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About KingOfNutella

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  1. After countless delays, gaming PC finally arriving today or tomorrow! :)
  2. Could you please link me to those two mods you mentioned?(killing essentials, coffins in respective city halls)
  3. If you play fallout3, there is an author that has figured out mod wise how to remove this restriction from the game. But I warn you, once you commit to it's methods, there is no going back in that saved game. it's a simple gun / weapon mod. turns all NPC's you shoot wit hit into ghouls, even the kids, any unsinkable NPC's , once that takes place you can destroy them unutterably. Zombie something I am not too sure of it's full name. Zombie is a good search term. I can suggest a study of how he / she does it and adapted something for your game. I use it but I use it only when I need to. If I remove it, then all previous dead come back to the game. you can get locked out of quests if you toggle mods off and back on again so you have been warned. Kitty. Ok. Thanks for the help and the warning. I'll look into it.
  4. Its always bugged me that their are some NPCs that I cant kill(they just crouch then stand back up). I know if they are unkillable that they are part of some quest, but I want to kill them anyway. Is their a console command or mod that allows me to do that? Ive looked but I cant find any mods like that. There must be some console command to do this?
  5. If you can find their bodies, you can use the console command "resurrect", but you've probably already tried that.
  6. Gaming PC coming Tuesday(2/05/13)
    1. Risibisi


      Oh, Nutella.. Thanks! Now I'm hungry! :D
    2. KingOfNutella


      Go eat something with Nutella then :)
  7. Why dont you like the workshop?(I havent gotten my gaming PC yet, currently being shipped, so I dont have experience with either)
  8. Wasnt paying attention, sorry. And that setup looks good, still maxing Skyrim out. Never heard of Magic Micro, but I hope they work out for you.
  9. That computer will run Skyrim and other games very nicely. You will be able to max out Skyrim completely with a good fps. This computer will last you for a while. And if im not mistaken, thats from CyberPowerPC? I recently bought a computer from them, they gave me great service. Expect around a month to get the computer though.
  10. I have a similar question. Will mods automatically update on Steam when you are subscribed and the mod maker releases an update?
  11. Your GPU is absolutely one of the best available for purchase right now. What do you have for RAM and a CPU? Also, Radeon HD 7000 cards are having some graphics drivers issues with Skyrim right now. Make sure to update your graphics drivers to this beta. Reportedly, it works out the issues. http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/AMDCatalyst132BetaDriver.aspx Thank a lot, will do. CPU- AMD FX-8350 4.00 GHz Eight-Core AM3+ CPU 8MB L2 Cache RAM- 32GB (8GBx4) DDR3/1600MHz Dual Channel Memory Is that good? I know the RAM is, but I dont know about the CPU The RAM will be underutilized. It is really 32 GB of RAM? Anyway, that kind of RAM isn't needed for most things. It isn't needed for PC gaming. I have a computer with 8 GB of RAM. I got my computer last fall and was thinking of getting 16 GB of RAM, but people told me that it just isn't needed for PC gaming and general PC use. No games use 8 GB of RAM, I believe. Skyrim only utilizes 4 GB of RAM. About your CPU, it'll do great with Skyrim. It is more than you need to run it at max. Certain Intel CPUs are the best on the market, but your CPU has 4 GHz per core, so it'll run Skyrim like a champ. It seems like that AMD CPU is a really good AMD CPU. Skyrim will only utilize 4 cores, but some day not too long from now games will start to utilize even more cores, I'm sure. Your specs will have your computer going strong for 2 or so years, and you could stretch the usage of your computer for a good number of years. You could stretch those specs for PC gaming for, let's say, 4 years, and 4 years later PC gaming on it would probably be okay. What you wanna do if you really get into PC gaming is that you'll want to do a big upgrade about every 2 to 3 years, or upgrade certain parts here and there. Your PC is in the top of the line range, though. Your PC will run Skyrim great, for sure. All settings as high as can be and at 60 fps. You could run enbs, too, which enhance the graphical quality. What you'll wanna do is monitor the temps of your components while playing. Get HWMonitor and open the program and run it while you play PC games. Find out what are the safe temperatures for your GPU and CPU, as well, so that you know what numbers to look out for. http://download.cnet.com/HWMonitor/3000-2094_4-10793486.html?tag=mncol;1 Get Fraps. It'll show your frames per second. You don't have to use fraps every time you play, of course. You just run it while playing PC games to see what your fps is like, so you don't gotta use it every time you play. You can use it when you use graphical enhancement mods, too. http://www.fraps.com/ Yup, its really 32GB of RAM. Is Fraps also a recording software? I thought that was what Fraps is, im probably wrong then. My computer hasn't come, so I cant test anything yet. It should come soon though. It has this item with it - NZXT Sentry LX Aluminum High Performance Fan Control, Clock, & Temperature Display - (copied and pasted from my computers specs) would that serve the same purpose as HWMonitor? Cant wait to start gaming. Thanks for you're help! EDIT- went to fraps.com. I see the recording option now sorry haha
  12. Your GPU is absolutely one of the best available for purchase right now. What do you have for RAM and a CPU? Also, Radeon HD 7000 cards are having some graphics drivers issues with Skyrim right now. Make sure to update your graphics drivers to this beta. Reportedly, it works out the issues. http://support.amd.com/us/kbarticles/Pages/AMDCatalyst132BetaDriver.aspx Thank a lot, will do. CPU- AMD FX-8350 4.00 GHz Eight-Core AM3+ CPU 8MB L2 Cache RAM- 32GB (8GBx4) DDR3/1600MHz Dual Channel Memory Is that good? I know the RAM is, but I dont know about the CPU
  13. I wouldn't know any. Go back to a save before Serana transformed, that's the only way I would see possible. Maybe try googling the console command code for the original NPC of Serana, and then you could spawn that.
  14. I'm new to PC gaming and the nexus, is my graphics card good for skyrim? Will it be able to run max? I have an AMD Radeon HD 7970 3GB
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