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I originally posted this in the skyrim mod forums, but no one even looked at it let alone replied to it. Figured I'd find a little more help posting it here. Can anyone help me with this particular problem? http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1345676-music-conditions/&do=findComment&comment=11348296
Its just a vertice thats out of place in one if the meshes in the game, at least thats what it looks like. Shouldn't hurt your save.
So I'm trying to make it so certain music is triggered when certain conditions are met. I want this music to play over any music that is currently playing. Specifically I have cut up a song into two pieces. A slower more dreadful doomy type of feeling and then a more upbeat dominating kind of feeling. I am trying to make the more upbeat music play when a dragon crashes, although it will probably be expanded to play on any table turn in an epic battle.. Shadow of the colossus is probably the best example I can think of. If you have never played it, the music changes depending on the status of the combat, Here is an example for anyone who hasn't played http://youtu.be/nSxOXnkEcyE?t=1m55s. Now I have been trying everything I could think of when it comes to the conditions that can be set for the music track using the CK, so that the upbeat song will take over when a dragon crashes...So far Nothing has worked. So I'm thinking it would have to be done with a script. Although I will admit functions/conditions and scripting are my weakness. So I may have simply overlooked something or am simply not understanding what I should be doing. For reference so far, I have setup the music type to run separate from the main combat music. It is its own music type. The reason for this is because If I ran it under the combat music type I do not think it would switch abruptly, like I want it to and would rather wait until the current track finished before checking the conditions for the next track and then playing the song which isn't what I want. For the music track I setup the conditions similiar to the basic combat music. Which is simply, GetCombatTargetHasKeyword "ActorTypeDragon" == 1 and Is ran on the Player. This is the basic combat setup for all music it basically just checks if the enemy combatant is a dragon or not and either plays boss music (dragon) or basic music (anything else). I used this same condition for my new music track. But I also added another condition, which has the job of checking if our dragon has been grounded/crashed. I will list all that I have tried. All have been run on Subject/Target/Combat Target. Non of which worked. I was under the assumption these were all to be run on subject, but when it didn't work I tried the others just in case. Because they are music requests I'm not sure how they are handled when being called on, as they aren't magic effects of dialogue ect.. GetHealthPercentage <= 0.5 (Check to see if the dragon was half health since this is typically when it becomes perm grounded/crashes, If so play music. I also ran this as >= 0.5 on the Original Combat music, This was to ensure that no music from the original combat music would be played again if the dragon was beyond half health, just to ensure it wasn't overriding my new music somehow. Just an extra precaution it may not be necessary.) GetIsFlying == 0 (If it has landed/crashed, play music.) GetCrashLandingRequest == 1 (Has a request for a crash land been ran on the dragon? If yes play music.) GetFlyingState == 0 (If were not flying, then we must be on the ground right? Play music.) I thought about trying these but never did, Because I don't know how the crash landing is handled/called or defined as and I was running out of patience...So I just looked them up on the wiki. IsInCriticalStage (This just looks like it is for handling death effects.) IsAllowedToFly (I have tried setting this to 1 using console on a grounded dragon and he didn't take off again, so I don't think this is being applied. It can also be used to crash a dragon though if they are in the right area.) IsBleedingOut (I dont think it is a bleed out state.) GetEventData (When selected there was nothing in the drop down boxes for function parameters.) GetKnockedState (I doubt its a knocked out state.) GetIsHastyLandRequest (I didnt see it until after I was annoyed, There no documentation though like crashlandrequest.) Now I'm not sure if I'm even doing this correctly, as I said I have a hard time with this stuff for whatever reason...So any help will be appreciated with getting this working. I will also be posting up some other questions I have whenever I get unlazy xP. Thanks for the read and the time, I seem to always pick the complex areas with little known info...lol...So hopefully someone can figure it out. I'm hoping to stay away from having to make any dummy quests or making a script but it may be inevitable at this point. Off to sleep. P.S. - I did find a script that is called MQ"idr"DragonCrashTRIG. I'm assuming it is a trigger for crashing a dragon as its name implies, But it looked like it was linked to a main quest and nothing else, Specifically scene (80) (65) and (70) so I'm not sure if any clues may lie in this script or not. -Wicked
Hi-Res Texture pack causing Frame Rate drop
ecksile replied to Darksider1013's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
How hot is your card getting? Did you check to make sure that nothing is overheating? Going do desktop reduces the load being applied to gfx card as well as your cpu since it no longer has to display everything from the game. -
Hi-Res Texture pack causing Frame Rate drop
ecksile replied to Darksider1013's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
How sure are you that it isn't Vram related? Seeing as how your card only has 1gb of memory, are you sure your not just using more vram then you have? I know it didn't happen in the past but as you add things thing change. Idk how much bigger the files are, but its something you may want to check. When it happens you can try to type PCB in console and see if it fixes it, since that will essentially purge all the cache for the cells you have loaded. Idk if they ever got that command working correctly in skyrim or not though, so it may not work. You haven't made any .ini tweaks to your game settings? Such as loading more world cells, adding more tress ect. Regardless it definitely sounds like your cache isn't being purged correctly, or there is save bloating. Have you tried testing from a new game or have you done all your testing from the same save? If you haven't try testing from a brand new game and see if it still happens. Side note I remember I had this really weird bug in crysis (think it was crysis either that or thats the game that I got the fix from) where my computer was more then able to handle the game yet I would get sub par fps and removing my HDD page file and using only my ram it went away since I didn't have to wait for the hard drive anymore. -
Hi-Res Texture pack causing Frame Rate drop
ecksile replied to Darksider1013's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Remove the texture packs and make sure it IS indeed the texture packs and not something related to the engine or your hardware such as the game not purging the memory correctly. If it is the game or hardware related it wont matter whether there is a texture pack installed or not because it will most likely be your hardware holding onto things it no longer should be causing your memory to become full and backed up and the game to slow down. It may take a little longer because the files aren't as big but it will still happen. The situation is just an example it could be countless things such as faulty Vram/Ram, Save bloating (not sure if that still exists), memory leaks, or just the crappy optimization of the game engine. I had a similar problem in Fallout 3, but I also had a bad Vram chip on my card (and I knew it), doesn't mean it is the same thing for you. -
This was the first thing I noticed about skyrim compared to oblivion...made me sad.
The crash is probably caused by a mod. Try running it clean.
That looks like a shadow problem. Did you edit your .ini? Back it up and then delete it and let the game make a new one. If it goes away then its most likely a shadow variable that is set to high/low in your ini. Forgive me I didnt realize you were having more then 1 problem. I just saw the mountain problem.
I made a post about this about 2 weeks ago it got no responses. =/
Sometimes certain vertices get hidden behind other vertices/faces. You have to find those specific vertices and weight them to the proper bone. I would grab the skeleton and move it in any direction just so that it isn't in its original location in space. The reason for this is the weighted vertices will follow the skeleton, but the unweighted ones will still stationary because they aren't influenced by the skeleton yet. Doing this will cause the faces to stretch and you will instantly see where the unaffected vertices are. Then weight just them manually, until they fall back in place with the mesh, then zero in the skeletons location and it will fall back to center. It's been a while so my instructions may be a little off but you should be able to get the general idea.
You would have to re rig the mesh to the skeleton is the only way. The mesh is weighted to the skeleton so that when the skeleton moves or is idle the mesh deforms. The way the mesh deforms is what you would have to redo. Which again is modifying the way each bone of the skeleton deforms a certain part of the mesh. I hope that wasn't to confusing. AFAIK you can only adjust the weights in something like blender or 3dsmax/maya (3d modeling software). Unless nifskope has become more advanced or there's something I don't know about that exists in it. Even if you were to use nifskope it would be a lot more challenging then using a program, I would think.
Looks like the LOD isnt being updated correctly and even though you are close the LOD is still being displayed for that particular area.
I notice the nexus sites are starting to expand rather exponentially. I was thinking a STALKER and UDK nexus would make good additions to the mayhem. There are lots of mods for stalker, but when Megaupload was taken down many were lost. As for UDK I think a more localized place for many of the files and scripts, information and resources would be a good step in expanding the useability of the engine, to other mod authors.
http://skyrim-online.com/ Not to be mean, but a little research can go a long way. And it will keep the angries and the flamers off your butt.
So weird problem....UV map is lined up.
ecksile replied to huntsman2310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
I still don't understand whats going on here? Are you talking about the random black triangles? It looks like the dagger mesh has some normals that are flipped. Recalculate the normals outside (CTRl-N while in edit mode) then manually flip anything that wasn't corrected (Manually select any normal "black Triangle" and CTRL-F in edit mode). You can enable the direction that shows which way normals are facing by clicking a button. Under the "panels box" in the "editing or press F9" while in edit mode go to the option that says "mesh tools and more" and click show normals. It will put a little tick on every normal showing you which direction the normal is facing. Sorry about that I got confused when you said falmer dagger but had a picture of the glass mesh, the picture was to small for me to realize at first glance what I was looking for. -
So weird problem....UV map is lined up.
ecksile replied to huntsman2310's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Glass Dagger mesh? -
Curiously wondering if you can say create an object that leads somewhere when activated (room or whatever, but its basically a door), but that can spawn randomly. It isn't always in the same spot every time. So lets say you setup a room, But you want to keep the entrance to the room dynamic, Kind of like how the random encounters work. You would specify several areas throughout the world, Make your "Door Object" and when the player enters one of the specified cells the object will have a possibility of "spawning" or not. If it spawns then the player could activate it and it would act like a door and take player to wherever. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure it is possible. Also was curious if you could set up dynamic weapon spawns. For example lets say you have a "cell", The player enters this "cell" and there's a "table". Now on this table is a "9mm Handgun" and some "9mm Ammo". Player dies and didn't save prior to finding theses items or whatever...new game...whatever. Either way player enters this "cell" for the first time (according to the game) and expects to find "9mm Handgun" and "9mm Ammo", but instead this time its a "Chinese assault rifle and some grenades" Or a "10mm Handgun" and "10mm Ammo" Can I make an object that would spawn whatever weapon and ammo I want when the cell loads for the first time. I would use a level list and that other list I cant remember right now cuz its been so long. I hope that all made sense, Thanks for reading.
Bethesda sues Notch over the use of the word "Scrolls"
ecksile replied to yoba333's topic in Site Updates
I was unaware that you could copyright a "WORD"...I always thought words were "PUBLIC DOMAIN" and belonged to "EVERYONE"...especially ones as old as the word "SCROLL"...society :wallbash: ... -_-' ...*climbs back under large rock* -
Fallout 1 on New Vegas!
ecksile replied to xXTheMysteryGamerXx's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
It'll take more then that you'll need modeling/texturing and possibly animation experience as well, which would require rigging and UV mapping and of course nif skope experience. Unless you plan to use all vanilla assets. And remember we don't have access to the New Vegas engine. We have the construction set and that's it. We cant change the way the engine works, but we can work around it or substitute our own system (NVSE/OBGE ect..) but we cant modify the engine itself and because of this there are many walls and many limits to what is actually achievable. Unless you've gotten your hands on the developer tools and source code >.>. Either way good luck as I would love a new world to explore and I'm not trying to discourage you or bring any negativity, simply trying to enlighten you on many things your gonna run into on your way. Such as the above request in order to implement eyes and groin vats selection you'll have to give up other vats selectable's such as an arm or leg ect.. because the maximum body part count is hard coded and we can't change that. -
Fallout 1 on New Vegas!
ecksile replied to xXTheMysteryGamerXx's topic in Fallout New Vegas's Discussion
If you say its easy, your modding experience comes to question. Although with something of this size and caliber I suggest you get the majority of the work done before asking for help (<51%). If things like this were easy it and other TC's would be a dime a dozen and done already. -
Voltages will kill your CPU long before any heat will. You'll most likely shut down before you really overheat badly but if your voltage is to high you can fry your chip before even seeing your bios screen. You can have the most bad ass air conditioned ice water liquid nitrogen cooler in the world with your computer sitting in the snow of Antarctica, but voltages are still gonna wreak havoc on your CPU and kill it faster if they are to high no matter how cool your temps are. Overclocking should be done very slowly and thoroughly and requires a few days of time which can be dedicated strictly to testing and stabilizing as You'll be in and out of your bios and windows all day long. You should try and run p95 for at least 24 hours on your final stability test. Its always good to try to set a goal for how much you want out of it. Remember overclocking isn't strictly confined to your CPU, idk how AMD works, but to overclock most Intels you have to increase the FSB (front side bus) and doing so also increases your RAM frequency. Memory operating at ram speeds it cannot handle or under volted memory for its RAM speed will cause extreme instability. Most low grade and even some high and medium grade RAM won't overclock very well so make sure your system is built for overclocking before you attempt or your not gonna make it very far. Depending on what your goal is and how far you want to go your going to be adjusting your RAM to CPU ratio and reference frequency's and operating frequency's in order to get a stable ratio. Power supply is another must, but has already been mentioned so I wont repeat it. Your best bet is to go look up your components and find out how well they perform for overclocking and then try to find some guides for overclocking with the components you have. You'll most likely want to find a Mobo guide first as that will play the biggest role in limiting you as that's the most difficult to replace. RAM can always be replaced/upgraded. You can have the best Power Supply in the world but if your Mobo, RAM and CPU are cheap or just bad for OC'ing its not gonna matter because your not gonna overclock very far. And just for the record your GPU or any other addin pci/agp/pcie card will play no role in your systems overclocking. Everything will revolve around your Mobo/CPU/RAM.
New Vegas Restoration - NVR [New Vegas]
ecksile replied to falloutperson416's topic in Fallout New Vegas's GECK and Modders
i think the strip or entire vegas slums/casino place needs to be larger all together and more populated for some reason everything looks so small.