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Enderal: Two years later, new DLC, and more


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In response to post #65098861.

axonis wrote: Finally, and this goes hand in hand with the previous point, always maintain an atmosphere of creativity and excitement. These are the fuel of any modding project, and as soon as a team member feels like they can’t “realize their dreams” in your project, the chances are that he or she will drop out soon.

This is an important point, when creative and talented members are not respected in one's project and when they do not receive their deserved credit, they should leave quickly.

A team member working for free should never see an obligation to serve one's project, nor care if their absence brings it to shambles. Instead, the team member should only consider 3 factors:

1) Fun
2) Credit
3) Contribution to the gaming community, but not necessarily via the project Sometimes it's better to simply ditch a team project and serve the community by going solo.

Finally, a team member should always keep in mind that they retain the copyright of their contributed work, unless they've done something incredibly stupid as to sign a legal document waiving their rights for free.

Meh this mod never worked for me....looks amazing but yeah thats it...
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How do I... play this? Yes, I know its not out on steam yet, but when it gets here, I'm wondering how I can aquire it? I only own SE, since I got into Skyrim after LE was removed from the store, and I heard that Enderal can only be played if you own og skyrim with both dlcs, which is impossible now since you cant legally buy the dlcs anymore. So, what do I do? This mod looks amazing and I'd love to try it out.
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I've played Enderal through to the end, and it is fantastic. It feels grander than Skyrim because they spent time on a core cast of characters. Each has their own personal stakes in the overarching story, which makes it actually mean something to the player.
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In response to post #65156366.

ThePhantomStranger134 wrote: How do I... play this? Yes, I know its not out on steam yet, but when it gets here, I'm wondering how I can aquire it? I only own SE, since I got into Skyrim after LE was removed from the store, and I heard that Enderal can only be played if you own og skyrim with both dlcs, which is impossible now since you cant legally buy the dlcs anymore. So, what do I do? This mod looks amazing and I'd love to try it out.

Skyrim LE was not removed from Steam, just hidden. You can buy it from this page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/72850/The_Elder_Scrolls_V_Skyrim/
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I might just play through it fully when Forgotten Stories is released. I tried to play through it before, but somehow just felt out of it.

In my initial try off the game I tried to play a mage, but the magic fever mechanic absolutely drove me nuts.

So when I try again, I will try a warrior I guess.


I did very much appreciate the story aspect though, it gave me Mass Effect vibes from time to time.

What I also enjoyed was that the writing was much more complex then Skyrim's. No more generic "kill big bad dragon" stuff.

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In response to post #65271836. #65954676 is also a reply to the same post.

0MAU0 wrote: I really wish SureAi joined the beyond skyrim team. they could get so much work done with them and we could finally see beyond skyrim cyrodiil before TES 6 comes out.
Avalonica wrote: After Fallout 76 there is not much hope for TES 6.

Fo76 was a online game, around that exist the problems with the game.(sorry for bad english if it's )
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