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About strike667

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  1. In response to post #52462393. #52469463, #52474393 are all replies on the same post. What's so wrong about using modern technologies? All the ones listed for Vortex specifically are very active and quickly becoming a standard.
  2. I understand that, I've built a couple of big projects in my life earlier, so I know the risks. Besides, the site could probably be paid off with donations or ads, so it all comes down to the 'would anyone find it useful?' question. I won't re-upload any mods. All of them would link to Nexus, with perhaps copy-pasted instructions on how to install them properly to prevent errors. I completely agree. This is my biggest road blocker right now, because configurations would have to be well tested, so I might think about giving access to volunteers to help me in this regard.
  3. Hey, I've been a PHP developer/HTML5/UX designer for some years and an interesting idea came across my mind, so I thought I'd first discuss it with you guys to see what you think. As you know, there is a good amount of people that are new to modding their game and they often run into serious problems such as save file corruption or Skyrim just completely breaking resulting in a need of fresh installation. I thought about making a site called for example www.skyrimsetup.net, which lets you specify a few things - your PC specs, the way you want to experience the game (immersive, hardcore, ...) and asks you a couple of questions (Are you planning on using followers? Do you need housing upgrades? etc.) and based on your selection, the system would build a list of mods for you which are perfectly compatible with each other and there's little to no way they can cause problems. Now this could be pretty exhausting project in terms of time consumption and possibly network traffic later (if it becomes popular) so I'd first like to ask - is it worth the trouble and investion? Thanks everyone!
  4. In response to post #10144884. #10145543, #10147973, #10153342 are all replies on the same post. right click on it and hit uninstall
  5. 3GB of VRAM will be more than enough for 1080p, go for the 780 Ti.
  6. Am I able to delete the original mod's .zip file once the mod gets installed now? Since it also creates its file structure in VirtualModActivator, my Skyrim mods now take another 30GB of my HDD.
  7. Hey guys, CH is giving me fairly high results - the low value is usually around 20-50, but the high sometimes spikes up to more than 1 second. It's very noticeable in mods heavily relying on scripts, such as Sneak Tools. Would any of you know which of these mods I use are very scripts heavy or just badly coded, so I could disable them and make my stuff run a bit better? Thank you. Edit: My save is not bloated, it's a fresh playthrough (level 4). ClearInvalidRegistrations has been ran and it cleared nothing.
  8. That tweak gave me like 2 FPS improvement. Better than nothing, but I'd still expect this game to run the way it's supposed to on my machine, even with the texture/mesh mods. Another thing I noticed is that I get some insane stuttering when streaming the game, again, especially in towns. And, not surprisingly - again while my CPU or GPU gives absolutely no sweat. What is going on? Why is a game running crappy when neither the GPU nor CPU goes above 50% usage? :|
  9. I can get stable 60 FPS almost everywhere, however when I step into a town such as Solitude or Whiterun, my FPS dips below 30. While running Skyrim Performance Monitor, I noticed that the GPU & CPU usage never gets above 40%, RAM doesn't go past 1500MB and neither does the VRAM. What could be the problem here? Is it mod related, or is Gamebryo just so bad? I'm running the game on a single GTX 660 2GB with an FX-6350 @ 4GHz, 8GB DDR3 1600MHz kit. My mod list: I do not use any ENB. Please let me know if you have any ideas.
  10. I started a new game, the save file was 1.8MB. It was crashing before I turned all mods off, but once I turned them on again, it stopped crashing and my FPS drastically increased - I'm having no problems whatsoever even on the old save files now. Pretty weird, isn't it? Nevermind, decided to play Oblivion again today but guess I'm not going to. Same issue :/ investigating
  11. Have you tried deactivating all mods? You may need some in order to run the game, though (in my case it was RenGuardOverhaul, that can be uninstalled by saving in an interior, but you can leave it ticked).
  12. I'm not sure if I'm a total idiot or the game makes me look like one. I disabled all the mods and guess what, it stopped crashing. To determine which one is the offensive, I started turning them on one by one. I just turned on the last mod on the list. IT DID NOT CRASH.
  13. Just try to run the game without it (start it with launcher or oblivion.exe). I tried downgrading it to 19, no luck. But when I launched the game w/o OBSE, I haven't had a single crash so far. I've just started a thread about the issue, so if disabling it solves it for you as well, you can keep an eye on the thread for additional help. I would be really glad if it got sorted out, as I don't want to drop the 50% of my mods that need obse in order to function :/
  14. Especially if I'm in interior (the chance it crashes there is 100%, or at least it crashed everytime by now). If I'm in exterior, it seems it's random. If I disable OBSE though (run the game with the original executable), it doesn't crash whatsoever. Reverting to older version (at least 0019b) didn't work as the game was still crashing at the same events. My loaded plugins are as follows: Active Mod Files: I've tried rebuilding bashed patch many times, no luck at all. Thanks for any replies.
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