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  1. CS-only plugins don't load in game and that MenuQue dll is just a placeholder from old version. Whatever caused your game to crash, it's not related.
  2. There are 2 potential ways to retrieve a quest variable from another mod without dependency. The first is GetVariable function. It requires a reference for a quest, so the aforementioned GetFormFromMod function is also needed, like this: ref tempQuestRef short variable Let tempQuestRef := GetFormFromMod "YourMod.esp" QuestFormID Let variable := GetVariable "something" tempQuestRef Second is RunScriptLine function. It requires a string that is processed like a console command, for example: RunScriptLine "set MyQuest.variable1 to QuestFromAnotherMod.variable2"
  3. Unless one of your mods is dependant on another as a master, you can't just use EditorIDs from different esp. What you need are IsModLoaded and GetFormFromMod functions. I don't know the esp name or FormIDs from your mod, but should look something like this: if IsModLoaded "YourMod.esp" if GetPlayerSpell == GetFormFromMod "YourMod.esp" SpellFormID *do what you need* endif endif
  4. I think I see where the problem is. Your string variables are set in GetGameRestarted block, which only runs once per game session. Once you load a different save (one where script hasn't initialized before) variables would be 0 and both conditions would not be true.
  5. That sounds more like a logic error in your script conditions, rather than a problem with function. Can you post the full script that you're currently using and also tell which saves you're loading (which stage of the quest they are on)?
  6. Your GetMenuStringValue conditions are wrong. If I'm understanding right what you're trying to do it should be: (GetMenuStringValue "dashach1\filename" 1002 ) == locked IIRC, you also need to use eval to compare strings, so your final condition should be something like if GetStageDone MQ90 90 if eval (GetMenuStringValue "dashach1\filename" 1002) == locked *do stuff* endif endif
  7. OnActivate block on a book will only run if book is read from the world. For it to work from inventory you need to use OnEquip. If you need a working example, just look at any script from official Spell Tomes DLC.
  8. For actors, you can use FileExists to check if specific .kf file is present. For objects, where animation is embedded in nif file itself it gets kinda tricky. I don't thinks there is a function to directly check file contents (maybe NifSE plugin has something, but it's not easy to use). What I would do is just call PlayGroup on object and then check with IsAnimPlaying a frame later if it's actually playing any animation.
  9. GetCrosshairRef only returns the target within activation distance. You can dynamically change the related game setting to make it return far away target, but for what you want to do it would be much easier to use OnMagicEffectHit event handler instead.
  10. TES4Edit has a "Clean masters" function, which will remove all unneeded master files from a plugin. It won't remove the master if your mod edits or references a record from it. TES4Gecko, I think, can forcefully remove any master, but doing so can create errors in esp file, if that master was referenced.
  11. AV Uncapper: https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/34841
  12. There is actually an easy way to script this: scn StaffSpeedScript array_var iter ref weapon Begin GameMode if GetGameRestarted foreach iter <- GetLoadedTypeArray 33 ;Weapons let weapon := iter->value if GetWeaponType weapon == 4 ;Staff SetWeaponSpeed 1.0 weapon endif loop endif End Script requires xOBSE 22.6+ for GetLoadedTypeArray command which returns all records of a given type, be it from base game or any loaded mod. Obviously, you'll need to pick your own value for SetWeaponSpeed command
  13. This wiki page describes how to set up doors with random destination.
  14. Transparent clothing parts are usually the result of missing/corrupted normal map. In your case you need to re-save your textures with mipmaps to get the clothes to appear. Some other issues I noticed as well, maybe you already know about some of them: 1. You rigged the clothes to some auxiliary nodes in the skeleton, like Quiver and SideWeapon 2. When exporting clothes/armor from Blender, use "Flatten Skin" option 3. UV layout doesn't seem to match up with the texture at all
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