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  1. Thanks for that link! I didn't know about that. Shame that I scrapped my game and currently working on a new setup. I will certainly include this though. I tried to like yours and Karna5's posts, but nexus is giving me a "Sorry, there was a problem reacting to this post" error. (Edit; had to reload the page, now it is working)
  2. Thanks for the answer. I am a bit worried about the long-term consequences though. I still haven't filled that Museum, need to finish up Midwood-Isle and Vonimheim, do the last side-quests in Bruma, and I am pretty sure I also miss a couple of quests from 3DNPC.....
  3. I am having the problem with a long running save-game (level 132) that currently sits at around 43Mb (219 regular plugins, 1510 light plugins). Whenever I continue playing, I actually loose data. The save game is still loadable and playable, but I continuously loose data (I lost 10 Mb of data so that my save-game was around 30MB. Even though; that save-game was still loadable and playable but I lost map-markers, LotD-armors in the armory and probably a ton more that I haven't found yet). My settings in EngineFixes.toml: MaxStdio = 8192 [Experimental] SaveGameMaxSize = true I have no idea what those 42MB would calculate if it where uncompressed. Did I reach the (extended) save game limit of 128MB uncompressed? If not, was anybody ever in the same situation, that they LOST data in a save-game?
  4. Thanks, that makes sense. I had been wondering if people closing their account would get pseudo-banned.
  5. I just came across a ban for: Reason: None And with no further explanation. This is the second time I have seen one of these. Are these people really banned for no reason, or were they asking to get their account deleted?
  6. Since March 2015, never regretted it.
  7. Yeah some of those are very amusing. I also learned a lot from those post, like the super important fact that a game called "Summer Car" is apparently being "illegally copied" very frequently. And that there exist abbreviations for nasty sentences that I, as a non-english speaker didn't know about before and would never have guessed what they meant if coming accross them somewhere in the comments. And keeping with the topic of being a non-english speaker; those userenames can be quite tricky for me as well. About 5 times out of 10, I think "inappropriate userename? Why?". I then read that username out loud and "......... oh, ooohhhhh!". And about 1 in 10 I just don't get it, full stop.
  8. I just tried the new profile, and it is certainly easier on the eye than the old one. Some Feedback; - I miss some features when editing the "about me" part; like text color and Text sizes (the "heading 1-4" and "text" options are too restricted), as well as line spacing. Some of these things are available here on the forum, why not there? - Will the background be adjustable? (might have been answered) I appreciate your work on the profile, but I would prefer if the cut content would be prioritised. I am right now again in the situation where I have asked a question somewhere on Nexus, but I absolutely can't remember where. Please, I need the post-tracking feature desperately!
  9. In LOOT: LOOT normally gives you an error message (somethin called a circular error) if it wasn't able to sort your mods. We would need to know what exactly it says. If you can't see any type of message, did you update your masterlist the first time before you sorted for the first time? And if yes, did you press the "Apply sorted load order" after LOOT had finished sorting your mods? There might be a similar named button from within Vortex. This is the first thing I would try right now. The crash log might point to your quest_journal.swf, which is strange, as I don't see a mod in your load order that would use it except for SkyUI, and SkyUI has its files in a bsa. If above step doesn't work (and only then as the error might resolve itself once you actually can sort your mods). Can you quickly check if you have a loose file version of this file in your installation-folder (within an folder called "interface" or in one of your mod folders?
  10. I have to admit, that I don't use Vortex, so please follow 7531Leonidas' suggestion concerning LOOT and Vortex. Your load-order right now seems to be just alphabetically sorted which is certainly wrong. Usually the creation-club items should load high up right after the vanilla game-files and the Unofficial Patch should be high up as well. When using LOOT with ModOrganizer2, make sure to setup LOOT to run from within ModOrganizer (in MO2 add a shortcut to your LOOT install). When using Vortex use the inbuilt LOOT version as described by 7531Leonidas. Also: Seasons of Skyrim is a fantastic mod, but I would not recommend it for a beginner, as it involves the installation and correct configuration of various mods and textures plus the correct creation of LOD with DynDOLOD. I recommend to start with a more beginner-friendly setup by removing Seasons of Skyrim and Turn of Seasons and TOTS - Icy Waterways.esp for the time being. Later on if you game is stable you can always go back and try to install Seasons of Skyrim (read and follow the instructions on that mod's page very carefully). Additionally Immersive Citizens and Immersive Encounters might need patches. Did you get any suggestions about missing patches in LOOT?
  11. In order for Skyrim to run properly with mods. The following has to be true: A) all mods need to have their requirements (required mods, or required versions of Skyrim) fulfilled, and B) the mods have to be sorted in a way that they don't interfere with each other. I recommend the below file for a start: LOOT: https://github.com/loot/loot/releases/tag/0.22.3 this little program will not only tell you if one or more mods is missing a requirement, it will also sort your mods in a reasonable way and warn you if mods aren't compatible with each other. If we are to help you more, we would need to know which mods you have installed, and what their current load-order is. If you Google "Beginner's Guide Skyrim SE modding" you will get You-Tube Videos and other guides that will explain everything in detail. It takes a bit of time to get everything working, but you will find it is very much worth it.
  12. I have to admit, that I is what I have been dreading when Starfield launched. I am also disappointed with the modders that are actually spearheading this. And I fear that this will be a success, as there are much more naive console-players out there than seasoned PC-players.
  13. Another off chance. But do you run a third party Antivirus? I run Bitdefender, and I can' t tell you how many times it messed with my games. If you do, try adding exceptions for Skyrim SE.exe.
  14. Have you set Skyrim to run as Admin? This one might be obvious, but you didn't mentioned it in our post. Also, sometimes It can help to let the game-files verify through Steam. Even if you have done this already. You might have to do it a second time.
  15. I just wanted to let you know that I have continued to work on this problem. And I have at least partially resolved it. Problem Nr. 1: GPU overheating; according to Skyrim performance monitor, my GPU reaches 100°C and the stuttering seems to correlate to the GPU-Throttling due to thermal stress. There is not much I can do about that, as it is a laptop. Revving up the fans didn't improve anything in that regard. Problem Nr. 2: Interference from on-board GPU: Even though NVIDIA-Control panel was set to use the distinct GPU for Skyrim and Fallout 4 (which strangely started to stutter at the same time), and even though I set the distinct GPU in the Windows 11 settings as well, somehow the on-board GPU seem to have interfered (or tried to take over). Disabling the on-Board GPU in the BIOS-Settings seems to have done the trick and.... ...I now have the system to a point where it might still stutter occasionally when I sprint non-stop from the Solitude City-Gate to Dragonbridge and back (with Enhanced Solitude, Enhanced Solitude Docks, and Lux Via installed) but the systems seems to recover immediately and the stutter doesn't become permanent after a short time (as was previously the case).
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