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Posts posted by Arimikami


    Unless a mod has a MCM menu that allows you to turn them off and on in game, I don't think there's any way to do it. Why would you have to start a new game just because one of your mods is being uninstalled?


    Some mods use a lot of scripts that have a habit of imprinting themselves into your save game, thus not going away once uninstalled. This is why some mods come with the option to uninstall them through MCM first or sometimes through console commands.


    For instance i used to use AttT but uninstalled it because it was making me crash with dual sheath redux (which was worth more imo so i kept that one instead) and now i find it is often the culprit of my CtD's with it's left over scripts that try to run and just break everything. Alas i dont want to lose my 140 hours of playtime until i finish everything so i'm just making do.


    All that said, it's only script heavy mods that leave stuff behind as far as im aware. If you just uninstalled armours or something then it's fine.



    Wouldn't just adding a line to your SKSE ini telling it to get rid of scripts that aren't referenced take care of a problem like that?

  2. If you're interested in seeing your stories in playable form, I would suggest you start with learning how to do the scripting for adding quests and learning how to make custom NPCs as those are probably the two things you'll be working with the most if you're adding playable content.

  3. I think I only have like 3 of the mods on your list so, I can't really comment about that and I don't have BOSS either but, if you're wanting to clean up mods a little, one option is adding the following to your SKSE ini





    Basically, it gets rid of scripts that aren't referenced by anything in your game as you're playing. It won't do anything until you start playing but, it opened up a noticeable amount of space on my harddrive when I started using it.

  4. I have no idea how to go about doing it since I'm still really new to all this stuff but, I have an idea for a ball and chain mod that I'm pretty sure would work provided someone had the knowledge to implement it.


    We know from some of the traps in Skyrim that there are ropes in the game that are flexible and will swing around and that it's possible to tether something to them with the intent that the weight of that object hitting you does damage. If you took one of those ropes, shortened it, and then attached one end to a handle and the other to a weighted object, a player could swing it and do damage if they connect with something or someone. I think for it to really work, the weapon would have to work like a bow where holding down the mouse button draws it and you don't actually attack until the mouse button is released. The really tricky part is that it would require an all new animation with the character's hand off to the side a little and moving the handle so the ball starts spinning. The reason I think it'd be tough to do is because you'd have to have it so the rope and ball aren't part of the animation and simply allow the moving of the weapon's handle set it to start spinning with the character swinging it in a sideways arc in front of them when you let off the mouse. This does mean that a player could end up doing damage to themselves with it as well but, that's why ball and chains weren't widely used back when people were running around with swords and axes.

  5. Unless a mod has a MCM menu that allows you to turn them off and on in game, I don't think there's any way to do it. Why would you have to start a new game just because one of your mods is being uninstalled?

  6. Those presets don't work with ECE. They work with Chargen.


    You'll want to get the core mod and at least one of the 2 plugins for it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/36925//?


    Edit: Looks like I misspoke too soon. Weird. Not sure what the problem is then if it works with both ECE and Chargen but, I wouldn't think it would since ECE and Chargen aren't compatible with each other.

  7. Alright. I've done things on blender before but, pretty much just things like jpegs and have never tried importing or exporting something to or from a game with it. All I really want to do with it is adjust some armors to fit my characters. Thanks for the replies! :D

  8. Is anyone using this with nifskope? There's a nifscript download for blender 2.52/2.6+ on nifskope's site but it says it's still in development and I'm wondering if anyone has come across any serious bugs before trying to use it.

  9. I'm actually a bit more interested in knowing this as well now. Been cobbling together custom races that are basically just teenage versions of the vanilla races since it's been bugging me that there's only little kids and adults with nothing in between and it'd be nice to have them actually referred to by their race like the vanilla ones are.

  10. As far as the skill tree, you would gain experience for using the shouts appropriately. Doing damage to enemies with fire, clearing the skies with Clear Skies, etc. Perks would be increases to damage output, reduction in cool down times and energy drain, and maybe range.


    This part. Players don't have the ability to add new skills or perk trees. Not sure about the rest but, I don't think that can be done either.

  11. Arimikami i dont think TESO will have a cash shop while being a P2P that and 15$ is quite a small fee(but still 12$ would be better :tongue: ).. Altought I will check it out first once it's released then decide if I will play it or not :smile:

    They might not but, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they did. Every single MMO I've played in the last couple years had one. Micro transactions are too profitable for the investors to let a MMO get away with not including one. Like you said though, won't know until the game comes out or if they put out an official statement.


    I agree with you about $15 not being much too. I'm just aware of how many games are out there, including A list MMOs, that you don't have to spend a dime on. People can go ahead and tell others to not play and that they're not wanted or whatever if they're too cheap or simply unwilling to pay but, the thing is, the developers and publishers do want those other players. They want them logged in and spending money so they can justify to the people that call the shots that it's a worthwhile investment for them to keep paying for that game to run. Look at the market. MMOs come out and close down pretty frequently and they're stupidly expensive to make. Look at Square Enix. People from that company were saying that they were going to go under if the remake of their MMO was as poorly received as the initial release.


    Some people on this thread probably think I want the game to be bad or some crap like that because of the things I've been saying. I don't. I have no reason at all to want it to do badly. I want it to be worth spending money and time on. It's just that after playing dozens of different MMOs for around ten years, I don't see much in TESO that makes it any different from other games.

  12. P2P games do come with game time when you first buy them. 30 days of game time with the purchase is pretty standard and then you pay $15 for each month after those 30 days which is the model I think TESO is planning to go with. It'll most likely have a cash shop as well in addition to players paying a subscription as that's become pretty much the standard in MMOs now regardless of if it's P2P or F2P.


    The game can be neither ftp or ptp. It can be just btp, like any game in this planet except mmos. I want to play the game and have it as mine until I die, I'm totally againist all form of subscription in a game.

    Also, unless the game is extremely good, and on par with the best mmos out there (I doubt it), monthly fee will not work, and they will either reduce the price or remove it.

    By the way, I never liked mmos.

    If you never liked MMOs, why do you want to play it?

    For me, who have played MMOs way too much, I can only say 1 thing: It needs a monthly payment. It's the only way to grass out the worse of the people.

    You shouldn't compare non-MMOs to MMOs. It's so wastly different. 2 different branches of games.


    MMO focuses on the feel of accomplishment and playing with other players. Teamwork and the feeling of being "needed" via a "role". It also adds to the feeling of being "good" and showing it off.

    A single player game is about the game itself. Nobody cares if you do a 100% run or speed run it. Nobody cares if you got 500 houres into it. Nobody cares if you are the best.


    Also, if a MMO gets hacked -- s*** happens. Account lost. Gameplay ruined.

    If a single player games get hacked -- wait, they are always broken open, cracked and made public.


    If a 14 year old, rager, plays a single player game, it's his problem. His parent can deal with him. I don't have to take his s***.

    If the same guys is on a MMO, I'm going to see ninja-pulls, spam, stealing, raging and generally making my life a hell.


    The community in a single player games doesn't mean anything. Nobody cares.

    In a MMO, it's the most important factor. I want friendly, mature and fun people. Not ragers, cryers, whiners and people who yells "YOLO!" on teamspeak, ventrilo or Skype.


    It's that simple. A MMO needs maintenance, for starters. This costs a lot annually. In returns, it requires some sort of income each year. A monthly fee which costs the same as a couple of beers will keep that going.

    A MMO needs a good community. Every MMO starts with a good community. AoC had a fantastic community the first month. Warhammer had a good one all the way towards F2P. SWTOR was lovely the first week ( lol ).

    Going F2p killed this. Not just did all updates go away, the people became full on retards. People lost respect for each other. Frankly, I believe it's because it requires no investment.

    Forcing a monthly payment forces investment. A MMO is all about investing time into it. You don't play an MMO if you got better things to do.


    It's that simple. The monthly pay is nothing if you got any kind of job that is worth working at, and it is required for multiple reasons. Not to piss you off, but for actually, legit, reasons.

    That's how WoW still goes on as insane as it does: People are invested into their characters, Blizzard get money to update. Nothing else.


    I'm sorry for coming out harsh. But this is silly. People not used to MMOs are talking like they understand it all, and the cheapest people are voicing their opinions. If you don't got money, or time, to play a MMO -- don't. Watch youtube videos off it.


    But, alas, I'll let you guys keep going. But, please, do some research first. Nobody forces monthly pay "because f*** you!". There is a reason, and it is not because "WoW does it" or some other argument one might think of.






    I find this interesting considering my own experiences in MMOs, including some of the games you mentioned.


    It's been my experience that requiring a monthly subscription does absolutely nothing at all to keep out annoying players. In fact, a lot of the worst ones I've come across were grownups that were paying subscriptions because they felt that paying entitles them to do anything they want to entertain themselves regardless of how it impacts other players. Likewise, I've found age has little to do with it. The best tank I ever ran across could give you a guided tour of any area of a game you wanted to see and was still in elementary school. I've also noticed that some of the worst trolls and ragers on MMOs were grown adults who don't mind acting out due to the anonymity of online games. Over the last decade I've come to the conclusion that maturity has very little to do with age. Can't really comment about things like vent though. Never used them as I prefer to have the radio turned up pretty loud when playing.


    I agree completely that MMOs do need to be continually funded to further game development and pay for server maintenance as well as bandwidth but, what I've witnessed on a lot of games is that they don't slow down their development much, if at all, when going F2P and a few actually increased the rate at which they were putting out content because they needed to keep producing to keep making money on players that had been around and had bought everything they'd already put out for sale.


    AoC had trolls and griefers long before it went F2P, or did you never go into the areas low level players go to right after the starting zones and see the higher level players right outside of city limits waiting for them to come out past the guards so they could be farmed? That game wasn't ruined by F2P. It went to F2P because it couldn't be sustained on subscriptions.


    SW:TOR's issues had very little to do with going F2P and were mostly caused by serious flaws in the gameplay itself. As has been said elsewhere, it's the nicest single player game you'll ever pay a subscription for. There's also the exorbitant cost of development for it as well. For me, the reason for leaving it was simply because it offered next to nothing new. It's WoW in space with lightsabers and less character classes and less customizability.


    I would also strongly disagree with your interpretation of investment in this case as well as it doesn't mean monetary in a MMO but, personal attachment to a game. People are invested in WoW because they've played it for years and it's where all their friends are, not because they pay $15 a month to play it. I think it's also worth pointing out that WoW didn't become the titan of MMOs it is today because of a required payment. It became as large as it is by catering to the casual crowd through making gameplay extremely simple so that the very old and very young could play as well without having to worry very much about the learning curve, basing itself off already well established IPs, and scaling back the game's demands on computer systems so it was more widely accessible to players.


    The assertion that people shouldn't play MMOs at all if they don't have the time to play them constantly is a bit absurd. The monthly price of a MMOs is no more than seeing a movie and people go see those all the time even though they only last about an hour or two. I make the comparison to paying to play a MMO to going and seeing a movie in the theaters actually. If someone is really looking forward to a movie they'll pay to see it on the big screen. If it's only slightly interesting to them, or they have higher priorities, they'll often wait for it to come out on DVD or, if they're really indifferent, they wait for it to be put on television.


    Playing a MMO is no different and it's how I see TESO after looking into it and seeing some of the actual gameplay. It looks interesting but, I don't think there's enough there to really grab and hold a large enough player base for it to be sustainable while having a paid subscription.


    I also think I've done more than my fair share of research on MMOs in general and TESO in particular. I could list all the games I've paid to play but, see it as little more than a pissing contest and have no interest in getting in one of those over the internet about a game that hasn't even been released to the general public yet.

  14. For the daedric armor and weapons, check your CK and make sure the recipes for crafting those items are linked to the actual items. I had a similar issue with a custom piece of armor where the modder had included the piece of armor and the recipe but, the recipe didn't actually make anything so, it didn't show up at the forge. If it specifically needs to be made at the skyforge, there's also the possibility that it requires the ability to make skyforge steel and if you haven't unlocked that then you're not going to get those recipes since there's a big difference between making skyforge steel and using the skyforge.


    I would also suggest uninstalling them and then getting the nexus mod manager and installing them with that if you're new to modding. A lot of mods on here work with it and some even have scripts added to them so you can select which aspects of those mods you want included in your game, making it pretty pain free.

  15. I'm just guessing here but, I don't think there's any mods that do this for one simple reason. Voice acting. Those races aren't included in the vanilla game so there's no voice acting that references them.


    Since there's no audio that references them, you'd have to turn on dialogue text to even notice if something like this was made. The only other option would be if a modder made an audio mod so that the names of those races is spoken in game and that would result in the voices of NPCs suddenly shifting back and forth between multiple voices whenever they referenced the name of your character's race, unless someone wanted to go and redo all the voices of the NPCs that reference races with all new voice acting and then they'd have to include a lot of races that might not even be in your game just to be sure that the race your playing does show up. That or every person making a custom race would have to include new voice acting with their mod and that would result in people having to uninstal one race mod every time they wanted to use a different one so audio files don't get overwritten or cause one person to have multiple voices.


    Something like what Fuzzy is asking for could be possible where a custom race would be considered a subset of a vanilla race and was referred to as that with races like the lunari possibly being called nords or something along those lines and I'm sure someone that's good at audio splicing could get a falmer character referred to as their race. Not sure how you'd do it though.

  16. I don't think MMOs are bad. There is no need to level up as fast as you can in most of them, unless you're playing on a PvP server. Then you're just asking to get farmed. In fact, a lot of them provide multiple paths to level cap so you have more replayability. I played them almost exclusively for roughly a decade. I just don't think that TESO is going to go over so well in the current MMO market with their model.


    One of the last ones I played was The Secret World. It has good graphics, a unique leveling system that allows you to build any kind of character you want to play, very good voice acting that includes A list talent, and some of the best storylines I ever encountered in a game, MMO or single player. Despite all this, it remains a niche game even though you only have to pay once and can play it as much as you want.


    Star Wars: The Old Republic sold over 1 million copies and had clocked over 60 millions hours of game time played by its players in just the first two weeks. It went free to play before the year was up despite having one of the best known and most popular IPs around.


    I haven't really seen anything from TESO that stands out as an original concept to set it apart from other MMOs and while I could be wrong, I think it's mostly themepark in play at a time when many MMOs are trying to make the shift to sandbox after realizing that sandbox MMOs, like EVE, have much more staying power and retention of players. It kinda makes me think they're counting on churn which simply does not work and actually shortens the lifespan of MMOs that aren't F2P. Even on F2P MMOs, churn is not preferable to retention unless you're trying to do a pump and dump were you sucker people in to pay the box price and get a bunch of game time right away, only to let the game stagnate and do nothing to develop it since you're planning to shut off the servers a few years down the road.


    At least they're not offering a lifetime subscription for it. Everything I've seen in MMOs says that offering one of those is a serious mistake on the part of publishers. It makes them a lot of money right off the bat but, leaves them scrambling for revenue a few months down the road and pisses off a lot of their customers because they no longer have the money to keep funding further development.

  17. As someone that's played MMOs extensively, ESO is going to have a LOT of hurdles to overcome. Almost all MMOs are F2P now. The only ones I can think of that require a subscription anymore are WoW (if you want to play past level 20), EVE, Final Fantasy, and I think Everquest Next is going to be sub based as well.


    WoW gets away with it simply because it's been the game to play for years now. People have invested years into it, don't want to leave because it's where all their friends are so, the keep paying.


    EVE has a unique and very cutthroat environment that is very popular among businessmen, lawyers, and other professionals who think $15 a month is a pittance. It also allows players to buy game time and then sell that game time in game to other players so that some people can play for free by farming in game currency and trading that to other players for more game time.


    Final Fantasy didn't have a choice. It was pretty much acknowledged that if they didn't make a lot of money on that game that the company was going out of business.


    EQN, in my opinion, is going to reshape the way MMOs are made due to the simple fact that no two playthroughs will ever be the same and the game will be different on every server due to the way the game actually evolves based on the actions of the players and out of those four is the only one I'd consider paying to play.


    ESO has some nice graphics from what I've seen and it has a popular IP but, I've watched a lot of very pretty MMOs come and go and if TOR couldn't stand on just its IP, no game can. It sold over 1 million copies in roughly two weeks and went F2P in less than a year. ESO will make for a good niche game but, unless they do something to make it truly unique, it's going to stay a niche game and will likely go F2P as well.

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