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Posts posted by Arimikami

  1. Just FYI, NMM doesn't always 100% remove a mod. Some mods, write additional folders and scripts into your game in addition to what you installed once you start playing. There's been a few times where I've found holdovers from deleted mods in my files. I don't think any of them ever caused CTDs when I tried starting up the game though.

  2. Isn't Transmute an Alteration school spell? I'm not saying the suggestions made are bad ideas but, if you just want a way to level up your alteration, get your hands on that spell and a load of iron ore and find a smelter and forge with an enchanting table not too far away. You'll level up alteration, smithing, and enchanting all at once while making a nice amount of money for yourself in the process.

  3. Quick background so people know what I'm asking:


    I have a NPC overhaul mod that I keep having issues with like it causing head discoloration and turning dirt into vertical lines running along the NPC's face so I have to keep going into the CK to reedit NPCs.


    Because I keep having to edit things in the CK to fix them I figured I'd just make my own NPC overhaul mod but, I have a slight problem.


    There are resources I want to use from Apachii 1.5, Apachii 1.2, and Oblivion hair but, all three of those mods are masters and I can't load all of them into the CK at the same time.


    My question:


    Is it possible to merge resources from all three of those mods into a new master to use on my NPC overhaul and if so, how would I go about doing that?

  4. I don't know if this will work or not for you but, it fixed the discoloration problems I had when my character became a vampire. I opened the console in game and then typed player.setrace <character race here but, without brackets>. When I did that, I had to convert my character back to a vampire using the same command but, since you're not playing a vampire you'd just skip doing the second player.setrace. When I used that it fixed all the graphic issues I had with the first command so, it should work for you as well.

  5. Lighting plays a large part in detecting stealthed players, outdoors and indoors. You just never notice it when outdoors because of how bright things are at night. I have RLO and RLW on my game and it makes it so dark at night that if there isn't a source of light I'll often just wait until morning before venturing from cities and the other day when I was playing a NPC literally had to bump into me before noticing I was crouched right next to them. The reason that particular mod does impact stealth unlike enbs is that instead of just making your screen darker, like Sabrio was saying, the makers of that particular mod go through the game with the creation kit and actually adjust all the light sources in the game.

  6. Hello. I'm hoping someone that knows how to do it would be nice enough to convert the armor in this mod http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/39573//? to the CBBE v3.2 body. I already checked and the person that posted the mod said "Feel free to modify, mangle or mutilate (especially to fit other body types) - a credit would be nice but not absolutely necessary." at the bottom of the page.


    Barring that, does anyone know of any good tutorial videos for someone that's never done it that show how to convert armor from one body to another? Thanks in advance.

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