Really I'm not seeing the problem here. If you can afford the sixty bucks for the game and twenty each for the DLC's when they are new then you should be able to shell out a few bucks a month to be a premium member. Paypal is real easy to set up and comes in very handy. If you aren't willing to pay for a membership as your contribution then the least you can do is suffer through a few measly advertisements. Everyone is clammoring about the recent malware scare but non seem to realize that if they had been doing their part to support the site all along it would never have come to having questionable advertisers buying spots on the site. The internet is NOT free much to the surprise of millions. It has been supported since the very beginning by companies looking to sell someone something and make a profit. You should feel good about supporting this site and ALL the modders, they do a fantastic job and without them Skyrim would just be a vanilla and over once you killed the dragon. Hell if a mod works at all I will endorse the creator even if I don't like the result. they worked hard to accomplish something that I cannot and I am grateful for this. So everybody quit yer bitchin' and pony up a buck or two, either that or let the ads flash for a few seconds. Then we can all get back to playing Skyrim the way we want to play it.