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Nexus Mods Profile

About Galantdramon

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Apprentice (3/14)



  1. A mod checker sounds useful, thanks. Downgrading SE also sounds useful, given a lot of mods I remember from way back probably don't work anymore (because of AE). In case it's needed, where is this downgrade patch located, and would someone keep SE from auto-updating every time you booted up the game (or rebooted your computer or modem)?
  2. Okay, got the update extras, now for the fun part, what programs do I need to do the rest of this? I know I need a mod manager, and the script extender, but which manager from what location, how to install and setup said, and so on. I checked general discussion/etc, I don't see any stickies for "setting up from the start for people that haven't already done this a million times"...so what specific programs do I need, in what order, from what websites, preferably with walkthroughs, to get up and running, "oh, and in addition to these minimums, you -really- want BLAH and BLAH, they help a bunch" is also appreciated. Please assume I know nothing and need the -completely-ignorant- (but not stupid and thus willing to listen and follow simple directions) instructions. *bows*
  3. Okay, finally found it, version is 1.6.353, so I'm screwed out of the old version, so I guess I might as well get the anniversary stuff legit installed, if I'm technically on that one already? Once that's done, what do I actually need to do to get a modded Skyrim running (specific programs [not mods, but programs] needed and in what order), preferably with a simple list format or a "here's how to do it if you aren't a programmer or a teenager" walkthrough video, if such exists.
  4. Thank you for the response. Can't find that file name anywhere on the PC, but I can run it from the "rungameid" launcher icon. When I do so, the game says "AE upgrade available" so it's probably still the old version (as I never bought the AE, and was dl'ing my old library copy of SE). I still need to know what I need to set this up, preferably in "go here 'link', click that, install this (instructions here), then that" kinda information. I am -not- a programming savy, "figure it out from looking at the unfiltered code" savant (or even a regular teenager who grew up with this and thinks it's all super easy...heh). I need 'stupid and/or old people' simple instructions, preferably with pictures and small words, if such exist. :-(
  5. Okay, been too busy to play, so I let it slide a long time (couple years), got some time and a new computer, and looking to setup and go again. I'm an older SE user (haven't gotten the AE version) and I'm wanting to know, should I bother with it, for one, and for another, what all (remember, it's been a couple of years, what I had figured out I've probably forgotten) do I need to set this back up and running, particularly with mods? So far, all I've done is Steam DL the SE version from my library, I've done nothing else particular. Assume I know very little and need 'old person that doesn't internet like they were born to it' instructions. :-)
  6. Been searching for SE Restoration mods, found two with "Cure Disease - Self" spells, but I can't find one with "Cure Disease - Other" or "Cure Poison" (at all). Am I missing the trees for the forest in some multi-spell pack, or are they just non-existent and I need to go to the Mod Request thread and bug anyone reading that forum?
  7. Someone PM'ed me about "Dragon's Keep", which kinda does this, but in a massively over-the-top "Yer a Wizard, Harry" fashion. Might go with that if no one wants to do an orphanage upgrade/extension mod (but would still like a much less "wow, that's a lotsa motsa" level mod for this if anyone is interested.
  8. So many kids, so little space to save them...got a multiple adoption mod, and saved more, but then I found TKAA and darnit, back to "how to help them?" once again. Any chance someone could make a "okay, you whacked the b&@*$, and freed the kids, now you can (if you chose) fund the place, and make it what it should have been" (possibly needing to be a Thane there, possibly just whacking superbitch and having lots of money) so you can send kids in need of adoption someplace semi-safe? Would need to be compatible with random child mods (so anything flagged 'child' in theory, unless there's an 'orphan child' flag somewhere, possibly via batch file like TKAA does to make any kid a possible follower), and would need some interior work, clean it up a bit, add more beds, bunk beds, or both, plus possibly needing money every so often (notification via courier as a random or timed event), etc., with maybe the various options in a MCM setting. No way in heck I could even try to make something like this myself (way too little spare time to try and learn how to make mods, sadly), so here's hoping someone likes the idea and/or sees it as enough of a challenge to try.
  9. I believe Jaxonz Renamer has been ported, but I haven't tried it yet. I use Jaxonz Positioner, and I can rename certain items when I duplicate or take them, like furniture, but not necessarily all. I believe Renamer was written to bridge that gap. Sweet, thanks, I could swear I'd tried searching 'rename', but meh, might have misspelled it. That looks like exactly what I'm looking for. :D
  10. Does anyone know of a mod (or heck, a console command I missed) that lets you rename an item w/o enchanting it? If there's more to the mod, but the 'more' is optional (ie: can do other stuff to items, or has new stuff you can find/buy/make/etc but you don't -have- to use it) that's fine, I'm just looking for a way to name/sort stuff in my inventory a bit, and a few items are already magical, so I can't edit their names via enchanting.
  11. I love Dawnbreaker, it's a nice weapon, good effect, good damage, lots of flavor...but it doesn't always fit, especially with my "smaller weapon" characters. While a 'two-handed' version would be nice for completeness, what I'm interested in is a -smaller- version...a dagger, not a sword. Basic notion is something the size of an Iron Dagger (yes, Iron, I prefer that to most of the others for numerous reasons) and uses the Iron Dagger "sheathe" (that leather half-sheath on a belt loop). Damage would go down a bit ('cause smaller...although probably not so much, because smaller but still -Daedric-), with the Dawnbreaker look converted to the Iron Dagger layout (short, double edge with center point, simple guard over hand) with a smaller "sunball" effect at the pommel. ie: If an Iron Dagger was ==|===> (hilt just large enough to fully grip, flat butt/pommel that doesn't stick out, guard just past hand, blade a bit longer than the hilt), then roughly it would be +==|===> (same size, ish, with a small sunball pommel stone of some kind). The two-handed version would be more along the lines of a "slightly larger/longer Dawnbreaker" without many other changes, lengthen hilt/blade, stretch guard a bit, but mainly it's the dagger form (which all things considered would be the..heh..larger challenge) I'm interested in. Form change being either a Smithing thing (needing the Daedric perk) or more "immersively" at the alter in the temple where you get the blade in the first place, having an option once the temple is cleared (or from the beginning so it's there when you get it) to "change it's outer form to better fit your hand, that you may more effectively do My Will and bring My Light to the World!" kinda thing.
  12. Recently got SSE, and decided to look into the modding (used to play on PS3, so no mods, boo...but on PC it's going well, and the few I've tried have improved things a lot, just from some graphics/scripting fixes and a few inserts), but I can't find the 'creation kit'. The UESP on the Kit says "as of 2018, you must get into Library > Tools in Steam, then use the search feature for "Creation" in that section; the tool is no longer listed otherwise". Tried that, logged in, got to tools, tried to search 'creation' and got "no such thing" errors. Any form of variation on the name gets 'nothing found'. :sad: Any help finding a working source would be appreciated.
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