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About BuddaBelly

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  1. Why is it that when I click on the link about cleaning dirty mods it takes me to an ad for web site hosting?
  2. I thought that might be the case. I just wanted to ensure I wasn't stepping outside the bounds of acceptable behavior.
  3. HEY, how dare you forget to mention us old farts with our failing memories and arthritic fingers. Written tutorials help us too.
  4. OK, that's not so bad. I can still make it how I would like it without the mod natzis showing up and jacking my computer.
  5. Oil well......I mean oh well. I guess it's better to learn by making my super wonderful, highly exciting practically orgasmic mod instead.
  6. I'm just starting to learn how to mod. I thought that making some small changes to an existing mod would be the easiest way to start. There is a mod that I really like (Dragonborn Manor Redone) but hasn't been updated in over two years. The mod author has been banned for some reason. There are some things that I would like to do to this mod. In reading the posts for the mod one said that everybody that has taken over the mod has either been banned or left the Nexus. As I'm just starting out I certainly don't want to get banned, so my questions are: 1) As the mod author is banned and I can't contact him is it OK to take over the mod? 2) How about a piece of the mod, the bedroom for instance. 3) As the post says that people that have taken over the mod have been banned, can you be banned for something in your mod? 4) Is there a way to find out why someone was banned? There seem to be more than one person associated with this mod that have been banned which makes me curious as to why. As you can tell I'm interested in this mod and don't want to make the same mistakes.
  7. I don't play with a lot of mods installed so I can't comment on your list from a compabality standpoint but some that I think that you might want to consider are: A Matter of Time - I get ingrossed in the game and one of the features lets you display the real time and/or date if you so choose. I play with the game time/date on all the time and toggle the real time on and off with the hot key. I set all the display sliders to 70% size/transparency and adjust the screen locations so I have a compact dispaly in the upper left hand corner of my screen so it won't be so intrusive. iHud Storage Helpers - Allows you to unload all or part of your inventory into a container with one key press instead of having to press the E key repeatedly. It does other things as well but I only use the inventory feature. I used to use Categorized Favorites Menu, but since SkyUi's update handles a lot of things CFM does I don't need it any more. One less mod to load...right? I'm assuming that you meant SKSE not SSKE?
  8. Just updated to 50.2 with no issues. SO EASY A 60 YEAR OLD CAN DO IT! I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate.
  9. I have a house mod I use, Dragonborn Manor. I recently started to use AFT, love it. I attempted to set Dragonborn Manor as my followers home and got a dialog that says that this area can't be set to home. I loaded a different house mod, Sutvaka Estate and got the same results. Later I was in the Arch Mages quarters starting mage quests and all my followers were naked so I know that at least part of the mod works but I thought that the idea was to use this mod to set non-standard houses as home, among other things of course. I read the online readme file as suggested and found nothing that helps me. Ideas anyone? As an aside: Is it possible to have more than one home? This is my first ever post. I hope that this is the right area for this kind of post.
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