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Everything posted by humanbean234

  1. First mod ever was a collection of new heads for NWN, from NWVault @ IGN. First mod from TESNexus was the Unofficial Patch, if I remember rightly.
  2. 10 years down, 10 to go (still on active service). Did time as a Bradley Driver, dismounted SAW gunner, squad leader, some time in Headquarters units as a driver/assistant to the Adjutant, driver/equipment wrangler for a Brigade Intel shop, currently a Combat Medic, looking to retrain into a new job on my next reenlistment (got arthritis developing in my left ankle, and not-so-good at carrying heavy loads anymore).
  3. Because there's not much written for NWN2. The Aurora engine (used to build adventures for NWN1) was reasonably simple to use, and didn't require a high-end machine to run. I've tried running the design engine for NWN2 on my laptop (dual-core processor, 4Gb RAM) and it still locks up or CTD if I try to make any serious changes to a worldspace. I'm sure there are a lot of others who experience the same issue. There's far more enthusiasm in the modding community for NWN1 -vs- NWN2, and I think it'll be that way forever.
  4. Oblivion all the way. FO3 won't run on my laptop (unsupported graphics card).
  5. Tell them you want to be taken to a nice restaurant for dinner. You not-only reduce your food budget for a while, but you get to spend some good time with loved-ones.
  6. Martial arts or gymnastics... something that'd help with flexibility. Despite regular stretching, my body has some limits about how far it'll bend before it gets really painful.
  7. Professional gypsy-whatever... mostly a soldier (former Infantryman, currently a combat medic) but have also been a cook, a bartender, a ditchdigger, a jewelry salesman, a hospital administrative assistant, a stage electrician, a musician, a waiter... What do I like about my job (the Army)? Steady employment, decent pay, good benefits, good retirement plan, foreign travel, option to change jobs coming up within the next few months. What do I dislike about it? My soon-to-be-ex-wife couldn't adjust to the lifestyle, stopped trying to adjust, and stopped trying to participate in our relationship in less than four months of being with me in Korea.
  8. Look, chucklenuts, I do what I do because the economy was sucking in 2006 when I returned into service, and I was working in a bakery making only $7.50/hr with no benefits because that was the best job I could find in the civilian sector, and I like to plan for some sort of retirement. Congratulations, you've just earned a spot on my "Ignore" list. Go spew your bile at someone else.
  9. @ Strangeman -- Yep, America is huge. Canada has the potential to invade us, I suppose, and honestly I'd welcome them in... I've eaten poutine and consider it right tasty... but aside from that, war is always about money. Always has been, always will be. If you've got the time, read War Is A Racket by General Smedley Butler. ( http://www.lexrex.com/enlightened/articles/warisaracket.htm ) Written in 1935, it points out what the policies that Mr. Butler was sent to enforce during his exemplary service in the U.S. Marine Corps. I'm not here to debate the validity or purpose of armed aggression (and I speak from experience... I'm a former infantryman, currently serving as a combat medic in the 2nd Infantry Division). The purpose of Veterans' Day (formerly Armistice Day, commemorating the end of World War I) is not a celebration of the battlefield, nor should it be. At its' most noble, it serves best as a simple rememberance of those who served, whatever their motive may have been, and at its least noble, it's a good excuse for a day off from work to hold one last barbeque before the weather gets too cold to grill outdoors. Those that thank me for what I do... hey, you're welcome. Those that vilify me for what I do... hey, you're entitled to your opinion. Those that just take the excuse to barbeque... hey, that one's done, stick a fork in it and turn it over. :thumbsup:
  10. First post for me was in/about 1986 on a dial-up BBS in St. Louis... some outfit called "Junk Drawer" which ran at 1000baud (that's 1kbps for you young'uns). Scary, huh?
  11. The most-common "mind control" or "brainwashing" conducted by the military is called "Basic Training" or "Boot Camp," and its' subjects typically volunteer for such treatment, yours-truly included. PM me if you want my opinions on the subject. For general info on "brainwashing" I suggest you check out some articles on Cult activity, specifically the stuff relating to Baghwan Rajneesh (Antelope, Wyoming), Aum Shin Ryo (Tokyo, Japan), the Reverend Jim Jones (Jonestown, Guyana), the Heaven's Gate cultists, and others and you'll get some clear insights into methods, as well as accounts from survivors and escapees from such programs.
  12. Have you tried calling the Recruiting office that signed you up? Most recruiters are overtasked and understaffed... they might be willing to "hire" (i.e. pay you under-the-table) you for that short time to help keep the office clean, organize & file paperwork, and other tasks... it's worth a shot, and if it works, it'd give you an advantage in learning the lingo in advance...
  13. Ever seen this game? http://www.allflesh.com/flesh.html Don't know how well it'd adapt to your purpose, here, but...
  14. Granted; now it's an $8.00 service fee. I wish my wife would quit raiding my loose-change dish, and get one of her own.
  15. Granted, but you are now stuck in a reality-loop, endlessly repeating your initial wish until you change it and wish for something else. I wish Jonathan Coulton would play a concert at my base, here in Korea, on an evening that my wife and I have free.
  16. I like Brewster Rockit: Space Guy!
  17. Question one: Create my own realm? Something akin to Larry Niven's Ringworld... with nearly three-million times the surface area of Earth, that's plenty of room for expansion, experimentation, and change. ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringworld ) Question two: Mythical creature? Ares, the Roman god of War Question three: Retain only one sense? Touch Question four: Resurrect some person from the past? Hmmm... that's a toss-up. I've got three that I'm torn between... 1. George Harrison - In my opinion, the most thoughtful, good-spirited, and talented of the Beatles. 2. Mahatma Ghandi - The world could really use a peace negotiator, and they didn't come any better. 3. Thubten Gyatso - the 13th Dalai Lama, just to sit him down to dinner with Tenzin Gyatso, the current Dalai Lama (14th) and see how they reconcile the whole 'reincarnation' thing. Both philosophically, and practically, that'd be a hoot. Question five: Gain a superpower? Cracked Magazine had a few things to say about this... http://www.cracked.com/article_17185_7-awe...by-science.html ...but if I have to choose one... molecular-level matter control (see Owen Reece/Molecule Man http://marvel.com/universe/Molecule_Man )
  18. The only videogame that I've knowingly played which was written by a female was King's Quest VI, written by Roberta Williams (co-founder and former co-owner of Sierra Games). One of the better puzzle RPG's I've played, and I remember it fondly. Not all involvement of women in the Gaming industry has been benign; the example of Lorraine Williams at TSR Inc. is a great tale of mismanagement ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TSR,_Inc. ), but gender had nothing to do with the poor business decisions she made... refusal to listen to one's customer base is poor policy. Regardless, nothing wrong with females in the gaming industry; keyboards don't care about chromosomes.
  19. Meh... so it's thread necro... it's a good topic. My opinion on "Best Song Ever"? Impossible to not get put into a good mood by this one. R.I.P. Billy... we still miss ye.
  20. I really like having a properly-stocked kitchen to work in, and guests coming over to enjoy my cooking. Tonight's menu was a three-course; salad and fresh baguette bread with butter, followed by beef bourguignon with a side of fresh broccoli (paired with a nice, dry red), a glass of sweeter cabernet sauvignon with digestion/conversation, and dessert of strawberry shortcake accompanied with strong coffee. Cooking be da shizzle. :thumbsup:
  21. During my medical training at Ft. Sam Houston, there was an exercise the instructors did to weed out some of the personnel who weren't really cut for the job of Combat Medic; they told us we were eating lunch in the classroom, gave us all an M.R.E. (Meal, Ready to Eat), and let us get started eating... and then put on a slideshow of images taken from Rotten.com (mostly E.R. photographs). The ones who had to leave the room, the instructors wrote their names down, and not surprisingly, those soldiers got assignments to rear-echelon posts. Most disturbing thing I've ever seen on the internet? Most hentai (Japanese pornographic animation and drawings) goes totally over-the-top, IMHO.
  22. The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, on Comedy Central. Sadly, it comes on at around 10:00am here in Korea... thank gawd for internet, or I'd be in total withdrawal.
  23. For Strange/Unusual event, how does seeing five blind albinos on the bus, all at once, all going to a baseball game, stack up?
  24. Mine was a cheap Pong clone from Radio Shack (a TV Scoreboard). Nothing fancy, but we were a poor family.
  25. Granted, but it's Iranian, so it's really just a Photoshop. I wish bing cherries were still in season.
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