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Everything posted by DaveLessnau

  1. In response to post #11754802. #11755778 is also a reply to the same post. Just double-checked for one of my mods for Fallout 3. Went to "Required Files" and all I've got are the two categories: "Files or mods available on this site" and "Files or mods not on this site." Nothing under the former for the FO3 DLCs. Assuming I'm not messing up, then since you're seeing a section for DLCs for your game, them maybe they'll be adding it to the older games later. That would be good. Thanks for the reply.
  2. As a mod author, how do I specify a requirement for all the DLCs of a game? I've got two mods that need all their game's DLCs, but I don't see how to add the requirement. Since you don't host the DLCs on nexusmods, I assume it would go under the External Link area. But, what do I give as a link? A Steam page? The game developer page?
  3. Looking at danthegeek's Underground Hideout, I found another variation that's even simpler. I think the big difference is because it's a check for FOSE only in the scripts that actually need it instead of at the game/mod level. It's very similar to what we were talking about here except there's no need for the global or a quest stage. Instead the quest script gets the two lines that we were talking about putting in the quest stage result script with one addition (the declaration): short hasFOSE set hasFOSE to 0 set hasFOSE to GetFOSEVersion and, in the script where the call needs to be made, the one line check of that quest variable is made if SomeQuest.hasFOSE No state is saved (well, hasFOSE is, but it's reset to 0 at the start of each run), so each run will give current results.
  4. Some thoughts/questions: First, the majority of the work is in what you called an "Example quest script." You later call "setstage SomeQuest 0". In this example, is the "Example quest script" actually called "SomeQuest"? Is the script where most of the work done attached to the Quest Data Tab here? And is the Stage 0 you're referencing also in this same quest? Second, I had wondered why you used "setstage SomeQuest 0" instead of something like "StartQuest SomeQuest". But, if my assumption that most of this work is being done in a script attached to SomeQuest at the Quest Data Tab is correct, that would answer that. Also, I see in the GECK that That answers my earlier question about timing issues. So, that's great. And, finally, I had been wondering about somehow stopping the quest stage if its script failed from the lack of FOSE. I don't see any way to do that. But, from that GECK quote above, it looks like it's not an issue since "any number of recursive SetStages are allowed." Plus, with your global constant variable, that stage should only be activated once per loaded game. EDIT: I also assume that your variable "hasFOSE" is declared in the main quest script before the if statement.
  5. Just to clariy, pkleiss' method doesn't set a token or variable, and unless the two scripts get marked Complete, the check will re-run every time a game is reloaded. That said, I like your method. It looks like it would avoid the length of time it takes to do a check inherent in the other method. So, it could be used to check only whenever a script using FOSE functions was starting to run. Have you noticed any timing issues (i.e., the "IF hasFOSE" executing before the SomeQuest stage can get up and running and set the variable to it's current value)? EDIT: I double-checked the bit about pkleiss' version not catching a FOSE change on re-loading a save. I was wrong. As you said, it doesn't. I'm going to have to take a look at the quests and see if they can be restarted (I had thought that not marking them Complete would do it). Thanks.
  6. I'd like to thank you again for this. I thought it through last night and like it. Do you have any problem with my incorporating your method into my mods?
  7. By "bork the script," you mean the script just stops working? I assumed that GetFOSEVersion would return NULL if FOSE weren't running and the conditional would evaluate to FALSE. Failing a NULL value, that's why I tried testing for a specific value of 1. If the script just stops when FOSE's not running..... Well, ouch. It's really odd that the FOSE team didn't mention that in their readme. All they say there is: "When your mod loads, use the command GetFOSEVersion to make sure a compatible version of FOSE is installed. In general, make sure you are testing for any version later than the minimum version you support, as each update to FOSE will have a higher version number. Something like: if GetFOSEVersion < 5 MessageBox "This mod requires a newer version of FOSE." endif" I guess they just assumed SOME version of FOSE was installed instead of NO version. Without any version of FOSE running, that test would never display anything to the user. Sigh. I'm going to have to work through your scripts and explanations. Once I think I understand what's happening, I'll try implementing that in the DALCOFOSECheck mod I just set up (since it's easy) and see if I get it right. Thanks.
  8. I've got two FO3 mods that use FOSE. I put a check for it at the start of my scripts in both mods. For instance: if GetFOSEVersion ; checks to see if FOSE is present (required) [do stuff] else ;If FOSE isn't running, display a warning and set things up to quit ShowMessage DALCOJOMFoseWarningMessage endif ;done with FOSE existence check My other mod's script is similar. If FOSE is present, the scripts run fine. But, I've just noticed that if FOSE is not present, the ELSE side of the scripts don't run. IOW, I get no warning messages. The scripts don't run (at least I assume so since nothing bad (or good) happens). But those messages (which exist) don't show up. For the life of me, I can't see why. The scripts validate just fine at Cipscis' script validator. With FOSE on, typing GetFOSEVersion in the console gives me a 1 (as expected). With it turned off, that same console command gives me a message about "GetFOSEVersion not found" (again, as expected). In the scripts, I even tried specifying a value in the conditional. IOW: if GetFOSEVersion >= 1 just in case it didn't like whatever is returned when that command is run from a script. Same result. Any ideas? And I've attached a screenshot of what the particular message in the above code looks like in the GECK. EDIT: I've developed a simple mod that shows exactly what's happening: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/mods/19970/? All it does is detect if FOSE is present. If so, it displays a message giving version information. If not, it displays a message saying so. As with my other FOSE checks, it works fine with FOSE present but does nothing with it missing. I'd really appreciate it if you either install the thing and see for yourself. Or, just read my Programming Notes section of the mod's Description page. I'd really like to figure this out.
  9. Yep. The upload of the new file works fine now. Thanks for the quick response. Just to let you know, though, I still get that error message when editing the old file to an "Old Version" (again, it does work).
  10. I don't see anything in the "Current Issues" thread, so I'm reporting this here. As of this morning (19 Dec 2011, 0720 hrs Central Time), I can't upload a new version of one of my mods on the Fallout 3 Nexus site. I've tried both Firefox and IE. After submitting the file, I get a quick flash of some kind of error message and then a page saying: "Site error The site has run in to a problem, please look at the error message below... There was an error moving your file in to the proper directory on the server. Notify an admin. Reporting this error If you believe this error is due to a bug on the site then please use the contact form to let us know. When reporting this error please include this page URL with your report: www.fallout3nexus.com/members/do_addfile.php?fid=16943." The file really doesn't get added. Clicking on the "contact form" link gives me a "file does not exist" message in lieu of a form. Possibly related, before trying to submit the new file, I edited my old one to be an "Old Version." That action also gave me an error message (I didn't save it), but the action actually completed. EDIT: I went back and changed the old file from "Old Version" back to "Main File." I got the error message again. Here it is: "Warning: rename(/home2/fo3fs1/public_html/files/uploads/DALCOInventorySorter2_1-16943.7z,/home2/fo3fs1/public_html/files/uploads/DALCOInventorySorter2_1-16943.7z) [function.rename]: No such file or directory in /home/fallout3/public_html/members/do_editfilename.php on line 28 Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/fallout3/public_html/members/do_editfilename.php:28) in /home/fallout3/public_html/members/do_editfilename.php on line 65" The error message for submitting a new file is too fast for me to grab. Sorry.
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