Michael Kirkbride is part of Bethesda, as this article explains. However, this mod is your own creative vision. You can obviously do whatever you wish with it :)
On a more related topic, I absolutely adore the idea of this mod. I wish you the best in its development, and will certainly be playing it upon release.
That's not even canon. :wink: Yes, it is. This sums it up well:
In response to post #35676157. Because FO3 and FNV run on literally the exact same engine. They have to build everything from the ground up with Skywind and their other projects.
Extensible Follower Framework gave me the exe. I did not run it, of course, but just to let you know, as a couple other people report, it's not totally fixed.
In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717, #7637508, #7637558, #7637708 are all replies on the same post.
@nchoclesnar lol, that sounds like an ad. you should write scripts for advertising agencies :p