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Everything posted by Aminados

  1. Funny thing is, I haven't installed a single mod in this game yet. I'm actually doing a modless playthrough first. Looks like hybrid418 gets these psychodelic glitchy messes without any mods too. Nothing is overclocked. (By the way... thanks for skyBirds mod that I use in my Legendary Edition :laugh: )
  2. Like Dracula420 said, High Hrothgar, where they teach you the first shout. But this has happened randomly throughout my game, not just in High Hrothgar. The chances of seeing this bug are pretty low though.
  3. I've had one corrupted save without any mods installed. Just saying...
  4. Has anyone else seen something like this throughout their game?
  5. In the main menu (after the game launcher) select "MODS" and "HOME (Load Order)", you can activate and sort them here.
  6. Tried to use some of the ini tweaks I used in normal Skyrim, but found that some are not working like FoV and these for the arrows and bolts: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7 f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.7f1PBoltTiltUpAngle=0.7 Does anyone know some useful ini tweaks for SSE?
  7. Wow, I created this topic along time ago, I stopped playing Skyrim along time ago too, I bet much has changed and I'm not on par with what has changed in the Skirim modding community, so I can't really help. From what I remember the Sheson fix got included in some version of SKSE so it's probably a good idea to use SKSE only as the fix is already there, also from what I remember I would advise against messing around with ugrids because in the end it will mess up your game. That being said... you could go to ugrids 7 max if you REALLY want to, but I guess sooner or later it will break things. Sorry for not being more helpful. :confused:
  8. I can't see anything in that page you linked... Also, if I try to check the forum through the GTA IV nexusmods page I get: Sorry, we couldn't find that! You do not have permission to view this forum. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/forum/964-grand-theft-auto-iv/
  9. I just noticed there is a nexusmods Grand Theft Auto IV page. How long has it been there for? Why is there no forum for it? I think this nexusmods GTA page should get more attention. GTA is pretty big franchise and has a lot of mods too, like TES. There are a lot of sites for GTA modding but they all suck... you can't track mods and it's hard to find the good mods, they are a mess. I would very much like to see GTA mods on nexus for easier searching, tracking and overall better experience. It would be a good time to advertize GTA on nexus as GTA V could be just around the corner for PC and as you know... it's pretty big game, and a lot of mods will be made.
  10. He sure will if you thank him on his official mod page over at ENBdev.
  11. No. This patch has nothing to do with the 3.1GB limit. Basically what this patch does is, it increases block sizes so that they don't get filled up, witch may cause CTD or Freezes. The 3.1GB limit will always be there, but, if you use ENBoost, or and ENB with memory reducing features you will never reach 3.1GB, unless you try REALLY hard. For example... without ENBoost I reach 3.1GB on loading, with ENBoost I never get over 1.2GB, anywhere.
  12. To people with problems.. Have you tried messing with block sizes? Are you using Steam? Are you using SKSE 1.6.16? Is your Skyrim version Have you tried vanilla Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini? Are you using "Safety Load"? If you are, remove it now, it's not needed. Check if the block sizes have indeed changed with VMMap. If you are using "Stable uGridsToLoad" (AKA CellStabilizer) don't change ugrids in-game, it's risky (in my game). Maybe I'll upload a few of my own compiled dll's with different block sizes, no ini tweaks though, it's default Sheson code.
  13. The author says that ENBoost (or an ENB with it's features) is REQUIRED, however.... I think that it may work without it. I think the memory reducing features wore only added after v13.7.13, so version 0.192 and up (I obviously recommend the latest version). You can also check if it's working by checking the size of the first and second block of tesv.exe in VMMap. (As shown by Shason) There is no need to have Safety Load now, this patch completely replaces it without side effects. Also, check out the new updated dll on the first post.
  14. Why don't you check the link I posted and see how many people in that thread (the official mod thread) are happy.
  15. Yeah it really works... I'm just posting this thread to let people on nexus know about this miracle of a mod.
  16. I've also made a couple of 3.5Gb RAMdisks in the past but never noticed any difference (even though speeds wore like 7000Mb/s and 0.020 access time) maybe it had to do with ENBBoost. Another thing is that the game is not made up of just textures if you only put textures on a RAMdisk your still going to have to wait for the rest from the slow HDD. Now.. if you can put the whole game on a RAMdisk... THAT, I would love to see. But yeah.. no BSA's does require a lot more space, but nothing that my HDD can't handle. Edit: Actually... I remember asking Skyrimtuner (RealVision ENB preset author) about the difference between an SSD and a RAMdisk, he had the whole game on a RAMdisk and said that there was no difference between SSD and RAMdisk, later he switch to SSD. So... not really sure on the real life advantages of RAMdisk.
  17. Ok, I've had enough time played, BSA Free :smile: For reference... Over-modded Skyrim, countless textures packs, large and small, 194 plugins, 43Gb Skyrim dir. I cannot play without ENBBoost features because I reach 3.1Gb RAM limit on loading screen. At first I tried the suggestion of repacking the BSA's with no compression, but some BSA wore reaching the size limit and giving errors while repacking so I opted for my Idea witch was loose files. I managed to keep everything organized because I unpacked the BSA's then compressed the files with 7zip so that Wyre Bash reads the files as an installer. I was very careful with the order in witch I installed the files from the BSA's, I followed the same order for the BSA files as BOSS was telling me for the esp's I also moved the installers to the top of the mod list, this way, what is supposed to be overwritten is overwritten correctly. If you are not careful things can break real fast but because I have done thing correctly I had zero problems, everything worked as it should. FPS wise I don't notice a difference, I'm only CPU bottlenecked in a few places so maybe this is why, but everything loads noticeably faster (textures, objects, sounds etc...) Don't know if you guys are familiar with when your on a horse and you're loading a cell or your HDD is busy, you will not hear the horse steps for a few seconds, same with other sounds, sometimes you only hear sounds a moment later, this still happens BSA free, although the duration in witch you don't hear the sound is halved. Stuttering is also noticeably less noticeable ( :tongue:) then with BSA's, Cell transition is smoother. The game feels better. Is it worth it? I would say.... yes... if you have the time, the patience and know what your doing. It's not much difference then with BSA, BUT, it is faster. If your going to do this, go "FULL" BSA free because if you don't the following could happen, for example: You unpack Skyrim - Misc.bsa, one of it's files is script01.pex Mod Y has a BSA, contains the file script01.pex Even if you install Mod Y after you install the files from Skyrim - Misc.bsa the script01.pex from Mod Y is now being overwritten and that mod will now not work properly. Files from Skyrim - Misc.bsa are the one's that are to be overwritten, not the mods files, unless, there is another mod that BOSS tell you it needs to be higher in loadorder so it can overwrite. BUT IF you go "FULL" BSA free.... You unpack Skyrim - Misc.bsa, one of it's files is script01.pex You unpack Mod y.bsa, one of it's files is script01.pex and you install Mod Y.bsa files after Skyrim - Misc.bsa files, now the mod will work correctly. You can unpack only some BSA's but be warned if a mod that's has a BSA contain a file that is suppose to overwrite a vanilla file and you have that vanilla file as loose file the mods is going to break.
  18. For reference... Over-modded Skyrim, countless textures packs, large and small, NPC mods, NPC additional spawns, 194 plugins, 43Gb Skyrim dir. I cannot play without ENBBoost features because I reach 3.1 RAM limit on loading screen. Did some tests with speedmult 1500, tcl, tgm, timescale 15000 and normal gameplay. Flew around the map couple of times. No Safety Load. Before the fix: uGridsToLoad 5, 99% stable uGridsToLoad 7, freeze/ctd usually within 30 min uGridsToLoad 9, 5 minutes if I was lucky uGridsToLoad 11, infinite loading or instant freeze after uGridsToLoad 13, didn't even bother trying After fix: Just to see if it works, went straight to uGridsToLoad 11... uGridsToLoad 11, it worked, no problems uGridsToLoad 13, it worked, however even with a I5 3570k @ 4.5Ghz, I was getting like ~20 fps and was getting too much stutter because of my HDD is not an SSD :sad: uGridsToLoad 15, sub 20 fps, broken quests, massive loading screens, even more stuttering.. HDD can't keep up uGridsToLoad 17, ~10fps, broken quests, even longer loading screens, reached the 3.1Gb RAM usage limit (CTD), even with ENBoost features. uGridsToLoad 19, 3.1Gb RAM usage on loading screen (CTD), even with ENBoost features. Conclusion... This is a miracle and you have to try it to believe it. Skyrim is FIXED, Thank you Sheson :smile:
  19. Someone by the name of Sheson over at the ENBdev forum (and Nexus) found a way to make Skyrim stable as rock, even with high Ugrids. Go there, do as he says, and all your Infinite Loading Screens, uGrids CTD's, and freezes shall be gone! (For REAL, like... REALLY) http://enbseries.enbdev.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2729 if the forum is offline go here: http://enbdev.com/ctdfix.html and don't forget to add the following line In Skyrim/data/SKSE/SKSE.ini: [NotPlacebo] GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 Yes, you have to add this to SKSE.ini, it's not a joke. If you don't have SKSE.ini, make one. also check out the S.T.E.P Forum, they are a bunch of very knowledgeable individuals. They also have a patched dll for download. UPDATE You can now download an already updated and patched dll ("Memory Allocation Patch") in the Optional Files if you don't want to compile one yourself, from: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24235/ The updated code lets you configure the block sizes via SKSE.ini, so you don't need to compile another dll to change block size, also: [NotPlacebo] GiveFirstBornToSheson=1 have been replaced by these: [Memory] EnablePatch=1 Block1=512 <---can change Block2=256 <---can change I recommend keeping these default block sizes. These values should be fine, but if you crash with them, try messing with them. As general rule Block1 needs to be the same or higher then Block2. Try with 256, 512, 768 values. Over 768 can cause problems. If you still get freezes and CTD's try resetting your Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini to vanilla. Don't forget to thank Sheson on ENBdev forum, give him your feedback and give him kudos on Nexus! If You Have Problems... MAKE SURE YOU: Check if the block sizes have indeed changed with VMMap. Check "Documents\My Games\Skyrim\SKSE\skse_steam_loader.log" for a line that has to do with memory. (Line is different depending on patch code. If using any of my compiled dll's, the line to look for is "Sheson took your first born in exchange for more memory") Try different block sizes. Are using Steam. Are using SKSE 1.6.16. Are using Skyrim version Tried vanilla Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini. Remove "Safety Load" if you are using it, it's not needed. Don't change Ugrids in-game If you are using "Stable uGridsToLoad" (AKA CellStabilizer) , it's risky (as I've found in my testing). Try ALL my patched dll's. Start with the smallest block sizes, which should work.. BUT.. if it doesn't, keep increasing until you find one that works. They use default Sheson code, so.. no block size ini tweaking. Some will probably crash, it's normal, just try another.
  20. If they replace the same files I don't think theirs much you can do, choose witch one you want in your game and install it last/bellow. Are you following STEP by any chance?
  21. I think you should follow the link to the Boris thread and tell him that, it might be of use to him. If that is true, then Skyrim should crash without any ENB or Mods. So... I'm going to start a new game only with SKSE and Safety Load, I'm also going to increase ugrids to make crash more likely and it should crash in the in-game menus. Should I skip Unofficial patches? or Something else that I'm thinking is to remove the ENB from Skyrim dir and test because those of you that don't crash all have this in common.
  22. I have tested neither with nor without SkyUI, but1. I've seen reports of people that experienced UI-related crashes without SkyUI 2. modifications to the map menu are minimal 3. (most important) it makes no sense Well I've also seen reports of numerous of people blaming SkyUI and saying that they don't have a problem without SkyUI, sometimes things don't make sense. But tell me... Why are people crashing with Safety Load? What would make sense? I've (rarely) experienced CTDs when opening the map menu or the main menu, long before Safety-Load came into existence. Never used ENB. Well I've had this game for close to a year now, never had In-game menu CTD or Graphical Gliches until I installed Safety Load. I play it nearly every day and sometimes for 5 or 6 hours. I've always used ENB and it's ENBBoost features since their existence.
  23. You never had CTD when you open an in-game menu or graphical glitches in the in-game menus while using SkyUI and Safety Load, ever?? For how long have you been using them together ? May I ask your system specs? also do you use ENB, ENBoost or something like HiAlgo?
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