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Everything posted by Deleted631007User

  1. I had it in my weapons and armors merge but I must've uninstalled whatever it is because it's missing when I go to rebuild my merge.
  2. Compared to how Valve does things for people who make skins, it definitely is a s#*! deal.
  3. He's paid over the course of a development period. After which the finished product's copyright belongs to bethesda/zenimax or whatever. The author's name isn't even attached to it, he's just told us he made it. I'd ask him if he was paid well but I'm sure he can't disclose a number. He just made it sound like it was "standard" or something.
  4. Do you have Steam overlay turned off? Also the shotgun is by asxas so. Go ahead and get that. It has blue tape and everything. Although don't feel like you have to because he doesn't see even a dime of that. He just gets paid a salary and doesn't own it after that.
  5. I'm dying. This is hilarious. :laugh: It's every bit as bad as I expected it to be.
  6. I used to make impressive settlements. I lost all my saves before the days of Transfer Settlements being around though. Now I just plop down some turrets and let sim settlements do the rest. Screw it.
  7. Dammit your avatar and this statement made me remember what happened to Dawn of War again. The complaints I had with Dark Crusade and Soulstorm seem so petty now. Why does getting older have to be so damned depressing?
  8. I don't even care anymore. Here's a more low quality version of what I already posted. It's the only way I can express my feelings towards this clustertruck of a total community breakdown. Funny, how just when you think life can't possibly get any worse it suddenly does.
  9. I'd personally be more concerned about getting doxxed in their position than getting a threatening email from some 12 year old's gmail account.
  10. Honestly, at this point it's hard not to believe that Bethesda/Zenimax want us to be at each other's throats.
  11. YEAH! AND HIS BEANTOWN MOD MAKES MY GAME LAG TOO! That's not actually chucksteel's fault in any way and it's mostly just the fault of the shitty engine and brings me back to how much I hate Bethesda, not the modders. Love your mods chucksteel, even though I have a tough time using them (which also may totally be my fault because of a conflict or something Idon'treallyknow). Enough with the personal attacks and talk about backstabbing, everyone, please.
  12. I can't help myself. Must be the alcohol Sunset Sarsaparilla.
  13. One of the only good things I could remotely conceive coming from this is that they extend the support period of the game and continue making patches. But this is Bethesda we're talking about, that's not going to happen either.
  14. I really don't think dialogue remixing is gonna fly for an official piece of content. It's more likely they'll avoid making content that would have dialogue at all. So far, everything shown is incredibly similar to micro-transaction content for an MMO and that's probably all we'll see. I don't think it was implied that the armor and weapon models would be of low quality. Just that simple "micro dlc" is all we're going to get from this and nothing more. I don't personally think we'll see companion mods at all either, unless it's of an animal. This is too darned funny. Even if it is kinda rude.
  15. Pretty sure DogtoothCG is still gonna finish his hellfire armor anyway, because I think it's part of a larger mod and they probably wouldn't want dependency on some small DLC. Though it really brings to question if they'll allow him to upload that power armor to bethesda(dot)net, and if they'll even start forcing a lot of mods to be taken down both there and here on the Nexus.
  16. Good. You won't be paying for any mods then! :laugh: Again, this would require voice actors be on call for 3rd party creators. That's almost certainly not going to happen.
  17. Also, those bs mods you're suggesting won't get past the "email deleted" part. Uh... Except that kind of stuff is exactly what they showed at E3, minus the followers and the fishing minigame... Did you miss that?
  18. High rez DLC pack is poorly optimized and it really doesn't look much better. It's also a lousy 55Gb download. Try Vivid Fallout and FlaconOil's HD Retexture Project for most of the environment stuff.
  19. On top of all of this, making official content that's worthwhile is further hampered by the fact that THE MAIN CHARACTER IS VOICED. WHY DID YOU DO THIS BETHESDA WHY? It's not actually possible to even make a fleshed out quest mod that can be released through the club. I doubt Bethesda would let people push out quests with edited voice clips and I REALLY doubt they have the voice actors on call for these community creators to utilize in their own work. I also doubt they'll let anyone touch leveled lists or make new enemy types either. Basically the only thing you're going to see is weapons and armor that are just placed in the worldspace somewhere, settlement objects, and maybe some small utility mod, but nothing more elaborate is likely even possible.
  20. Double check what console users are saying. They're starved and they will eat this stuff up. Bethesda has been counting on that from the beginning, and the PC users who make up the majority of community mod users don't actually matter to them.
  21. He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well. Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough. This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing. That is correct; neither the Chinese Stealth Suit, nor the Hellfire featured in the Creators Club are my works. Maybe its nothing,but I find it highly worrying that mods that already are being currently worked on or done are being used as promo material.....I mean I know bethesda owns the rights,but this seems wrong. DT, I think you need to repeat what you just said. Some don't seem to get it. I think what they just meant is that they are showing a lot of new micro-DLCs of stuff that has already been done freely in the past. Seriously, can't avoid that it's kinda shitty to offer content that's already been done for free by somebody else. It's crystal clear that they are doing this to gouge money out of the starved PS4 users for sure.
  22. It's not about it being "paid mods" or not (it's paid mods), it's about the precedent of throwing money into the mix. More people will want to produce simple content for money rather than continue to support the community freely and it will tear it apart. It'd be different if they were presenting serious content like fleshed quests and new lands with their previews or even large packs of stuff like gun runners arsenal, showing that they demand serious content from creators. But it seems clear they are enticing people to present mostly micro-transaction content like single weapons and armors, the kind of stuff we see get released on the nexus freely almost on a weekly basis.
  23. Dogtooth said it wasnt his. Yeah man. I was kinda tired and jumping to conclusions at the time, cuz y'know, the frigging conference was at 12 flipping AM. Dogtooth already cleared that up in this thread though, and I later admitted it did look different from his if you stare at it and pick out the differences. I might as well go back and edit my post given it's on the front page of this darned thread.
  24. I might actually pay for some of the stuff they do in their in-house modding jam things that we can't actually make ourselves. Properly working Skyrim spears anyone? Probably not gonna happen.
  25. He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well. Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough. This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing. Then you get into the issue of, what if someone makes a free version of what is in the creation club? Will Bethesda step in and slap some pee pees into the dirt? I doubt they'll do anything. People have kinda done stuff like this in the past where Bethesda later released similar to mod content. I also doubt that any of these paid mods will be piracy protected. So expect this to blow up in their faces, regardless of the PR disaster that's boiling right now.
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