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Everything posted by Joshuahoeth

  1. So if I were to copy all the weapons that eject shells but increase their lifetimes, how would I also do this for the LWS SMG as it's a mod its self
  2. ah thanks, I was hoping I could just edit the values
  3. I realize increasing the shell lifetime could effect performance, but I still want to do it as a test, mind telling me how I'd go about that because I have tried just about everything
  4. How does one increase the Lifetime of a Particle effect, I tried making the Shells emitted from the Grenadier's Cannon stay forever as a test but no matter what I do they still disappear
  5. I am looking for a value that'd increase the lifespan of the debris that spawns when objects get blownup, is there a global value that'd apply to all forms of debris
  6. anyone going to help me, I can't view anything they showed off in the Pax preview ;(
  7. It gives this error when attempting to do so "The System cannot find the file specified" *EDIT SOLVED
  8. Oh I do hope that if it already doesn't exist, that someone will make an Alien Sniper like Species with Squadsight
  9. hmmm thank you for all your help, I am happy Xcom 2 is so much more mod friendly, so out of curiosity, would it be possible to make decals persist as well as make Mechtoid ragdoll before they hit the ground, I hate how they ragdoll after they fall on the ground as it makes them die in the same position every time
  10. I am using UE Explorer I am starting simple trying to change a simple number, however the "View" Menu does not do anything when I click no drop down boxes appear, I appreciate the help by the way I am sorry I am clueless when it comes to this *EDIT* Turns out the view menu wasn't working in that particular section for reasons I do not understand, I was attempting to modify the DecalLifeSpan settings
  11. Hmm see the issue is I don't understand how to find out what to change and on top of that I don't understand how to make it installable via PatcherGUI, I am a bit new to this to be honest, I have modded before but not like this
  12. Anyone willing to help me out with the Hex Editing I have no clue what I am doing, and I looked at the, Hex modding tutorial too I just don't understand what it is I am editing to be honest
  13. I edited the loadouts.ini file and figured I'd just break the Outsider by changing it's weapon, turns out, it works fine also gave it a grenade and a Plasma Pistol which yielded interesting results, the Outsider will actively use the grenades however, when it comes to the pistol, I was disappointed, since I couldn't figure out how to add perks to aliens I decided to give them the pistol so they could still attack after moving, at first I thought they just didn't have the pistols, however, when swapping its team I could switch weapons, animations worked and all, I could even fire it, but the Ai just stopped working after I gave it back the Outsider with the pistol in it's hand, rather disappointing honestly there was a lot of hope, could someone guide me through how to give them Snapshot or any other perk for that matter
  14. Arbitration is the mod you are looking for
  15. I would love to have the weapon damage perks nerfed but not out right, I find it over the top that not only do the perks increase damage they also pierce armor, I'd like to make the game a bit more logical by just a plain and simple change, apply the damage upgrade from the perks but remove the piercing
  16. A little issue with certain weapons that I have noticed (especially while using a mod to make them stay forever) is that some just do not eject shells while others only do when in first person, for instance the .50 and possibly variants of the hunting/sniper rifle, this is a bit jarring when an NPC fires one as there is no shell, and in other cases the weapon in question doesn't eject shells at a;;, such as the double barreled shotgun for instance, would these be easy fixes to the guns, is the emitter tied to the model or is it a value of some kind
  17. You are unbelievable, you called me retarded and stupid how is that not insulting *EDIT* Btw I myself am a modder I have done it before I know what it is but I have no experience with models so please just stop
  18. This is not near impossible it is a oversight in the vanilla game..... that exists on most weapons, as previously stated that mod doesn't touch the emitters ONLY the Children of the emitters
  19. You aren't trying to help, you are derailing people's threads and trying to act high and mighty when you yourself have no idea what you are doing, you literally told someone not to make requests on a mod request page in another thread *EDIT* On the Nexus it can, and by the way you used it in a derogatory fashion and continue to insult me and anyone can take screenshots of definitions
  20. You are not listening, a variable tweak does not effect the emitter attached to the model, except the child of the emitter (that being the shells) the weapons in question do not have emitters to begin with, this is not a mod issue, please stop posting you are a troll
  21. "set timescale to 1" in the console would do it, but I advise against doing it, it can cause unintended side effects 5 is the lowest safe point I personally play at timescale 10 meaning every 10 minutes in game is 1 minute in real life
  22. Lest120 you are downplaying everyone's requests without even thinking I ask you to step back and look at what you are doing
  23. It is not, shell life time is a variable setting and it has nothing to do with individual weapons please for the discussion sake don't instantly insist I don't know what I am talking about
  24. A little issue with certain weapons that I have noticed (especially while using a mod to make them stay forever) is that some just do not eject shells while others only do when in first person, for instance the .50 and possibly other variants of the hunting/sniper rifle, this is a bit jarring when an NPC fires one as there is no shell, and in other cases the weapon in question doesn't eject shells at all, such as the double barreled shotgun for instance, would these be easy fixes to the guns, is the emitter tied to the model or is it a value
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