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About laclongquan

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  1. It seem you are using a mod rather than vanilla behaviour. Because vanila VATs always make player's shooting with ammo loaded, not generic ammo at all. Load AP, shoot ap. Load HP shoot HP. And there's difference in damage done in VATs versus real time shooting, which was regulated by one or two variable in nvse I think. Sound like you use a mod that emulate Fallout3 behaviour, is what I think.
  2. I will tell you the way I use nvse. DL a lot of nvse and its essential pluggin like Tweaks or showoff file. and store them in a folder, say \\Fallout New Vegas\essential pluggins NVSE\ Extract them directly into \\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE and whatever folder other than that. If there is any problem with nvse and pluggin, I will either dl and install new pluggin to that. Or delete the nvse folders and reinstall those pluggins manually. What pluggins I installed will be noted in files I left in the \\Fallout New Vegas\essential pluggins NVSE\ NVSE and pluggins I just install directly to FNV folder like that, not controlled by MO2 (or Vortex, or NMM or FMM) at all. So there's never any worry of invalidation or stuffs, not with these under-the-hood pluggins.
  3. If you have a science mag + repair mag, you can have as low as 25 repair skill to fix it. In your case of dumb fighter, you can use a mentat + Black Coffee and that would add 10 extra repair point. Or you gather parts to repair it, from around Primm, even buying from Nash, and Lone Wolf Radio nearby. This one doesnt need skill check. Unless you intentionally roleplay a dumb fighter who can never fix EDE noway, nohow... You will always be able to repair EDE, as it's designed to be first companion.
  4. 3. Clearing Repconn Site and NCR/MrHouse/YesMan routes. Since no ghouls left, Novac residents scavenging this area. So when the 2nd Hoover Dam broke out, they evacuate here to hide from the battle's collateral damage. The Legion's remnant do pass over the town and stopped briefly, but run away when winners chase after them.
  5. It's not very necessary because the check is low as it is. There's also a repair mag nearby. So there should be no way to fail the check even at level 2.
  6. Xtro Xtro -- The New Zetan Alien Race Replacer and Modder's Resource Although, no one feel interested enough to do a full scale replacement for TTW. Zeta is not very attractive to play. IF, and a big IF, there is a way to replace alien with green alien gals, or heck, just gal in general, we probbably would feel interested. With this alien creature form? Borrrrrrrrring~
  7. Are you using Epic FNV game? From what I heard, Epic recompile FNV exe so it's unable to work with nvse and its pluggins.
  8. To shorten madmongo's post: Mod that doesnt have esp or esm either be a replacer asset mod (which replace existing material ingame) or script mod. Replacer asset mod can show its effect in GECK if you look at exactly the place it replace. If it's armor, check the armor nif. Click on the item it will show the window box, click the browse item where it show a location to a nif, and it will render the armor. If it's a script mod I have no idea~
  9. Interesting~ Can you post your load order? I suspect there might be a mod, or a replacer asset mod, that affect this. If you have a replaced nif that affect this asset it would not need a esp or esm to do so.
  10. Dont try to be too perfect~ That adjective just not fit with modding scene. If it works, barely, it is enough to release... as long as you dont fear pages of bug reports in comments thread. I mean, there's people going around to critize mods simply because it dont have VA, that's how they are itching to criticize anything, for any reason. If you release a perfect mod, do you think they would stop? Nah, VA here it comes.
  11. Can do. Simple, really. Transfer me 100k, not 999 not 555 but only 100k USD and I will assemble the very best team of beast coders to do that simple task.
  12. Voice acting is the last thing we should worry about. Get the writings finalized is already a tone of work. And to have that, we already have to configure quests associated with those writings into the main quest framework (aka balance). Finish the gameplay/quest design, playtest to get 100%. That's ver1.0. Finalized the writings, that's v2.0. VA work would be 3.0
  13. First, 16MB saves are about right for TTW sessions. You have double the area (cells) compare to vanilla FNV, so obviously your saves are going to get to this size no matter what. I AM playing a TTW session, with quickrun/quick complete of DC ending with 9MB (and most quest/location untouched) and playing seriously on Mojave, and it's 18MB per save for me. Second, you have several mods dealing with dialog and they are going to conflict with each other over game's behaviour during dialog, like show interface or not, etc... The way to prove this is easy: dis able all the dialog mods and testrun with your save. Third, you have a group of texture mods at highest priority and some texture mod at lower priority 94-100 and two mods at 63. If the HD quality difference is too high it could cause problem when loading a cell. I would suggest moving the 63 and Lod too, down to highest priority slots. Uncheck the 94-100 slots and testrun to see if it faster.
  14. I would suggest you make a thread for your development notes and diaries here. that make more people access your thoughts and efforts easier than you nest away in Discord channel. It's a fad and people are starting to tire of it these days. From what I checked, those channels are a bit lacking of active posters. Worse, anyone ever feel interested in joining a discord will discover their invite link is expired~ So even the few potential might be driven away.
  15. I vouch for Zion Trail too. Dont forget the extra mods that goes with ZT. Salt Lake Stories is a nod back to Fallout 2 days: travelling around by car to visit towns, short quests, and exotic characters. Its stories and writings are a bit off because devs are not English or American (they are German I think). But the stories are not bad, by itself, just written strangely.
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