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Posts posted by tnu

  1. Would someone be interested in do\ing this? The player has the option to declare him/herselfr the new Lord of the Pitt so why not turn the lights back on in Uptown, establish Haven as your new base in the area and start making improvements? Maybe some dialogue checks for htigns like when you get hte options for Big Town? Set up trade? Arm and equip all fo the freed slaves? establish bases? turrets? etc et instead of just letting that who9le area fall to the trogs?

  2. So I"m looking at AWKCR and I"m wodnering if there is somethign similar to its pigment and texture swappign systemf or weapons or rather what a lto of people prefer to use to this effect.

  3. There is a mod called Auto Loot, it's been removed from the Nexus mod pages, but should be available from other mod websites. I'm on Steam but I created an account at Bethesda. net in order to get mods from them. There are other websites but you will need to find them yourself. Auto Loot once installed can be configured from in-game to collect the loot you want and not grab stuff you don't. You can also set how wide an area you want to loot. You can tell it to only loot guns, it will grab all lootable guns in the radius you pick, or you can grab every single piece of loot in that same area. With it set to collect, you can walk where you want to and it will grab everything you set it for in the areas you travel. You probably want some kind of weight mod or you might walk down a single street and go over your weight limit. And it's instantaneous.

    thanks for trying but not quite what I was asking about. I used mailbox posts as an example pacifically because I mostly mean mass scrapping of world objects by type rather than inventory items. Fromw hat I've seen and havn't seen it doesn't seem possible but I thought i'd ask. But again thank you for the suggestion.

  4. The site search engine ain't the best, and has it's limitations. The trick is, use google. :D


    do something like "Dead Money" site=www.nexusmods.com/fallout3 (including the quotes....) And you should get more of the results you are looking for.

    Thanks it'd be nice if they'd update the site search for osmethign like this so resutls could be sorted using the Nexus' options to sort by date, endorsements, downlaods etc.

  5. I can't se3em to find a way to do this example if I were on New Vegas Nexus and wanted ot search the phrase "Dead Money" (no quotes) I only seem to be able to return results with "dead" and "money" somewhere in the description but not nessecarily in that order. SOrry if this is a stupid qustion I feel like an idiot for asking.





    I'm probably going to stick to converting MSO I value its much higher degree of flexibility, configurability andout of the box compatability with mdos that add new spells.





    Is this similar?




    don't really think so it'd be a lot better if ther e was one that at least took advantage of the streamliend UIExtensions menus rather than the clunky vanilla menus.




    Well, I'm out.

    NOTHING suggested is going to make you happy, so there's no point in wasting anymore of my time.


    Have fun converting from LE to SE.




    My apologies for being difficult. I already converted the two main mods I couldn't find equivalents to I just need to test them and I think I'll be able to find a plug-in to mimic the one feature I need from SkyTweak.


    You were very helpful with Jaxonz positioner and some of the basic tips just some mods don't seem to have equivalent or better and i'm trying to cover those before I move further.


    EDIT: Bah it turns out it's moot right now anyway until I can repalce my 4:3 monitor with a 16:10 monitor.





    Also on top of Quick Menus and Magic Study Overhaul I'm not sure I see any really good alternatives to Cobb Positioner or Jaxonz Positioner, and Jaxonz Renamer.


    Wait I just learned that papyrus scripts work perfeclty fine carrying over form LE to SE and I can use Cathedral to carry ove rmost everything else.


    You could always use Jaxonz Positioner Converted.




    YOu need to search for these things.

    Also, as I said, there were LE mods I thought I couldn't live without, that ended up having an even better SE alternative written by different modders that improved the mods in every way it's up to you to find them


    Your problem is you're thinking or assuming you MUST convert everything from LE that you use to to SE when you haven't even looked if there are equivalent or better mods that REPLACE the LE versions, that have different names.


    One of the things I did was treat SSE as a different game and installed what I could find, since it's now been 5 years since release and there's a ton of mods out there that are straight up convertsions, while others are straight up improvements of LE mods with different names the LE equivalents


    My Suggestion, BEFORE you go through the pointless Converting your entire load order process, FIRST, go to the SKyrim Special Edition Mod Page, click on MODS, then click on TOP FILES or MOST ENDORSED, and start downloading and installing mods from that first and try them out.


    There's going to be some mods that make you go, "Wow" and be more willing to leave any LE mod behind, (which is a list that has gotten smaller and smaller of 6 years)






    Right now i"m looking for a good substitute for Quick Menues and Magic Study Overhaul that basically end up being core to mos tof my playthroughs. the closest I can think of are Spell Research and Project Proteaus but the former is extremelyd iffernet in how it works from MSO and the latter while it has some features that QM doesn't it lacks many more that it does so those are the two i'm mot concerned baout.



    Try Dinos Spell Discovery.

    Many people have switched over to that from Spell Research


    I'm probably going to stick to converting MSO I value its much higher degree of flexibility, configurability andout of the box compatability with mdos that add new spells.


    Also on top of Quick Menus and Magic Study Overhaul I'm not sure I see any really good alternatives to Cobb Positioner or Jaxonz Positioner, and Jaxonz Renamer.


    Wait I just learned that papyrus scripts work perfeclty fine carrying over form LE to SE and I can use Cathedral to carry ove rmost everything else.


    You could always use Jaxonz Positioner Converted.




    YOu need to search for these things.

    Also, as I said, there were LE mods I thought I couldn't live without, that ended up having an even better SE alternative written by different modders that improved the mods in every way it's up to you to find them


    Your problem is you're thinking or assuming you MUST convert everything from LE that you use to to SE when you haven't even looked if there are equivalent or better mods that REPLACE the LE versions, that have different names.


    One of the things I did was treat SSE as a different game and installed what I could find, since it's now been 5 years since release and there's a ton of mods out there that are straight up convertsions, while others are straight up improvements of LE mods with different names the LE equivalents


    My Suggestion, BEFORE you go through the pointless Converting your entire load order process, FIRST, go to the SKyrim Special Edition Mod Page, click on MODS, then click on TOP FILES or MOST ENDORSED, and start downloading and installing mods from that first and try them out.


    There's going to be some mods that make you go, "Wow" and be more willing to leave any LE mod behind, (which is a list that has gotten smaller and smaller of 6 years)






    Right now i"m looking for a good substitute for Quick Menues and Magic Study Overhaul that basically end up being core to mos tof my playthroughs. the closest I can think of are Spell Research and Project Proteaus but the former is extremelyd iffernet in how it works from MSO and the latter while it has some features that QM doesn't it lacks many more that it does so those are the two i'm mot concerned baout.

  9. Also on top of Quick Menus and Magic Study Overhaul I'm not sure I see any really good alternatives to Cobb Positioner or Jaxonz Positioner, and Jaxonz Renamer.


    Wait I just learned that papyrus scripts work perfeclty fine carrying over form LE to SE and I can use Cathedral to carry ove rmost everything else.

  10. I left behind all the mods that were never converted, and am loving the ones that Were COnverted, and the awesome new ones that have been written

    I don't miss any of the Oldrim mods.

    Especially with people getting so creative with SKSE64

    OK do you have any recommended substitutes for Quick Menus and Magic Study Overhaul? Otherwise I have my doubts.

  11. So I've been thinking about Transitioning from LE to SE but the process of rebuilding my load order and converting mdos that were never converted to SE that I consider absolute essentials is prety daunting does anyone have any tips or guides or tools to make this easier?

  12. So I was looking at a playthrough of Castlevania Lament of Innocence to give myself some backgroudn for watching the show on Netflix and I thought some of the alchemy used in the game was really cool so here's what I was thinking



    Crimson Stone https://castlevania.fandom.com/wiki/Crimson_Stone

    Would probably look something like a ruby or retextured soul gem or stone of Barenziah but classed as a potion or misc item that when activated turns you in to a vampire lord with a bit of an involved process that goes soemthign like

    >A cast on target spell that, when cast on a vampire acts similarly to soul trap. If the vampire is killed with an empty black soul gem player's inventory give something like a "black soul gem with vampire soul" item that the mod will recognize for the next part


    >A spell that when cast on self with this new soul gem item and maybe a blood potion in the inventory triggers a scripted sequence where The Reaper (the closest I can think to Castlevania's version of Death) shows up, takes the soul gem and blood potion and plays the soul trap absorption and maybe the vampire drain visuals, and gives or drops the new "Crimson Stone" item that, when activated, triggers the scripts and processes used by Dawngaurd to turn the player in to a vampire lord



    The Ebony ssone seems like a cool idea too taht seems like it would be doable with SKyrim's scripting (Bloodcursed arrow effect or switching the game to an extended period fo ngiht within an area + invulnerability within that area) but it's a little too overpwoered by comparison.



    Philosopher's Stone - costs any filled black soul gem, human flesh, skull, and human heart can revive player or NPC or can be used to "transmute" certain items (say upgrading a soul gem or turning a bottle of wine in to a blood potion) and consumed after use.



    Star stone ring - 1024x1024-1838133.jpgwhen equipped can protect a vampire form the negative effects of sun exposure possibly found on a powerful vampire boss or at least the alchemy used to craft it could be. perhaps in order to keep working it consumes something like blood potions or filled soul gems from the invenotry otherwise it slowly drains health when worn



    and maybe some outfits, folllowers/enemies, or presets based onDracula's Symphony of the Night, Netflix, and Lords fo Shadow designs


  13. i'm pretty sure When Vampries Attack was consolidated in to Ru nf or your Lives. my main isue with those is that the y don't seem toa ccount for attacks that happen ou tside the original frameworks that the vamprie and dragon attacks were in. HOpefully what I heard about it was bunk and crash fixes sho uld take care of the problem I had before.

  14. I'm not sure abo ut RUn For Your Lives as it only seems toa ccou nt for specific scenarios and Immersive CItizens seems like a nightamre to install and account for with other mods fromw hat I've seen so I"m not relaly sure.

    Nevermind I'm apperenlty an idiot who looked at an old post and didn't relaize Immersive CItizens Lite was a thing.

  15. Would require redubbing nearly all the voices of anyone who's in any way involved in the civil war quest. even verbally. especially if you plan on making a female balgruuf character. The head of the greybeards, Balgruuf, his brother, his steward, Ireleth, Queen Elisif, General Tullius, his female commander, thats with him when you first meet Tullius, in Solitude for the first time, Ulfric Stormcloak, His Commander, random guard/soldier dialog mentioning the war or any of the previous characters, and a whole lot more, basically recasting nearly all the voice actors with new ones to properly mention this third faction you want to create. OR you could just half ass it and ruin immersion by not adding any new voice lines and have the character gormlessly stare at you while text appears at the bottom of the screen. but that wouldn't be very cool though. :/



    Some of us are fine with unvoiced dialogue.

  16. You should be able to access lakeview manner. The hearthfires quest is not dependent upon the bandit quest. The courier should deliver a letter after level 10 to kick start the quest to get lakeview manner.


    Beyond scanning your mods in TES5Edit to see if any might affect the various dialogs associated with the Jarl, you may need to test your mods in batches to determine which one may be causing the issue.


    EDIT: I was getting my quests mixed up. Sorry for the confusion. I was thinking of Rare Gifts as the "bandit quest" rather than Kill the Leader. The Kill the Leader quest from the Jarl can be blocked by having any kill the leader bounty quest active.


    You could go through the process to get Dengeir to be Jarl. He will already consider you a friend at that point and should skip to the hearthfires quest.



    Sorry I think I figured it out. there was a problem wi th the wa y I was testing it. COCing there wasn't the best idea.

  17. it seems to be a mod issue because when I tried laucnhing skyrim in an unmodded save I was able ot get the dialogues. however I tested a save where all the mods marked as conflicitng were disabled from MO2 and yeidl no luck. my load order is as follows


    0 0 Skyrim.esm
    1 1 Update.esm
    2 2 Dawnguard.esm
    3 3 HearthFires.esm
    4 4 Dragonborn.esm
    5 5 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
    6 6 EFFCore.esm
    7 7 Campfire.esm
    8 8 notice board.esp
    9 9 Gray Fox Cowl.esm
    10 a Cutting Room Floor.esp
    11 b Customizable weights.esp
    12 c UIExtensions.esp
    13 d Melt_Down_Everything.esp
    14 e WetandCold.esp
    15 f WetandCold - Ashes.esp
    16 10 FISS.esp
    17 11 NPC Knockout Overhaul.esp
    18 12 Holidays.esp
    19 13 Inconsequential NPCs.esp
    20 14 Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
    21 15 WARP.esp
    22 16 RDO - EFF v4.0.0 Beta 6 Patch.esp
    23 17 EFFDialogue.esp
    24 18 Immersive Encounters.esp
    25 19 HearthCraft.esp
    26 1a Order My Items.esp
    dracula armor.esp
    27 1b CobbPositioner.esp
    28 1c SkyUI.esp
    29 1d Atlas Legendary.esp
    30 1e Immersive Patrols II.esp
    31 1f Hunterborn.esp
    32 20 SpellResearch.esp
    33 21 Frostfall.esp
    34 22 Immersive Speechcraft.esp
    35 23 CUYC_CleanUpYourCorpses.esp
    36 24 ForgottenCity.esp
    no nocturnal oath.esp
    37 25 iNeed.esp
    38 26 Sneak Tools.esp
    39 27 FollowerLivePackage.esp
    40 28 RDOFLPCRFPatch.esp
    41 29 Mercy.esp
    Gray Fox Cowl - Camel patch.esp
    42 2a MHIYH.esp
    43 2b AHZmoreHUD.esp
    44 2c NicholasQuickMenu.esp
    45 2d honedmetal.esp
    Arno Master Assassin Outfit.esp
    Huntsman's Outfit.esp
    Roma Machiavelli.esp
    Simple jacob.esp
    The Witcher 3Vampire Coat.esp
    46 2e BOTI.esp
    47 2f wizDynamicThings.esp
    48 30 Grimy Utilities Interface.esp
    49 31 HearthfireMultiKid.esp
    50 32 Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp
    51 33 LLPatch.esp
    52 34 RaceMenu.esp
    53 35 RaceMenuPlugin.esp
    54 36 RDO - Cutting Room Floor Patch.esp
    55 37 RDO - Follower Live Package Patch.esp
    56 38 SimplyKnock.esp
    57 39 SkyTweak.esp
    58 3a Utilities.esp
    59 3b Bashed Patch, 0.esp

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