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Everything posted by SandMan131313

  1. Yellow skin looks terrible honestly. Regular skin is the way to go.
  2. This has always been something I have trouble with when making a character. I can never make a name that suits the game. Sometimes I can but for the most part I spend forever thinking of different names. So I was wondering what names you guys use. Ones I've used in the past were Denard, a Nord warrior, and Alice, a spellsword/hunter of undead. There not bad names, but I'd like to play as an Elf sometime or Argonian and picking a name that fits them is damn near impossible.
  3. Just so you know bAllowMultipleMasterLoads=0 is not in the .ini by default, you have to add it under general.
  4. I have a feeling it's been abandoned for now. Maybe something happened and he can't work on it/talk to anyone. Hope we get in update on it soon.
  5. It looks great. I hope you find the motivation to finish it.
  6. That's my bad. I never read into that much and assumed it was something bad, rape being a possibility but left it at that.
  7. I don't see how this is "cheap" writing. Many back stories have things of this nature, whether it be murdered parents, abuse, murdered loved ones, growing up poor or with a single parent. There are many more examples of bad things that happen to real people that are used in a characters back story. It doesn't make it cheap because it's rape and you have a problem with it. Also I don't ever remember Serana saying anything about being raped. She implies something embarrassing that she'd rather not talk about which could be a number of things, seeing as Daedric princes have their servants do many things for them (murdering someone with a rusty mace or eating the dead). Also her wiki entry doesn't mention anything of rape either http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Serana I understand it's a touchy topic for many people, but I don't see what's wrong with this. You may not like it, which is completely fine, but that doesn't make it off limits for writers. Like you said it is inconsiderate of a certain part of the audience though.
  8. So has this been released yet? I haven't seen it anywhere so I'm assuming no. Looks amazing by the way.
  9. Dread Hunter armor? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/21125
  10. Alright I've been working on adding prisons to Skyrim. I've made a couple but want to get the scripting down for them. What I want to have happen is that when you are arrested with a certain amount of gold on your bounty you will get sent to the appropriate prison. For example lets say the amount needed to be sent to one of my custom made prisons is 1000 gold. You get arrested with 800 gold bounty in Whiterun, you would go to Dragonsreach dungeon. But if it's 1200 gold you would be sent to the prison in Whiterun hold. How can I do this? I've looked into scripting, but I don't know anyway I could do this. Thanks in advance for any help.
  11. I don't think skeletons have sit animations so he probably can't use the throne. There are some dungeons that have skeletons in chairs, so I'd check those out in the creation kit (can't think of any off the top of my head) and see how they work. If you want to make him attack more you could try changing the combat style. There are mods that make enemies attack more so download those as well and see if it helps. Also try NorThroneShadow as the throne instead of one of the Jarl's thrones, as those might have different sit animations that the skeleton can't use. Also try replacing the skeleton with another actor that isn't a lvl or enc actor, someone like Serrana or Lydia or Farkas etc. See if they use the throne. If they do then you did everything right and getting the skeleton to sit is just more complicated. If they stand near it like the skeleton then you did something wrong linking the actor to the throne or with the patrol data.
  12. There is a follower mod (ultimate follower overhaul I think?) that will let you make any follower a werewolf. If you have wolf blood just talk to them with the mod installed and you should find a dialogue option along the lines of "Drink my blood (Make follower a werewolf)" It might amazing follower tweaks or UFO, I can't remember which though.
  13. Make sure you are using the furniture version of the throne (should have markers on it when placed in render window, press m to make markers visible) and double click your skeleton. In the linked ref tab double click on the empty list. Press the select object in render window button. Double click the throne. Then double click the throne, go to patrol tab, check the box to un-grey everything, and set idle time to 1. The skeleton should sit in the throne.
  14. You don't want them in an .exe. Send them to a .zip file or compressed folder. Select both of them with ctrl left clicking them then right click on them and send to compressed folder or .zip file. Should be able to upload them then.
  15. I don't know why I can't find this anywhere, but whatever. My dungeon that I've made has no music in it and I have no idea how to get music into it. How can I get background music in my dungeon? Not custom music by the way, just any. Thanks in advance for your help.
  16. The reason I play currently as a Fem character is partly because of FemSheps voice actress being amazing and partly because of the Dread Huntress armor for females. It just looked amazing and fit a vampire/daedra hunter type character so well that I had to try it out. Usually a male character in any game I get a choice but for ME and Skyrim I changed it up a bit.
  17. How bout breaking someone out of prison? I know there is someone in the guild (if you talk to him) that has a background in doing just that. You'd have to get arrested in a certain hold, find this person and break them out. I think that'd be a good change of pace.
  18. Alright I got this working, only one problem though. I need some marker to send the player after they've been arrested. I tried a PrisonMarker as the reference point but that just crashes the game when you submit to arrest. I have a chest for the player inventory and stolen goods already set as well, which I'm pretty sure work fine. What should I be using as the reference?
  19. You are a gentleman and a scholar, thank you.
  20. Alright anyone who read my last started thread knows I'm working on a mod. I've got everything for the interior the way I want and have started the exterior part of the prison. Just one issue. I hate what I've done on the outside and want to restart from scratch. Is there anyway I can do this? Can I just take the interior cell that I've worked on and make it it's own .esp file and delete the old .esp that has both the exterior and interior cells? I just want the default Tamriel cell back that I edited. Once again, thanks in advance.
  21. Alright I'm making a dungeon like Cidhna Mine where there are prisoners just kind of about, but guards also to make sure no one attacks them/starts attacking etc. My problem is getting the guards to act like guards. I'm assuming it's something to do with factions. They don't do anything right now unless you attack them specifically. They don't even care if you attack another guard. Also the prisoners don't seem to care if their friend dies. How can I make them all Allies? They can't be unique either, they should all respawn after some time. Thanks in advance!
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