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Everything posted by ecksile

  1. So I have this strange issue where after reloading some weapons I get animation "lag" or..left over animation? for a few seconds if I'm moving. During this lag I cant shoot/use iron sights and sometimes even move. Below is a video showing the issue happening. From what I can tell there's 3 different kinds. In the video after each reload, the moment the reload animation stops, I am no longer touching the keyboard..and yet the player still moves. Most of the video is of the extra movement/animation being played. The second is the animation slow down or slow mo, you'll know it when you see it...and the last isn't in the video but basically I can move correctly and there's no extra animation stuff, but I just cant shoot or use iron sights for a few seconds. I cant enter vats or use my pipboy during any of this either... So has anyone else experienced this? Or know of the cause? I do have a very very badly dying graphics card and I used to get other strange animation glitches in FO3 such as skeleton stretching or squashing while running after jumping, but it never affected controls. If I member correctly I read somewhere that fallout's animation handling is very bad in which it can only play 1 animation at a time and the animation has to finish before it can play another...That's why I thought maybe its animation left over? Any ideas?
  2. This AFAIK is only possible through script extender look up a mod called RRManifold Holster on the FO3Nexus. The problem with this is you will need a separate mesh for all versions of weapons (modified and unmodified). As well as need a mesh of each in the different positions possible (Both visible/Left side/Right side). So that's a total of 3 meshes total per weapon mesh (Both visible/Left Side/Right Side). 4 if you want more realism (Both Visible/Both Visible Flipped/Left Side/Right side). 5 If you want to include your side arm and we could keep adding and adding ect...The other problem with this way is you tend to get mesh overlap. Your originally equipped rifle will overlap your fake setup. Oh yea and you lose an equip slot this way. This is the only way I know of doing it...The holster slots are hard coded into the game unfortunately, specifically within the animations.
  3. I am going to be implementing some ideas from desert punk into my mod as some things have been simplified by the updated engine. So look forward to that but not for a while.
  4. So I was just going through New Vegas GECK and it looks like New Vegas was literally built on top of Fallout 3 and the DLC's. While I cant verify how much of the info was carried over but not used, I was just going through the scripts when I noticed many from fallout 3. So I did some further investigation into the leveled lists, effects, and Actors data, and It looks like just about everything but Various world objects/NPC data/Quests are the only things that aren't present in the NV esm file. I only did some really quick scanning but most of its there from what I seen. So...onto the next thing... I've never used FO3Edit but if I member correctly from something I read you can section off certain things and transfer/combine or delete them from or into other esp files. I also remember reading that FO3Edit can open both versions FO3 and NV files. So if someone has patience and both games and DLC's I dont think it would be that hard to transfer over certain data for a conversion. I'm sure there's gonna be many various things that will have to be done by hand still but its a start. I'm not sure how much mesh work/LOD/Nav meshing will be needed. But from what i can see old nifs are working in the new engine.
  5. You can turn off steam cloud to. In your steam settings.
  6. That's interesting..I thought it was supposed to be release with the game. I coulda sworn they said it was packaged with it and would be released with the game...
  7. Thank you, No they are all ports. But I did a lot of special hand customizations. Editing UV maps and textures, fixing models, or adding onto some, and all the smoothing was done by hand. The only one that's mine is the 1P5N1 Soviet night scope. BTW I think someone just released an FN2000 per your request check the main page.
  8. I already have it in game. You can see it here its on the 3rd page I believe.
  9. I have one but it wont be released for a while =/
  10. I'm gonna port over all my work. If nif's aren't doable until later start with place holders in the GECK for statics/weapons/armors/creatures. And work on music/sounds/ammo/level lists/and textures sets, as well as various smaller things. And like yossarian said other mods from FO3 ported over as well.
  11. ***UPDATE***10/12/10 My newest addition...There's 4 skins this is only 2. Remington 11-87 http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/outlaw_027/ZOMG%20MODS/Fallout32010-10-1213-26-29-03.png http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/outlaw_027/ZOMG%20MODS/Fallout32010-10-1213-26-05-95.png
  12. well it was just a rough guesstimate from the amount of quality work I've seen being sold on turbo squid assuming the meshes he already made were usable as well. As i have seen some very high quality UV mapped and animated models go for pretty cheap on there.
  13. Ive never heard of skinning used in that term before...but that's prolly because I come from that fps noob community circle you talk of :thumbsup:. Although I do agree it doesn't make sense when used in the term for meshes but for textures I think it fits. but that's just an opinion. Off topic though...
  14. I dont work with Max im a Blender so I cant help you there. Skinning is just retexturing something. If the mesh is already finished and you dont wanna do textures then yes all you have to do is rig the skeleton to the mesh by weight painting. But again I dont use max so there may be more or less that needs to be done...That's more a question for ghogiel as i believe he uses max. and I kno 100 bucks is a lot right? but technically if you charged by hour it'd prolly be a lot higher.
  15. Well i can tell you this much, For a good job and what you want id start looking at a price upwards of 100$. But since you said you've already started to do it yourself. Why not just keep going? You prolly have a better chance of getting it in game any time soon if you do it yourself. It wont be easy but then again nothing in the world that's worth having comes easily, and you'll save yourself some money in the end and you wont be limited to some of the limits of paying for the model yourself. Meaning you can use game assets as starting points it wont have to be a completely from scratch mesh.
  16. You need to remember that most modders only mod on their spare time. They have lives, jobs, and family's, and normally have a few projects of their own...so for Toxa and Jaysus I can understand if they didn't respond, Saying they think their to cool to help people because they didn't respond to a request is going a little far...Jaysus has helped out many people and the nexus and Toxa's english isn't to great...Plus afaik or at least what I heard Toxa has been banned from the nexus so he cant really reply...unless you contacted him else where. Idk about ghogiel I'm more then positive he can speak for him self, but I'm also pretty sure he has some stuff on his plate as well. Most modders mod out of self interest so sometimes they simply wont take up a project even if money is being offered. No offense intended in this post btw. On a final note your request in itself is actually a pretty complex and time consuming request even when you are willing to pay and have created some of the meshes already. Even with that there's a good 2 weeks to a month of dedicated work id say. You need to finish the meshes you haven't, optimize the poly counts on them for the game. UV unwrap it.. Texture it. Create the bones/Rig/Weight Paint it and finally put it in game...There's only a small handful of people on the nexus even capable of doing that. Let alone half of it. And I'm not trying to discourage you just saying its a pretty big request.
  17. It can be done afaik you'll just have to supply your own sound track. The music cant come with the mod as it is copyrighted as stated above.
  18. In this case hes paying for a model, texture, and rig not the esp file so technically its legal as long as he puts it in game himself. Unless its using some thing from the game as a base file or a copyrighted object which I think the skeleton rigging would count as, but I'm not sure then it would be illegal...But the model and texture are perfectly legitimate to be payed for as they are not associated with any copyrights unless they fall within the above.
  19. Necromancy! Just kidding :thumbsup: Thanks for this, when you told me raycast on msn i was like uhhh :wacko: Thank you for the explanation. So in terms of vehicle skeletons which can be shot through (windows ect) id want to do Graphics mesh? Is there anyway to combine graphics mesh with collision shapes? So that the outside wouldn't be to taxed but you could toss a grenade inside the car or shoot through the open windows? Or would i just go really low face count on the outside?
  20. actually that was alexscorpion. scorpion did models and textures..and im assuming weijesen did scripting and smoke effect?
  21. So i was looking at the vault wiki and there's still no Pump shotgun, Bulpup weapons, or Forward Grip weapons...The info still isn't solid cause the game hasn't been released yet...but i wouldn't doubt it to be wrong...Its a shame...I guess we wont be getting better animation control...
  22. ****New Update 10/04/10*** did this one this morning...It also comes in Walnut and Full Black Synthetic. Remington 870 AE Marine Magnum (Polished) http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/outlaw_027/ZOMG%20MODS/Fallout32010-10-0414-48-19-40.png http://i115.photobucket.com/albums/n298/outlaw_027/ZOMG%20MODS/Fallout32010-10-0414-50-54-20.png
  23. i thought someone already made this? or did it fall through?
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