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Everything posted by crysthala
For future reference: questions like this are better asked in the Fallout 4 Mod Troubleshooting subforum, not the general discussion one. :wink: Sounds like you accidentally set Notepad as the default program to open .ba2 files with. If that's the case, Windows didn't actually change the file type, it just assigned .ba2 files the Notepad icon. The game itself should still be able to read the archives. Unless you absolutely need to extract the files for some reason (to modify the textures, or if you're trying to combine archives), you can just install the mod as normal.
Looking for a rogue string re: soul gems.
crysthala replied to thesmallprint's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
It's not hardcoded, it's just a game setting, so it's harder to find. Go to Gameplay -> Settings (on the row of menus under the title bar) and type "soul" into the filter. The setting you're looking for in this case is sSoulLevel. Find that, click it, and you can then change the text to whatever you like. The %s will be replaced by the level of the no-longer-called-a-soul, "petty" or "grand" or whatever. You can also find a lot of other soul-gem-related messages and settings in here. -
You'll want to pop into Documents/My Games and delete the Skyrim folder there, as well, to reset the INIs.
This is literally the only feature from Oblivion I miss. I really don't understand why they thought being able to "zoom in" on an item, which has absolutely no use except with the dragon claws, should take precedence in the inventory window over being able to see your own character. No mods that I know of can do this because of how Skyrim's UI and menus work, but I have found you can use a couple of console commands to sorta-kinda allow it. (They're also mega-useful for screenshots.) Pop into third person and open the console. "TFC 1" freezes the game and puts the camera into free-flying mode. WASD to move the camera around, and left/right click to move it up and down. The default camera speed is very fast, so use "sucsm #" to slow it down/speed it up as you desire. Move the camera until your character is visible on the right side of the screen and open the inventory like always; the camera won't move, so while the incredibly annoying item-zooming-in stuff will still display over the top, you'll be able to see whatever angle you've picked from the inventory. The bad news is that you can't rotate the view from within the inventory, you have to go and reposition the camera again, but since TFC 1 pauses the game anyway, you won't spend three days of game-time just trying to get your camera in the right spot. When you're done perfecting your equipment, just open the console and use TFC again to restore the normal view. As a bonus, you can get the Face Light mod to be able to see yourself at least a bit when changing in dark places.
LE Separate killmove adjustment for the player
crysthala replied to Seattleite's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
The Dance of Death is no longer being updated, so even the author of that has actually started recommending VioLens. It's really good--all the options the Dance of Death had, plus the ability to control ranged and sneak attack stuff separately. That pleases me enormously, as killmoves for ranged attacks drive me nuts, and you can turn off slow-motion for the killmoves you are using. -
You're not far off. :p Transparency is expensive to calculate, so even if there's alpha data on a texture, the rendering will ignore it unless the model it's attached to is flagged to render it. That's one of the things the NIAlphaProperty does, in addition to being able to make the mesh itself transparent. The holes aren't showing on those other meshes because, unlike the original banner, they don't have that property. The transparency data is still there, but the engine isn't rendering it. You'll probably find the holes will reappear after the transparency stuff in NifSkope. (Incidentally, if you want to have NIAlphaProperty data on a mesh and get rid of the holes, you can just remove the "alpha" channel from the texture in GIMP and re-save it as a DXT1 texture without transparency, then set that as the new texture path in NifSkope or use it as a texture set in the CK. Tada!)
Yeah, it's amazing what you can make with even the most basic NifSkope skills. You can hide bits of armor and change a few colors, and it completely changes how the armor looks and feels. And you can use texture sets for most things, too, so you can have a ton of variants on something using only a single model. It's so cool. I love modding.
Yep, this is perfectly possible, and should be pretty easy as far as mesh things go. There are a lot of really good retexturing tutorials for beginners, which will let you make the ship look blue-ier. To make the ship translucent, you'll need to add alpha data to the actual nif. (Alpha is the fancy computer-speak word for how transparent vs. opaque something is.) Get yourself the latest NifSkope and Google something like "skyrim nifskope nialphaproperty tutorial." If you have trouble with either of these steps, you can try asking the inhabitants of the NifTools forum, as they're often more knowledgeable about models/retexturing than most people on the Nexus. How good it ends up looking very much depends on how the original model is put together, so bear that in mind. There are two bits of really good news, though: it shouldn't take very long, and even if it doesn't look as good as you were expecting, you have learned some new skills. :p
No problem. Thanks for testing and generally being helpful! :)
Ishara, you're a genius. You win many Internets this day. :laugh: I'll add the code and update the mod now. Edit: Done! Tada!
Very useful, yes! I'll be sure to note your help in the mod credits. Thanks, IsharaMeradin! :3 Unfortunately, I can't seem to figure out how the "delete at close" thing works on the original mod. Is the delete on close feature a must, or is it workable as-is? (Given that it will no longer be able to erase itself?)
The space before the name and the disappearing from the crafting menu are both intentional. :p The text appearing doesn't affect anything, it's just a mild annoyance caused by the game not liking OnEquipped events being called on non-equipable items. I know of no way to get rid of this, sadly. The problem with "delete at closing" is there's no real way to tell when the container's closed, as far as I know. I COULD set it up so that activating the thing opens up a menu that allows you to choose whether you want to "open" or "empty" the trash can, but then I'd also have to severely limit the number of items you can put in the container to keep it from being a "Bag of Holding." And that would just be annoying. And no, the trash bucket self-delete was NOT intentional. I'm still new to scripting, so that didn't quite work out like I intended. :pinch:
Don't be so down on yourself, man! Does it work? :ohmy:
http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/41776/? Works like a charm for me. Please confirm that it works for you in case I've screwed something up. :sweat:
Yep, they'd be gone. Vamoosed! The moment you stick them in the bucket. So gone, they aren't even in Oblivion. They go NOWHERE. :nuke: Yeah, people want a lot of things. The gold thing's more of a cheat to me, though I might try to make it later just to see if I can. Well, back in a mo' with a link. *poof*
LE Mod that deletes your saves after death?
crysthala replied to crazz2323's topic in Skyrim's Mod Ideas
I think SkyTweak had a feature like this... I could be mistaken, though. -
This would be easy, and I'm bored as hell. Maybe not the "Gold for Items" part, since Speech is useless enough as it is. :p I could do it like this: a misc item, maybe a bucket, craftable at a forge or tanning rack for cheap (one piece of firewood or something). When you equip it in inventory, it opens a container, which erases items as soon as they're placed inside. Sound good?
Ugh. I hate job hunting. Anyway, how's this? Health, magicka, stamina at 500 Archery 50 (including perks) Sneak, one-handed, smithing, and pickpocket at 35 each, including perks. For equipment, we'll say dual Elven daggers, maybe a hundred gold, a forest of lockpicks... and possibly a little surprise. You know, if your character's going to be a Khajiit, there's not much I can do to make her sexy. Unless you have a mod that makes all the Khajiit ladies look like Kate Beckinsale with anime kitten ears, in which you should refer me to it immediately. So if Falloutman does the questy bits, all you have to do is copy the relevant code bits into a text file, save it into your Skyrim directory, and call the file with the batch command. :P
I had a glitch where I oneshotted Alduin once. (Or possibly I set the difficulty to "novice.") And it's an Elder Scrolls game, everyone has bad luck with glitches. It goes with the territory. Because the games are so open-ended, the programming has to be open-ended too, and computers don't like that very much. Dawnstar, that brand-new DLC, has a couple of serious ones already, and it hasn't even been exposed to the modding community yet. I myself have had games where quest items have fallen through the floor into nothingness, and games where Ulfric forgot his lines and I had to replay the negotiations scene four times and use the console to get through it, and games where the doors don't open to let me into Helgen and I get into a wagon crash and flip over the exterior wall instead. (That last one was actually REALLY cool.) It happens. So, about your stats: basically, what is your ideal character to start with? I can set your health, magicka, stamina, every one of your skills, and your character's overall level totally independent of one another, and I can give you any perks you'd like to have, regardless of whether that skill is at the appropriate level or not. Alternatively, I could just make your character pretty and set her to level 1, give her whatever equipment you'd like to start with, and you can level her up organically yourself. Since you want her quote-unquote "overpowered," I can throw in some free bonuses... higher starting archery skill, perhaps? Dragon souls? A million gold? Free mead? :P As long as it's not mod-added, I can make it happen.
You and I probably have very different definitions of "overpowered," then. My characters tend to have at least a thousand health, magicka, and stamina, and their base skills set at 200. They also have every racial power, know almost every dragon shout, and have the most powerful spells from every school. And they have no shout cooldowns. And every perk. I'm assuming that's not what you mean. :teehee:
I'm not a big fan of running through quests, but I am good at getting characters attractive. And powerful. If Falloutman does the quests, I can use showracemenu to get her pretty, then give her whatever stats you want. You mentioned "overpowered." How overpowered are we talking? :rolleyes:
Not pointless. Just very, very difficult to solve. :P
Use collision planes. They're invisible objects the Creation Kit generates. Above the Render Window, on the same row of icons as the "save" and "open" and "lock to grid," etc, there's a C in a little square. It adds a flat yellow rectangle you can rotate and resize. It's called a collision marker in the cell view window, and it can basically act like an invisible wall. Just put one of those little beauties against all four walls, and you have yourself a tunnel. :tongue: (If you place it and you can't see it, hit the M key. It's considered a marker, so it will be invisible if you have markers hidden.)
It depends on how much you care about whether the characters' lips match what they're saying. Some NPCs say things when you activate them without entering a full dialogue menu; Maiq the Liar springs to mind. If you select them in the console by clicking on them, you can then go wherever it is you're shooting the scene and type "moveto player" to bring said NPC to your location. Then you can position your player in front of them, greet them, and they'll say their menuless dialogue. If they wander too much, you can turn the game's AI off, though I'm not sure whether that affects them talking. It could actually be much easier for you to use the CK, though I doubt a fully scripted scene would be necessary. All you'd have to do is make your own copy of an NPC without a dialogue menu. You could control what this NPC looks like, and if you record the dialogue you'd like them to have, you can simply replace their dialogue topics with whatever you want them to say. If you make their assigned line their only dialogue topic, every time you greet them in game, they will repeat the same line, so you can do as many takes as you want. Scripted scenes are only strictly necessary if you want the dialogue to take place without any intervention from you ingame. If you need it to be a continuous shot, you'll probably have to script it; if not, there's no reason you couldn't just record them saying their lines individually and have them voiced by the actual characters. Not only will this look a lot better than attempting to lipsynch to other dialogue, but it will save you the trouble of trying to synch the words in editing. Good luck. Machinima is hard. :happy: