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Everything posted by Deleted631007User
He stated on his forum it wasn't his, so they're making "new" mods from old ones as well. Now that you mention it... the visor is a different color... and there may be some other tiny differences in the model if you look at it long enough. This still presents the obvious problem of free and paid mods that deliver the exact same damned thing.
There was CLEARLY some sort of payment involved. With "credits" being the mentioned currency. We can assume these credits can be bought or earned somehow, perhaps not always with money but this will likely be an option. It's paid mods. They just don't wanna say it how it is.
Except this is a lie if we're to go off of the stuff they actually showcased. Nevermind. Still looks like a bunch of micro-transaction garbage though.
Expect a massive divide between modders and users alike that inevitably kills off much of the modding scene. A noticeable decline started after the last fiasco and this is just gonna be another nail in the coffin. The greed is real.
Saw Dogtooth's chinese stealth suit in there... It's not, I was just not looking closely enough and jumped to conclusions because I was tired and pissed. Definitely was not worth staying up for.
EDIT: I meant to type INSIDE, idunno why I typed outside. Stupid fingers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Adt5XTNG-DA Uh ignore... whatever my friend was talking about in the background. I forgot to mute the video before uploading and had left discord running at the time. Anyway. I've checked two different computers and this just keeps happening. Only way to not see those flashing boxes is to turn godrays off completely. I had another friend say he wasn't seeing this at all in his game on the same settings, so I'm at a complete loss here. Not running any mods. This happened on a fresh install of both Windows 10 and Fallout 4. I have tried reinstalling Fallout 4, updating to the latest drivers, and rolling back to the oldest drivers I can find. Same result. Here's my rig: MOBO: ASUS Z170-A CPU: Intel i5 6600k GPU: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB SC SSD: Samsung 850 EVO 250GB RAM: Crucial Ballistix Sport 16GB (4 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA G2 650W 80+ The other computer I don't know as much about but it has a 6600 and a GTX 1060, also running Windows 10. Still has the same issue.
Well, I did remove ELFX and vivid weathers, which seemed to be making things worse (I originally used ELFX tweaked in SSEEdit with RLO and Vivid weathers for a specific balance) so they're out. Still, it kinda drops and stutters when I go over a certain number of mods. Can't say which one it is because it seems a teeny bit inconsistent, but it certainly feels like it's just based on the numbers. Can't get my plugin count under 85 though so screw it. I'll live with a performance mess of Riften over having to live without my mods.
My full specs: CPU: Intel Core i5-6600K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor Motherboard: Asus Z170-A ATX LGA1151 Motherboard Memory: Crucial Ballistix Sport LT 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR4-2400 Memory Primary Drive: Crucial MX300 275GB 2.5" Solid State Drive Secondary Drive: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 1070 8GB SC Gaming ACX 3.0 Power Supply: EVGA SuperNOVA G2 650W 80+ OS: Microsoft Windows 10 Home Full 64-bit Yeah I honestly feel a little dumb about some of my choices when I built this thing, but it is what it is. Load Order: Idunno. I tried starting by only activating what I thought to be the most likely culprits: No FPS drops with this.
So I've been fiddling around in Riften, trying to get rid of my FPS drop by disabling mods. Nothing specifically seems to be doing the trick but having less than a hundred or so ESP files seems to be lowering the issue... I think. Does anyone else have this issue being caused by that or is it just me?
Currently I'm trying to eliminate SKE/I and Homemaker from my load order. Homemaker is quite old and much of what it originally added is either done better by another mod, or was added in a patch or DLC from Bethesda. Unfortunately right now I cannot seem to find a mod which adds every version of the first aid kit, including both wall-mounted and surface placed versions of each variation. I think Better Stores adds a bunch of wall mounted first aid kits but none of them are the raider variant, which is the exact variant I want to use. Beyond that I'm kinda lost. Right now it's probably the only object in my entire settlement which uses homemaker.
In response to post #37949005. That sounds dreadfully familiar. I think that particular redirect is plaguing all the wikia sites right now, as I've been bumping into it when looking up things in my Steam browser.
In response to post #36309660. #36321640, #36327340, #36327690, #36329130, #36330820 are all replies on the same post. @wmcook32 What browser are you using? In Firefox I can just right click either of my links and open them in a new tab. Edit: I went ahead and changed them to clickable links, for convenience.
In response to post #36309660. #36321640, #36327340, #36327690 are all replies on the same post. Pretty much what I meant by saying they may have misworded it. The scrapping problem (which is the only problem that even seems to be happening right now) for all mods may be something that can just be fixed by opening up the new GECK and re-exporting them. I wouldn't be surprised.
In response to post #36309660. #36321640, #36327690, #36329130, #36330820, #36336850 are all replies on the same post. It cannot be THAT incompatible because most mods work just fine with the exception of some a bugs related to scrapping. Also you just cannot use a .esm at this time without converting it to an .esp. So saying they are somehow outright incompatible is either a lie or just misworded on their part. Here's how to enable mods in the beta: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479 Here is a mod to just get around the survival mode lock altogether if for some reason you need to use the console, there is also a merged plugin that lets you save at your leisure: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11663
In response to post #36176290. #36185910, #36213820, #36214055, #36223055, #36223765, #36227355, #36230205, #36261455, #36262905 are all replies on the same post. @Sebastianus Speaking of Automatron, I sure as hell hope they fixed Ada bugging out at the Mechanist's doors in the beta or I'm gonna have to redo that place potentially countless times without the console to clip through them.
In response to post #36297220. #36298815, #36299420, #36303765 are all replies on the same post. @Brandy_123 Pretty much this. The real problems I see with the mode are actually problems from the default game that are just exacerbated by all the new survival elements. Also that none of the new elements have an affect on anyone else, including all settlers and companions. The only added difficulty I've really had with companions is that they refuse to get their asses up until you jam a stimpak into them, which is probably the best use for stimpaks considering the things practically kill you but have no side-effects for anyone else. Also, every time I hear someone mention Dark Souls when talking about a Fallout game, I just cringe. Comparing Fallout to any game that actually was properly designed around high difficulty or survival is just stupid.
In response to post #36232845. There is: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11479 Keep in mind, doing so will break things. It breaks scrapping at the very least, but it's not that huge of a deal. Adding ESM files is a bit dubious though and as of right now I haven't tried it. I recommend Camping Supplies if you just want a small mod to make the survival mode experience to be a bit less of a tedium: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/11118/
In response to post #36230465. #36230825, #36230840 are all replies on the same post. Well at least I think you posted before I edited in instructions. :P
In response to post #36230465. #36230840, #36230890 are all replies on the same post. You opt out of beta updates the same way you opt in. If you never opted in then there's no need to opt out. To opt in or out, just right-click fallout 4, then click " properties " and you should open a new window where the " BETAS " tab will be just left of the " DLC " tab.
In response to post #36176290. #36185910, #36213820, #36214055, #36223055, #36223765, #36227355 are all replies on the same post. @Scynix Now that you mention it, despite having over 560 hours in the game, no I never really noticed that the other factions allow you to use vertibirds after destroying the brotherhood (or I just completely forgot). That is my own fault, and I apologize for that. Perhaps it's because I only bothered siding with the other factions up until after the end of the main quest and then just loaded my old save and went back to building settlements, or maybe it's just because I personally never even used them more than once. I admit I'm not much of a completionist. Again, it's my own fault for being dumb enough to miss something like that and I apologize.
In response to post #36216715. #36226145, #36226895, #36227235, #36227270, #36227975, #36228175 are all replies on the same post. @Scynix The developers called it a "feature". How many times does it have to be repeated in this single thread before people notice this? Hell, why isn't this post just linked on the OP: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/2952 Why don't you actually get involved in the beta testing before you start reaming people out for criticizing it? It's bad enough dealing with the "it's perfect" people, without having to deal with the completely uninformed on this forum. More people should just go there and see first-hand what a cluster f*#@ it is. On the bright side: Another employee stated that they were acknowledging people's feedback on the matter, which isn't exactly the same as saying they're going to give the console back, but odds are they won't go against an almost universal opinion... hopefully.
In response to post #36216715. #36226145 is also a reply to the same post. Honestly, they should just give us camping equipment, because if they're trying to emulate things like frostfall we should already have it. I made a post about this in the forum and it just got buried much like many of the other actual suggestions that are posted there. For me at least, so long as they don't find a way to prevent mods from loading in survival and they allow us to use the console again, none of this will really matter. I can live with the changes so long as myself and others can tweak it on our own time. But understand that there's a lot of people in the forum that actively oppose your ability to do what you want, because they cannot cope with the idea of having choices and options.
In response to post #36176290. #36185910, #36213820, #36214055, #36223055 are all replies on the same post. So basically you're saying that you don't want to be allowed to save scum because you cannot trust yourself not to do it? That's your problem, stop projecting your issues onto everyone else. You can also actively make the decision not to fast travel, why take it away from other people? Because you can't trust yourself not to use it either? Also don't even bring up vertibirds as a good alternative to fast travel, that suggests that the player would only ever side with the brotherhood, and with as limited as players decisions already are in Fallout 4, basically FORCING you to choose the same side just to get a major benefit is just stupidly limiting. Do you even understand that the survival mode is not just about locking you out of saves and fast traveling? There's features in there that many people have wanted for long time without ever wanting limited save and travel, things that the very poster you are replying to said they like. Do you lack the ability to understand that other people think differently about what makes a survival mode fun?