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Everything posted by Dethraker

  1. Just want to give an updated list of current projects going on my the modders on this site. As Zyx has stated, these are "large" undertakings, not small or simple madifications. Let me know if I missed something someone else saw as a large project. As far as Expanding EXALT, I was thinking about something that would be interesting to me the other day, I'm curious what everyone else thinks. Originally I was trying to think of a way to make aliens even harder, I started wondering if you could duplicate the Soldier leveling process and utilize it for the enemies. Now I'm aware that in EU/EW you usually kill all the aliens/EXALT in order to "complete" the map. But in thinking about adding in EXALT as a separate entity that can show up on maps as an additional hurdle I started wondering: Give EXALT specific agendas on maps, once the agenda is achieved they book it to their own extractionIf an EXALT "leader" manages to make it to extraction, their stats are saved and they level upHave background systems working to determine injuries and such for EXALT leaders(remove fatigue for EXALT due to gene-mods)If an EXALT leader that survived a mission is not injured it returns to the field on their next mission
  2. Well there ya go, wasn't sure if they changed animations/models, or how that's done tbh. I'm no good with most artsy stuff lol, no one else had answered so tried my luck :D.
  3. @ob...I don't think there's any animations for MECs being shown as invisible. While I think it's perfectly possible to have them treated as invisible, without the animations it would either look weird or exactly the same(which is still weird).
  4. Thanks so much Amineri! Wish I would have known this before spending time hunting for the related images inside the upk files. This will speed things up considerably though, that's for sure. And I don't mind one bit, we're all after the same things here, figuring out how to modify a game we already love into something we can enjoy even longer(and others too if they like our modifications).
  5. While it's completely possible to reintroduce the tutorials with what wghost has been talking about with mutators, it would likely be very time consuming due to how the LW team utilized available resources. You would either have to recreate the tutorials entirely with mutators, or utilize mutators for existing LW designs, thus rewriting/hexing significant amounts of code to make LW work the same without utilizing those parts of the original code. Personally I'm not that committed to tutorials lol. It would be something worth putting in mod suggestions though. Maybe someone out there would enjoy creating new tutorials.
  6. Quick Question, I've been assuming to this point that the int variable in the upk files(optional int iImage) is what calls the icon for the different techs, foundry projects, and items. Some of those images don't match up with the item, tech, project involved. Johnnylump informed me that the images are called in defaultcontent.ini as follows: With this in mind does it mean that the number representation in each of the functions(BuildTechs, BuildItems, etc.) is not actually needed and I can simply change the eItem_variable inside the .ini file to resolve the icon issue? Or do I have to change the value inside the .upk as well as in the .ini?
  7. I'm currently going through all the existing code related to how the LW mod utilizes research techs and foundry projects. Also I'm establishing a plan for how I want my tech tree to work, perquisites and such, so I know what I want to edit and how. I could do all that through hex editing, but I like the mutator idea more and more. Only problem being I'm still struggling just with where to start. I understand that I have to still hex edit, but only to call for the new upk/class I create, correct? My issue comes in trying to figure out the UDK. I don't see anything called classes, functions, or anything related. I'm currently reading through the "how to program with UDK" on their site, but from what I'm understanding it sounds like I just write the code in a text editor...sounds too easy so I feel I'm missing something. This is only my 2nd time working with an editor/engine and the first was world editor with Warcraft/Starcraft where I mostly just used existing code/functions to change gameplay. I've done some limited coding/programming but only in class several years ago, and only a small amount when modding Warcraft/Starcraft.
  8. Works for existing saves, just have to exit the game completely then go back in for changes to take. Much of the values work the same way in that ini, but some require new games such as the Skyranger capacity. EDIT: You can even change it each time before you order new recruits if you're trying to get specific countries. You just have to exit the game completely everyone you make a change then load back in. EXAMPLE: Change to only USA, order 1 unit, receive unit. Change to only Russia, order 1 unit, receive unit.
  9. Steam > SteamApps > common > XCom-Enemy-Unknown > XEW > XComGame > Config You were right about it being in DefaultGameCore.ini This is what you're looking for, as you can see I've adjusted mine to get only Xcom flags currently.
  10. I've looked over the "Modding with UDK" wiki page and this stuff is still fairly over my head at the moment, but this point in particular has me interested. So essentially is this saying that I can create a function so that when (IsOptionEnabled(My TechTreeAlt)) the function will call for a new class of my own creation? This would be amazing if it's what the statement is saying. I could develop my entire mod through UDK(once I figure that beast out) and then just Hex Edit a function to call for my mod if the 2nd Wave option is selected...correct?
  11. Hey Amineri! Good to have your input on the matter, really good to have all of your help so far. I do foresee quite a bit of work both in using UDK to write new functions/variables, as well as Hex Editing to get the game to read my new stuff. So to make sure I'm understanding this correctly, you're agreeing with the others to go with a mutator instead of doing things the way that was used for adding variables in LW? Also, what's the part about the range 128-255? if creating a new set of variables wouldn't I essentially be able to create a full set of 255? The trouble of course having the rest of the program read the new variables.
  12. So I'm going to show my inexperience here. How do I create functions through UDK? It looks similar to the worldeditor from warcrat/starcraft, but the terms within have me confused. I can't seem to find where I'm supposed to write in the variables and functions to create a new class for replacement in the .upk files.
  13. LOL, love the reference to drugs...well the humor bit. Some people have stated to me that once you get it down in Normal it's not that hard to move up in the levels, I guess I'm stubborn in the way I approach each mission cause it gets increasingly more difficult with each difficulty level for me. I mean that in a serious step up for each. Good to hear you're aware of the .ini tweaks and choosing to avoid that for the experience, I did the same until I started getting repeatedly walloped on Brutal lol.
  14. Sometimes you have to do just what you said, you just have to be clever with it. Keep the majority of your units out of sight and on overwatch, send in one unit to visual range and have them hunker. It's not that I'm trying to make it sound casual, I have gotten myself walloped more times than I have won, I still have yet to beat a brutal or impossible, but that's what is so great about long war, it provides that extra challenge for those that don't like easy mode. Arguably it's far from easy, borderline suicidal, but it gives that challenge that many don't get from standard release games anymore. Developers provide a reasonable amount of challenge for your average gamer, gamers like me and you, but if they make things too challenging it just doesn't sell. Mods are there for those that are above and below average gamers(easy mode mods are often more common, even in the case of Xcom EU if you look through the lists), Long War just makes it as tough as possible without being actually impossible. Also something to consider(don't read any further if you want to beat the LW challenge), in DefaultGameCore.ini found in Steam > SteamApps > common > XCom-Enemy-Unknown > XEW > XComGame > Config, you can adjust the values to be broad or on very specific items. Adjusting the overall time for researching techs makes the game significantly easier overall without taking away from the encounters. Here's what you're looking for: I copied straight from the DGC.ini(DefaultGameCore) file and bold/underline the exact line you'd look for. Adjusting it too much will make the game significantly easier, while changing it to about '8' might allow you to reach the desired techs in time to prevent a total loss of the game.
  15. @tracktwo, that does help allot, could I get links to the different threads realting to the mutators as well as the specific github projects? I'm sure I can figure out the export entrys in the patchupk files, the only problem being determining which of them houses the information I need to edit...trial and error has been my method so far, I guess that much will continue. As far as creating new classes, that sounds really interesting, but might be above my pay grade at present, definitely something I'll be happy to research into though. I remember reading that you're gonna be away for the week, anyone else have those links that tracktwo is referencing? The PDF, threads, and projects EDIT: Alright found the thread(Scripting with UDK) and also the related mutator project on github. Can't seem to find the PDF relating to adding variables to existing classes though.
  16. I want to start off by saying thanks to all those that have helped me so far, I wouldn't have reached the current understanding I have of both coding and Hex Editing without your help. What I'm trying to do may be a bit ambitious for me, but surprisingly I have met with a good deal of success thanks to help from some more knowledgeable individuals. Thanks to the LW team for adding additional 2nd Wave options that aren't being used yet, saves me a ton of searching through the existing code to make changes to an existing 2nd Wave option. So what I'm attempting is a completely new Tech Tree that will eventually have choices, do you want to go with beam technology or focus on what you know and advance ballistics? Gene mods, or MEC variations? Currently I have figured out how to add this as a 2nd Wave option and it's functioning! Really exciting for me. But the next step I need to figure out is how to add variables in the upks, speaking with johnny on the subject I was told it's a more complicated process, but I would really like to be able to do this. My goal is to add both more foundry projects as well as possibly more GeneMods(I'll have to make GeneMods something worth choosing over MECs) Right now I'm still in the planning/organizing stage on where I want to go with techs and foundry projects, but essentially techs will just provide foundry project options instead of unlocking all the weapons as it currently does. Thanks in advance for any help in this!
  17. Don't be afraid to use explosives on aliens in Long War. You don't want to make it your only option, but it is definitely a must in Long War where it was frowned upon in vanilla. I often blow up single units just because they run a risk of killing a soldier I value a bit more than the rest. Bring a couple of expendables along on each mission. It sucks to lose anyone usually, but it's better to run a rookie out into the gunfire of the aliens than watch helplessly as one of your high ranks gets flanked and blasted. If you realize one of your higher ranks is in a bad position time for that rookie to run out of cover.
  18. Right now I'm trying to work on an alternate Tech Tree that I would like to eventually expand upon. The LW team has recently given us several slots for extra Second Wave options, along with a method of adding variables and such. My vision is a Tech Tree that makes you choose one direction or another, gene mods OR MECs? Laser OR Advanced Ballistics? The difference would be more foundry options to upgrade the chosen direction instead of trying to find a balance of them all. Anyway, that's what I'm imagining currently, and though I plan to purchase Xcom2 and start modding on that I have been enjoying learning Hex Editing recently(as I've actually had the time to really get into it finally), and will probably continue working on this concept even after it launches. @Zyxpsilon, your first option sounds interesting enough. Are you speaking about making an in game visible tech tree similar to that of Civilizations?
  19. @Echo Have YOU ever been in combat? When an enemy runs right up to you what would your reaction be? Wait let me guess "An enemy would never get close enough because I would shoot them before they could". Obviously this isn't based off real life otherwise there would be a butt stroke or some sort of melee ability because in the thick of it all, sometimes you need it, or have no other option. Plus for a game it's just a cool concept. Please don't hijack a mod request just to say it's silly, especially when you don't know what you're talking about. Btw, I have had this answered in another thread and they said it didn't seem do-able, or worth the effort of implementing. I am perfectly ok with that kind of response :D
  20. Awesome job Bertilsson! So you're not actually doing any sort of map editing just functions that place the amount of soldiers and which preset location?
  21. Have you or anyone else looked into the possibility of having non member units spawn in at these spawn points? Essentially here is what I'm looking for: -Have a unit spawn in on each abduction mission that is not already a part of your xcom soldiers in the barracks -Make it possible to "rescue" these soldiers and upon doing so they are added to your barracks -Have the unit controllable by you but on the opposite side of the map from your squad OR -(if possible have them setup like the civilians in terror missions with the blue circle)make them rescue-able at which time they are added to your current squad -make it a random between either a rookie or ranked(any rank or chance of different ranks) soldier that you are rescuing -Have their xp calculated and them placed in the after action report in the same way an extracted operative shows up in EW I have asked this in LW but this discussion seems to be more on par with what I was looking for(or at least you guys seem to be modding areas that are related). I know there may be some issues with what I'm wanting to do but I want to at least look into it and try, any help in which files to look into/play around with would be greatly appreciated.
  22. @johnnylump Yea, been following this thread closely trying to see if I can help out in some way. Unfortunately most, if not all, of this is way beyond my personal expertise. Good stuff in here though and I can't wait to see the result!
  23. I didn't end up playing LW or some of the other mods out there, only an earlier version of warspace and use of toolboks for my modded xcom experience. I started reading up on how difficult it was to mod the game so I figured there wouldn't be really great ones like LW. That being said I don't know if later mods ended up inserting a melee ability for your troops or not. I'm not looking for graphics by any means (not even sure graphics can be modded into xcom like in some other games) just an ability to sneak up and have a small chance to do serious melee damage, something along these lines. Tap Out/Neck Snap: -30% chance to do up to 20 damage, does not work on mechanical units. Requires stealth...? Incapacitate: -40% chance to stun for 1 turn, does not work on mechanical units. Requires stealth...? I know that there was the chryssalid melee and the Berserker melee in EU but with the EW expansion they have the new alien seeker that clokes and then attacks. I was just thinking it would be nice to be able to apply that to, and modify it slightly for balance, our playable soldiers given a set of prerequisites. Tap Out/Neck Snap: -Requires Ghost Armor with Ghost ability enabled, does not work with run and gun.(Maybe lengthen the time that the ghost ability lasts by one turn to give time for positioning...) Incapacitate: -Requires Ghost Armor with Ghost ability enabled, works with run and gun.(Maybe lengthen the time that the ghost ability lasts by one turn to give time for positioning...) This is just something that would be cool to see for my own stealth related yearning but I can see how this could possibly unbalance the game, a way to counteract that is making seekers and some other unit able to identify invisible soldiers. Whether or not this is even do-able I am not sure but given the new range of abilities I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the time given by those of you who read and/or respond to this.
  24. I'm actually surprised this hasn't been requested yet, or maybe I just haven't seen the thread for it. In the EW expansion there is 1 base attack which essentially is explained by the aliens using the psionic addon characters to boost their abilities...etc. Is there a way to implement more base attacks, and maybe modify the defenders and/or attackers that come in. I know it picks the top few characters but it also adds in some "basic" defenders. Can these basic defenders be modified in any way? Is there different skins that could be used, maybe they are engineers or scientists: scientists have a pistol, engineers have a laser rifle. My impression was always that the men I had to choose from were the only available "combatants" in the base. They were the base defenders as well as the ones to be sent on missions. Would be cool to have the scientists and engineers assisting in the fight.
  25. In EW I have noticed that there are additional spawn points on most, if not all, maps. I would like to see a mod implemented where you can actually receive reinforcements after a set amount of turns. The force you send out is essentially the first response force and it would be logical to assume that more are on their way in case the help is needed(at least in my military mindset). One thing about the reinforcements though, I would rather them come from the bottom of the recruits list instead of the top. The initial team being the ones you pick out and the reinforcements being fresh rookies, this way your numbers increase but your advantage doesn't grow all that much, if any at all.
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