Just wanted to say, this site is my "go to" site for all mods TES. I really appreciate all of the work that has gone into developing the NMM (and previously the OBMM) and the site in general. I try to point all of my friends/co-workers here when they first get their copy of a TES game. After reading the comments below, just realized I was one of those users blocking ads. Gah! Only recently started using an ad blocker, and keep forgetting to un-block sites that I actually use on a regular basis. Nexus unblocked! Keep up the great work! Never looked at the Premium accounts, but, after seeing the pricing structure, going to see if the CFO will agree to getting a Premium account (yes, I run stuff like that past her... Happy Wife, Happy Life and all that!) PS: You guys really need to find a way to emphasize the non-recurring nature of the payments. Most people, including myself, just expect it to be like 99.999% of all other services out there, automatically signing you up again, unless you submit, in writing, your wish to discontinue.