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Everything posted by Ahvaren

  1. I support giving mod authors the ability to delete comments with moderator oversight to check for abuse. I do not support giving mod authors the ability to permanently ban people from downloading their mods with no moderator oversight whatsoever. It doesn't seem to make any sense that the more powerful of the privileges lacks oversight. I'm generally not one to offer critique, but I'm certainly going to be a lot more careful with my mod comments in the future-- to the tune of not commenting at all anymore unless I have only unconditionally positive things to say.
  2. In response to post #9045191. No, that's not it. The other game hubs are very, very small. Skyrim is where most of their new expenses are coming from. Taking away the little-used and much smaller other hubs would be like... searching for spare change under the couch to pay your rent. Plus, the other hubs bring in premium users as well. It's not like just the ES/Fallout base buys premium.
  3. In response to post #9034119. #9035089 is also a reply to the same post. Thing is, though, that would mess up large single mod downloads. Do you really want to spend 17 hours downloading Interesting NPCs? There's no good way to limit people except just limiting their download rate. Limiting # of mod downloads would make downloading smaller mods/fixes a chore, limiting size of mod downloads would make downloading larger files extremely arduous. Mods are just way too varied to put those kinds of limits, because that'll just prioritize one mod over another (if you instituted a # limit, for example, everyone would start asking mod authors to consolidate all their files into one download-- even optional files, because optional files would now be just another # towards their limit).
  4. "a specially developed cloud server system utilising 48 CPU cores and 192GB or RAM across 6 virtual servers, load balanced by two extra virtual servers to ensure redundancy." So basically, just enough to play Metro 2033 on max settings. Good luck. I hope the next year goes more smoothly for you.
  5. I've already seen an improvement. If this isn't 'fixed', Dark0ne, I'm looking forward to the site when fixed actually happens.
  6. People ARE unbanned, I've seen several "account reinstated" posts in these forums. It's significantly more rare than the banned or warning posts, but it happens.
  7. In response to post #8472887. #8473317, #8473437 are all replies on the same post. You have a very limited understanding of the scope of viruses, then, if you think all of them boil down to "my_hot_sis.jpg.exe". Like someone else said, the ones that want to operate quietly will. You seem to think every virus is one of those amateurish "let's see how stupid people are" ones.
  8. In response to post #8465430. #8465564, #8465583, #8466047, #8466128, #8466371, #8466898, #8466919, #8467109, #8467154, #8467580, #8467582, #8467657, #8467771, #8467825, #8467957, #8467962, #8468535 are all replies on the same post. I also use Avast+Comodo, and scan regularly with Malwarebytes (and find nothing). So far I haven't had any problems whatsoever, and I don't monitor my browsing habits for bad sites at all.
  9. In response to post #8464817. #8464832 is also a reply to the same post. I don't think someone doing DDoS attacks cares much about cheating. (though, I do find the sentiment that modding a single player game is "cheating" ridiculous)
  10. Depends. What other mods are you using? Are you trying to give him Flin from the Dragonborn DLC? Does he talk to you at all? If you are attempting to give him Flin added by the Dragonborn DLC (Flin you got anywhere else except for at the New Gnisis Cornerclub), it won't work. The mod has its own version of Flin and only that will advance the quest. If you have any other mods that alter the New Gnisis Cornerclub (Morrowind Imports, anything that adds Dragonborn Flin to the base game, probably), you might not be getting the Atvir Dres-added Flin, either. In the case of a mod conflict, I'd recommend finding out what the console code for the Atvir Dres Flin is and just adding in manually in. You could also just temporarily disable the mod that is conflicting (not eligible for some of mods, though, because it'll mess up your game, you'll have to make the call whether your conflicting mod is safe or not to disable). You could load Atvir Dres AFTER the conflicting mod, so that the Atvir Dres changes overwrite your other mod where they conflict. If he's not talking to you at all, just sitting there silently and completely ignoring you, just reload your save. If uh, none of the above, I don't know.
  11. In response to post #7977047. Not at all? I have a ridiculous amount of bookmarks for Skyrim mods from before the site change. They're working just fine. In fact, this change expands bookmark functionality, as I can now bookmark/send links on a certain tab, if I wanted.
  12. Okay, I'm a bit late to the party, but: Eps: Sims 3 and all expansions up to Supernatural. I'll be getting Seasons soon, I think. How: I use the Sims as a character building tool/simulation device. I almost always use cheats... I never actually 'play the game' as intended (starting out with nothing and slowly building to fame/fortune). I have a pretty awesome story progression mod installed, so I'll just set up the neighborhood how I like it (usually with 5-6 added families), then pick a trash character and run the game on super fast mode for a while. Then come back and look around and see how things changed. I never really micromanage, I just kinda hop around from household to household, spend a few days at one, a few days at another... And I delete my save-games quite a lot. Main Sim: I don't really have one, but I have plenty of sims that I use often. I'd show screens but I haven't opened up the Sims 3 since shortly after Supernatural came out, so I've lost my momentum and all the updates are out of order. Traits: I do have some traits that get shown a lot more love than others. Traits more likely to be found in my sims: Absent Minded (usually paired with Genius), Bookworm, Computer Whiz, Genius, Handy, Virtuoso, Friendly, Loner, Shy, Perfectionist, Eccentric, Perceptive, Dramatic, Brooding. Traits I (tend to) avoid: Social Butterfly, Technophobe, most of the Physical grouping, Family-Oriented, Loves the Outdoors I do have a sim that I start out every game with (though I rarely stay in her household long): Charismatic, Party Animal, Commitment Issues, Perceptive, Natural Cook.
  13. I really like that featured file idea. Personally, I prefer the flat view to the block view, so I'll be sticking with that. It would be cool if you could collapse/expand individual sections of the "Tags" section. It would also be nice if the site could remember what sections you keep expanded or not.
  14. In response to post #7847001. #7847316, #7869395 are all replies on the same post. @Timmy19992, Aticus127 Thing is, you start banning people for stupidity, you're going to lose a lot more than ~50%. Everyone has been stupid at some point in their lives. Everyone has also had to ask a fairly stupid question at one point. Google is not infallible, and it sometimes helps to have another person explain something. It's why teachers and tutors still exist, even in the age of 'get everything you want online'. So what happens if someone with a legitimate question sees all these people getting disciplined for being stupid? They won't ask the question. They won't learn. And this community will stagnate because it will no longer be a place of people learning and getting into modding, it will be a place where the already experienced modders and users congregate to the expense of everyone else. I think that runs contrary to what the Nexus is. *Note: I'm not defending those who don't read at all and just demand answers for their own mess-ups, but honestly, it's way too close to people who legitimately need help and can learn to really distinguish perfectly each time. I know someone, who, when given a book/wiki/online resource, can read it and not comprehend a thing. Once someone explains it, though, she's great. But she asks really dumb questions on her way to understanding, and she'll ask quite a few of them. Is she stupid? Nope. Would she get quite a few negative points from annoyed mod authors? Probably. Would she learn? Yes, given the chance.
  15. In response to post #7839687. I'm going to have to second Lisnpuppy's question. All the negative I've seen is a bit of squabbling over whether its a good idea or not to allow mod authors full moderation powers over comments on their mods, and one person who threadjacked into moder-haterville. Opening up the Nexus to other games isn't at all a measure of the inadequacy of our current mods/modding community. In fact, I'd look at it the opposite-- the games on the Nexus (the largest of which is Skyrim), and the wonderful community they have here, and the awesome website to support them are what is prompting this opening up of the Nexus to other games. Authors of mods Elsweyr are looking at our community and this website and going "wow, I'd like a piece of that".
  16. In response to post #7836700. I can answer #3! They're planning on implementing something where you're asked to either endorse or abstain from endorsing, just like what you said. I'm not sure when it's rolling out, but, uh, Dark0ne did a blog piece about it some time ago.
  17. This sounds awesome, I can't wait, but... the full comment moderation on mods is somewhat troubling. I rely on comments to see if there's anything wrong with the mod-- if I see a bunch of glowing comments on the first few pages, I can reasonably trust that the mod is stable and doesn't cause any issues. If you allow full comment moderation, then, some mod authors (generally the ones you wouldn't want to be downloading from) could delete any negative comments they receive, right? That just seems like it could open the door for problems for downloaders. Not to mention I don't think it would save you guys any trouble. You'd have people reporting the mod author trying to contest that their comment was deleted unfairly.
  18. Recently, we've heard from those that refer to themselves as Anonymous (it can't be called a cohesive group) when they attempted to hack the Israeli government websites and successfully hacked some of North Korea's official government feeds. Anon's stated goal in the former case was to protest the Israeli treatment of Palestinians. In the past, Anon was one of, if not the first, case of internet vigilantism assisting in the arrest of a pedophile, and they are actively involved in anti-child-pornography activities. Their main method of protest is cyber-attacks against the websites of those that they wish to protest. Take a look at the wikipedia article for more info. Anon isn't the only group that actively engages in internet vigilantism. 419eater.com (link goes to wikipedia) is a website with dedicated members who purposefully waste known scammers' time and resources. They give fake information to the scammer and try to 'bait' them for as long as possible, working off the theory that if this scammer's time is wasted on them, a mark that isn't going to fall for the scam, their time cannot be spent elsewhere, scamming people that will fall for it. Some baiters will attempt to acquire pictures or other artifacts from the scammers, others will get the scammers to fly out or travel to a false location to pick up money that doesn't exist. In the 419eater community, actions like this are seen as badges of pride. Internet vigilantism without a clear group or focus behind it also exists. These cases are often public shaming turned up to eleven, as was the case with the (now infamous) Dongle incident, where a woman knowingly tried to use public shaming against two men, and received a backlash from the internet that lost her her job. Some people-- particularly the scammer-and-pedophile-baiters-- argue that the proper authorities don't put the kind of time and effort into catching criminals online, so internet vigilantes pick up the slack. Political activists that use hacking or other types of internet vigilantism to achieve their goals argue that this is a valid form of protest. For arguments against, of course, search for times when internet vigilantism resulted in disproportionate retribution, or stirred the pot where keeping things calm was the best option. What do you think? 1) Is internet vigilantism a valid form of political protest, such as in the way that Anon practices it? 2) Is public shaming on the internet in any way justified, or is it out of hand? 3) What about those like the 419-baiters, who argue they take these actions because no one else will? 4) What causes internet vigilantism, and are there any 'real world' situations that can relate? Edited: Edited for typos.
  19. Well... that's a really negative outlook. There's always mods that stand out from the crowd. There's always been a 'best'. Don't tell me that Better Cities wasn't the most popular, what most people would consider the 'best' city-mod out there for Oblivion. Yet smaller, independent mods still found ways to enter the modding community. Midas Magic is one of the first things that pops up for Oblivion magic... but I could scroll down and find lots and lots of other magic mods. This is exactly how it is with Skyrim. SkyRe is one of these (using your example), but I don't believe for the reasons you're stating. I like what the author of SkyRe did with the game. Yes, I could pick out mods that cover the exact same areas and mash them together into something resembling the scope that SkyRe covers... but I don't like them as much. It's not convenience... it's someone who put in time and effort into their mod and constantly updates and supports it, and it stands out for that reason. You're saying...If someone were to come along with a mod that brought something new to the table, you don't believe that the modding community would recognize that mod, just because there's 'already one popular overhaul, we don't need another'? I think quite the opposite would occur. The only way that new mods would just 'clutter up the mod list' is if we had a list of mods that covered EVERY aspect of the game and were modular/had enough options to appeal to everyone's tastes at once. Never, ever going to happen. I mean, it doesn't seem like I can talk you out of your position, but I think your fears are unfounded. Edit: Dragon Combat Overhaul, exhibit one. We already had a 'standard dragon mod', then DCO came around, offered something unique that looked like it had a lot of time and effort put into it, that a lot of people enjoyed, and gained a LOT of support within days of its release. I also believe there was a new body mod released recently that hit Hot Files, even with our already popular other body mods. Edit2: My edit killed my post. Fixed.
  20. NK does have resources, of the mineral variety. There's an estimated $6 trillion sitting under that country-- they just lack the ability to get at it efficiently. The problem with this is that NK is in such economic bad shape that any country that tries to reform them has got to have a very strong economy to weather the first period of aid. SK isn't big enough to support that kind of undertaking. NK would immediately tank their economy if they tried to incorporate.
  21. Yep. I'm going to admit that I'm one of those gamers that are part of the problem. As bad as EA likes to be, I still own five of the Sims 3 expansions, some of their micro-transaction material from the online store, and I plan to buy more soon.
  22. I've been reading so many opinions on this lately. I'll present a few of them that I've heard for the sake of discussion... but I'm not going to defend/endorse any of them. This is just honestly the general opinions I've read as people explored the issue. I have NO other knowledge about the issue and haven't formulated my own opinions yet. 1) Kim Jong-un is power-playing for his generals, who are none to pleased with him. He thinks he can drum up popular support among his army by creating a crisis, even if it's a fabricated crisis. We're just feeling the backlash. and 2) This was originally just supposed to be a repeat of "North Korea starts to get a little rowdy, China/US/UN send food to shut them up", but this time no food was sent to shut them up, so Kim is trying to escalate things in an effort to get the food aid he was aiming for. seem to be the most popular on the sites I frequent. There's also, of course 3) Where they actually are going to try to do something. In this case, North Korea has gone completely insane, because of a) Their military power. Their army, while impressive in numbers, is starving and stunted from the conditions in NK. Their vehicles and other equipment, while numerable, are probably still the same 50s stuff they fought the Korean War with. Every other nation, including South Korea, are eons ahead of them in equipment. They lack the fuel to fly most of their planes. b) Even if they've happened to get nukes, despite the unlikeliness of that (the fact that they shouldn't even have enough nuclear material yet for one), there's the logistics of trying to transport the nuke. Their equipment is far from state of the art. If they manage to successfully transport a nuke somewhere and detonate it (on their first try, with basically no testing, because they can't spare the material for testing) they would cease to exist as a nation. The military (and possibly nuclear) response would be tremendous. So if NK tries something, they're effectively running a suicide mission. Every single person involved in getting that nuke off has to be willing to die, because even if they survive the initial backlash, they will be hunted down. In terms of the damage they could do, if they decided to run a suicide mission: They could, theoretically, nuke a variety of places. Obviously, this will cause damage. Aside from the initial loss in lives, there will be nuclear fallout over the area. That is, of course, if they have the missiles and material to have a nuke. They do, however, have lots of artillery pointed at South Korea's capital. That's probably the biggest concern (if they do something, which is unlikely). They could destroy a large part of Northern Seoul and kill quite a few people before SK and the US had a chance to take out their artillery. The entirety of Seoul would not be at threat (unless fire/damage from Northern Seoul got out of hand). The economic damage to SK would be pretty astronomical. China! China is normally the one to tell NK to behave when they start up this stuff. Apparently, NK isn't listening to China at the moment. I haven't read a single way China could benefit from NK doing something-- the second NK starts something, there will be a substantial number of starving North Korean refugees fleeing over the border to China. That's why you're seeing them move their forces to the border of NK. No one wants NK's refugees. A war would also mean the US would get involved (because the US is allied with SK and has already increased their presence in the area because of NK's actions) and China doesn't like that either, not on their doorstep. China is allied with NK. However, it doesn't look like they'll step in if NK does anything. They might be amassing their troops at the border, but a war with the US is the last thing China wants. If NK pulls something and ends up going to war with the SK and the US, China is unlikely to get involved, treaties or not. So... what do you all think?
  23. I would like to second PieEyedPiper. On my end it hasn't been nearly as bad as on his, but I've noticed the same thing. I've almost never gotten a bad gateway from the Skyrim Nexus, but in the past week I've gotten quite a few and I've noticed things on the main site (like comments sections for mods) take longer, sometimes not loading at all. Early on in the week it was particularly bad, with NMM dropping downloads left and right and going through 2 or 3 servers just for one mod before being able to download. I'm using Chrome fully updated on Vista OS.
  24. Something really minor (so I'm glad there's this thread to dump it in)-- but different colored badges for Premium/Moderator/Admins. Right now, they're all green. Why not apply some color swap on them and have a hierarchy of colors?! I dunno, blue for premium, green for mods, yellow for admins. It'll be fun.
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