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About StormWolf01

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    Fallout 4 Sometimes.

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  1. Hiya Fungus. That's really cool. From what I have heard, that is a really good series. Basically if you don't have it already what you will want is a mod called LooksMenu. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12631 And F4SE if you're not already using it (required by LM). Essentially LM will allow you to create presets for characters, while you are in the character creation part of the intro to the game, and save them for future use. It's also the most common way that people share character presets. Also, I do want to mention that while I really wish you great luck on getting this for your daughter, the site has rules about asking modders to do work for pay. Or offering to pay them. I know that you have good intentions, and offer it as a sign of appreciation, so I'm just letting you know... as a goodwill offering ;) But yeah... we can't do the whole for pay thing here ;)
  2. Thats because in fallout 4 the outfits REPLACE the body, when the game renders it in game. The system in bodyslide works the same way. The only way that the character body would show up, is if there are body textures as part of the outfit. So it's not anything that you did wrong, or a setting that you haven't found yet. It's a game mechanics limitation.
  3. ORC BUDDY! Heya man! How ya been!?
  4. Here's a tutorial on how to make a batch file. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=580328439 The code that you want to use is similar to this: player.additem 00023431 1The 000 in their example is where the mod sits in the load order. The 1 at the very end, is how many of said item to give the player. So like, if you want 100 rounds of said ammo, you'd change the 1 to 100. each line is separate. so it would be like player.additem xxxxx player.additem xxxxx player.additem xxxxx Just remember what you saved the name of the file as. Because that's what you enter in the console to fire the script.
  5. Thanks for the backup, Fraquar! Appreciated :) :thumbsup: My turn, now :D Yeah, a batch file is by far the simplest. And would be my first suggestion, as far as scripts go. The only headache is that with mod added stuff, is getting the ID numbers. To make that as easy as possible... I'd say open the mod in Xedit. There, you can find the ID numbers that the mod adds them in as. However, there will be 3 numbers that start it out, when you write them into the script. These three numbers are designated by where the mod is in your load order. So like, if the mod is # 123 in your load order, you have to enter 123 as the start of the ID number in the script. That's usually not a problem. Until you change your load order. If that mod isn't # 123 in the LO anymore. Then you have to adjust those three numbers to match where it NOW sits in the LO. Not a massive headache, but does require a bit of legwork.
  6. Ok. So after doing some web search about this, this is a problem that isn't just limited to your card, or your manufacturer. NVIdia cards have this problem too. AMD and NVidia are both saying that the problem is the game launcher. (Or are they passing the buck?) Purify, how are you starting up the game? Via Steam? Via the game launcher? Via F4se? Via a modmanager? If you are using either of the first two mentions, try using the third mention and see if the game still acts up like this.
  7. The change in how they implemented PA as more of an overall external device... that makes a lot more sense to me. I mean, I'm sorry, I know that in earlier games, it was thought to include internal supports and stuff. But as somebody who has worn plate mail armor before, that additional internal frame would go a LOOOONG way in helping to keep that weight off the body, as well as keeping those massively heavy plates WHERE they are supposed to be, when moving around. As for actually playing in PA. Not usually. I've done a few runthroughs where I have used it here and there. But for the norm... nah. Too clunky. Too Slow. I don't like having the PA UI taking up space in my screen, I don't like having to repair it (where I don't have to in regular armor!), and I DO NOT LIKE how it REMOVES any bonuses that I'm getting from items that I'm wearing underneath.
  8. Oh wow. Yeah... THAT's REALLY good information to know. Thanks much for passing that along, Showler! :thumbsup: Leaves me wondering... does the retail disk still download from steam? Or is it now downloading from MS? Really wondering, since MS now owns Bethesda. Couldn't find any NEW info oh the downloads. I know all the older disks ship with a steam key. Hell, I dunno if they even ship new disks out anymore...
  9. Heyas Joeave. More information is needed, please. What are You doing, and then what is the game Not doing?
  10. Here is some info for your settings with that card, Purify. https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/faq/dh3-012 I was reading through it, and it's got a few mentions there, that might also be helpful, such as tuning your card to the game. I'm also going to mention that you don't want this game running past 90 FPS. Character and NPC movement are keyed to framerate. So if you're hitting higher than that, you could experience some things that aren't good. Such as really choppy looking movements, lightning fast movements, issues with some of the animations (especially sprinting), etc. Surg - Well... I mean... so far you have mentioned most of everything that has popped into my head, as well as a few that haven't. And you're keeping up with the topic really well. So yeah, it's good to see you in the forums, hope that you stick around for a while :)
  11. Well, the population can't build shelters, can't make beds, can't plant crops, need to be told what to do, and where to do it.... Basically, they are all just big children, with a lot of the same attitudes...... Its absolutely amazing ANYONE is alive at all. Brother, I think we're talking about the game. Not the real world. :pinch: :laugh: :laugh:
  12. Yeah. Now that you guys mention it, I haven't seen any wash buckets at the vanilla settlements either. Puts a bit more meaning into Danse's comment about people living in squalor the first time you bring him to DC
  13. Yeah, I was thinking the exact same thing, that the game may not be running off of the card. The very easiest way to tell would be to to let the game try to set the graphics settings and see what it tells you when it selects what it picks. Also agreed, power management settings may also be a problem. If this is a desktop PC, you can just turn power management completely off. You will get better WIFI stability by doing so, as well. Another thing to check, is to make sure that your monitor is plugged into the correct socket. There's two back there. If you plug into the wrong one, it will run as an auxiliary, instead of primary, at lower settings. Great advice there Surg! Let's see more of you around here! :thumbsup:
  14. Try this on a fresh character and see if the same happens?
  15. Sorry to double post. Just thought of something. If you downloaded, or installed the mod originally thru a mod manager, there may be a copy of it still in the manager.
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