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About kjackson344

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  1. This is normal. Thanks. Any chance you can tell me what I should be waiting for? Fast traveled around and waited a few days and nothing is changing.
  2. https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/wiki/faq#wiki_who_is_michael_kirkbride.3F Michael Kirkbride is part of Bethesda, as this article explains. However, this mod is your own creative vision. You can obviously do whatever you wish with it :)
  3. On a more related topic, I absolutely adore the idea of this mod. I wish you the best in its development, and will certainly be playing it upon release.
  4. That's not even canon. :wink: Yes, it is. This sums it up well: https://www.reddit.com/r/teslore/comments/1jxvd6/what_exactly_are_the_thalmors_goals_and_how_could/
  5. Erm, the Thalmor kind of want to eliminate all of mankind so that they can return to godhood. Seems pretty objectively evil to me.
  6. In response to post #35676157. Because FO3 and FNV run on literally the exact same engine. They have to build everything from the ground up with Skywind and their other projects.
  7. I really hope this is not dead... this looks awesome.
  8. Extensible Follower Framework gave me the exe. I did not run it, of course, but just to let you know, as a couple other people report, it's not totally fixed.
  9. In response to post #7636580. #7636673, #7636717, #7637508, #7637558, #7637708 are all replies on the same post. @nchoclesnar lol, that sounds like an ad. you should write scripts for advertising agencies :p
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