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Everything posted by Aminados

  1. I'm not out of vRam, I don't even have the cards yet, a 4gb 670 OC'd is not faster then 660 "ti" sli but it has more vRam, max vRam you can get on a 660 "ti" is 3gb, witch should be enough at 1080p. I meant the guy ON the video (1st page) has avarage 45fps with a gtx 680. As long as I can run through a forest, fight be in a city at 60fps its cool.
  2. Dont think the max speed of your hdd is going to be increased, even if on sata III. Windows affects the life of your ssd way more then the mod changes and file changes you do, it's like a drop of water in the ocean, Windows is constantly writing and reading stuff even if it doesn't look like it, I wouldnt worry too much about that. Yeah 4k textures on mountains and caves seems to make sense. :cool: Well the guy on the video with 150 mods says he gets 45 fps avarage with a gtx 680 that ain't enough :biggrin: I want it smooth as silk(60 fps) :cool: 660 ti sli 2gb is only 45$ more then a gtx 680 and I get ALOT more performance according to the benchmark on the first page.
  3. Well, I'm trying not to spend more then I need to :biggrin: Usually in future games, gpu's became a problem before the aditional vRam. I'm trying to save some money now because I don't think these cards are going to be able to handle games much longer after the ps4 launch, I'm guessing we going to need new hardware so better save money for a REAL upgrade there :biggrin: but I'm on a 7 year old laptop and I dont want to wait 1 year playing Half-life 2 and Farcry 1 etc.... Yeah 60 fps is what I need :biggrin: but dam, 2.5-3gigs? thats alot. I noticed you used some 4k mods witch I probably wont be using unless I have some more vram left, 2k should be nice :biggrin: Thanks for the shrare of info, really appreciate it. By the way don't you get slow texture loading or stuff like tree's "poping" in game with a 7200 hdd?
  4. Thanks for the replies guys..... but yeah 660 ti sli should be more then enough, but I might go with the 3gb version instead the 2gb since a few people already told me they get over 2gb at 1080p, plus its "only" 45$ more per card for 1 more gb witch could very much save me from some trouble, but hey keep sharing some info I might change ideas :biggrin:
  5. I was actually thinking of getting 660ti SLI 2gb not 3gb witch is the most for a 660ti,still not sure if 2gb will be an issue at 1080p and yeah.. from the benchmarks I've seen sli doesnt look bad at all at least for the gtx 6xx. what resolution are you using? how much vRam is the game using? what card did you have before? :biggrin:
  6. Yes, and that's what I'm currently doing just need to dicide either 660 ti sli or 670 sli :ermm:
  7. Yes meaby thats the case, however the benchmarks I see on smoothness, nvidia always wins single and dual gpu, but hey bench marks might be lying! It's techreport, have faith. note the benchmark was done on windows 8 so fps might not be the real thing because of drivers (nvidia drivers are better).
  8. Yes x2 is in crossfire and I know crossfire/sli makes games more choppy but nvidia makes it less then "AMD" and the benchmark about micro-stuttering proves it and of course I allways had the latest drivers, actually I was always checking for newer one in hopes of fixing choppy gameplay but they never came and is still choppy today even with 60 fps..... but hey that was just my experiance and in case your wondering no i´m not an nvidia fanboy.
  9. I owned and ati 4870x2 and that was the only one from ati, I really didnt like the card because games didnt just feel smooth with all the stuttering it had, they have crappy drivers too and by the looks of this benchmark ati gameplay is still choppy compared to nvidia http://techreport.com/review/23981/radeon-hd-7950-vs-geforce-gtx-660-ti-revisited/9 I HEARD somewhere that skyrim is prettier with a nvidia card then with ati/amd, as in graphics quality. As for ps4 having amd and all that, I'm also wondering whats going to happen next year but my guess is there´s going to be a jump in graphics for pc aswell so probably current card's are going to be pretty crap anyway and I really believe nvidia will not let us down.
  10. Thanks dude I would really appreciate it!! btw what resolution you playing at? did you max out a 2gb vRam card? how many mods?
  11. cmon anyone out there with 6xx SLI with a UBER Skyrim graphics at 1080p??? Came and share your fps and micro-stuttering issues with me!! Help me choose what to buy!!
  12. GTX 680 is much slower then 660 ti sli and I "HEARD" that you cant really notice any micro-stutter on 6xx sli. Here's a benchmark made on February 18, 2013, that means recent drivers are being used. http://media.bestofmicro.com/G/E/371246/original/image009.png From: http://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/geforce-gtx-680-geforce-gtx-660-ti-sli,3429-7.html Anyway, this is a non modded skyrim so thats why I came here to ask those who actually have 6xx sli to share some of their frist hand experiances with me :biggrin: Thanks to all replies anyways!
  13. I think 2gb VRAM should be enough since I´m playing single monitor 1920x1200, as for cpu a 3570k at 4.5ghz should do the trick. The reason I dont go with 680 is because the guy on the video I linked has a 680 OC and had 45fps avarage at 1080p with some mods, witch are the mods I want, so 680 is not enough for what I want. 660 ti sli is alot faster then a 680 if sli scales well here, but still I don´t know if it's enough.
  14. Hey whats up guys....since there are alot of people here with modded skyrim I guess this is the best place to ask .... so im building a new computer with alot of thought on modded skyrim, I know there are some really demanding mods out there, so I dont know if a gtx 660 ti in SLI is enough. I'll be playing at 1920x1200 single monitor with alot of high textures, enb ect... similar to this guy (witch looks AWESOME) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ztzf2_K_5cM&list=UUoMLKn2Xvi0C1x2hC5_Cssw&index=6 So should I go for 670 sli or is 660 ti sli enough? does sli scale well in this game? does anyone with sli notice any microstuttering? Thanks for your time. (below 60 FPS is not an option)
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