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Everything posted by Joshuahoeth

  1. Yes I believe renaming is very easy but I am not entirely sure how not very good at modding
  2. I was looking on m own can't seem to find a universal value, shame, maybe it's there, I am not a great modder but I have a feeling the GECK is needed
  3. the rain already does this but radiation wouldn't be stopped by a roof so I am not sure what the point of this mod would be
  4. Fallout4.ini [General] bDisableALLGore=X are the exact lines
  5. I think a console command allows you to customize NPCs I could be wrong though
  6. There is an .INI tweak that claims it controls gore, haven't tested it
  7. Now I don't know if this is even possible without the Geck, but I have noticed an issue with this game, it gets really dull after level 30 or so because most of the time you are in areas that only spawn level 15s, and even in the deep south I kid you not I encounter level ones, now I appreciate the idea that some areas are higher level than you and I like that but perhaps could we make that in the south the enemies are always higher level than you and in other areas they always stay at your level, that way the south still feels dangerous without making the rest of the game a cake walk, now I understand that may be impossible with out the GECk but would in general making the enemies match your level or stay slightly higher at all times be
  8. Indeed, just curious, can those values be added to the ini, I'd like to edit them myself if possible
  9. As the title says, something like the mod made for New Vegas and Fallout 3, it made ejected shells persist until a certain number or distance was reached, I am curious if that can be done easily with out the GECK
  10. you do realize that its still painful right and they rather not lose them
  11. Dead bodies need to stay several days like they did before that stupid patch I know why they did it but I have several anti bloat mods. any one willing to do this. or this :/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1020721-tail-armor/ id be grateful for either
  12. so I am guessing your not doing it :/ because of the way you responded, thanks for being nice I have added commas tell me anything else I could do to get people to read it
  13. So I was thinking why are kajitt and argonians tails completely exposed, I was thinking that what ever the torso armor your wearing will cosmetically make it armored in what ever the torso is EX: say a argonian is wearing a steel plate armor torso, it would then put steel plate themed armor on the tail, this would not include all armor robes would be unaltered as well as all clothes, hide armor would be unaltered, anything that's not armor wouldn't have it but the actual armor would, please id be very grateful for this mod it also would apply to kajitts but they would both have different armor on there tails sort of like this mod does, http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/15927/?tab=1&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D15927%26preview%3D&pUp=1 it detects the race of the npc or player wearing the helm maybe make this mod detect argonian /kajjit depending on the armor Thank you for reading I hope you consider
  14. well thanks i just wnted to go to custom markers but this will do
  15. hi guys i have an idea with the dragon riding in dragonborn maybe you could just have it go where the map marker is so you dont have to script controls is this possible? plese respond thanks
  16. OKAY so let me tell you i have done insane testing on this and suposly bethesda said "skyrim cant handle controlable dragons cause they fly faster then load sections" that is a complete lie maybe the xbox cant handle it but pc can cause i found a glitch where if you fast travel with a dragon then quickly tell it to land it will but from where you fast traveled from so it flys in a staight line for minutes and doesnt lag at all so im sure it would be possible to control them pc can handle long flights fine so plese some one fix this cause i dont know how thanks in advance :D
  17. see i want a modder to put tail armor on you when you where the torso piece for looks only but still for example if you eqip daedric your tail would have some sort of daedric plating (for argonians and kajhit
  18. see i want a modder to put tail armor on you when you where the torso piece for looks only but still for example if you eqip daedric your tail would have some sort of daedric plating
  19. well i know that but i tought with some clever moding it would work
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