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  1. It was one I made in the Creation Kit, its a nord, not a custom race.
  2. Hey everyone. So i'm getting this problem in the CK in which the hair wont work on the follower. It shows up fine in the CK, and I can see the follower in the game, but every single time I go in, the custom hair i'm trying to use gets reverted back to the same vanilla hairstyle. I'm trying to use SG hairs for it and it shows up fine in the full preview and in the render window. I have tried saving the face gen exports (Ctrl+F4) and that gets all the face correct but not the hair. Can anyone help me out with this?
  3. Nope its just a Nord Is she using a custom skeleton? I do have XP32 Maximum skeleton installed in NMM so I think it would apply to her, so yes
  4. Hi everyone. So I made a follower in creation kit, and she's worked for a long time. But suddenly, I tried giving her armor like the Dragonbone barbarian armor(http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52711/?), and it isn't working. She has CBBE and it works fine, but she will only wear that parts that aren't classfied as actual armor (Misc.). She wont wear the actual stuff and she walks around nude and its kind of annoying (She wont wear gauntlets, body armor, boots, or helmets). She'll wear the accessories, I've tried this on multiple armors, as well as the Midnight breed armor (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53697/?), and on normal vanilla armors, anything thats classified as actual armor she won't wear. Can anyone help me out here? I would post pictures but I don't thats allowed on here (When I go into her trade menu she has the items in her inventory, she just won't wear em)
  5. First off, in the Mod Manager, make sure everything that you want to use is checked in the "Plugins" Tab (Default tab when the NMM opens up). If that isn't the case, it seems you the problems caused are from not having the required mods. I can tell you for sure, I'm almost 100% sure the Animated Prostitution is an FNIS problem so you need to have FNIS to run those animations. If I could get a more detailed description of the problem for each mod, maybe I could be a little more help. Most of us are pretty well situated with some of the mods listed so you can just put the name, then put the link after wards, makes it easier for us.
  6. In response to post #13055143. #13098298, #13108798 are all replies on the same post. Boomer I couldn't agree more. I have played the beta 5 times, hoping that it would be better each time, and it didn't. I didn't play on the 6th time I was invited. The bugs were fine, its a beta, I didnt care. But just the gameplay... It didn't live up to my expectations. My expectations aren't "Skyrim Multiplayer" or anything like that, my expectations was a decent Elder Scrolls game. How often do we get a ES title? Not very often. And it made me very sad that work was being put on this game. The game is okay, but it should not even be mentioned with different elder scrolls titles. This game is a money farm, that will die out very fast. The one thing I love about TESV, is that they promise quality for your money. I have not been dissapointed with any purchase I have made from Bethesda, still happily playing skyrim, but for them (Yes I know, Zenimax) to make a game like this, and charge 15 a month WITH the 60 up front is terrible. Should be none up front and 5 a month. The PvE is tedious, especially trying to cooperate with randoms, and it runs out of fun by level 10, and by that time you have PvP, which is indeed pretty good, but it is this games only saving grace, and it won't last people for very long.
  7. Having this exact same problem man. But I fixed it, thank god i did. It was terrible. I just reloaded a save from awhile ago and starting from there D:. Thats probably your best bet man. Good luck
  8. I don't know what to do any more. I've went through the procedure in Creation Kit countless times, but my follower isnt there. I've even tried customizing an already existing NPC but when I went to see if it worked, they were still the same. My procedure when I create my own: 1)Open CK, Load Skyrim.esp and Apachii Hair 2)Go into Actors, right click and press new 3) Set all the details (Weapons, Features, items. Ill give a detailed explanation of this if needed.) 4)Press OK and go into Relationships and press New 5) Make parent the person i made in actors and child the player and the relationship or w/e Ally 6) Click Warmaidens (I've tried other places too) in the cell and load it up 7) Drag my new actor into the render window ( I see the character in there along with everything else) 8.Save 9) I've tried both keeping it open then opening skyrim and closing it then opening skyrim If you guys see any flaws in my process please help me out by pointing them out. I've followed tutorials and everything and if any of you can help me out I would be so grateful
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