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Everything posted by JaxonHellsing

  1. forgot to mention actually, I disabled racemenu and I still got a ctd
  2. Hello! So I have a problem where if racemenu opens at all I get a ctd. I don't know what is causing it and I've been trying to figure out for the past few hours. Here's my load order. 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 5 5 ccasvsse001-almsivi.esm 6 6 ccBGSSSE001-Fish.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse003-zombies.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse004-ruinsedge.esl 254 FE 3 ccbgssse005-goldbrand.esl 254 FE 4 ccbgssse006-stendarshammer.esl 254 FE 5 ccbgssse007-chrysamere.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 7 ccbgssse011-hrsarmrelvn.esl 254 FE 8 ccbgssse012-hrsarmrstl.esl 254 FE 9 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE a ccbgssse019-staffofsheogorath.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse020-graycowl.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse021-lordsmail.esl 254 FE d ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE e ccQDRSSE001-SurvivalMode.esl 7 7 cctwbsse001-puzzledungeon.esm 8 8 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE f ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 10 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 11 ccbgssse035-petnhound.esl 254 FE 12 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 13 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 14 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE 15 ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE 16 ccBGSSSE037-Curios.esl 254 FE 17 ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE 18 ccbgssse045-hasedoki.esl 254 FE 19 ccbgssse008-wraithguard.esl 254 FE 1a ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE 1b ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE 1c ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE 1d ccbgssse043-crosselv.esl 254 FE 1e ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 1f cceejsse003-hollow.esl 9 9 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 10 a ccbgssse031-advcyrus.esm 254 FE 20 ccbgssse038-bowofshadows.esl 254 FE 21 ccbgssse040-advobgobs.esl 254 FE 22 ccbgssse050-ba_daedric.esl 254 FE 23 ccbgssse052-ba_iron.esl 254 FE 24 ccbgssse054-ba_orcish.esl 254 FE 25 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 26 ccbgssse059-ba_dragonplate.esl 254 FE 27 ccbgssse061-ba_dwarven.esl 254 FE 28 ccpewsse002-armsofchaos.esl 254 FE 29 ccbgssse041-netchleather.esl 254 FE 2a ccedhsse002-splkntset.esl 254 FE 2b ccbgssse064-ba_elven.esl 254 FE 2c ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 2d ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 2e ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 2f ccbgssse056-ba_silver.esl 254 FE 30 ccbgssse055-ba_orcishscaled.esl 254 FE 31 ccbgssse053-ba_leather.esl 254 FE 32 ccbgssse051-ba_daedricmail.esl 254 FE 33 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 34 ccbgssse066-staves.esl 11 b ccbgssse067-daedinv.esm 254 FE 35 ccbgssse068-bloodfall.esl 254 FE 36 ccbgssse069-contest.esl 254 FE 37 ccvsvsse003-necroarts.esl 254 FE 38 ccvsvsse004-beafarmer.esl 12 c ccBGSSSE025-AdvDSGS.esm 254 FE 39 ccffbsse002-crossbowpack.esl 254 FE 3a ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 254 FE 3b ccrmssse001-necrohouse.esl 254 FE 3c ccedhsse003-redguard.esl 254 FE 3d cceejsse004-hall.esl 13 d cceejsse005-cave.esm 254 FE 3e cckrtsse001_altar.esl 254 FE 3f cccbhsse001-gaunt.esl 14 e ccafdsse001-dwesanctuary.esm 15 f Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 16 10 Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm 17 11 IridumEyes2.0.esp 18 12 BSAssets.esm 254 FE 40 Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp 19 13 RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm 20 14 BSHeartland.esm 21 15 BS_DLC_patch.esp 22 16 RaceCompatibility.esm 23 17 Falskaar.esm 24 18 Wyrmstooth.esp 254 FE 41 BSHeartland - Meshes.esp 254 FE 42 SmoothCam.esl 25 19 ApachiiHair.esm 254 FE 43 VanillaStarsightEyes.esp 254 FE 44 BlackreachSporesSE.esl 26 1a SGEyebrows.esp 254 FE 45 PraedysSkeletons.esl 27 1b FISS.esp 28 1c DynDOLOD.esm 29 1d SkyUI_SE.esp 30 1e GQJ_DG_vampireamuletfix.esp 31 1f TerrainLodRedone.esp 254 FE 46 HD Lods SSE.esp 32 20 SkyrimImprovedPuddles-DG-HF-DB.esp 33 21 Lore Weapon Expansion - Daedric Crescent.esp 34 22 Lore Weapon Expansion - Goldbrand.esp 35 23 Lore Weapon Expansion - Relics of the Crusader.esp 36 24 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 37 25 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 38 26 Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 39 27 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 40 28 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 41 29 COTN - Falkreath.esp 42 2a COTN - Dawnstar.esp 43 2b OCW_Obscure's_CollegeofWinterhold.esp 44 2c COTN - Morthal.esp 45 2d DeadlySpellImpacts.esp 46 2e DustEffectsSSE.esp 47 2f Flora Sway Fix.esp 254 FE 47 LoS II - Bruma patch.esp 48 30 LuminousAtronachs.esp 49 31 VioLens SE.esp 50 32 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 51 33 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 254 FE 48 zxlice backstab and parry.esp 52 34 AHZmoreHUD.esp 53 35 SkyHUD.esp 54 36 UnreadBooksGlow.esp 55 37 CobbEncumbrance.esp 56 38 Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp 57 39 NoBSAIProjectileDodge.esp 58 3a 50 More Perk Points.esp 59 3b dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 254 FE 49 ImpWeapEnchFX.esp 60 3c FabLookEyesSSE.esp 61 3d BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 62 3e WICO - Immersive People.esp 254 FE 4a BeastHHBB.esp 63 3f CBBE.esp 64 40 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 65 41 art_StarsightEyes.esp 66 42 NB-Scars.esp 67 43 KS Hairdo's.esp 68 44 Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 69 45 PhotorealisticCatEyes.esp 70 46 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp 71 47 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 254 FE 4b OCW_IE_FEPatch.esp 72 48 NK_Heterochromia Reborn.esp 73 49 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp 74 4a Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 254 FE 4c ELFX Fixes.esp 75 4b Book Covers Skyrim.esp 76 4c Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp 77 4d The Great Town of Ivarstead.esp 78 4e EBT - IC PATCH.esp 79 4f S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 80 50 Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp 81 51 The Great City of Winterhold.esp 82 52 The Great Town of Karthwasten.esp 83 53 The Great Town of Shor's Stone.esp 84 54 The Great Village of Old Hroldan.esp 85 55 Undriel_QuaintRavenRock.esp 254 FE 4d JK's The Winking Skeever.esp 254 FE 4e Moss Fix.esp 86 56 Immersive Encounters.esp 87 57 DungeonsRevisited.esp 88 58 The Great Village of Mixwater Mill.esp 89 59 ELFX - Weathers.esp 90 5a Odin - Skyrim Magic Overhaul.esp 254 FE 4f JK's Temple of Mara.esp 254 FE 50 Khajiit Overhaul.esp 91 5b WICO - Immersive Character.esp 92 5c Project ja-Kha'jay- Khajiit Diversity.esp 254 FE 51 OCW_BCS_FEPatch.esp 93 5d TimingIsEverything.esp 94 5e Extended Slider Colors.esp 95 5f Sakora's Make Up Kit - Extended Colors.esp 96 60 AVExpansion.esp 97 61 DragonCarvedArmorSet.esp 98 62 Lore Weapon Expansion.esp Immersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.esp 99 63 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp 254 FE 52 PrvtI_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.esp 100 64 DIS_Heavy_Legion.esp 101 65 El_WayfarersCoatSSE.esp 102 66 LLWayfarer.esp 254 FE 53 WACCF_Survival Mode_Patch.esp 103 67 At Your Own Pace - Thieves Guild.esp 104 68 Cathedral Landscapes.esp 105 69 IcePenguinWorldMap.esp 106 6a Point The Way.esp 107 6b CWB.esp 108 6c SimplyBiggerTreesSE.esp 254 FE 54 JK's New Gnisis Cornerclub.esp 109 6d BirdsAndFlocks_SSE.esp 110 6e JK's Riverwood.esp 111 6f The Great City of Rorikstead.esp 254 FE 55 s6o6t Lore - Oblivion Gates.esp 254 FE 56 JK's The Bannered Mare.esp 112 70 The Great City of Dragon Bridge.esp 113 71 LoS II - Lantern Workers.esp 114 72 MaximumCarnage.esp 115 73 EmbersHD.esp 116 74 DawnguardArsenal.esp 117 75 FlyingCrowsSSE.esp 118 76 waterplants.esp 119 77 S3DSigns.esp 254 FE 57 Waterplants3Dlandscapespatch.esp 120 78 Convenient Horses.esp 254 FE 58 s6o6t Lore - Dark Anchors Ruins and Dolmens.esp 254 FE 59 LoS II - JKs Riverwood patch.esp 121 79 Prometheus_BeastSkeletons.esp 122 7a LykaiosReborn.esp LykaiosNPC.esp 123 7b Tala the Packmaster.esp 124 7c Ars Metallica.esp 254 FE 5a CWRepairs.esp 125 7d SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 126 7e SolitudeTempleFrescoes.esp 127 7f SolitudeTempleFrescoesExpanded.esp 254 FE 5b OCW_STF_FEPatch.esp 128 80 Missives.esp 254 FE 5c Nilheim_MiscQuestExpansion.esp 129 81 Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp 130 82 Apex_Khajiit.esp 254 FE 5d JKJ - Apex Armory Rebalanced Redux Patch.esp 254 FE 5e PaarthurnaxQuestExpansion.esp 131 83 PaladinArtifactsAndArmor.esp 132 84 SolitudeTempleFrescoesBig.esp 133 85 SolitudeTempleFrescoesSmall.esp 254 FE 5f AspenAblaze3DTreesPatch.esp 254 FE 60 CC-Fishing_WACCF_Patch.esp 254 FE 61 DawnguardArsenal_WACCF_Patch.esp 254 FE 62 New Legion - WACCF Balanced Patch.esp 254 FE 63 SIC WACCF Patch.esp 254 FE 64 WACCF Ars Metallica Patch.esp 254 FE 65 Missives - Heartland.esp 254 FE 66 Missives - Wyrmstooth.esp 254 FE 67 At Your Own Pace - College of Winterhold.esp 254 FE 68 At Your Own Pace - Dark Brotherhood.esp 254 FE 69 At Your Own Pace - Main Quest.esp 254 FE 6a At Your Own Pace - Misc.esp 254 FE 6b HouseOfHorrorsQuestExpansion.esp 254 FE 6c DGA-ArsMSE CompatPatch.esp 134 86 ORI - HarkonSword.esp 135 87 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp 136 88 Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp 254 FE 6d Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 137 89 Cathedral Weathers.esp 254 FE 6e Cathedral Weather Godrays.esp 138 8a Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass.esp 254 FE 6f aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 254 FE 70 Dirt and Blood - Dynamic Visuals.esp 254 FE 71 Dirt and Blood - Shader Tweak.esp 254 FE 72 S3D Chopping Block Fixes.esp 139 8b S3DRocks.esp 254 FE 73 Ice Mage Statue.esp 140 8c 3DCloudsStormsNights.esp 254 FE 74 aMidianBorn_Buildings Landscapes.esp 141 8d Praedy's AncientFalmerThrone.esp 254 FE 75 Frost Meshes Patch.esp 254 FE 76 Bears of the North.esp 142 8e BecomeABard.esp 143 8f BlendedRoads.esp 254 FE 77 Conditional Expressions.esp 144 90 PraedysElderScrollSoulCairnFix.esp 145 91 Elemental_Staffs.esp 146 92 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 147 93 DawnguardBanner.esp 148 94 DawnGuardDoors.esp 149 95 FranklyHDImperialArmorsAndWeapons.esp 254 FE 78 GDOS - Glorious Solitude Door - Rotation Fix.esp 254 FE 79 GDOS - Splendid Mechanized Dwemer Door.esp 254 FE 7a Headhunter - Bounties Redone.esp 254 FE 7b BountiesRedone_Missives_Bruma.esp 254 FE 7c BountiesRedone_Missives_Wyrmstooth.esp 254 FE 7d BountiesRedone_MissivesExtension.esp 254 FE 7e JS Barenziah SE - Johnskyrim.esp 254 FE 7f JS Dragon Claws AE - Wyrmstooth.esp 254 FE 80 JS Instruments of Skyrim SE - Uniques.esp 254 FE 81 OreIngotsFadingsignal.esp 150 96 PositiveUndressedReactions.esp 254 FE 82 HagravenSkinShaders.esp 151 97 RUSTIC SOULGEMS - Sorted.esp 254 FE 83 SereneWispmothers.esp 254 FE 84 SkygazerMoonsSize.esp 152 98 UniqueBarbas.esp 153 99 PraedysSkulls.esp 254 FE 85 WACCF_-_Praedy_Skulls_Patch.esp 154 9a WICO - Immersive Dawnguard.esp 155 9b WICO - Wild Hunt Gears.esp 156 9c ArteFake.esp 254 FE 86 mihailbantamguar.esp 157 9d Lucien.esp 158 9e Lucien-AnniversaryEdition-Patch.esp 254 FE 87 Missives - Falskaar Patch.esp 159 9f BeyondSkyrimMerchant.esp 254 FE 88 COTN Dawnstar - Beyond Skyrim Wares - Patch.esp 160 a0 FireBurns.esp 254 FE 89 LoS II - SMIM patch.esp 254 FE 8a LoS II - Obscure College of Winterhold patch.esp OCW_LoS2-TML_FEPatch.esp 161 a1 giftsofakatosh.esp 162 a2 Kanjs Chaurus Staff.esp 163 a3 ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 254 FE 8b FMR_Paladin_Improved.esp 254 FE 8c Missives - Solstheim.esp 254 FE 8d BountiesRedone_Missives_Solstheim.esp 254 FE 8e ArteFake - USSEP Patch.esp 164 a4 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 254 FE 8f MoreLykaios.esp 254 FE 90 ocw door fix.esp 254 FE 91 Pause after loading.esp 254 FE 92 Shaders of Solstheim.esp 254 FE 93 shalidor's maze fixes.esp 254 FE 94 sharpen other swords.esp 254 FE 95 Sidequests of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 96 Simple Outfit System.esp 254 FE 97 Stones of Solitude.esp 254 FE 98 sweepingOrganizesStuff.esp 254 FE 99 Use Telekinesis on Traps.esp 165 a5 Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remastered.esp 166 a6 aMidianBorn_ContentAddon.esp 254 FE 9a BookCoversSkyrim_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 9b CC-NordicJewelry_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 9c DawnguardArsenal_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 9d El_WayfarersCoatSSE_CCOR_Patch.esp Immersive Weapons_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 9e New Legion - CCOR Consistency Patch.esp 254 FE 9f PrvtI_HeavyArmory_CCOR_AMB_Patch.esp 254 FE a0 PrvtI_HeavyArmory_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE a1 SIC AMB Patch.esp 167 a7 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 168 a8 Odin - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp 169 a9 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 170 aa Apocalypse - Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp 254 FE a2 CCOR_Ordinator.esp 254 FE a3 Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp 171 ab patch for ordinator perks and UEM.esp 172 ac Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 254 FE a4 COTN Falkreath - Alternate Start Patch.esp 173 ad Luminosity Lighting Overhaul.esp 174 ae ELFXEnhancer.esp 254 FE a5 OCW_CellSettings.esp 175 af RealisticWaterTwo.esp 254 FE a6 ELFX Fixes Ragged Flagon Fix.esp 254 FE a7 RealisticWaterTwo - Alt Volcanic Watercolor.esp 176 b0 WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp 177 b1 DynDOLOD.esp 178 b2 RaceMenu.esp 179 b3 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
  3. I usually always get this with the spell charging mod but until recently I found out it's not a thing anymore. I also noticed the authors mods and everything else is gone. Does anyone know if they moved somewhere else?
  4. did you mean the sort button right under the word plugins? if so I tried that and it did nothing ok I found it on mod organiser 2 but it does nothing edit: I feel retarded now.... aaaaa. every time I go ask for help and it's something so simple. sorry if I annoyed you guys.
  5. did you mean the sort button right under the word plugins? if so I tried that and it did nothing
  6. so I came back to try to play skyrim and I noticed that all of my esm's, esl's and etc are not where they should be.... I tried using loot to fix this problem but it couldn't and now I'm pissed.... if anyone knows how to fix this load order bug please tell me.... I don't wanna delete everything for the 1000th time and start from scratch again....
  7. I have one but another mo I have only one but a mod that I have for sse requires it. I have diverse wolves and dogs of skyrim, which requires wolves of skyrim from le, would it still have bugs even though the se mod requirs the le mod? edit: I disabled them and it worked! TYSM!
  8. So I am now Getting CTD's when I open inventories or any container I get a CTD, but if I start the game and create a new character with alternative start I don't get a CTD, I tried spawning Ri'saad and seeing what happens when I try to buy his stuff.... I get a ctd. (btw if you see any mods that conflict, I didn't have those before and it wasn't working still) Here's my load order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 2 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 3 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 4 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 5 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 6 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 7 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE 8 ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE 9 ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE a ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE b ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE c ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE d ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE e cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE f ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 10 ccbgssse064-ba_elven.esl 254 FE 11 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse051-ba_daedricmail.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE 17 unofficial civil war champions patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1e unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 254 FE 1f unofficial pets of skyrim patch.esl 9 9 LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 254 FE 20 Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp 10 a EFFCore.esm 11 b FISS.esp 12 c IridumEyes2.0.esp 13 d 3DNPC.esp 14 e Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm 15 f bsassets.esm 16 10 bsheartland.esm 17 11 Unique Flowers & Plants.esm 18 12 waterviewskyrim.esm 19 13 bs_dlc_patch.esp 20 14 Campfire.esm 254 FE 21 Devourment.esp 21 15 BadDogSchlongCore.esm 22 16 MagicDuelReborn.esm 23 17 RaceCompatibility.esm 24 18 SexLab.esm 25 19 falskaar.esm 26 1a Vigilant.esm 27 1b Perfect Terrain LOD.esm 254 FE 22 WM_WidgetMod.esl 28 1c Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 29 1d wyrmstooth.esp 30 1e SkyUI_SE.esp 31 1f Audio Overhaul Skyrim.esp 32 20 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 33 21 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 34 22 Immersive Sounds - Compendium.esp 35 23 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp Blowing in the Wind - Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM versionPatch.esp Blowing in the Wind - ELFX Exterior patch.esp 36 24 ELFX - Weathers.esp 37 25 TrueStormsSE.esp 38 26 static mesh improvement mod se.esp 39 27 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 40 28 3DCloudsStormsNights.esp 41 29 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp 42 2a Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass.esp 43 2b Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp 44 2c CommunityOverlays1_0T30.esp 45 2d CommunityOverlays2_31T50.esp 46 2e SGC_SkySA.esp 47 2f Combo Attacks SE.esp 48 30 Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 49 31 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 50 32 Shadows.esp 51 33 LoS II - Tamriel Master Lights.esp 52 34 iNeed.esp 53 35 iNeed - Extended.esp 54 36 summermyst - enchantments of skyrim.esp 55 37 Cutting Room Floor.esp 56 38 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One - Main - Blowing in the Wind SSE - Skyrim Bridges Patch.esp 57 39 WindhelmSSE.esp 58 3a S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 59 3b Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp 60 3c Helgen Reborn.esp 61 3d SurWR.esp 62 3e Unique Flowers & Plants.esp 63 3f the trading post.esp 64 40 SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 254 FE 23 Bears of the North.esp 254 FE 24 Bruma Bears of the North Patch.esp 65 41 Khajiit Overhaul.esp 66 42 VioLens SE.esp 67 43 Inpa Sekiro Combat.esp 68 44 DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 69 45 UIExtensions.esp 70 46 AddItemMenuSE.esp 254 FE 25 Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 71 47 BlendedRoads.esp 72 48 AMatterOfTime.esp 254 FE 26 WACCF_Survival Mode_Patch.esp 73 49 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 74 4a TouchedbyDibella.esp 75 4b CBBE.esp 76 4c BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 254 FE 27 Conditional Expressions.esp 77 4d DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp 254 FE 28 AOS_ISC_Integration.esp 78 4e skyBirds_SSE.esp 79 4f BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp 80 50 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 81 51 lamposts of skyrim.esp 254 FE 29 Vigilant Voiced.esp 82 52 moonandstar_mas.esp 83 53 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 84 54 Immersive Weapons.esp 85 55 DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp 86 56 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 87 57 point the way.esp 88 58 clockwork.esp 89 59 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 254 FE 2a Immersive Weapons_WACCF_Patch.esp 90 5a PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp 91 5b Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp 92 5c dwarfsphere.esp 93 5d Cloaks.esp 94 5e OBIS SE.esp 95 5f inigo.esp 96 60 Sepolcri.esp 97 61 wavetest.esp 98 62 SaveTheIcerunner.esp 254 FE 2b DBM_HelgenReborn_Patch.esp 99 63 LoS II - Lantern Workers.esp Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main - Skyrim Bridges patch.esp 100 64 leafrest onepiece.esp 101 65 konahrik_accoutrements.esp 102 66 immersive patrols ii.esp 103 67 NewArmoury.esp 104 68 Animated Enchantments.esp 105 69 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 254 FE 2c iNeed Extended - ELFX Exterior patch.esp 106 6a Frostfall.esp 254 FE 2d DBM_AHO_Patch.esp 107 6b CommonClothes.esp 108 6c OBIS Loot SE.esp 109 6d DeadlyDragons.esp 254 FE 2e LOTD Exterior Fixes.esp 254 FE 2f DBM_Vigilant_Patch.esp 110 6e WayOfTheMonk.esp 254 FE 30 DBM_IW_Patch.esp 111 6f undriel_ebongrove.esp 254 FE 31 LoS II - CRF patch.esp 254 FE 32 DBM_ELFXExteriors_Patch.esp 112 70 midwood isle.esp 254 FE 33 DBM_CRF_Patch.esp 254 FE 34 DBM_ISC_Patch.esp 254 FE 35 PrvtI_HeavyArmory_WACCF_Patch.esp 254 FE 36 DBM_WACCF_Patch.esp 113 71 ScopedBows.esp 114 72 LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp 115 73 AnimatedExpandedWeapons.esp 116 74 AnimatedHeavyArmoury.esp 117 75 BeastHHBB.esp 118 76 ColovianNobleClothes.esp 119 77 BeastHHBB - Kharjo Alt.esp 120 78 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 121 79 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 122 7a Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp 254 FE 37 DBM_Wintersun_Patch.esp 254 FE 38 DBM_MAS_Patch.esp 123 7b Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 124 7c SOS - Shop.esp 125 7d BotP_105.esp 126 7e 3dnpc - Overhual.esp 127 7f RSChildren_3DNPC.esp 254 FE 39 S3D Chopping Block Fixes.esp 128 80 S3DRocks.esp 129 81 LykaiosReborn.esp 130 82 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 131 83 LykaiosNPC.esp 254 FE 3a Falskaar - SkyTEST Patch.esp 254 FE 3b Falskaar - SkyTEST and Bruma Patch.esp 254 FE 3c Falskaar - Bruma Patch.esp 132 84 RSC MoonAndStar Patch.esp 254 FE 3d Diverse True Wolves and Dogs.esp 133 85 Civil War Cleanup.esp 134 86 DiverseDragonsCollectionSE.esp 135 87 Dragon Combat Overhaul.esp 254 FE 3e Immersive Dragon Sounds.esp 136 88 Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp 137 89 FabLookEyesSSE.esp 138 8a EnhancedAtronachs.esp 254 FE 3f EVGConditionalIdles.esp 139 8b Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp 140 8c iHUD.esp 141 8d VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 142 8e Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 143 8f EasyWheel-AIO.esp 144 90 FAO.esp 145 91 KS Hairdo's.esp 146 92 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp Fall of Granite Hill - S3D Trees and Plants patch.esp DBM_S3DTrees_Patch.esp 147 93 the paarthurnax dilemma.esp LoS - Fall of Granite Hill patch.esp 254 FE 40 3DNPC - LoS II - Tamriel Master Lights addon.esp 254 FE 41 Falskaar - Bug Fixes.esp 254 FE 42 DBM_Falskaar_Patch.esp 254 FE 43 DBM_KA_Patch.esp 254 FE 44 DBM_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp Skyrim Bridges - ELFX patch.esp 148 94 haem projects goblands.esp 254 FE 45 DBM_iNeed_Patch.esp 149 95 j3x-autocrossbows.esp 150 96 arcania all in one.esp 151 97 Auto Crossbows ALLA.esp 152 98 dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 153 99 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 154 9a EBT - IC PATCH.esp 155 9b PositiveUndressedReactions.esp 156 9c MaximumCarnage.esp 157 9d Master of Disguise - Special Edition.esp 158 9e RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 159 9f RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp 160 a0 FalskaarRSChildrenPatch.esp 161 a1 Rapier and Dagger.esp 162 a2 Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 254 FE 46 SkyTest Bears of the North Patch.esp 254 FE 47 Immersive Bears of the North Patch.esp 254 FE 48 JaxonzMCMKicker.esp 163 a3 SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 164 a4 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 165 a5 CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 166 a6 UltimateDragons.esp 167 a7 SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp 168 a8 SkyHUD.esp 169 a9 StormLightning.esp 170 aa RSChildren.esp 171 ab CRF_RSChildrenPatch.esp 172 ac HelgenRebornRSChildrenPatch.esp 173 ad HagravenSkinShaders.esp 174 ae HitStop.esp 175 af ThugsNotAssassins.esp 254 FE 49 SkygazerMoonsSize.esp 176 b0 SpellChargingFramework.esp 177 b1 SpellComboV2.esp 178 b2 UltimateCombat.esp 254 FE 4a OBS_TidyUp.esp 179 b3 The Wizard Warrior.esp 180 b4 SpellOrganizer.esp 181 b5 Player Size Adjuster.esp 182 b6 RaceMenu.esp 183 b7 titkit.esp 184 b8 RaceMenuMorphsTBD.esp 254 FE 4b DBM_AOS_Patch.esp Falskaar - CLLF Patch.esp 254 FE 4c Falskaar - iNeed Patch.esp 254 FE 4d DBM_Clockwork_Patch.esp 254 FE 4e DBM_ELFX_Patch.esp 254 FE 4f DBM_IA_Patch.esp 254 FE 50 DBM_HA_Patch.esp 254 FE 51 DBM_OBIS_Patch.esp 254 FE 52 DBM_RSChildren_Patch.esp 254 FE 53 DBM_RuinsClutterImproved_Patch.esp 254 FE 54 WACCF_KonahriksAccoutrements.esp 254 FE 55 DBM_SMIM_Patch.esp 254 FE 56 DBM_SkyTEST_Patch.esp 185 b9 UnreadBooksGlow.esp 254 FE 57 DBM_UnreadBooksGlow_Patch.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 186 ba VWA_VanillaWarpaintsAbsolution.esp 187 bb Chesko_WearableLantern.esp 254 FE 58 aMidianBorn_Buildings Landscapes.esp 188 bc AHZmoreHUD.esp 254 FE 59 aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 189 bd WM_WidgetMod.esp 190 be RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 254 FE 5a 3DNPC0.esp 191 bf SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 192 c0 WetFunction.esp 193 c1 Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 194 c2 NK_Heterochromia Reborn.esp 195 c3 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp 196 c4 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 197 c5 EBT - skyBirds Patch.esp 198 c6 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 199 c7 Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp 200 c8 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 201 c9 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 202 ca Draw!!.esp 254 FE 5b LoS II - TML - Campfire addon.esp 254 FE 5c Flora Respawn Fix - Skyrim is Windy patch.esp 203 cb Flora Sway Fix.esp 254 FE 5d LoS II - Midwood Isle patch.esp 254 FE 5e Summermyst - SIC patch.esp 254 FE 5f Common Clothes - Colovian Noble Clothes patch.esp 254 FE 60 DiverseSkyrim - Skyrim Immersive Creatures patch.esp 254 FE 61 LoS II - SMIM patch.esp 204 cc homestead supply chest.esp 205 cd My Home Is Your Home.esp 254 FE 62 LoS II - LotD patch.esp 206 ce Public Executions.esp 207 cf XPMSE.esp 254 FE 63 WS-Light Fade.esp 254 FE 64 LoS II - Bruma patch.esp 208 d0 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp 209 d1 50 more perk points.esp 210 d2 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 211 d3 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 254 FE 65 Colovian Noble Clothes - USSEP patch.esp 212 d4 better loot.esp 213 d5 better leveling.esp 214 d6 dr_bandolier.esp 215 d7 bettershapedweaponslw-xb.esp 216 d8 bspatch.esp 217 d9 black mage armor se.esp 218 da bs cyrodilic horses.esp 219 db bs needs in cyrodill.esp mintylightningmod.esp 220 dc extended encounters.esp 221 dd unleveled_items.esp 222 de high poly hairs.esp 223 df icepenguinworldmap.esp 224 e0 weightlessores.esp 225 e1 weightlesspelts_hides.esp 226 e2 subtle supernatural reactions.esp 227 e3 weightless dragon bones and scales.esp Blowing in the Wind SSE - Skyrim Bridges patch.esp 228 e4 giftsofakatosh.esp 229 e5 bm_SimpleAction.esp 230 e6 apocalypse - magic of skyrim.esp 254 FE 66 Perk-Vigilant.esp 231 e7 FireBurns.esp 232 e8 Project Proteus.esp 233 e9 Skyland Imperial Forts and Dungeons.esp Perfect Whiterun - EVT - Skyrim is Windy patch.esp 234 ea Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remastered.esp 254 FE 67 AnimatedArmouryCCOR.esp 254 FE 68 Cloaks_CCOR_Patch.esp 1nivWICCloaks_COS_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 69 DBM_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 6a DBM_CloaksofSkyrim_Patch.esp 254 FE 6b DBM_CoSRetexture_Patch.esp 254 FE 6c CC-NordicJewelry_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 6d Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 6e CCOR_Campfire_Patch.esp 254 FE 6f Dr_Bandolier_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 70 Immersive Weapons_CCOR_Patch.esp 254 FE 71 PrvtI_HeavyArmory_CCOR_Patch.esp 235 eb Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp 236 ec iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp 237 ed CACO - iNeed DD Patch.esp 254 FE 72 CACO_Falskaar_Patch.esp 254 FE 73 CACO_Survival Mode_Patch.esp 254 FE 74 DBM_CACO_Patch.esp Hunterborn_CACO-SE_Patch.esp 254 FE 75 CACO_SkyrimImmersiveCreaturesSE_Patch.esp 254 FE 76 CACO_USSEP_Patch.esp CACO_Vigor_Campfire.esp 254 FE 77 CACO_Wintersun.esp 254 FE 78 CACO_Wyrmstooth_Patch.esp 254 FE 79 Inigo_CACO_Patch.esp 238 ee Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 7a P_CACO_Ordinator_AlternatePatch.esp 254 FE 7b CACO_Ordinator_Patch.esp 239 ef Multiple Enchantments - Ordinator Patch.esp 254 FE 7c CCOR_Ordinator.esp 254 FE 7d Ordinator_WACCF_Patch.esp 240 f0 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 241 f1 immersive citizens - ai overhaul.esp 242 f2 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 254 FE 7e CWIEnLFXSEPatch.esp 254 FE 7f CWICRFSEPatch.esp 243 f3 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 254 FE 80 DBM_ImmersiveCollegeofWinterhold_Patch.esp 244 f4 Winterhold College Tree Fix.esp 245 f5 EFFDialogue.esp 254 FE 81 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp 246 f6 ELFXEnhancer.esp 247 f7 WSEnhancer.esp 248 f8 realisticwatertwo.esp 249 f9 WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp
  9. I don't know how else to explain it, it's kind of hard to explain this bug but I'll try
  10. So I've had this glitch recently but apparently when you download a mod it acts as if it's enabled but it's not and you have to switch games back and forth to see that's it's not actually enabled and actually enable it.
  11. so I don't know why this is happening, it was fine before and it just started happening, I only got these mods as of lately. Prisoner cart fix smim magic duel - reborn draw - a dueling mod it was fine at one point until recently. Right now I'm probably gonna try to start a new game and see what happens. Anyway here's my mod load order for now (note: ignore fnis I don't really use it) 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 2 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 3 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 4 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 5 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 6 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 7 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE 8 ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE 9 ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE a ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE b ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE c ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE d ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE e cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE f ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 10 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 11 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE 15 unofficial civil war champions patch.esl 254 FE 16 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 17 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial pets of skyrim patch.esl 9 9 High Poly Head.esm 10 a IridumEyes2.0.esp 11 b LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 254 FE 1e Cathedral - 3D Mountain Flowers.esp 12 c FISS.esp 13 d BadDogSchlongCore.esm 14 e 3DNPC.esp 15 f Lanterns Of Skyrim II.esm 16 10 bsassets.esm 17 11 bsheartland.esm 18 12 Unique Flowers & Plants.esm 19 13 waterviewskyrim.esm 20 14 bs_dlc_patch.esp 21 15 Campfire.esm 22 16 MagicDuelReborn.esm 23 17 RaceCompatibility.esm 24 18 SexLab.esm 25 19 falskaar.esm 26 1a Vigilant.esm 27 1b Perfect Terrain LOD.esm 254 FE 1f WM_WidgetMod.esl 28 1c climatesoftamriel.esm 29 1d Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 30 1e wyrmstooth.esp 31 1f SkyUI_SE.esp 32 20 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 33 21 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 34 22 Prometheus_No_snow_Under_the_roof.esp Blowing in the Wind - Lanterns of Skyrim SE - MCM versionPatch.esp Blowing in the Wind - ELFX Exterior patch.esp 35 23 ELFX - Weathers.esp 36 24 static mesh improvement mod se.esp 37 25 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 38 26 Verdant - A Skyrim Grass Plugin SSE Version.esp 39 27 Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp 40 28 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 41 29 Shadows.esp 42 2a LoS II - Tamriel Master Lights.esp 43 2b iNeed.esp 44 2c iNeed - Extended.esp 45 2d summermyst - enchantments of skyrim.esp 46 2e Cutting Room Floor.esp 47 2f Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp Lanterns of Skyrim - All In One - Main - Blowing in the Wind SSE - Skyrim Bridges Patch.esp 48 30 WindhelmSSE.esp 49 31 S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 50 32 Obsidian Mountain Fogs.esp 51 33 Helgen Reborn.esp 52 34 VioLens SE.esp 53 35 Inpa Sekiro Combat.esp 54 36 SurWR.esp 55 37 Unique Flowers & Plants.esp 56 38 the trading post.esp 57 39 Immersive Weapons.esp 58 3a DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp 59 3b OBIS SE.esp 60 3c SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp 61 3d skyBirds_SSE.esp 62 3e BirdsOfSkyrim_SSE.esp 63 3f Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 64 40 lamposts of skyrim.esp 254 FE 20 Vigilant Voiced.esp 65 41 Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 66 42 moonandstar_mas.esp 67 43 bs cyrodilic armors (pc).esp 68 44 bs cyrodilic armors (pc) no cc.esp 254 FE 21 High Poly NPC Overhaul - (OBIS SE) Organized Bandits In Skyrim Special Edition.esp 69 45 OBIS Loot SE.esp 70 46 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 71 47 point the way.esp 72 48 bs cyrodilic influence.esp 73 49 PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp 74 4a clockwork.esp 75 4b UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 76 4c Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp 77 4d BirdsAndFlocks_SSE.esp 78 4e dwarfsphere.esp 79 4f inigo.esp 80 50 Sepolcri.esp 81 51 wavetest.esp 82 52 MilkSSE.esp 83 53 SaveTheIcerunner.esp 84 54 ww_AlternateDBEnding.esp 85 55 LoS II - Lantern Workers.esp Lanterns of Skyrim - All in One - Main - Skyrim Bridges patch.esp 86 56 leafrest onepiece.esp 87 57 konahrik_accoutrements.esp 88 58 immersive patrols ii.esp 89 59 NewArmoury.esp 90 5a Animated Enchantments.esp 91 5b ScopedBows.esp 92 5c BeastHHBB.esp 254 FE 22 iNeed Extended - ELFX Exterior patch.esp 93 5d Frostfall.esp 94 5e Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 95 5f BadDogSchlongCore.esp 96 60 WayOfTheMonk.esp 97 61 undriel_ebongrove.esp 254 FE 23 LoS II - CRF patch.esp 98 62 better loot.esp 99 63 midwood isle.esp 100 64 iNeed-Milk_USSEP_patch.esp 101 65 SaveTheBrotherhood.esp 102 66 SOS - Shop.esp 103 67 LykaiosReborn.esp 104 68 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 105 69 LykaiosNPC.esp Fall of Granite Hill - S3D Trees and Plants patch.esp 106 6a the paarthurnax dilemma.esp LoS - Fall of Granite Hill patch.esp 254 FE 24 3DNPC - LoS II - Tamriel Master Lights addon.esp 254 FE 25 JaxonzMCMKicker.esp 107 6b DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 108 6c dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 109 6d Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp 110 6e dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 111 6f EBT - IC PATCH.esp 112 70 PositiveUndressedReactions.esp 113 71 MaximumCarnage.esp 114 72 KS Hairdo's.esp 254 FE 26 High Poly NPC Overhaul - (OBIS SE) Meshes 2.esp 254 FE 27 High Poly NPC Overhaul - (OBIS SE) Meshes 0.esp 254 FE 28 High Poly NPC Overhaul - (OBIS SE) Meshes 1.esp 115 73 BeastHHBB - Kharjo Alt.esp 116 74 ArgoHairPlus.esp 117 75 CommunityOverlays1_0T30.esp 118 76 CommunityOverlays2_31T50.esp 119 77 Improved Eyes Skyrim - Serana.esp 120 78 FabLookEyesSSE.esp 121 79 BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 122 7a LupineWerewolfPerkExpansion.esp 123 7b FAO.esp 124 7c SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 125 7d Faction Crossbows.esp 126 7e LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp 127 7f arcania all in one.esp 128 80 CrossbowsOfSkyrim.esp Skyrim Bridges - ELFX patch.esp 129 81 haem projects goblands.esp 130 82 j3x-autocrossbows.esp 131 83 Auto Crossbows ALLA.esp 254 FE 29 DragonboneCrossbow.esp 132 84 UIExtensions.esp 133 85 AddItemMenuSE.esp 254 FE 2a BD Armor and clothes replacer.esp 134 86 Origins Of Forest - 3D Forest Grass.esp 135 87 Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp 254 FE 2b Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 136 88 CommonClothes.esp 137 89 ColovianNobleClothes.esp 138 8a 3DCloudsStormsNights.esp 139 8b 3dnpc - Overhual.esp 140 8c Enhanced Vanilla Trees SSE.esp 141 8d DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 142 8e BlendedRoads.esp 143 8f DCR_KingCrusaderMegaPack_SSE.esp 144 90 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 145 91 AnimatedExpandedWeapons.esp 146 92 AnimatedHeavyArmoury.esp 147 93 AMatterOfTime.esp 148 94 iHUD.esp 149 95 iNeed-Milk_patch.esp 150 96 FNIS.esp 151 97 EasyWheel-AIO.esp 254 FE 2c 3BBB.esp 152 98 TouchedbyDibella.esp 153 99 CBBE.esp 154 9a Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 155 9b Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 156 9c Master of Disguise - Special Edition.esp 157 9d RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 158 9e NB-Scars.esp 159 9f RSChildren_3DNPC.esp 160 a0 RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp 161 a1 FalskaarRSChildrenPatch.esp 162 a2 RSChildren.esp 163 a3 CRF_RSChildrenPatch.esp 164 a4 HelgenRebornRSChildrenPatch.esp 254 FE 2d S3D Chopping Block Fixes.esp 165 a5 Rapier and Dagger.esp 166 a6 Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 167 a7 RaceMenu.esp 254 FE 2e LOTD Exterior Fixes.esp 168 a8 HagravenSkinShaders.esp 169 a9 Moonlight Tales Special Edition.esp 254 FE 2f Inpa Sekiro Combat - Killmove Condition Patch.esp 170 aa HitStop.esp 171 ab SpellChargingFramework.esp 172 ac SpellComboV2.esp 173 ad ThugsNotAssassins.esp 174 ae S3DRocks.esp 175 af VWA_VanillaWarpaintsAbsolution.esp 176 b0 SFO_SkinFeatureOverlays.esp 177 b1 titkit.esp 178 b2 RaceMenuMorphsTBD.esp 179 b3 SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 254 FE 30 SkygazerMoonsSize.esp 180 b4 Unique Uniques.esp 181 b5 UltimateCombat.esp 182 b6 SkyHUD.esp 183 b7 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 184 b8 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 185 b9 CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 254 FE 31 OBS_TidyUp.esp 186 ba UnreadBooksGlow.esp 187 bb The Wizard Warrior.esp 188 bc Animallica.esp 189 bd EnhancedAtronachs.esp 190 be SpellOrganizer.esp 254 FE 32 EVGConditionalIdles.esp 191 bf Draw!!.esp 192 c0 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 254 FE 33 LoS II - Bruma patch.esp 254 FE 34 LoS II - LotD patch.esp 254 FE 35 LoS II - Midwood Isle patch.esp 254 FE 36 LoS II - SMIM patch.esp 193 c1 homestead supply chest.esp 194 c2 My Home Is Your Home.esp 254 FE 37 LoS II - TML - Campfire addon.esp 195 c3 WetFunction.esp 254 FE 38 aMidianBorn_Buildings Landscapes.esp 254 FE 39 aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 196 c4 AHZmoreHUD.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 197 c5 WardenCombat.esp 198 c6 EBT - skyBirds Patch.esp 199 c7 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 200 c8 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 201 c9 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 202 ca RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 203 cb Improved Eyes Skyrim.esp 204 cc NK_Heterochromia Reborn.esp 205 cd Improved Eyes Skyrim - Vamp.esp 254 FE 3a High Poly NPC Overhaul - (OBIS SE) Textures 0.esp 254 FE 3b Colovian Noble Clothes - USSEP patch.esp 254 FE 3c Common Clothes - Colovian Noble Clothes patch.esp 254 FE 3d WS-Light Fade.esp 254 FE 3e Flora Respawn Fix - Skyrim is Windy patch.esp 206 ce Flora Sway Fix.esp 254 FE 3f Summermyst - SIC patch.esp 254 FE 40 DiverseSkyrim - Skyrim Immersive Creatures patch.esp Perfect Whiterun - EVT - Skyrim is Windy patch.esp 207 cf WM_WidgetMod.esp 208 d0 extended encounters.esp 209 d1 bs bruma guard gauntlets fix (pc).esp 210 d2 better leveling.esp 211 d3 50 more perk points.esp 212 d4 dr_bandolier.esp 213 d5 bettershapedweaponslw-xb.esp 214 d6 unleveled_items.esp 215 d7 high poly hairs.esp 216 d8 icepenguinworldmap.esp 217 d9 weightlessores.esp 218 da weightlesspelts_hides.esp 219 db subtle supernatural reactions.esp 220 dc bspatch.esp 221 dd RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp Blowing in the Wind SSE - Skyrim Bridges patch.esp 222 de giftsofakatosh.esp 223 df apocalypse - magic of skyrim.esp 224 e0 Project Proteus.esp 225 e1 bm_SimpleAction.esp 226 e2 Skyland Imperial Forts and Dungeons.esp 227 e3 FireBurns.esp 254 FE 41 Perk-Vigilant.esp 228 e4 SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 229 e5 XPMSE.esp 230 e6 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 231 e7 SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp 232 e8 black mage armor se.esp 233 e9 weightless dragon bones and scales.esp 234 ea bs cyrodilic horses.esp 254 FE 42 3DNPC0.esp 235 eb Complete Crafting Overhaul_Remastered.esp 254 FE 43 AnimatedArmouryCCOR.esp 236 ec Complete Alchemy & Cooking Overhaul.esp 237 ed iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp 238 ee CACO - iNeed DD Patch.esp 239 ef CACO_Milk Drinker.esp 240 f0 iNeed CACO Patch.esp 241 f1 ordinator - perks of skyrim.esp 242 f2 Multiple Enchantments - Ordinator Patch.esp 254 FE 44 P_CACO_Ordinator_AlternatePatch.esp 243 f3 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 244 f4 immersive citizens - ai overhaul.esp 245 f5 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 246 f6 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 254 FE 45 CWIEnLFXSEPatch.esp 254 FE 46 CWICRFSEPatch.esp 247 f7 Winterhold College Tree Fix.esp 254 FE 47 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp 248 f8 ELFXEnhancer.esp 249 f9 WSEnhancer.esp 250 fa realisticwatertwo.esp 251 fb WACCF_BashedPatchLvlListFix.esp Edit: starting a new game somehow fixed it, next I'm going to try to use save cleaner on my saves
  12. so I started playing skyrim se again and I installed violens, frost fall and a lot of others, but for some reason in mcm only violens and frostfall have $ signs, I don't know why, can someone help me?
  13. so I've noticed that when I'm in workshop mode in fallout 4 there's no miscellaneous option in the furniture section, I don't know why this could be. I've tried to start a new game and nothing happens, is there no more miscellaneous option anymore or is this a bug?
  14. so I recently tried sekiro combat and when I started a new game I noticed that my hatchet did no damage and I was like "ok maybe it's a visual glitch" I attack a wolf that's attacking my horse and stuff outside my house and I did no damage, and I was like "ok maybe it's just the weapon" I go to use the additem menu mod and find just a regular old dagger.... all of the weapons did no damage so I continued trying to kill the wolf then that's when I noticed I haven't even taken damage from it at all. here's my load order: 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 3 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 4 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 5 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 7 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 8 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 9 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE a ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE d ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE e ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE f ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 10 cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE 11 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 RSkyrimChildren.esm 8 8 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 254 FE 17 WM_WidgetMod.esl 9 9 ApachiiHair.esm 10 a BadDogSchlongCore.esm 254 FE 18 Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl 11 b Heels Sound.esm 12 c FennecRace.esm 13 d Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 14 e LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 15 f BSAssets.esm 16 10 3DNPC.esp 17 11 BSHeartland.esm 254 FE 19 RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm 18 12 arnima.esm 19 13 RaceCompatibility.esm 20 14 Shark Race.esp 21 15 CellanRace.esm 22 16 BS_DLC_patch.esp 23 17 Falskaar.esm 24 18 SkyUI_SE.esp 25 19 Mortal Enemies.esp 26 1a SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 27 1b ELFX - Exteriors.esp 28 1c NAT.esp 29 1d ELFX - Weathers.esp 30 1e Immersive Wenches.esp 31 1f Vivid WeathersSE.esp 32 20 TrueStormsSE.esp 33 21 SkyHUD.esp 34 22 AMatterOfTime.esp 35 23 iHUD.esp 36 24 WM_WidgetMod.esp 37 25 CommunityOverlays3.esp 38 26 UIExtensions.esp 39 27 AddItemMenuSE.esp 40 28 VioLens SE.esp 41 29 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 42 2a Rebirth Monster.esp 43 2b Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 44 2c Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 45 2d S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 46 2e The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp 47 2f immersivemerchants.esp 48 30 Immersive Jewelry.esp 49 31 Cutting Room Floor.esp 50 32 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp 51 33 S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 52 34 Helgen Reborn.esp 53 35 Artifacts & Uniques Redone.esp 54 36 Combat Evolved.esp 55 37 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 56 38 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 57 39 Immersive Weapons.esp 58 3a EmbersHD.esp 59 3b PrvtI_HeavyArmory.esp 60 3c BDDeerRace.esp 61 3d DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp 62 3e Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 63 3f UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 64 40 Wintersun - Faiths of Skyrim.esp 65 41 FGCLeviathanAxe.esp 66 42 Cloaks.esp 67 43 OBIS SE.esp 68 44 Skyrim Caches.esp 69 45 NewArmoury.esp 70 46 S3DSigns.esp 71 47 Immersive Patrols II.esp 72 48 CellanNPC.esp 73 49 DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 74 4a FennecRace.esp 75 4b Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 76 4c ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp 77 4d VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp 78 4e Phenderix Magic World.esp 79 4f notice board.esp 80 50 SOS - Shop.esp 81 51 LykaiosReborn.esp 82 52 LykaiosNPC.esp 83 53 WheelsOfLull.esp 84 54 Lungaris Race.esp 85 55 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 86 56 BDDeerNPC.esp 87 57 Recorder Follower Base.esp 88 58 Dreamborne Islands.esp 254 FE 1a The Notice Board SMIM Ropes Fix.esp 89 59 My Home Is Your Home.esp 90 5a PathOfTheAntiMage.esp 91 5b Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 92 5c DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 93 5d ArgoHairPlus.esp 94 5e BDDeerFuta.esp 95 5f BDBrumaSkimpy.esp 96 60 BecomeABard.esp 254 FE 1b BikiniRobesStandalone.esp 254 FE 1c 3BBB.esp 97 61 CBBE.esp 98 62 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 99 63 DSHg - Hats.esp 100 64 DeadlyCombat.esp 101 65 FNIS_PCEA2.esp 102 66 FNIS.esp 103 67 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 104 68 Faction Crossbows.esp 105 69 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 106 6a ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 107 6b Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 108 6c HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp 254 FE 1d Immersive Wenches -Become a Bard- Patch.esp 109 6d KS Hairdo's.esp 110 6e JaxonzRenamer.esp 254 FE 1e KSHairdosSMP.esp 111 6f Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 112 70 Lungaris Race - SOS Regular.esp 113 71 Lunar Weapon Replacers.esp 114 72 BadDogSchlongCore.esp 115 73 BDHoodieFemale.esp 116 74 BDHoodieSchlong.esp 117 75 SmoothCam.esp 118 76 FennecFollowers.esp 119 77 OBIS Loot SE.esp 120 78 Player Size Adjuster.esp 121 79 RaceMenuHH.esp 122 7a RaceMenu.esp 123 7b RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 254 FE 1f Red Eagle Replacer.esp 124 7c Vukasin.esp 125 7d Shani the Grey - Khajiit Follower.esp 126 7e SeeEnchs.esp 127 7f ScopedBows.esp 128 80 ShakeIt!.esp 129 81 Shark Race - SOS Sheath.esp 130 82 SharkOverlays.esp 131 83 TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 132 84 CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 133 85 bm_SimpleAction.esp 134 86 SOT-Sleeping.esp 135 87 SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 136 88 LrsamwaysExpandedSkyrimWeaponry.esp 137 89 SpellChargingFramework.esp 138 8a SpellComboV2.esp 139 8b RealNames - AFT Store Name.esp 254 FE 20 TBD - NiseKardiaArmor.esp 254 FE 21 OBS_TidyUp.esp 140 8c Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp 141 8d WetandCold.esp 142 8e TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 143 8f UltimateCombat.esp 144 90 UltimateCombatSekiro.esp 145 91 UnreadBooksGlow.esp 146 92 Draw!!.esp 147 93 Embiggen.esp 148 94 SOSRaceMenu.esp 149 95 AHZmoreHUD.esp 150 96 FasterSkillLevelingUltimate_x10.esp 151 97 MaximumCarnage.esp 152 98 BDDeerHoodie.esp 153 99 BDSpikySlitSchlong.esp 154 9a BDReachSkimpy.esp 155 9b RaceMenuPlugin.esp 156 9c RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 157 9d CellanBBSchlong.esp 158 9e Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp 159 9f DSHg - Helmets.esp 160 a0 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 161 a1 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 162 a2 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 163 a3 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 164 a4 Vivid_TS_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 254 FE 22 WoL-Bruma.esp 165 a5 XPMSE.esp 166 a6 BDSkimpyClothes.esp 167 a7 CellanHoodieSchlong.esp 168 a8 DSHg - Hoods.esp 169 a9 ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 170 aa Wet&Cold - WaterFix - Addon.esp WoL-FC.esp 171 ab CellanSOSSchlong.esp 172 ac DSHg - UpdateDB.esp 173 ad DSHg - UpdateDG.esp 174 ae FalskaarRSChildrenPatch.esp 175 af RSChildren.esp 176 b0 DustEffectsSSE.esp 177 b1 Rapier and Dagger.esp 178 b2 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 179 b3 Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 254 FE 23 DBM_NewArmoury.esp 180 b4 dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 181 b5 EBT - IC PATCH.esp 182 b6 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 183 b7 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 254 FE 24 3DNPC0.esp 184 b8 RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp 185 b9 Better Dynamic Snow.esp 186 ba KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp 187 bb BlendedRoads.esp 254 FE 25 aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 254 FE 26 Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 188 bc CrossTattoos.esp 189 bd 3DCloudsStormsNights.esp 190 be Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp 191 bf RSChildren_3DNPC.esp 192 c0 Flora Sway Fix.esp 193 c1 S3DRocks.esp 254 FE 27 S3DRocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch.esp 254 FE 28 Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp 194 c2 mintylightningmod.esp 195 c3 NAT_TS_MintyLightning_Patch.esp 196 c4 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 197 c5 Nemesis PCEA.esp 198 c6 WetFunction.esp 199 c7 Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 200 c8 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 201 c9 Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 202 ca Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp 203 cb Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp 204 cc BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 205 cd BeastHHBB.esp 206 ce CRF_RSChildrenPatch.esp 207 cf opmfgconsole.esp 208 d0 Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 29 RSChildren (Non-Playable Imperious Patch).esp 209 d1 Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 210 d2 Ordinator - Insane Enchantments.esp 211 d3 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 212 d4 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 254 FE 2a Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp 213 d5 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp Immersive Citizens - ELE patch.esp Immersive Citizens - TC patch.esp 214 d6 nwsFollowerFramework.esp 254 FE 2b nwsFF_NTMD_Apocalypse.esp 254 FE 2c nwsFF_NoTeamMagicDamage.esp 215 d7 ELFXEnhancer.esp 216 d8 Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp 217 d9 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 218 da Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
  15. this is my load order now. at this point I think my game kinda just broke TwT 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 3 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 4 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 5 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 7 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 8 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 9 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE a ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE d ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE e ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE f ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 10 cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE 11 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 254 FE 17 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 8 8 devourment.esm 9 9 BSAssets.esm 10 a BSHeartland.esm 11 b ApachiiHair.esm 12 c Heels Sound.esm 13 d Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 14 e waterviewskyrim.esm 15 f arnima.esm 16 10 BS_DLC_patch.esp 17 11 RaceCompatibility.esm 18 12 Shark Race.esp 19 13 Falskaar.esm 20 14 SkyUI_SE.esp 21 15 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 22 16 Mortal Enemies.esp 23 17 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 24 18 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 25 19 Better Dynamic Snow.esp 26 1a UIExtensions.esp 27 1b Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 28 1c Lunar Weapon Replacers.esp 29 1d Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 30 1e Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp 31 1f Vivid Weathers SE - Summer Season.esp 32 20 iNeed.esp 33 21 DevourmentINeed.esp SSEMerged3.esp 34 22 Devourment_BETA_patch.esp blackened steel armor and weapon set.esp 35 23 immersiveloverscomfort.esp 36 24 weightlesspelts_hides.esp chesko_wearablelantern.esp 37 25 icepenguinworldmap.esp forgotten wenches.esp judgment wenches.esp 38 26 CommunityOverlays3.esp 39 27 AddItemMenuSE.esp 40 28 iNeed - Extended.esp 41 29 weightlessores.esp 42 2a S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 43 2b Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 254 FE 1e practice dummies.esp 44 2c EmbersHD.esp 45 2d clockwork.esp Dwarfsphere.esp 46 2e inigo.esp 47 2f leafrest onepiece.esp 48 30 Skyrim Caches.esp SSEMerged2.esp 49 31 Devourment Female And Male Patch.esp 50 32 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 51 33 BadDogSchlongCore.esp 52 34 BDHoodieSchlong.esp 53 35 BDSpikySlitSchlong.esp 54 36 DevourmentApproach.esp 55 37 DevourmentInvoluntaryBurps.esp 56 38 DevourmentScanner.esp 57 39 DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp 58 3a Devourment Dialogue.esp 59 3b Devourment Burps and Bellies.esp jkdos_thaneofskyrim.esp peacekeeper armour.esp peacekeeper armour1.esp deadly wenches.esp 60 3c cloaks&capes.esp 61 3d S3DSigns.esp hateful wenches.esp black mage armor se.esp 62 3e HD textures merged.esp dragonguards.esp 63 3f VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp 64 40 Tools of Kagrenac.esp 65 41 SOS - Shop.esp 66 42 LykaiosReborn.esp 67 43 LykaiosNPC.esp rifttreehouse.esp 68 44 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 69 45 Recorder Follower Base.esp lucien.esp 70 46 av1jills.esp icebladeofthemonarch.esp rlgskaaltreehouse.esp 71 47 My Home Is Your Home.esp giftsofakatosh.esp 72 48 rings2hands.esp lucien-moonandstar-patch.esp kynreeve armor.esp 73 49 unleveled_items.esp 74 4a ArgoHairPlus.esp 75 4b BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 76 4c BeastHHBB.esp SSEMerged4.esp 77 4d better loot.esp SSEMerged1.esp 78 4e BDBrumaSkimpy.esp 79 4f KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp 80 50 BlendedRoads.esp 254 FE 1f 3BBB.esp 81 51 CBBE.esp 82 52 DustEffectsSSE.esp 83 53 FNIS_PCEA2.esp 84 54 FNIS.esp 85 55 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 86 56 BDHoodieFemale.esp 87 57 Nemesis PCEA.esp 88 58 RaceMenu.esp 89 59 RaceMenuHH.esp 254 FE 20 Red Eagle Replacer.esp 90 5a ShakeIt!.esp Shark Race - SOS Sheath.esp 91 5b TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 92 5c CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 93 5d bm_SimpleAction.esp zarias_piercings2.esp zarias_piercings1.esp 254 FE 21 TBD - NiseKardiaArmor.esp 94 5e Embiggen.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 254 FE 22 aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 95 5f AHZmoreHUD.esp 96 60 FasterSkillLevelingUltimate_x10.esp 97 61 BDReachSkimpy.esp 98 62 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 99 63 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 100 64 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 101 65 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 102 66 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 103 67 XPMSE.esp 104 68 BDSkimpyClothes.esp 105 69 Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 106 6a Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 107 6b CrossTattoos.esp 108 6c Flora Sway Fix.esp 109 6d S3DRocks.esp 254 FE 23 S3DRocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch.esp 110 6e mintylightningmod.esp 111 6f Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp 112 70 nwsFollowerFramework.esp nwsFF_NTMD_Apocalypse.esp 254 FE 24 nwsFF_NoTeamMagicDamage.esp
  16. ok, I'll try but your recommendation is my downfall I can't remember things at all sometimes
  17. I got rid of most of my new lands mods anyway but I'll try those other things, thanks for the help I'll tell you if it works
  18. so idk what's causing this but every time I start a new game or load a save and I reload it I get stuck in an infinite loading screen. I've been trying to fix it but at this point it's annoying and idk what to do. I have rschildren and disabling it did nothing to fix the bug. this is my load order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 3 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 4 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 5 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 7 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 8 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 9 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE a ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE d ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE e ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE f ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 10 cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE 11 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 254 FE 17 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 8 8 ApachiiHair.esm 9 9 BSAssets.esm 10 a BadDogSchlongCore.esm 254 FE 1e Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl 11 b Heels Sound.esm 12 c 3DNPC.esp 13 d BSHeartland.esm 254 FE 1f RealisticWaterTwo - Resources.esm 14 e waterviewskyrim.esm 15 f arnima.esm 16 10 BS_DLC_patch.esp 17 11 RaceCompatibility.esm 18 12 Falskaar.esm 19 13 CellanRace.esm 20 14 FennecRace.esm 21 15 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 22 16 Shark Race.esp 23 17 SkyUI_SE.esp 24 18 SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 25 19 ELFX - Exteriors.esp 26 1a Mortal Enemies.esp 27 1b NAT.esp 28 1c ELFX - Weathers.esp 29 1d Immersive Wenches.esp 30 1e Vivid WeathersSE.esp 31 1f TrueStormsSE.esp SSEMerged3.esp Devourment_BETA_patch.esp blackened steel armor and weapon set.esp 32 20 immersiveloverscomfort.esp 33 21 weightlesspelts_hides.esp chesko_wearablelantern.esp 34 22 icepenguinworldmap.esp 35 23 forgotten wenches.esp 36 24 judgment wenches.esp jkdos_thaneofskyrim.esp 37 25 CommunityOverlays3.esp 38 26 CrossTattoos.esp 39 27 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 40 28 3DCloudsStormsNights.esp 41 29 UIExtensions.esp 42 2a AddItemMenuSE.esp 43 2b Rebirth Monster.esp 44 2c S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 45 2d Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 46 2e Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 47 2f iNeed.esp 48 30 iNeed - Extended.esp 49 31 The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp 50 32 Immersive Jewelry.esp 51 33 weightlessores.esp 52 34 Cutting Room Floor.esp 53 35 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp 54 36 Artifacts & Uniques Redone.esp 55 37 S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 56 38 Helgen Reborn.esp 57 39 Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 254 FE 20 practice dummies.esp 58 3a Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp RSChildren.esp 59 3b EmbersHD.esp 60 3c clockwork.esp 61 3d Combat Evolved.esp 62 3e Immersive Weapons.esp 63 3f Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 64 40 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp Dwarfsphere.esp 65 41 Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 66 42 FGCLeviathanAxe.esp 67 43 ScopedBows.esp SSEMerged2.esp 68 44 DIVERSE SKYRIM.esp 69 45 Cloaks.esp 70 46 OBIS SE.esp peacekeeper armour.esp peacekeeper armour1.esp 71 47 deadly wenches.esp 72 48 cloaks&capes.esp 73 49 inigo.esp 74 4a leafrest onepiece.esp 75 4b Skyrim Caches.esp 76 4c NewArmoury.esp 77 4d S3DSigns.esp 78 4e Immersive Patrols II.esp 79 4f hateful wenches.esp black mage armor se.esp 80 50 HD textures merged.esp 81 51 BDDeerRace.esp 82 52 CellanNPC.esp dragonguards.esp 83 53 ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp 84 54 VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp 85 55 Tools of Kagrenac.esp 86 56 Phenderix Magic World.esp 87 57 notice board.esp 88 58 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 89 59 SOS - Shop.esp 90 5a LykaiosReborn.esp 91 5b LykaiosNPC.esp 254 FE 21 rifttreehouse.esp 92 5c Lungaris Race.esp 93 5d The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 94 5e BDDeerNPC.esp 95 5f Recorder Follower Base.esp lucien.esp 96 60 av1jills.esp icebladeofthemonarch.esp 254 FE 22 rlgskaaltreehouse.esp 254 FE 23 The Notice Board SMIM Ropes Fix.esp 97 61 My Home Is Your Home.esp 98 62 PathOfTheAntiMage.esp giftsofakatosh.esp 99 63 rings2hands.esp lucien-moonandstar-patch.esp kynreeve armor.esp 100 64 unleveled_items.esp 101 65 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 102 66 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 103 67 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 104 68 ArgoHairPlus.esp 105 69 DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 254 FE 24 BD Armor and clothes replacer.esp 106 6a BDDeerFuta.esp 107 6b BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 108 6c BeastHHBB.esp 109 6d OBIS Loot SE.esp 110 6e SeeEnchs.esp SSEMerged4.esp 111 6f better loot.esp SSEMerged1.esp 112 70 BecomeABard.esp 113 71 BDBrumaSkimpy.esp 114 72 Better Dynamic Snow.esp 115 73 BlendedRoads.esp 254 FE 25 BikiniRobesStandalone.esp 254 FE 26 3BBB.esp 116 74 CBBE.esp 254 FE 27 Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 117 75 Cathedral - 3D Pine Grass.esp 118 76 Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 119 77 VioLens SE.esp 120 78 DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 121 79 DeadlyCombat.esp 122 7a DustEffectsSSE.esp 123 7b Dual Wield Parrying_RandomAttacks.esp 124 7c FNIS_PCEA2.esp 125 7d FNIS.esp 126 7e VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 127 7f SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 128 80 Faction Crossbows.esp 129 81 FennecRace.esp 130 82 ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 131 83 HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp 254 FE 28 Immersive Wenches -Become a Bard- Patch.esp 132 84 JaxonzRenamer.esp 133 85 KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp 134 86 Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 135 87 Lunar Weapon Replacers.esp 136 88 mintylightningmod.esp 137 89 Lungaris Race - SOS Regular.esp 138 8a BadDogSchlongCore.esp 139 8b BDHoodieFemale.esp 140 8c BDHoodieSchlong.esp 141 8d SmoothCam.esp 142 8e FennecFollowers.esp 143 8f Nemesis PCEA.esp 144 90 Player Size Adjuster.esp 145 91 RaceMenu.esp 146 92 RaceMenuHH.esp 147 93 Rapier and Dagger.esp 148 94 Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 149 95 RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 254 FE 29 Red Eagle Replacer.esp 150 96 Vukasin.esp 151 97 Shani the Grey - Khajiit Follower.esp 152 98 ShakeIt!.esp 153 99 Shark Race - SOS Sheath.esp 154 9a SharkOverlays.esp 155 9b TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 156 9c CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 157 9d bm_SimpleAction.esp 158 9e SOT-Sleeping.esp zarias_piercings2.esp zarias_piercings1.esp 159 9f SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 160 a0 Flora Sway Fix.esp 161 a1 S3DRocks.esp 254 FE 2a S3DRocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch.esp 254 FE 2b Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp 162 a2 SpellChargingFramework.esp 163 a3 SpellComboV2.esp 164 a4 RealNames - AFT Store Name.esp 254 FE 2c TBD - NiseKardiaArmor.esp 254 FE 2d OBS_TidyUp.esp 165 a5 NAT_TS_MintyLightning_Patch.esp 166 a6 Vivid Weathers SE - Winter.esp 167 a7 WetandCold.esp 168 a8 TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 169 a9 UltimateCombat.esp 170 aa UltimateCombatSekiro.esp 171 ab Draw!!.esp 172 ac UnreadBooksGlow.esp 173 ad Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 174 ae Embiggen.esp 175 af WetFunction.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 254 FE 2e aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 176 b0 AHZmoreHUD.esp 177 b1 opmfgconsole.esp 178 b2 FasterSkillLevelingUltimate_x10.esp 179 b3 BDDeerHoodie.esp 180 b4 BDSpikySlitSchlong.esp 181 b5 BDReachSkimpy.esp 182 b6 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 183 b7 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 184 b8 CellanBBSchlong.esp 185 b9 Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp 186 ba Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 254 FE 2f 3DNPC0.esp 187 bb LykaiosSchlongs.esp 188 bc dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 189 bd EBT - IC PATCH.esp 190 be RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 191 bf SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 192 c0 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp 193 c1 Vivid_TS_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 194 c2 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 195 c3 XPMSE.esp 196 c4 BDSkimpyClothes.esp 197 c5 CellanHoodieSchlong.esp 198 c6 dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 199 c7 Wet&Cold - WaterFix - Addon.esp 200 c8 Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 201 c9 CellanSOSSchlong.esp 202 ca Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp 203 cb Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp 204 cc Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp 205 cd Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 206 ce Ordinator - Insane Enchantments.esp 207 cf Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 208 d0 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 254 FE 30 Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp 209 d1 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp Immersive Citizens - ELE patch.esp Immersive Citizens - TC patch.esp 210 d2 nwsFollowerFramework.esp 254 FE 31 nwsFF_NTMD_Apocalypse.esp 254 FE 32 nwsFF_NoTeamMagicDamage.esp 211 d3 ELFXEnhancer.esp 212 d4 Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp 213 d5 RealisticWaterTwo.esp 214 d6 Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
  19. So I've had a problem like this before on games like fallout 4 where a mod doesn't change the female or male body textures and this is now happening for me, I've also had this happen a long time ago when modding skyrim and it is caused by a mod. Which one? I have no clue but I'm hoping other people in the community know the mod. here's my load order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 3 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 4 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 5 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 7 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 8 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 9 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE a ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE d ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE e ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE f ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 10 cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE 11 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE 17 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 9 9 BadDogSchlongCore.esm 10 a ApachiiHair.esm 254 FE 1e Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl 11 b Heels Sound.esm 12 c LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 13 d 3DNPC.esp 14 e devourment.esm 15 f BSAssets.esm 16 10 BSHeartland.esm 17 11 waterviewskyrim.esm 18 12 arnima.esm 19 13 BS_DLC_patch.esp 20 14 RaceCompatibility.esm 21 15 CellanRace.esm 22 16 Falskaar.esm 23 17 FennecRace.esm 24 18 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 25 19 Shark Race.esp 26 1a SkyUI_SE.esp 27 1b SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 28 1c ELFX - Exteriors.esp 29 1d NAT.esp 30 1e ELFX - Weathers.esp 31 1f Immersive Wenches.esp 32 20 Mortal Enemies.esp 33 21 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 34 22 TrueStormsSE.esp 35 23 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 36 24 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 37 25 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 38 26 iNeed.esp 39 27 DevourmentINeed.esp 254 FE 1f OBS_TidyUp.esp 40 28 DustEffectsSSE.esp 41 29 HearthfireMultiKid.esp 42 2a S3DRocks.esp 43 2b HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 44 2c Flora Sway Fix.esp 45 2d ShakeIt!.esp 46 2e Draw!!.esp 47 2f iNeed - Extended.esp 48 30 RLO - Effects.esp 49 31 BDBrumaSkimpy.esp 50 32 BDReachSkimpy.esp 51 33 Rebirth Monster.esp 52 34 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 53 35 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 54 36 The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp 55 37 Immersive Jewelry.esp 56 38 Cutting Room Floor.esp 57 39 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp 58 3a Artifacts & Uniques Redone.esp 59 3b S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 60 3c Helgen Reborn.esp 61 3d RLO - Exteriors.esp 62 3e Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 254 FE 20 practice dummies.esp 63 3f MoonAndStar_MAS.esp 64 40 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 65 41 EmbersHD.esp 66 42 KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp 67 43 Combat Evolved.esp 68 44 clockwork.esp 69 45 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 70 46 Dwarfsphere.esp 71 47 FGCLeviathanAxe.esp 72 48 Cloaks.esp 73 49 OBIS SE.esp 74 4a Immersive Weapons.esp 75 4b Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 76 4c dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 77 4d EBT - IC PATCH.esp 78 4e dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 79 4f Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 80 50 inigo.esp 81 51 leafrest onepiece.esp 82 52 Skyrim Caches.esp 83 53 NewArmoury.esp 84 54 ScopedBows.esp SSEMerged2.esp 85 55 Devourment Female And Male Patch.esp 86 56 DevourmentApproach.esp 87 57 Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp 88 58 BDDeerRace.esp 89 59 BDDeerFuta.esp 90 5a BDSkimpyClothes.esp 254 FE 21 Red Eagle Replacer.esp 91 5b Devourment Dialogue.esp 92 5c Devourment Burps and Bellies.esp 93 5d OBIS Loot SE.esp 94 5e cloaks&capes.esp 95 5f Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 96 60 HD textures merged.esp 97 61 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 98 62 BadDogSchlongCore.esp 99 63 BDHoodieFemale.esp 100 64 BDHoodieSchlong.esp 101 65 AHO_Patch.esp 102 66 Embiggen.esp 103 67 DevourmentInvoluntaryBurps.esp 104 68 BDDeerHoodie.esp 105 69 BDSpikySlitSchlong.esp 106 6a CellanBBSchlong.esp 107 6b DevourmentScanner.esp 108 6c CellanHoodieSchlong.esp 109 6d CellanSOSSchlong.esp 110 6e BecomeABard.esp 111 6f CommunityOverlays3.esp 112 70 CrossTattoos.esp 254 FE 22 Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 113 71 BlendedRoads.esp 114 72 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 115 73 UIExtensions.esp 116 74 AddItemMenuSE.esp 117 75 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 118 76 CBBE.esp 119 77 ArgoHairPlus.esp 120 78 VioLens SE.esp 121 79 DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 122 7a S3DSigns.esp 123 7b Immersive Patrols II.esp 124 7c hateful wenches.esp 125 7d CellanNPC.esp 126 7e ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp FennecRace.esp 127 7f VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp dragonguards.esp 128 80 Tools of Kagrenac.esp 129 81 Phenderix Magic World.esp 130 82 notice board.esp 131 83 SOS - Shop.esp 132 84 LykaiosReborn.esp 133 85 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 134 86 deadly wenches.esp 135 87 LykaiosNPC.esp 254 FE 23 rifttreehouse.esp 136 88 Lungaris Race.esp 137 89 Lungaris Race - SOS Regular.esp 138 8a The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 139 8b BDDeerNPC.esp 140 8c TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 141 8d CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 142 8e BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 143 8f DeadlyCombat.esp 144 90 Recorder Follower Base.esp 145 91 av1jills.esp 254 FE 24 Project AHO Unofficial Patch.esp lucien.esp icebladeofthemonarch.esp 254 FE 25 The Notice Board SMIM Ropes Fix.esp 254 FE 26 rlgskaaltreehouse.esp 146 92 My Home Is Your Home.esp 147 93 PathOfTheAntiMage.esp giftsofakatosh.esp 148 94 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 149 95 BeastHHBB.esp 254 FE 27 3BBB.esp 150 96 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 151 97 Faction Crossbows.esp 152 98 JaxonzRenamer.esp 153 99 KS Hairdo's.esp 154 9a Dual Wield Parrying_RandomAttacks.esp 155 9b HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp 156 9c ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 157 9d FNIS_PCEA2.esp 158 9e Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 159 9f FNIS.esp 254 FE 28 Immersive Wenches -Become a Bard- Patch.esp 160 a0 SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 161 a1 Vukasin.esp 162 a2 Shani the Grey - Khajiit Follower.esp 163 a3 RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 164 a4 RealNames - AFT Store Name.esp 165 a5 SharkOverlays.esp 166 a6 Lunar Weapon Replacers.esp 167 a7 CRF_RSChildrenPatch.esp 168 a8 RaceMenu.esp 169 a9 Player Size Adjuster.esp 170 aa RaceMenuHH.esp 254 FE 29 TBD - NiseKardiaArmor.esp S3DRocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch.esp 171 ab Shark Race - SOS Sheath.esp 172 ac Rapier and Dagger.esp 173 ad Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 174 ae SpellChargingFramework.esp 175 af SpellComboV2.esp 176 b0 SeeEnchs.esp 177 b1 FennecFollowers.esp 178 b2 bm_SimpleAction.esp 179 b3 mintylightningmod.esp 254 FE 2a Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE - Project AHO.esp 254 FE 2b projectAHO ENB Patch.esp 180 b4 RSChildren_3DNPC.esp 181 b5 FalskaarRSChildrenPatch.esp 182 b6 Nemesis PCEA.esp 183 b7 SmoothCam.esp 184 b8 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 185 b9 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 186 ba WetFunction.esp 187 bb UnreadBooksGlow.esp 188 bc opmfgconsole.esp 254 FE 2c aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 189 bd FasterSkillLevelingUltimate_x10.esp 190 be Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 191 bf UltimateCombat.esp 192 c0 UltimateCombatSekiro.esp 193 c1 AHZmoreHUD.esp NAT_TS_MintyLightning_Patch.esp 194 c2 XPMSE.esp 195 c3 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 254 FE 2d 3DNPC0.esp 196 c4 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 197 c5 Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 198 c6 Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp 199 c7 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 200 c8 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 201 c9 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp SSEMerged3.esp 202 ca Vivid Weathers SE - Winter.esp 203 cb Devourment_BETA_patch.esp black mage armor se.esp 204 cc Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp blackened steel armor and weapon set.esp 205 cd better loot.esp 206 ce immersiveloverscomfort.esp weightlesspelts_hides.esp 207 cf rings2hands.esp 208 d0 WetandCold.esp 209 d1 TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 210 d2 Vivid_TS_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 211 d3 Wet&Cold - WaterFix - Addon.esp 212 d4 chesko_wearablelantern.esp 213 d5 RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp 214 d6 RSChildren.esp jkdos_thaneofskyrim.esp lucien-moonandstar-patch.esp kynreeve armor.esp 215 d7 SOT-Sleeping.esp weightlessores.esp zarias_piercings2.esp zarias_piercings1.esp peacekeeper armour.esp peacekeeper armour1.esp 216 d8 icepenguinworldmap.esp 217 d9 unleveled_items.esp 218 da forgotten wenches.esp 219 db judgment wenches.esp 254 FE 2e Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp 220 dc DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 221 dd Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 2f RSChildren (Non-Playable Imperious Patch).esp 222 de Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 223 df Ordinator - Insane Enchantments.esp 224 e0 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 225 e1 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 226 e2 RLO - Interiors.esp 227 e3 RLO - CRF Patch.esp 228 e4 RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp 229 e5 RLO - VIS Patch.esp 254 FE 30 Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp 230 e6 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 254 FE 31 CWICRFSEPatch.esp 254 FE 32 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp Immersive Citizens - TC patch.esp 231 e7 RLO - IC Patch.esp Immersive Citizens - ELE patch.esp 232 e8 Winterhold College Tree Fix.esp SSEMerged4.esp SSEMerged1.esp 233 e9 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 234 ea ELFXEnhancer.esp 235 eb Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp 236 ec Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
  20. So I've had a problem like this before on games like fallout 4 where a mod doesn't change the female or male body textures and this is now happening for me, I've also had this happen a long time ago when modding skyrim and it is caused by a mod. Which one? I have no clue but I'm hoping other people in the community know the mod. here's my load order 0 0 Skyrim.esm 1 1 Update.esm 2 2 Dawnguard.esm 3 3 HearthFires.esm 4 4 Dragonborn.esm 254 FE 0 ccbgssse002-exoticarrows.esl 254 FE 1 ccbgssse010-petdwarvenarmoredmudcrab.esl 254 FE 2 ccbgssse014-spellpack01.esl 254 FE 3 ccmtysse001-knightsofthenine.esl 254 FE 4 ccqdrsse001-survivalmode.esl 5 5 cceejsse001-hstead.esm 254 FE 5 ccqdrsse002-firewood.esl 254 FE 6 ccbgssse018-shadowrend.esl 254 FE 7 ccfsvsse001-backpacks.esl 254 FE 8 cceejsse002-tower.esl 254 FE 9 ccedhsse001-norjewel.esl 254 FE a ccvsvsse002-pets.esl 254 FE b ccbgssse034-mntuni.esl 254 FE c ccbgssse036-petbwolf.esl 254 FE d ccffbsse001-imperialdragon.esl 254 FE e ccmtysse002-ve.esl 254 FE f ccvsvsse001-winter.esl 254 FE 10 cceejsse003-hollow.esl 6 6 ccbgssse016-umbra.esm 254 FE 11 ccbgssse058-ba_steel.esl 254 FE 12 ccbgssse063-ba_ebony.esl 254 FE 13 ccbgssse062-ba_dwarvenmail.esl 254 FE 14 ccbgssse060-ba_dragonscale.esl 254 FE 15 ccbgssse057-ba_stalhrim.esl 254 FE 16 ccbgssse013-dawnfang.esl 7 7 Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp 8 8 RSkyrimChildren.esm 254 FE 17 unofficial umbra patch.esl 254 FE 18 unofficial nordic jewelry patch.esl 254 FE 19 unofficial myrwatch patch.esl 254 FE 1a unofficial shadowrend patch.esl 254 FE 1b unofficial divine crusader patch.esl 254 FE 1c unofficial arcane accessories patch.esl 254 FE 1d unofficial shadowfoot sanctum patch.esl 9 9 BadDogSchlongCore.esm 10 a ApachiiHair.esm 254 FE 1e Expressive Facegen Morphs.esl 11 b Heels Sound.esm 12 c LegacyoftheDragonborn.esm 13 d 3DNPC.esp 14 e devourment.esm 15 f BSAssets.esm 16 10 BSHeartland.esm 17 11 waterviewskyrim.esm 18 12 arnima.esm 19 13 BS_DLC_patch.esp 20 14 RaceCompatibility.esm 21 15 CellanRace.esm 22 16 Falskaar.esm 23 17 FennecRace.esm 24 18 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 25 19 Shark Race.esp 26 1a SkyUI_SE.esp 27 1b SMIM-SE-Merged-All.esp 28 1c ELFX - Exteriors.esp 29 1d NAT.esp 30 1e ELFX - Weathers.esp 31 1f Immersive Wenches.esp 32 20 Mortal Enemies.esp 33 21 Vivid WeathersSE.esp 34 22 TrueStormsSE.esp 35 23 VanillaArgoniansRedux.esp 36 24 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 37 25 S3DTrees NextGenerationForests.esp 38 26 iNeed.esp 39 27 DevourmentINeed.esp 254 FE 1f OBS_TidyUp.esp 40 28 DustEffectsSSE.esp 41 29 HearthfireMultiKid.esp 42 2a S3DRocks.esp 43 2b HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp 44 2c Flora Sway Fix.esp 45 2d ShakeIt!.esp 46 2e Draw!!.esp 47 2f iNeed - Extended.esp 48 30 RLO - Effects.esp 49 31 BDBrumaSkimpy.esp 50 32 BDReachSkimpy.esp 51 33 Rebirth Monster.esp 52 34 Summermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 53 35 Wintermyst - Enchantments of Skyrim.esp 54 36 The Great Cities - Minor Cities and Towns.esp 55 37 Immersive Jewelry.esp 56 38 Cutting Room Floor.esp 57 39 Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp 58 3a Artifacts & Uniques Redone.esp 59 3b S3DLandscapes NextGenerationForests.esp 60 3c Helgen Reborn.esp 61 3d RLO - Exteriors.esp 62 3e Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp 254 FE 20 practice dummies.esp 63 3f MoonAndStar_MAS.esp 64 40 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 65 41 EmbersHD.esp 66 42 KD - Realistic Fireplaces SE.esp 67 43 Combat Evolved.esp 68 44 clockwork.esp 69 45 UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp 70 46 Dwarfsphere.esp 71 47 FGCLeviathanAxe.esp 72 48 Cloaks.esp 73 49 OBIS SE.esp 74 4a Immersive Weapons.esp 75 4b Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim.esp 76 4c dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp 77 4d EBT - IC PATCH.esp 78 4e dD-Larger Splatter Size.esp 79 4f Hammerfell Armory SE.esp 80 50 inigo.esp 81 51 leafrest onepiece.esp 82 52 Skyrim Caches.esp 83 53 NewArmoury.esp 84 54 ScopedBows.esp SSEMerged2.esp 85 55 Devourment Female And Male Patch.esp 86 56 DevourmentApproach.esp 87 57 Cloaks - USSEP Patch.esp 88 58 BDDeerRace.esp 89 59 BDDeerFuta.esp 90 5a BDSkimpyClothes.esp 254 FE 21 Red Eagle Replacer.esp 91 5b Devourment Dialogue.esp 92 5c Devourment Burps and Bellies.esp 93 5d OBIS Loot SE.esp 94 5e cloaks&capes.esp 95 5f Cloaks - Dawnguard.esp 96 60 HD textures merged.esp 97 61 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 98 62 BadDogSchlongCore.esp 99 63 BDHoodieFemale.esp 100 64 BDHoodieSchlong.esp 101 65 AHO_Patch.esp 102 66 Embiggen.esp 103 67 DevourmentInvoluntaryBurps.esp 104 68 BDDeerHoodie.esp 105 69 BDSpikySlitSchlong.esp 106 6a CellanBBSchlong.esp 107 6b DevourmentScanner.esp 108 6c CellanHoodieSchlong.esp 109 6d CellanSOSSchlong.esp 110 6e BecomeABard.esp 111 6f CommunityOverlays3.esp 112 70 CrossTattoos.esp 254 FE 22 Cathedral - Rocky Shores.esp 113 71 BlendedRoads.esp 114 72 Andromeda - Unique Standing Stones of Skyrim.esp 115 73 UIExtensions.esp 116 74 AddItemMenuSE.esp 117 75 Animated Immersive Weaps.esp 118 76 CBBE.esp 119 77 ArgoHairPlus.esp 120 78 VioLens SE.esp 121 79 DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp 122 7a S3DSigns.esp 123 7b Immersive Patrols II.esp 124 7c hateful wenches.esp 125 7d CellanNPC.esp 126 7e ImprovedCompanionsBoogaloo.esp FennecRace.esp 127 7f VisualAnimatedEnchants.esp dragonguards.esp 128 80 Tools of Kagrenac.esp 129 81 Phenderix Magic World.esp 130 82 notice board.esp 131 83 SOS - Shop.esp 132 84 LykaiosReborn.esp 133 85 LykaiosSchlongs.esp 134 86 deadly wenches.esp 135 87 LykaiosNPC.esp 254 FE 23 rifttreehouse.esp 136 88 Lungaris Race.esp 137 89 Lungaris Race - SOS Regular.esp 138 8a The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp 139 8b BDDeerNPC.esp 140 8c TheEyesOfBeauty.esp 141 8d CZM_SilverThroatFollower.esp 142 8e BRB_BeastRaceBodypaints.esp 143 8f DeadlyCombat.esp 144 90 Recorder Follower Base.esp 145 91 av1jills.esp 254 FE 24 Project AHO Unofficial Patch.esp lucien.esp icebladeofthemonarch.esp 254 FE 25 The Notice Board SMIM Ropes Fix.esp 254 FE 26 rlgskaaltreehouse.esp 146 92 My Home Is Your Home.esp 147 93 PathOfTheAntiMage.esp giftsofakatosh.esp 148 94 Apocalypse - Magic of Skyrim.esp 149 95 BeastHHBB.esp 254 FE 27 3BBB.esp 150 96 SkyrimReputation_SSE.esp 151 97 Faction Crossbows.esp 152 98 JaxonzRenamer.esp 153 99 KS Hairdo's.esp 154 9a Dual Wield Parrying_RandomAttacks.esp 155 9b HearthFires Display Case Fix SE.esp 156 9c ForgottenMagic_Redone.esp 157 9d FNIS_PCEA2.esp 158 9e Saeri_Khajiit_Hair.esp 159 9f FNIS.esp 254 FE 28 Immersive Wenches -Become a Bard- Patch.esp 160 a0 SimpleScopedCrossbows.esp 161 a1 Vukasin.esp 162 a2 Shani the Grey - Khajiit Follower.esp 163 a3 RealNames - SSE Edition.esp 164 a4 RealNames - AFT Store Name.esp 165 a5 SharkOverlays.esp 166 a6 Lunar Weapon Replacers.esp 167 a7 CRF_RSChildrenPatch.esp 168 a8 RaceMenu.esp 169 a9 Player Size Adjuster.esp 170 aa RaceMenuHH.esp 254 FE 29 TBD - NiseKardiaArmor.esp S3DRocks - Better Dynamic Snow - Patch.esp 171 ab Shark Race - SOS Sheath.esp 172 ac Rapier and Dagger.esp 173 ad Rapier&DaggerNA.esp 174 ae SpellChargingFramework.esp 175 af SpellComboV2.esp 176 b0 SeeEnchs.esp 177 b1 FennecFollowers.esp 178 b2 bm_SimpleAction.esp 179 b3 mintylightningmod.esp 254 FE 2a Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE - Project AHO.esp 254 FE 2b projectAHO ENB Patch.esp 180 b4 RSChildren_3DNPC.esp 181 b5 FalskaarRSChildrenPatch.esp 182 b6 Nemesis PCEA.esp 183 b7 SmoothCam.esp 184 b8 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 185 b9 RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp SOSRaceMenu.esp 186 ba WetFunction.esp 187 bb UnreadBooksGlow.esp 188 bc opmfgconsole.esp 254 FE 2c aMidianBorn_Book of Silence.esp 189 bd FasterSkillLevelingUltimate_x10.esp 190 be Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp 191 bf UltimateCombat.esp 192 c0 UltimateCombatSekiro.esp 193 c1 AHZmoreHUD.esp NAT_TS_MintyLightning_Patch.esp 194 c2 XPMSE.esp 195 c3 ScopedBows_ArrowTweaks.esp ScopedBows_EagleEyeTweak.esp 254 FE 2d 3DNPC0.esp 196 c4 Vivid Weathers SE - Bruma Patch.esp 197 c5 Vivid Weathers SE - Extended Snow.esp 198 c6 Vivid Weathers SE - Falskaar.esp 199 c7 Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 200 c8 RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp 201 c9 SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp SSEMerged3.esp 202 ca Vivid Weathers SE - Winter.esp 203 cb Devourment_BETA_patch.esp black mage armor se.esp 204 cc Vivid Weathers SE - LightingDuringStorm Patch.esp blackened steel armor and weapon set.esp 205 cd better loot.esp 206 ce immersiveloverscomfort.esp weightlesspelts_hides.esp 207 cf rings2hands.esp 208 d0 WetandCold.esp 209 d1 TrueStorms_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 210 d2 Vivid_TS_Wet&Cold_Patch.esp 211 d3 Wet&Cold - WaterFix - Addon.esp 212 d4 chesko_wearablelantern.esp 213 d5 RSChildren Patch - BS Bruma.esp 214 d6 RSChildren.esp jkdos_thaneofskyrim.esp lucien-moonandstar-patch.esp kynreeve armor.esp 215 d7 SOT-Sleeping.esp weightlessores.esp zarias_piercings2.esp zarias_piercings1.esp peacekeeper armour.esp peacekeeper armour1.esp 216 d8 icepenguinworldmap.esp 217 d9 unleveled_items.esp 218 da forgotten wenches.esp 219 db judgment wenches.esp 254 FE 2e Skyrim Reputation Patch.esp 220 dc DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 221 dd Imperious - Races of Skyrim.esp 254 FE 2f RSChildren (Non-Playable Imperious Patch).esp 222 de Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp 223 df Ordinator - Insane Enchantments.esp 224 e0 Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp 225 e1 Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul.esp 226 e2 RLO - Interiors.esp 227 e3 RLO - CRF Patch.esp 228 e4 RLO - Illuminated Spells.esp 229 e5 RLO - VIS Patch.esp 254 FE 30 Immersive Wenches -Immersive Citizens AI Overhaul Patch-.esp 230 e6 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 254 FE 31 CWICRFSEPatch.esp 254 FE 32 CWIOrdinatorPatchSSE.esp Immersive Citizens - TC patch.esp 231 e7 RLO - IC Patch.esp Immersive Citizens - ELE patch.esp 232 e8 Winterhold College Tree Fix.esp SSEMerged4.esp SSEMerged1.esp 233 e9 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp 234 ea ELFXEnhancer.esp 235 eb Immersive Citizens - ELFXEnhancer patch.esp 236 ec Modern Brawl Bug Fix.esp
  21. scroll down to the bottom of vortex, and on the left hand column....do you see that ARROW pointing to the RIGHT, click on it and it will expand the Left hand Column again. Now see how it points LEFT? if you click on it again, it will COLLAPSE the Left hand column again.. Man this basic interface stuff needs to be stickied. lol sorry if I annoyed you. thanks for the help though I really appreciate it
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