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Everything posted by Warschack

  1. Anyone fancy doing interiors and basic npc's for total of 4 new houses in whiterun? I had a try at it, but I'm afraid that I lack the patience, creativity and knowledge to do the interiors and npc's. Yes, I've done the navmeshing outside of the houses The reason I made this modification was because I could not find decent a whiterun mod, for the love of God. I was initianly going to leave the houses as empty shells, but now my heart won't let me.
  2. Bumbing. Bethesda did a pathetic job on skyrim. If it was up to me, I would have made all the holds separate areas on the size of skyrim at least, like in witcher 3. I hope someone make proper Skyrim in Mount and Blade: Bannerlord once it releases.
  3. Any cel shading mods for either skyrim or skyrim se? ibn4 skytoon
  4. Can someone make a witch hunter hat for Geralt that can be crafted or bought at a vendor?
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