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Everything posted by Haoswidasee

  1. I have been playing a lot of other games recently but I will point out a few helpful things for you. If you want to see more of what an author has, you go to the nexus and search their user name that I have listed next to one of their mods in my list. Find their nexus profile and click the "Files" tab. And it will list everything they have ever made. The reason this list requires DLC is because most mods will eventually be updated to require DLC, and I will not be notified when this happens. Currently there are around 200 mods in this list, and there is no way to know right when they change so it's easier just to spend the little bit of cash for DLC, not to mention the DLC makes this game far better. As far as breaking it down more, the forum has a limit on how many times I can change a color pattern and also a limit on how long my actual forum can be. It was actually broken down into 3 lists at once before, The original, the neon wasteland, and hardcore survival. But when the forum is that big I literally cannot save it. I am looking into SKI right now, thanks for the heads up. I understand completely. I noticed that you have gone with SKI, so it must be a good thing. Is it alright to suggest other mods, or is that something you investigate on your own? Now that the toolkit is out mods are coming out in droves lol. I get suggestions every single day, feel free to send them my way. It's easy to miss a good mod now that they get pushed back pages and pages every day.
  2. I have been playing a lot of other games recently but I will point out a few helpful things for you. If you want to see more of what an author has, you go to the nexus and search their user name that I have listed next to one of their mods in my list. Find their nexus profile and click the "Files" tab. And it will list everything they have ever made. The reason this list requires DLC is because most mods will eventually be updated to require DLC, and I will not be notified when this happens. Currently there are around 200 mods in this list, and there is no way to know right when they change so it's easier just to spend the little bit of cash for DLC, not to mention the DLC makes this game far better. As far as breaking it down more, the forum has a limit on how many times I can change a color pattern and also a limit on how long my actual forum can be. It was actually broken down into 3 lists at once before, The original, the neon wasteland, and hardcore survival. But when the forum is that big I literally cannot save it. I am looking into SKI right now, thanks for the heads up.
  3. All sound like legit ideas. Anything involving glow or lighting or more than welcome. No matter how big or small.
  4. So BIG thanks to Artfu1D0dger, he took it upon himself to finish a CORE part of the Neon Wasteland Edition. Now all or almost every creature you ever see in the game, will be the glowing variant. Check out Glowing Ghouls and Glowing Creatures!
  5. The best ENB I feel, by far. Is Cinematic Excellence ENB by Archalyus. I've tried many and theres just nothing on that level. Its the ENB I promote with both the Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation and the Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation Neon Wasteland Edition. The installation directions are at the bottom of the mod description. I would highly suggest the Natural Version. The Cinematic version is SUPER dark.
  6. Added a mod to make all the ghouls in the game glow, requested the rest of the creatures as well. We will see what the author says :D Added the official Cursor for this list, its a bit more simple but it glows and it looks great, it's perfect.
  7. Did you try the 3.0 version of my Faster Terminal Displays, turns out the game was probably deactivating my plugin because it didn't have Fallout4.esm as a master (master-less plugins have always worked fine in the past). Rather than just adding the master in FO4Edit, I decided I may as well rebuild the plugins in the Creation Kit. didn't know you did so, I will look into it tomorrow when I wake up. I honestly can't play this game anymore without a bunch of mods and faster terminals is definitely one of them. I can't stand 90% of the vanilla game.
  8. Sorry guys, had a small mixup with the overwrite for DEF_UI. When installing it overwrite all each time. Even with the patches. My mistake, forgot to change it.
  9. Deleting the facebook for this forum because I don't have nearly as much time as I used to and I cannot keep up with both.
  10. I feel pretty much the same way man. I cannot be arsed having an account on bethesda.net that I have ZERO interest in if I can get my mods from the Nexus. I'm sure the modding community outside of that shitty bethesda.net will sort things out...if not, then I guess it's back to Skyrim :tongue: Have you had a look at the nexus article Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers ? Apparently adding *'s in front of your plugins will enable them but yeah I was having this issue where i would enable all my mods. And then enable them with bethesda. And then right after that it would disable a few mods for no reason. They were better explosives, better locational damage, and faster terminals. So I just removed those mods because apparently bethesda isn't going to let me use them. And the Bethesda password system is horrible, I hate when websites do that crap.
  11. So it seems like every time I open my Fallout 4 and go to mods. All of my mods aren't checked and I have to re-enable them all, every time? Is this the same for anyone because I am telling you right now its not worth it. I will stop playing this game right now. They've totally ruined this game for me.
  12. After much trial and error (ALL DAY). I have FINALLY fixed this list. It works now. My over-all thoughts are that Bethesda pretty much ruined Fallout 4 for modding. I don't like the new setup at all or having to enable all my mods twice. If this doesn't improve or I fail to eventually enjoy it, I will stop playing this game entirely. They have been making a lot of poor choices lately and the game No Man's Sky is coming out in like a month. I am VERY disappointed with Bethesda right now.
  13. Everything down to the Creature/NPC section is working so far. I haven't tested anything below that, working on it now!
  14. I do not, last time I seen that mod you were only able to use one side as cover and the other side didn't work. I believe you could peek right but not left. I try not to use incomplete mods. (No offense to the author). But feel free to install everything. I would suggest the Shader first like it says. Then test to see if the options work. That is currently working for me without issues at the moment. Then install each section and start your game after each. That way if there are issues you will know at least the section the issues are in.
  15. Well I would suggest waiting a couple days until I finish this major update, this new patch has my list a little wonky at the moment.
  16. Not that I know of. But my goal today is to completely re-install everything for a fresh playthrough. Add a bunch of mods I missed the past few days. And test everything from scratch with the new patch.
  17. I may be a couple days guys. I am deathly sick right now and trying to recover. I will be back soon. Sorry :(
  18. Here, this may save you a couple hundred hours. Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation I'm using a laptop which allows me to play the game in low settings, will your Mods still work for it? If it says 4k, just download a 2k or 1k. I am not sure how it will run but theres many mods on that list that do no mess with textures, like most of the mods in the creature/npc section, and almost all the mods below that.
  19. Here, this may save you a couple hundred hours. Ultimate Fallout 4 Mod Compilation
  20. Just updated the list of glowing items at the bottom. Probably added 50-70 items. Lots of work being done at the moment. Thanks to bwins95 for his persistent mod work.
  21. Looked into this one already as well lol. Although I like the idea, you cannot open or close a door while in the build menu which really annoys me, so I literally do not build doors. I think I always have one entrance to my base lol, and thats the only door. There needs to be a mod where the doors automatically open up when you get within a couple feet, and close when you are out of range. Opening and closing doors will burn me out on the entire building process lol you can create and attach auto door open/close thingos and attach them to all your doors. Works in build mode (it's what I do) By auto-door, do you mean like an automatic door or do I have to click it? I want one like when you go to like a Best-Buy or Wal-Mart and the sensor detects you and open without you doing anything. Exactly like a supermarket door sensor that opens it and then closes it :wink: I will check it out, I like the idea of that. Like I said, currently I avoid doors all together because I don't like clicking them. But I will definitely look into this, thanks!
  22. Looked into this one already as well lol. Although I like the idea, you cannot open or close a door while in the build menu which really annoys me, so I literally do not build doors. I think I always have one entrance to my base lol, and thats the only door. There needs to be a mod where the doors automatically open up when you get within a couple feet, and close when you are out of range. Opening and closing doors will burn me out on the entire building process lol you can create and attach auto door open/close thingos and attach them to all your doors. Works in build mode (it's what I do) By auto-door, do you mean like an automatic door or do I have to click it? I want one like when you go to like a Best-Buy or Wal-Mart and the sensor detects you and open without you doing anything.
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