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Posts posted by Deleted6317247User

  1. "I'll join you," Shalena said to Hrogrim, "the name's Shalena, by the way. Captain of the Sea's Compass. The grea-" she was interrupted by the children running around them, but strangely enough the piratess didn't complain or threaten anyone.


    "And I'm Nawen. Pleased to meet you," Nawen said, "I think I'll be joining Rhaine for this one."


    When Dagny began leading them to her clanhold, Nawen didn't follow her immediately. Instead, she stopped the eldest of the orphaned children, and gave them what food she had, as well as the money she had left from her archery competition. The children thanked her before running off again. She then quickly caught up with Dagny and everyone else who came along.

  2. "So, they're drinking ale now." Shalena said, seemingly not too interested in the shield dwarf who ran into Lucas. "Probably, they won't be too willing to sell some for us, with the water shortage and all."


    "Children don't drink ale, do they?" Nawen asked as she looked at the children playing in the streets.


    "If you're so concerned about the well-being of these children," the piratess began, "then why don't you go into the forest and collect sap for them? There's a forest nearby."


    "That's not a terrible idea actually," Nawen replied as she turned her attention back to Shalena, "sadly it's not springtime."


    Sighing, the piratess shot a glance at Rhaine. "Can we go now? Standing about here and being glared at by guards got boring pretty quickly."

  3. Nawen felt a little anxious as they entered the city. With the hood over her head, she slightly raised her head or looked to the opposite direction whenever someone was walking towards or by them. However the beauty of the city did not escape her notice. She looked around, completely in awe. Her expression changed when she noticed the bodies. "Why no one bothered to remove them from the streets?" She wondered out loud.


    "Shouldn't you be more concerned about how he died?" Shalena asked as she approached the group after searching through the local's pockets. "For all we know, maybe we're too late and everyone will just drop dead in a few minutes." She wasn't sure if Nawen was glaring at her, because the drow was hearing a hood, but it certainly felt like that.


    "We don't even know how far into this land the water is poisoned," the pirate continued ignoring the implied glaring, "think we'll find out an answer here?" She asked.

  4. Nawen had volunteered as well to travel with the horses. Even though they were smaller, the horses still felt uneasy during such an unusual travel. During the flight, Nawen did her best to calm the horses down, her attempts being mostly successful, but only when they felt a firm ground beneath their hooves, only then their horses felt completely calm.


    Shalena on the other hand didn't do so well. While at first traveling on a dragon sounded exciting, throughout most of the journey, the piratess held tight to whoever was closest to her, gripping their arms as tightly as she possibly could out of fear of falling off the silver. Much like the horses, her fear disappeared only when she stood on the ground.


    "I agree with Argy," the piratess said, "no more flying."


    When Weyland got sick, Nawen approached Amendale and Annette. "Is he really better?" She asked concerned. "Doesn't look like any normal food poisoning and-" she stopped talking as she heard some of the horses neighing, and the sound of it wasn't quite... healthy.


    "It's not just Weyland," she spoke as she looked back at others, "horses are sick too." She said as she walked over to her mare, Kiira. "What's going on? How are you feeling?" She asked the mare.


    "I am fine, but something made some of the others sick." The mare responded.


    "So it's not all of you?" Nawen asked again.


    "No. At least, not yet."


    Nawen stroked the mare's mane gently before turning to her companions once more. "It seems not all of them are sick," she said, "not yet anyway."

  5. "If we're really going to visit Dagny's family," Shalena said, "there's one thing I'm dying to know first: do they live in a clanhold? I hear dwarves keep a lot of treasure there."


    "One day someone's going to cut your hands off," Nawen said, "and even if they lived in one no one would let you rob them."


    "Spoilsport." Was the only thing Shalena said.


    When Nawen went back to her seat she noticed that something seemed to be bothering Tannin. "Is something wrong?" She asked him.

  6. At the sight of Ianthe crying, Nawen began to feel very guilty even though she didn't say anything to them yet. When Aera went upstairs to her room Nawen got up from her seat and approached Arva and Ianthe. "While I understand why Rhaine is upset, and I agree that you should have told us," she said softly, "so that we would know that you're unharmed, but I also agree with Amendale. None of us should be left alone. Not after an attack like that."


    "We didn't get to the loot too." Shalena added. Her words earning her a glare from Nawen. "What? Somebody had to tell that." When Dagny mentioned her wish to stay with her clan, the piratess said. "We never got around to that drinking contest. Such a shame."


    "You mentioned your family needing you," Nawen said to Dagny, "is it something serious or family matters? Maybe we could help?" She asked.

  7. "Darker tendencies?" Nawen asked with the raised eyebrow, but before she could say anything else, Rhaine went to her tent. She did not know how about her words. She didn't believe or didn't want to believe that Tannin would ever harm her, but a part of her felt touched that someone was concerned about her.


    She remained by the fire for a few more hours, before retiring to her tent. Shalena on the other hand got carried away and celebrated until the morning, and slept through most of their journey.


    At the inn, Nawen ordered dinner for herself and others who haven't ate yet, and joined the rest at the table, Rhegar sat under the table and patiently waited for anyone to share their dinner with him. Shalena came downstairs looking well rested and sat at the table as well, but not before ordering something to eat as well as a few bottles of wine for all to drink while they discuss their journey. Since most of the pirates were elsewhere the common room was relatively quiet.


    "Oh, so we're going to be carried across the desert by a dragon? How exciting!" The piratess exclaimed.


    "But what about our horses? We can't just leave them behind." Nawen said as she gave Rhegar a part of the steak she was eating.


    "Of course we can't leave them behind," the piratess said, "that would be a waste of perfectly good horses. We should sell them instead."


    For a brief moment, Nawen didn't say anything as she thought something other. "There's one spell that can reduce creature's size" she said, "if we cast it on our horses, they'd be reduced to a size of a large dog. They would be easier for Argyros to carry, and easier for us to calm them down." She said as she looked at her companions. "I can cast it." She added.

  8. Nawen smiled a little when Dagny spoke, but then Tannin put his arm around her shoulder for a moment she just sat there unsure how to react, but before she could do anything, Shalena sat back down beside her and began swaying to the thri-kreen music, pushing Nawen closer to Tannin.


    "You can thank me later." The pirates winked and grabbed another drink.


    "For what?" Nawen asked. "For trying to push us off the log?"


    Shalena burst out laughing. "Oh, you're just so adorable." She said before going back to the dancing as she noticed that Aurora joined as well.


    "Are you sure this is the right path to Mulhorand, Quinsie?" Jaelryn asked as they continued down the road.


    "I am certain, my dear lady." The halfling replied as he walked alongside the drow, whistling a cheery tune. "I've never been anywhere near it, but I read a loooooot of books about Shaar, and books never lie. I think this one particular book had pictures and they loo-" he spoke but when noticed that his companion had stopped walking and was listening to something.


    "Wolves," Jaelryn said as she looked back at the bard, "we need to get moving."


    "Or maybe it's werewolves!" Quinsie exclaimed a bit too excitedly. "I wonder how many bards who had encountered werewolves lived to tell a tale. I could be the first one I know!"


    "Or not." Jaelryn said as she took the halfling gently by his arm and continued walking forward. "I hope they didn't hear us."

  9. A few more drinks and Shalena was in a much better mood. While not drunk, she was humming and later singing sea shanties. "Yo-ho! Yo-ho!" She sang with the drink in her hand, "We row beneath the black flag, a rollickin' we go! We own the sea and sky!" Her crew had also joined in the singing. "Yo-ho! Yo-ho! We row beneath the black flag, a rollickin' we go! We bleed the kingdoms dry!"


    Nawen who was sitting beside Shalena was none too pleased with the piratess's swaying and waving her drink around. It got even stranger when one of the pirates stood up and started dancing around them while pretending to play some instrument, but what kind of instrument it supposed to be Nawen couldn't tell.


    "What are you doing?" Nawen asked the pirate.


    "Playing a tune with a wenderkazoo, lass." The pirate replied as he danced around them.


    "A what?"


    "Wenderkazoo," Shalena explained, "it suppose to be an invisible instrument, created by Wendersnaven."


    Nawen said nothing for a moment. The word was familiar. "Wendersnaven..." she mused, "they are mythical rats or something?"


    "Or something." Shalena laughed as she got up, handed her drink to the nearby thri-kreen and joined her crew member in dancing around the campfire, but strangely enough she danced with a certain grace without tripping or confusing the steps. The pirate who played his non-existent kazoo moved a bit farther when Tannin sat beside Nawen.


    "Could be better," she shrugged as she looked at him, "it's just..." she paused as she edged a bit closer so that two particular thri-kreen couldn't hear her, "Tak'we had... has a child, and a mate. He could have had a family," she said, "but now he's gone." She looked away from him and for a moment stared at the fire before looking back at him. "I just wish he was here... so that he could have seen them both."

  10. So, my newest additions to our merry band of misfits. :tongue:


    Quinsie :3


    Name: Quinsie Dudley


    Gender: Male

    Race: Halfling

    Age: 29

    Class: Bard/Arcane Trickster

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Deity: Sheela Peryroyl


    Height: 84cm

    Weight: 67kg

    Hair: Light brown, short and messy

    Eyes: Amber

    Skin: Lightly tanned

    Handedness: Left

    General physical description: Small, with messy short hair, freckles, a wide friendly smile and round face which gives him an innocent, at times child-like appearance.

    Voice: Higher pitched, fast-paced but somewhat melodic


    Clothing/Armor: Simple light leather armor with the mix of brown, orange and yellow colors. His casual attire is a simple linen shirt, breeches and pigskin shoes - all of the same colors as his armor.

    Weapons: Two enchanted silver daggers Mel and Ody.

    Other magical equipment: Amulet of Natural Armor (+2), Ring of Protection (+3), Harp of Charming


    Positive personality traits: Friendly, outgoing, helpful, polite, creative, intelligent, respectful

    Negative personality traits: Nosy, forgetful, somewhat lazy, relies on others for protection too much

    Likes: Music, literature, traveling, listening and making up stories, frogs, gnomish inventions

    Dislikes: Disrespectful people, sour foods, insects

    Fears: Dying young, gigantic bees

    Attitude towards friends/strangers: Friendly and helpful to both

    Opinion on the world: Such a marvelous land! Where to next?


    Birthplace: Neverwinter

    Family/Relationships: Halfred Dudley (father), Lidda Dudley (mother), Wilby and Gilly Dudley (twin brother and sister).

    Friends: Neighbors and fellow bards in Neverwinter

    Background: Quinsie had a very normal life. Ever since childhood he was surrounded by loving people. His parents own a shop in the Market District of the town and on occasion Quinsie would help them. While working in his parents shop, he seen a lot of adventurers and sometimes they would share stories with him. It was those stories that kindled his love for tales. When he got old enough to travel on his own, Quinsie left Neverwinter and travel all across Faerun, joining different adventuring groups and writing down their adventures, hoping to someday write an epic tale of his own.


    Languages spoken: Common, elven, dwarvish




    Name: Jaelryn Telenna

    Gender: Female

    Race: Drow

    Age: 379

    Class: Cleric

    Alignment: Chaotic Good

    Deity: Eilistraee

    Place of Origin: Underdark

    Appearance: Jaelryn is lean, small-framed, graceful, with somewhat sharp facial features. Her pointed ears usually hidden by her white flowing curls have two sets of piercings on each ear. Her skin is of dark grey, almost obsidian black color. While she usually keeps her white curly hair loose, she ties them into a ponytail when battle is expected. Her eye color is silver.

    Armor/Clothing: Mithral armor with Eilistraee's symbol embroided on a belt, and several spiderweb motives decorating the gauntlets, boots and a cuirass. Her casual attire is a white somewhat revealing robe.

    Weapon: Bastard sword of a rather simple design called Moonspell. The blade glows silver under the moonlight.

    Personality: Jaelryn is kind, respectful, confident, supportive and very devoted to her faith, almost to the point of zealotry, according to some. She is generally nice to people, even to those who are cruel to her.

    History: Being born to one of the few good drow houses, Jaelryn had seen plenty of fighting from the early age. While everyone in her house were devout worshipers of Eilistraee, Jaelryn always felt closer to The Dark Maiden and thus was looking forward for the priestess training.

    When Jaelryn was 200 years old, her house was attacked but unlike previous battles, they were overwhelmed and defeated. Not long after the battle was over, Eilistraee-ians came upon the ruin, rescued the survivors and brought them to the temple. Ever since then Jaelryn and the rest of the surviving members of house Telenna remained in the temple, until very recently, Jaelryn left for the surface for reasons known only to her.


  11. "Oh, I wouldn't mind a drink or two," Nawen said to Weyland, "amusing there will be anything left to drink after some of us gets near the drinks."


    When they reached the thri-kreen encampment the first thing Shalena did was to go and look for the drinks. Few moments later she returned, followed by several thri-kreen who brought drinks and food to the group. The piratess sat on one of the logs, already with a drink in her hand. "Just out of curiosity," the piratess started, "these drinks, food and possible dancing isn't a part of some strange wedding ritual, right?"


    Nawen looked away from the fire and shot a confused glance at Shalena. "Where do you get these ideas?" She asked.


    "Hey, I just don't want to wake up and find one of them tck'ing and wee'ing beside me and going: you're my mate now." The piratess said, and the look on her face made it very hard to figure out if she was serious or simply kidding. "You should be concerned too you know," Shalena added, "didn't our very own Tak'we once said that your cooking skills would make you very sought after by thri-kreen males?"


    Nawen shook her head in disbelief. "I can assure you, their hospitality isn't a part of some wedding ritual." She said as she accepted a cup from one of the thri-kreen and smiled in thanks. She watched Rhaine as she talked to We'Ka. The drow noticed a young thri-kreen beside her. It didn't take long for her to realize that he was Tak'we's son. It saddened her greatly to know that Tak'we never got a chance to see his son. She sighed heavily and looked away from them, not wanting to tear up in front of everyone, and turned her attention to other thri-kreen.

  12. Both Nawen and Shalena felt relieved when they got back to the surface. The pirate picked up Hexol and hugged him tightly. "You did great, little guy!" She exclaimed. "I'll buy you a drink once we get to the nearest tavern." Nawen on the other hand simply thanked the kender in her usual not very expressive way.


    "So where to now?" The piratess asked. "Someplace that has drinks and comfortable beds, I hope." She added.


    "Can't believe I'm going to say this," Nawen said, "but I agree with Shalena. For the beds part."

  13. "Well then," Shalena said as she leaned against Argyros's scaly back, "I'll just rest for a while. Don't suppose anyone carries around a deck of cards." She shifted in her seat a little while trying to find a comfortable position. "Anyway, wake me up when something miraculous happens."


    Nawen on the other hand didn't feel like resting at all. She just couldn't relax to even try to get some rest knowing that they don't have a solution on how to get out. So instead she walked up to Tannin and sat down beside him. "How's that going?" She asked. While she was clearly worried because of what she heard him saying before walking as far away as he could but figured it would be better not to pester him about it. She reached out and touched the wall he was chipping away at.


    "Would have said that if we get desperate enough we could try and dig with our hands," she said, "not that we could through this wall or the floor, though." She said with the frown on her face.


    "Dig with our hands," Shalena said, "what a wonderful idea." The piratess said sarcastically.


    "I didn't say we should do it," Nawen replied, "just that it's not impossible. Had to dig my way out of a-" she paused for a moment, "-a collapsed mine. Wasn't easy but not impossible."


    "I'll leave the digging to you then," Shalena said, "you like nature, dirt and all that. It would be fun for you."


    "Or we could try and bash our way through this wall with your head," Nawen said, "it's probably thick enough for that."


    Shalena laughed at her response. "Isn't she just adorable?"

  14. "Could you two stop fighting already?" Shalena mumbled. "You're gonna use up all the air." The piratess added.


    "No, they won't," Nawen replied, though, she wished they'd stop fighting but for different reasons, "like Conall said it's not air-tight." She sighed heavily as she wrapped her arms around her knees and stared at the ground. Most of the spell-casting members of the group were in no shape to strengthen Argyros, if they tried to dig their out they could collapse the entire ruin on top of them and then suffocate or simply be crushed by the rubble. She ran her fingers through her hair as she looked back at others. "Should have really bought some shovels." She said, her voice and expression indicated just how much she hated it.


    "And dig where?" Shalena asked, "we could bring this whole ruin on top of us."


    "I don't know," Nawen sighed, "down like Tannin suggested. If someone came for us eventually they could..." she paused for a moment before adding, "we'll be fine." She didn't want to worry anyone even more but it was quite possible that if someone did find them and tried to get them out they could bring the rest of the ruin down on them by accident. When Tannin walked off she looked at him for a moment wondering whether to approach him or not, but after a moment she turned her attention to Azuris.


    "What he meant," she said softly, "is that Tak'we's loss is important and we all will miss him dearly, but we can't succumb to grief, at least not now."

  15. "Thank you," Nawen thanked Tannin as he healed her injury, and was about to comment on his successful fighting but then everything started collapsing and Argyros scooped them to the safety. She didn't see what happened to Tak'we but seeing that he wasn't with them and witnessing some of her friends reactions, she knew that he was gone. Nawen didn't cry, she never did in front of others but to everyone who looked at her it was visible that she was just as saddened by his loss as those who expressed their grief more openly. Trying to focus her attention elsewhere, she took the remaining healing potions she had and handed one to Xallistine and Aurora and also said to the latter, "I also have some bandages, if you'll need them let me know and I'll patch you up." She then helped Shalena to patch up surviving pirates. A few of them shot nasty glares at her when she tightened the bandages but in the end most of them thanked her, with a little encouragement from their captain, of course.


    "Any time." She said to Marie before moving on to Kalin to see if he was hurt, and while he wasn't as badly hurt as some, she could still see a few wounds that required attention. She took out a few bandages and began patching up the elan's wounds.


    "You really think that's such a good idea?" Shalena asked. Strangely enough the piratess was really quiet.


    "He needs help." Nawen replied with the slight frown on her face.


    "He was more than willing to kill some of us not too long ago." The piratess said.


    "He was under mind control."


    "What if he still is?" Shalena asked. "What if he'll just grab your neck and strangle you with those very same hands you're patching up right now?"


    Nawen shook her head in disbelief but said nothing as she finished patching up Kalin's wounds before settling down more comfortably. She then touched Argyros's side gently. "Thank you, Argyros." She said softly.

  16. Once all of the undead had been dealt with, Shalena shot a glance at her pirates. Most of them were injured, a few dead, but the healing spell helped. The piratess looked at her quartermaster. "Gather them in one place." She told to him before going about the area. Only the dracolich was left to deal with, and she figured they won't need her help. She noticed Kalin slumped on the floor. "I wonder what we're gonna do with him." She thought.


    When Conall brought Zorica and later Marie to where she was, Nawen immediately began working on their injuries. While her own wound continued to bleed, the new bandaged wrapped around her thigh helped to sustain the bleeding until someone will be able to help as she was too far away for Amendale's spell to reach her. She rummaged through her bag of holding and handed each of them a potion. "Should... help with the pain." She said.


    She then gently inspected the half-drow's back to see that Amendale's spell did wonders on her injuries before going for Marie, and it seemed that she was healed by the spell too. "Good." She thought as she slumped to the floor. "Now... if you'll excuse me... I'll try not to..." she sighed as her head rested against the cold floor. "Don't pass out, don't pass out." She said quietly to herself.

  17. Shalena and her men continued fighting the undead. Nawen's crazy idea helped quite a lot to reduce the number of undead but then another wave showed up. "Fight them like there's no tomorrow!" The piratess yelled loudly, addressing her crew. She was never more proud of them. All fought bravely and well. The piratess noted to buy them all drinks if they'll get out of this alive. As she swirled and stabbed at zombies and ghouls she caught a glimpse of another dragon, who appeared to be on their side.


    "Is that Argy?!" She exclaimed as she brought down another ghoul, pushing her cutlass into his eye socket as deep as it could possibly go. "That's awesome!"


    Nawen on the other hand wasn't doing so good. She was losing blood, and her bandage didn't do much to help with it, but thankfully her blade was within her reach again, and she was no longer left defenseless. She got up while holding onto the column for support, leaving a bloody trail on its surface as she did. She had hoped that there won't be any more undead to fight but if the previous battle with Valthanarax was anything to go by - this was only the beginning.


    Only a few undead came her way, as she wasn't easy to notice in her current position and through the sheer determination to see this battle through did she manage to defeat them. As the last of the undead fell to the ground, she felt her knees buckle but before she could collapse she grabbed onto the column again and slowly slid down. She then tried to settle in more comfortably by sitting with her back against the column as she removed her blood soaked bandage and replaced it with the new one, wrapping it around her leg as tight as she could to stop or at least slow the bleeding.

  18. Nawen sighed sadly at the sight of Kalin walking towards them with an enemy, nothing but pain and anger in his eyes. "We're too late." She thought.

    "That him?" Shalena asked as she inclined her head towards Kalin. "We were supposed to rescue him, right? Or did someone forget to tell him which side he's on?"

    As the battle began, the piratess, her crew and Nawen, all focused their attention on the undead. Shalena slashed and stabbed the undead with her 'golden' cutlass while stomping and breaking the bones of fallen skeletons. Nawen fought the undead further away from the pirates. As she took a few of them down with swift and precise strikes she shot a glanced up and noticed a large chandelier by the ceiling. There was no way she could get it down with her arrows, but her blade might. She looked around the room, mostly paying attention at the columns. One of them at the far end of the chamber had just the right carvings to make the difficult climbing easier.

    The drow ran towards the column, trying to avoid enemy hits but even so receiving a cut on her left cheek as well as a few scrapes. As she reached the right column she began climbing up but quickly felt something grabbing her leg and trying to pull her down. She looked down and noticed an undead trying to get her down. She kicked him hard in the head with her left foot which caused the undead to let go off her leg. With that she continued climbing up.

    As she reached the top, Nawen noticed that she was close enough to cut it down with her blade. With her one hand wrapped around the column, she drew her blade from the sheet and attempted to cut it down but it was to no avail. Thankfully, though, the chandelier was old and while the chain holding it was sturdy it looked like it wouldn't hold more weight than it already did. Sighing heavily Nawen dropped the blade and grabbed onto the chandelier, first with one hand, then with the other.

    Shalena who had just decapitated a zombie noticed an elven blade falling on the floor beside her. She lucked up and noticed Nawen. It seemed the the drow was swinging on the chandelier. "This isn't the time!" The piratess yelled. "Just distract the archers!" The drow yelled back. It didn't take long for Shalena to realize that the drow was trying to do. "You heard her!" She shouted to her crew as she dashed towards undead archers as well.

    Surprisingly enough, Nawen avoided the arrows that the enemy archers shot at her (unknown to her it was mostly due to the enchantment placed on the armor). She looked up and saw that the chain was barely holding. "Come on, come on." She urged the chandelier to break faster, and not long after it did. "WATCH OUT!" She screamed as loudly as she could for her friends to get out of the way as it began falling. Nawen let go off the chandelier and landed on a small pile of ghoul and zombie corpses. The chandelier fell not too far of her, crushing a group of undead beneath it.

    She quickly got up off the reeking pile but sadly not fast enough to avoid incoming spear as it pierced through the sturdy leather and stabbed at her inner thigh. She screamed in pain and was about to grab at the spear but before she could do so, Shalena's half-orc quartermaster crushed the skeleton's chest with his hammer. With the particular enemy defeated, Nawen slumped by the column, concealing herself from other enemies as well as possible help, and pulled out some bandages and quickly wrapped it around her wound, hoping that it will be enough for the moment.

  19. Shalena drew her cutlass but did not join the rest in the fighting. She was pretty sure that the rest of the group would take care of two undead, large insect people. Her crew on the other hand were obviously itching for some fighting, leaped into the battle but were not as successful as the others were.


    Nawen drew her blade and rushed towards her friends when she noticed two more figures emerging from the tunnel. "Two more thri-kreen incoming!" She shouted, hoping that her friends noticed the enemies or at least heard her through the fighting. Noticing how they Grey siblings fought one, she rushed towards the pirates to help them fight the newcomers. They weren't doing so good.


    As she was nearing closer, one of the pirates jumped in front of her to fight the undead thri-kreen only to be run through by its gythka. The fallen one was quickly replaced by another pirate "Stay back!" She shouted but the pirate had his weapon drawn and was ready to charge at the enemy. Nawen quickened her pace and reached them before the thri-kreen could strike. She pushed the pirate out of the way and countered the gythka with her own blade, trying to push it aside. "I said stay back!"


    The thri-kreen must have realized what she was trying to do as he too pushed, but back and towards the wall attempting to corner her. Just as her back bumped into the wall, the thri-kreen swung his gythka towards her but Nawen ducked avoiding the hit and slashed with her blade at his legs where chitin wasn't protecting them.

  20. "Yes, you're right," Nawen said as she approached Conall and looked at the floor as well. Shalena meanwhile stared down at the pit below. "It's one of those invisible bridge things, isn't it?" The piratess mused out loud. After Tannin used his screaming blade to show where exactly the invisible bridge was she shot a glance at others. "No way in hells I'm going first."


    Nawen then stepped forward towards the ledge. "I can go first." She said as she carefully set her foot to where the bridge supposed to start, and as she expected she felt a firm surface beneath it. She looked back at her companions before stepping fully on the invisible bridge and making her way forward across the deep pit. Despite it being a first time she ever walked across something like this, Nawen walked without fear, while trying to walk as straight as possible. When she finally reached the other side she looked back at her companions.


    "That was easy," she said, "don't worry, it's very firm." She added reassuringly.

  21. Nawen was both saddened and horrified to see how horribly Theia died. She wasn't very fond of the centauress but she didn't deserve something as horrible as this, nobody did. She had nothing to say over the matter and simply walked around the room looking for anything that might help them. She was standing not too far from Zorica when the half-drow accidentally triggered the switch which revealed a hidden entrance.


    "At least we won't have to crawl through those stinking holding cells." Shalena said as she approached them with a rusty tool most likely used for torture. "What do you think this one does?" The piratess asked as she showed Nawen her finding.


    "I really don't want to know what it was used for." The drow replied as she followed others into the tunnel. The piratess shrugged before placing the tool back on the table and heading for the tunnel as well.

  22. Over the course of the battle Nawen stayed at the back, picking off enemies with arrows alongside Conall. Shalena didn't even bother to fight. She stayed beside those who did not fight and cheered for every kill. Some of her crewmen joined the fight. Two, the more useless members of the crew Shalena noted, fell to the gnolls.


    As the battle ended and the group entered the location which seemed to be a temple of sorts, Nawen looked around searching for traps and thankfully didn't find any while the piratess and her crew looked around for anything valuable to take but they also found nothing.


    "This sucks," Shalena said as she followed the others into the cave, "I hope that keblans lair will have more treasure than this stupid temple."


    "It's elans," Nawen corrected the piratess quietly, "and there was no treasure in the temple."


    "That's what I'm saying. No loot equals waste of time."

  23. "Of course." Nawen said feeling quite happy to do some scouting. Before moving forward she turned to Marie. "Would you like to come along?" She asked. "I could certainly use your help." She added before going down the kobold encampment.


    The two of them made their way forward, barely making any noise as they walked. They stopped and hid behind several large borders. Thankfully, their location provided good vantage point and was at a safe enough distance. "Let's see what we have here." Nawen said quietly as she peeked through the gap between the top of the boulders and looked around the encampment. There was a large number of kobolds scattered around the camp, she counted to a hundred but it was quite likely that there were more of them. She then focused her attention on the gnolls and counted about fifty of them. She scanned the encampment ahead for anything else that could help them before looking at Marie. "I think we got everything we can from this." She said.


    When they returned to others, Nawen immediately reported everything she saw. "They're not unprepared, I'll give them that," she said, "there are about a hundred kobolds, possibly more, and about fifty gnolls. As for their equipment, gnolls got better but even theirs is decent at best, though their weapons look well made." The drow paused for a moment before adding, "it won't be easy but we've fought worse."


    "So we gonna fight them there?" Shalena chimed in. "Don't know about you but I don't feel like being crushed by boulders."

  24. Since my description of the armor that Tannin made is terrible, here's the image on how it suppose to look. Basically it looks like Standard but with the Witch on the Go shawl/hood thingie.



  25. Nawen looked at the vial he handed to her. "How disgusting could this possibly be?" She thought. She never drank any potions after sleepless nights, so she had no idea how it actually tastes. The only thing she had is Tannin's opinion on it and she trusted him, so she believed that he was telling the truth. Doing as he suggested, she opened the vial and downed the liquid in one go. He was right. It was beyond disgusting.


    "Gods, this is disgusting." She said as she shuddered and frowned at the taste. She then counted to five and took a mug of milk from his hand and drank it in a few gulps. "Thank you," she said as she placed the empty mug on the counter, "for both disgusting potion and milk. Now I won't have to worry about falling asleep and falling off Kiira." She chuckled lightly.


    When Shalena finished her breakfast she got up from her seat and approached Arland and sat at the table across from him. She shot a glance at what he was eating and burst out laughing at the sight of sausages. When she finally stopped laughing, the piratess took one sausage and chuckled. "Interesting choice for breakfast. Figured you're more into bagels."


    "Normally, I don't bother saying anything, I just leave or they die. Not by my hand of course," she continued, "speaking of hands, you are very good with yours, among other things. Might let you steer my ship sometime later." She winked at him as she got up from her seat and went towards the bar again to order another drink.

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