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Everything posted by Deleted631007User
From what experience I've had so far, I'd say the beta testing forum is a toxic mess and a lost cause. It's just an endless back and forth mess of people either begging for toggles, or you have MLG kool kids that want the mode to stay exactly as it is and lock people out of the console and mods completely because they want survival to be a "bragging rights" mode. It's rare that you actually see legitimate bugs on the front page. The mode isn't perfect, I think it needs tweaks and maybe actual survival tools added for the player to use, in-order to make it more accessible. But nobody there is willing to have a realistic discussion about it as far as I can tell.
In response to post #36178485. #36188430 is also a reply to the same post. @rotwhip Says who exactly? Unless they make a separate executable I don't think there's any way for them to permanently block mods from survival mode. It's something you enable in-game. Unless you just mean they're not going to enable it in the beta test, which would mean he isn't going to actually be waiting forever. Heck you can even circumvent the block and get mods working on the beta now anyway. ;)
In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990, #36148665, #36152660, #36156650, #36158870, #36159505, #36160235, #36161150, #36166975, #36172000, #36175310 are all replies on the same post. @TWillard Damned radstags ruining settlements... In all seriousness I probably should reorganize what I've said here and post it to the forums instead of blabbing here, I think I forgot my password for that place though. But right now I think I'm also gonna opt out. The mode is fun and all (once you mod it, lol), but it's not super easy to make mods work on it and DOOMBASED just put out his awesome Kalash, so I'd rather be able to access mods than be locked into the beta for the time being.
In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990, #36148665, #36152660, #36156650, #36158870, #36159505, #36160235, #36161150, #36166975 are all replies on the same post. @TWillard Well here's the thing: You are reasonable and probably the only person who does get what I'm saying. At least you're willing to respond to others without spewing rhetoric all over the place. I agree with you, for the most part. I must say, I would never make a good beta tester, because I am not particularly analytical and I like breaking things and telling people their game is bad, but I do have a few opinions to what would make it less frustrating. With fast travel gone they should have made some sort of alternative, perhaps the ability to fast ravel only between settlements, which would also encourage players to actually give a darn about helping settlements. The beds are too far apart and overall the new saving mechanic is just too discouraging to make you want to continue playing, it should either be gone or they should give the player a portable sleeping bag. I Also do not feel they should have reduced the scrapping yields when the they already felt kinda low to begin with. Speaking of which. Sadly I now must admit that I HAVE managed to enable a few mods, and they DO break at least one thing: Scrapping How is scrapping broke, you might ask? For some reason scrapping produces a bunch of extra unusable misc items in addition to the actual scrap items. It is not dependent on which mod you are using, any mod will cause this, even one that just adds hairstyles or radio stations. It's weird and it is somehow caused by the reduced scrapping yields, which in my opinion shouldn't even have been changed. I really hope this bug doesn't carry into the main game, but I doubt it will. I would say that the mods I've tried using kinda clear up some of the issues I have with the mode. Remember that portable sleeping bag I mentioned? I use this: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11118 The inclusion of a way to sleep between locations where there simply are no beds and and the cooking pot makes it actually pleasant to manage my character's needs and hunt wild animals for food. These things made the mode INSANELY more fun to play. I'm also using Arbitration now, which fixes a number of existing issues (mainly molotovs do burn damage instead of explosive damage) but also makes firefights difficult in an actually satisfying way. Now here's the thing: What did playing the game with these mods tell me? The mode sucks without them and they have changes that should be part of survival mode to begin with. Which almost justifies the act of using mods on a beta in my eyes... except not really, it breaks things and people are idiotic about bug reports, I understand that completely.
In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320, #36144985, #36145295, #36146990, #36148665 are all replies on the same post. At this point I'm thinking that for all the soapbox high-horsing, most of you shills have not actually opted-in at all. Maybe I'm wrong, but with as fact-less and stubborn as some of you are about everything it certainly sounds like you haven't. Please pay attention and understand that Bethesda is calling the console removal a "feature" and it's absence has NOTHING to do with the beta and it does not and should not have any affect on the survival mode changes. Survival mode alters combat and adds survival mechanics, it does not even add any bugs that would be circumvented or worsened by console use. I can tell you this for certain because I'm actually playing survival mode right now. If I were to give any proper feedback on survival mode at this point, I would say that it is far too unbalanced and broken to actually be released any time soon. Despite some other welcome changes, various things like the already unbalanced molotov spam and the new removal of manual saves makes the mode a random death fest, losing hours of exploration at a time just because you can't find a frigging bed anywhere. It's a mess.
In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180, #36142335, #36143320 are all replies on the same post. @TWillard I must also admit that I am still a little pissed about mods being disabled, even if them being disabled totally makes sense. I really wish I could be using Arbitration right now, because survival mode is just going to be a crap shoot unless Bethesda finally decides to nerf the damned molotov, and I don't think they're ever going to do that. Holy f*#@ those are unfair.
In response to post #36127135. #36127445, #36127625, #36127845, #36128375, #36128665, #36130230, #36130760, #36135625, #36137125, #36138065, #36139095, #36139110, #36139180 are all replies on the same post. Except the concern over the console being disabled is caused by the fact that they've not done that before. There is no "OF COURSE" when it comes to disabling the console because the console doesn't break anything and having it enabled will only allow people to get past bugs that were already there, survival mode does not suddenly add more rocks and broken doors/terminals for us to get stuck on. It would make more sense if they disabled the console for testing actual new content like DLC, but they never do public beta testing of DLC. Besides, If it was related to the beta testing itself they would not have strictly disabled it in survival mode. They themselves called it a "feature" which is just frigging nonsense. Are they seriously worried about people "ruining the experience" by cheating when we were already effectively "ruining the experience" of the default game with it? It's pointless and dumb. Personally, I specifically want to use the console so I can test what the gameplay and damage changes are like under controlled conditions, spawning enemies and such to see how combat with the various enemies has been affected. It would actually HELP with any beta testing, and I'd rather do tests with the console than spend literally hours of walking, only to get stuck on a rock/terminal/door that has absolutely nothing to do with the survival beta itself and they will never actually fix no matter how much anyone whines about it. Not that this change will likely remain. They're not a bunch of stubborn indie devs, so odds are they'll quietly change it back and say nothing about it. That way all the shills can continue saying "we were right" when in reality Bethesda listened to feedback and don't want to openly admit they made a mistake (not like they haven't done that before). Maybe I'm wrong and they actually did disable it for testing (even though it doesn't make sense) we'll never really know and I really don't care why they change it back, so long as it gets done. Otherwise I'm not even going to bother with survival when it comes out of beta.
Fallout 4 Beta Update and DLC, Creation Kit News
Deleted631007User replied to SirSalami's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #35110715. #35113825, #35129405, #35130485, #35130830, #35132900, #35137080, #35146975, #35148895, #35149050, #35151825 are all replies on the same post. I feel like the content is there, but I'm so bored by the dialogue, the awful story setup, and the awful ending that I find myself feeling like it isn't actually there at all. The ending cutscene just left me with an "oh, it's over?" reaction the first time and the second time I just left the room to grab a slice of pizza. I honestly liked Fallout 3's story better than this. I still don't understand why everyone and their grandma just wants to blow up a place that grows clean pre-war vegetables and battle apes, you could just shut the synth production facility off and be done with it. The questionable morality of the creation of synths, the purpose of synth life beyond utility, and the questionable ethics of the railroad wanting to prevent further synth life being created... None of that really gets explored much or at all. It's a shame they kill G7-81 off because I really wanted to see how her character would handle the freedom of her "people" after the destruction of the institute. It feels like a seriously missed opportunity. Also let's not forget the missing reformation of the Brotherhood quest. The game just feels really shallow to me. I was honestly more excited about the Ranger armor being released than I was for the game itself... And yet I bought the game twice and also bought the DLC. I still have a lot of love for the universe and what people outside of bethesda can do with it, and yeah Nick valentine IS the best part about the game, so having a DLC devoted to his detective agency is probably the best move they could make to appeal to me. Fingers crossed it doesn't suck. TLDR I have a very love/hate relationship with this franchise. -
Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer
Deleted631007User replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
Avoiding other controversial discussions about the trailer. I'm kinda disappointed that they still haven't done away with the arm-mounted Pip-Boy. -
Fallout 4 announced with teaser trailer
Deleted631007User replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
I like how, every single time a new Bethesda game is announced, people complain about how dated the game looks, like frigging clockwork. Personally, I'm just happy we got what looks like a small upgrade from Skyrim, and (finally) some lighting and animation systems that look halfway decent. As for the intro. Perhaps it's just me, but I always wanted to see a glimpse of the two hour war as it was happening, even if it is just for a short intro. My only questions are: Can this be modded? How easily can this be modded? Will paid modding return? -
Okay, first off. Verifying the cache is about the same as running a reinstaller. If I delete all the games files, excluding those that simply contain sounds/meshes/textures that should fix any problems with the game itself, and I did that. However that seems to be what caused the application load error, which I fixed by deleting my "My Documents/My Games/FalloutNV" folder. Ultimately I did find a culprit file, I believe. Though I have absolutely no idea how it ended up that way. By removing my "menus" folder it stopped crashing. The only difference I found between the folders after I reinstalled all my hud and menu mods was that the file "tutorial_menu" had been missing from the bad file. That file being a part of uHud. I'm not sure how it was missing or why it was causing the crash.
Just as it says. Yes I checked Cache integrity. I had the same problem several months ago, finally reinstalled the game and restored all my mods yesterday, played it for about a half an hour before it crashed. Really nothing out of the ordinary, at least the game was running. Went to bed after that. Today I try to start it up again and it's back to this. The only thing I did different is install MMUE+ and MAIBATSU's AK-12. Then I tried starting it up without any mods enabled. Crashing every time. Edit: Started getting application load errors. Tried deleting every part of new vegas exept for the giant .bsa files, then retrieving them via verifying the cache. That didn't work.
Yeah don't even bother insisting that I need to verify my game cache or mess with my mod load order, It's none of that. I've turned off all my mods on both games and verified the cache. They both get to the Bethesda logo and crash. Checking the Steam forums I do not appear to be the only person having this problem. Any ideas?
NMM bug fix release and download hacking problems fixed
Deleted631007User replied to Dark0ne's topic in Site Updates
In response to post #7653202. Apparently you missed the part where they mentioned all the big companies who have just as many craptons of problems as them? Even antivirus companies have even been hacked in the past. As it stands, I think the nexus is doing fine. Many of the artists on here post their work with the full intention of keeping their work free-to-use, change that and they'll move on as well. Besides, modding sites which are pay-to-use, have a BAD history. I understand where you're coming from, but I think you're overreacting a little. Also, gaming sites are considered a security risk outright by computer security professionals I've gotten help from before, along with: porn sites, pirated software (warez), cracking tools, and keygens. You take a risk by running a place like this. Why? Because you're a target. It's not a question of how much more difficult it is for you to get hacked, you WILL get hacked, it's a question of how quickly you respond to the problem and how you deal with it. -
Oh well, it's not worth fighting, so I'll just disable every single mod I have and play vanilla for a while. At the very least I'll have to forget about using any quest or gameplay mods.
Something strange... All of Firefox's video downloaders stopped working for people today as well. Coincidence? Or conspiracy? All I know is that I'm running out of ways to procrastinate.
Steam Workshop blacked out for a little while too. :laugh: Of course Steam is always having problems. I'd take a break from mods and play Dawnguard instead, but that would mean buying and downloading it, which people have been having trouble with. Besides, it's twenty bucks...
Skyrim beta patch 1.7 has officially gone live
Deleted631007User replied to sinnerman69's topic in Skyrim's Skyrim LE
Darn. I was napping when it happened. :rolleyes: -
Oh God... It just updated for me and now I'm nervous to start my game up. :ohdear:
Swapping out Dremora unplayable armor
Deleted631007User replied to Deleted631007User's topic in Oblivion's Discussion
Tried placeatme, but did not try it on a clean save. I'll give it a shot. -
I can't seem to find anything specific on this when searching so I just ask, even if it makes me look like an idiot. So, I'm trying to alter what specific leveled Dremora are wearing. Another mod does what I'm trying to do, but not really to satisfactory results. I'm specifically trying to replace the armor the Valkynaz are wearing, but simply swapping the armor in their inventory for the desired armor doesn't seem to work in-game, though it does show up correctly in the preview window. I do not see any level items in their inventory which control this either. I'm probably just out of my depth and am in need of more experience or study of modding. But can anyone point me in the right direction?
I kinda feel like an idiot for not being able to find this but... http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/33075-4-1290349833.jpg What mod adds the race with a subtle beard? I can't find it I'm afraid...