debug.SendAnimationEvent(ActorRef, "Arrok_Undress_G"+BaseSex) Utility.Wait(1.0) NoUndress = true endIf ActorRef.UnequipItemEX(ItemRef, 0, false) Stripped[i] = ItemRef endIf ; Move to next slot i -= 1 endWhile ; Equip the nudesuit if Strip[2] && ((Gender == 0 && Config.UseMaleNudeSuit) || (Gender == 1 && Config.UseFemaleNudeSuit)) ActorRef.EquipItem(Config.NudeSuit, true, true) endIf ; Store stripped items Equipment = PapyrusUtil.MergeFormArray(Equipment, PapyrusUtil.ClearNone(Stripped), true) Log("Equipment: "+Equipment) endFunction
  17. I edit a Outfit Manage MOdï¼I set a form[] Equipment, but it doesn't work. in game Equipment.length away return 0. what is wrong?can you help me? function start(int IsAlias) RegisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") ActorRef = self.GetActorRef() if IsAlias == 1 return endif ActorBase aActorBase = ActorRef.GetActorBase() OldOutfit = aActorBase.GetOutfit() form ItemRef int i = OldOutfit.GetNumParts() while i i -= 1 ItemRef = OldOutfit.GetNthPart(i+1) Equipment[i] = ItemRef endwhile Debug.notification("BaseItem0 "+Equipment.Length) endfunction Scriptname outfit__MainScript extends ReferenceAlias import debug import UI import utility LeveledItem Property TempItem auto Outfit Property NewOutfit Auto Outfit Property OldOutfit Auto Outfit Property EmptyOutfit Auto MiscObject Property Gold001 Auto bool IsFollower Actor ActorRef form[] Equipment Event OnItemAdded(Form akBaseItem, int aiItemCount, ObjectReference akItemReference, ObjectReference akSourceContainer) if (akBaseItem as Armor) ActorRef.EquipItem(akBaseItem) ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) elseif (akBaseItem as Weapon) ActorRef.EquipItem(akBaseItem) ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) endif endEvent Event OnMenuOpen(String MenuName) if ActorRef.IsPlayerTeammate() IsFollower = true ActorRef.SetPlayerTeammate(false) endif ActorRef.setoutfit(EmptyOutfit) int i = Equipment.Length while i i -= 1 ActorRef.EquipItem(Equipment[i]) endwhile ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) Debug.notification("BaseItem3 "+Equipment.Length) endEvent Event OnMenuClose(String MenuName) TempItem.Revert() form ItemRef int i = 31 while i >=0 ItemRef = ActorRef.GetEquippedArmorInSlot(i+30) if ItemRef TempItem.addform(ItemRef,1,1) Equipment[i] = ItemRef endif i -= 1 endwhile ActorRef.setoutfit(NewOutfit) ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) Debug.notification("BaseItem4 "+Equipment.Length) if IsFollower ActorRef.SetPlayerTeammate(true) IsFollower = false endif UnregisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") endEvent function start(int IsAlias) RegisterForMenu("ContainerMenu") ActorRef = self.GetActorRef() if IsAlias == 1 return endif ActorBase aActorBase = ActorRef.GetActorBase() OldOutfit = aActorBase.GetOutfit() form ItemRef int i = OldOutfit.GetNumParts() while i i -= 1 ItemRef = OldOutfit.GetNthPart(i+1) Equipment[i] = ItemRef endwhile Debug.notification("BaseItem0 "+Equipment.Length) endfunction function back() ActorRef.setoutfit(EmptyOutfit) ActorRef.setoutfit(OldOutfit) ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) form ItemRef int i = OldOutfit.GetNumParts() while i i -= 1 ItemRef = OldOutfit.GetNthPart(i+1) Equipment[i] = ItemRef endwhile Debug.notification("BaseItem1 "+Equipment.Length) endfunction function Vanilla(outfit cloths) ActorRef.setoutfit(EmptyOutfit) ActorRef.setoutfit(cloths) ActorRef.AddItem(Gold001,1) form ItemRef int i = cloths.GetNumParts() while i i -= 1 ItemRef = cloths.GetNthPart(i+1) Equipment[i] = ItemRef endwhile Debug.notification("BaseItem2 "+Equipment.Length) endfunction
  18. Forget the most important question: I don't know how to edit outfit in script. Here I use TES5Edit to set outfit = LeveledItem in ESP (refer to other MODS), so in this script set LeveledItem NewItem is to change outfit. because LeveledItem can modify but outfit not modify. Maybe you can tell me how to edit outfit directly in script?
  19. I need different NPCs to use own newitem,one way is use TES5Edit to edit esp for more than 100 NPC's newitem, I think this way is too stupid. but if use SetFormValue() and GetFormValue() , all NPC only use NewItem = GetFormValue(ActorRef,"NewItem") as LeveledItem to get their own newitem. I can't use CK,I use TES5Edit. All in all, thank you very much。 I will try form list
  20. how to save and load a form list?how to use it with SetFormValue() and GetFormValue() or other function like this? this is my first mod,how to do?
  21. thank you for your post I have define "LeveledItem Property NewItem auto" and have no errors in papyrus compile in CK.. but play in game,"NewItem = GetFormValue(ActorRef,"NewItem") as LeveledItem", I try anything but NewItem is alway 0. Maby GetFormValue() can't be use for "as LeveledItem" but "as outfit" can use? This quest take me 3 days. :pinch:
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