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Posts posted by tnu

  1. do you mean deactivate the mods I have active but am not using and than reload the game? or actually remove any mods I odn't ahve active form my directory? first I plan to remove deactivate any mods I 'm not currently using and don't rely on being active all the time and than reload my save to see if that helps. I've also added some stuff like Threaded AI and two threads.

  2. So I decided to boot up the game feeling nostalgic and all but I play for a few minutes and it always crashes after af ew minutes. It's still seamingly random b ut it will happen after a few minutes of play so I tried setting to low quality, tried disabling mods I looked at my latest save and its 11.4 MB and my load order is as follows. Mind you I"m not aware of any sort of means of getting feedback or logging for crashes in this game.


    Active Mod Files:


    00  Fallout3.esm  [CRC: C092218B]
    01  Anchorage.esm  [CRC: A4BA9D10]
    02  ThePitt.esm  [CRC: B38B3E44]
    03  BrokenSteel.esm  [CRC: 30011B79]
    04  PointLookout.esm  [CRC: D92704D8]
    05  Zeta.esm  [CRC: 1D017E23]
    **  Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm  [CRC: FAA89613]
    06  Impervious Power Armour.esm  [CRC: D974BDB5]
    07  CRAFT.esm  [CRC: AE67CA57]
    08  COMM.esm  [CRC: 4C70C69F]
    09  Vault 101 Revisited.esm  [CRC: 848D8679]
    0A  Mothership Crew.esm  [Version 1.66]  [CRC: 93255384]
    0B  TSC Air Support.esm  [CRC: 9E3D08A9]
    0C  Mart's Mutant Mod.esm  [CRC: 895521AD]
    0D  Advanced Recon Tech.esm  [CRC: F19C92D7]
    0E  Globaltravelsystem.esm  [CRC: 471CF91E]
    0F  GTSEssentials.esm  [CRC: 62C844FE]
    10  Sharing and Caring Companions.esm  [CRC: 0BD10E91]
    **  Abbreviated Effects.esm  [CRC: 62570140]
    11  FNNCQ.esm  [CRC: 4486F3EB]
    12  FNNCQ_DavidsLab.esm  [CRC: 5D01B157]
    13  FACE2.esm  [CRC: 844806A8]
    14  TheProject.esm  [CRC: 93434D5B]
    15  TSC Expansion.esm  [CRC: D9D7A276]
    16  FO3 Essentials Revamped.esm  [CRC: 1FB7CAC2]
    17  Sydney Follower.esp  [CRC: A11B8CD5]
    18  Stop Insulting Me Outcasts.esp  [CRC: 4F959B7F]
    19  MaxLevelWorkaround-BS.esp  [CRC: 45BE776B]
    1A  CRAFT - Activation Perk.esp  [CRC: CC4B88A5]
    1B  CRAFT - Clutter Conversions.esp  [CRC: 691BB497]
    1C  choose_XP_FOSE.esp  [CRC: 6F83983B]
    1D  YetAnotherPurgeCellBuffersPlugin.esp  [Version 2.2.]  [CRC: 7448E257]
    1E  RemoteControlCompanionsPlus.esp  [CRC: 02CC1A24]
    1F  GTSPointLookOut.esp  [CRC: 2C459D35]
    20  RandomEncounters.esp  [CRC: 5DFCF46D]
    21  Scavenger World.esp  [CRC: D901ACBE]
    **  Angry Scientists.esp  [CRC: 577CD107]
    22  SCC - Talk to Anyone.esp  [CRC: E60A65D0]
    23  PersonalTerminal.esp  [CRC: 0F73E910]
    24  MoreMapMarkers.esp  [CRC: B7F1FA75]
    ++  richvendors.esp  [CRC: 3A25B918]
    25  UndergroundHideout.esp  [CRC: 49635CBB]
    26  Advanced Recon Gear.esp  [CRC: 874EF7B8]
    27  IDreamOfElectricSheep.esp  [CRC: 6A950D91]
    ++  ClassicEnclaveAPA-Replacement-english.esp  [CRC: 4BF8B069]
    28  Mart's Mutant Mod.esp  [CRC: FB3CE701]
    ++  Mart's Mutant Mod - DLC Point Lookout.esp  [CRC: A4E67116]
    ++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Natural Selection.esp  [CRC: 1AA10DF8]
    ++  Mart's Mutant Mod - Master Menu Module.esp  [CRC: 3CAF7F12]
    29  CharonImproved.esp  [CRC: A0BBF92D]
    2A  FollowersHireContinued-NoChecks.esp  [CRC: 5CBD1866]
    2B  1PipboyPDA.esp  [CRC: 22450D06]
    2C  Laboratory.esp  [CRC: 732CB122]
    2D  Mighty Mouse Alternative 4.esp  [CRC: 9D7C4904]
    2E  Outcast Collection Agent Expanded - DLC Plugin.esp  [CRC: 099F03FE]
    2F  T_R_A_S_C_H.esp  [CRC: 753F6360]
    30  TSC Air Support.esp  [CRC: 3764F69B]
    31  The Groovatron.esp  [CRC: 4841A5A9]
    32  The Groovatron_DLC_Anch_Addon.esp  [CRC: 0525A6AA]
    33  The Groovatron_DLC_Pitt_Addon.esp  [CRC: C100382D]
    34  The Groovatron_DLC_PL_Addon.esp  [CRC: 0A1AFDFA]
    ++  Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp  [CRC: 2FB75E9A]
    35  Mothership Crew Weapon Addon TSC.esp  [CRC: 1DFB9D1E]
    36  Better RC Church.esp  [CRC: DCD417A8]
    37  HT Unlimited Ammo.esp  [Version 3.02b]  [CRC: 46A5D4EA]
    38  Cleaned Museum.esp  [CRC: FE4D65B6]
    ++  Realigning Alignment Mod.esp  [CRC: 1B421648]
    39  RecieveTenpennySuite.esp  [CRC: FC115B24]
    3A  BM13ImprovedMZSpacesuit.esp  [CRC: 88C2B392]
    3B  MZ_OvercoatFix.esp  [CRC: 747C4185]
    3C  PortableForceFieldGenerators.esp  [CRC: 218278A8]
    3D  TSC Moon Base.esp  [CRC: 071F5F07]
    3E  MZC-Gear-InfirmaryBiogelThunderfistArmory.esp  [CRC: AEEC8553]
    ++  psychoelfs all animal friends.esp  [CRC: DE617422]
    3F  BSFixes.esp  [CRC: 8CBBB435]
    40  Keller Door Hack.esp  [CRC: D01F73CF]
    41  ParadiseLost.esp  [CRC: 47DF013D]
    ++  RCCP_Patch_for_SCC.esp  [CRC: 89491DA6]
    42  TiesThatBind.esp  [CRC: C9592AE8]
    43  TSC Prospecting.esp  [CRC: 4FAC6030]
    44  AlienTech.esp  [CRC: 13210B05]
    45  Mothership Crew Clothing addon.esp  [CRC: 412F9AFF]
    46  UseableToilets.esp  [CRC: 9544475C]
    ++  TSC Robots.esp  [CRC: A5859C98]
    ++  Lawbringer Contract Killer Perk Fix.esp  [CRC: 6A10A04B]
    47  tscvendingmachine.esp  [CRC: 85690635]
    48  CryoFix.esp  [CRC: D14AF5CE]
    49  TSC Implants.esp  [CRC: 47361730]
    4A  Marts Mutant Mod - DLC No Zeta.esp  [CRC: 678F7B69]
    4B  TSC - Scientific Rediscovery.esp  [CRC: CC6F917F]
    4C  Dree Perks.esp  [CRC: B51003F8]
    4D  GTSThePitt+COM.esp  [CRC: 6DDC1C49]
    4E  Feng Shui.esp  [Version 0.9.2]  [CRC: 390FE463]
    ++  Superheroes Use Their Weapons.esp  [CRC: 66B9AC9D]
    ++  overlordpickpocketfix.esp  [CRC: 6A2231B8]
    ++  WaterBeggarScriptFix - BS.esp  [CRC: F4D7611C]
    4F  Freeform Play - Trouble on the Homefront.esp  [CRC: A6DE27C6]
    50  Zeta_Lighting_Fixes.esp  [CRC: 22A24C64]
    51  TSCNP.esp  [CRC: 4A86DD55]
    ++  MMMMP.esp  [CRC: 18E1D6A5]
    52  Bashed Patch, 0.esp  [CRC: BEA1C586]




    Oh I also run on an Eight-Core AMD FX-8350 and an NVIDIA GTX-760

  3. I've seen this phrase used over the years to describe certain trends like removing choice4 and depth from an RPG and things of that nature but I don't quite understand it. Is there some inherent quality that consoles have that requires this sor tof "dumbing down"? Such as removing choices form the player by limiting dialogue options or possible world interactions? Or limiting character customization unnecessarily? I"m just not sure I understand what makes this associated with consoles or why it might be "necessary" for consoles. Is there some inherent connection or does the connection just happen to be there?


    I don't see why a voiced PC means a better story. New Vegas had a great sotry and no voiced PC. it had a fantastic story while still allowing m ore player choice than the average Beth game.

    Better Story does not equal better story telling. They are not the same thing and differ greatly, but they go hand in hand in moving picture media.


    You can make a movie with the best plot ever that fits it run time just right, but if your actors are half assing it just sucks in the end. Great actors can also make the movies with bad plot pass as okay or good. or even great.


    It a very important aspect of visual entertainment that should not be ignored.


    Beth thought it will deliver more impact on the player by seeing the pc reacts to the story and npcs, thus improving the questing aspect a little from one angle. But they should have focused on better lip sync and face animtions instead and they would have gotten better results from older fans.




    How about instead of limiting the player to do this you stop trying to make games in to movies and instead focus those assets you used on a voice for the player on to somet hign important like writers. take the money you used on that garbage dialogue system and focus on giving the player m ore and better ways to itnerct with the world and NPCs.

  5. Binding dialogue to keys is inherently limiting by what set of keys you decide to bind them too and how many of htem there are a scrolling interface does not need to cope with such problems and inherently allows for more options Thay've been part of hte series since the beginning and even if your keyd system allowd for stat based dialogue it sitll owuld be a nightmare for modders who wanted toa dd even more dialogue.

  6. It's starting to get frustrating but I odn't know what's cuasing it. anyway here's my spects and my last report form LOOT


    • Skyrim.esm
      CRC: C665FD56
    • EFFCore.esm
      CRC: FA35259B
    • HearthFires.esm
      CRC: AF82CE6A
    • Update.esm
      CRC: E5B67BDA
    • Dawnguard.esm
      CRC: BD72CCF3
    • Dragonborn.esm
      CRC: A9F83BFF
    • Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp
      CRC: 3B54B4D0
      Version: 3.0.0
      Add: C.Climate, C.Encounter, C.ImageSpace, C.Light, C.Location, C.Music, C.Name, C.Owner, C.Water, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Relev, Sound, Stats
    • Campfire.esm
      CRC: B72E8DE0
    • notice board.esp
      CRC: B1A7FF39
    • MFVM.esm
      CRC: BA4FF3AB
    • AHZmoreHUD.esp
      CRC: D340E330
      Version: 2.1.3
    • BOTI.esp
      CRC: DD6AFE99
    • UIExtensions.esp
      CRC: B862AA8E
    • LegacyoftheDragonborn.esp
      CRC: 38A61B2
      Version: 30+
    • Grimy Utilities Interface.esp
      CRC: 8422B8FE
    • Customizable weights.esp
      CRC: 109D298F
    • Cutting Room Floor.esp
      CRC: 11CB503C
      Version: 2.0.0
      Add: C.Location, C.Owner, C.RecordFlags, Delev, Graphics, Invent, Names, Stats
    • TradeBarter.esp
      CRC: AC24F58B
    • HighResTexturePack02.esp
      CRC: D596F02A
    • CraftableSphere.esp
      CRC: E0CEA3DD
    • HonedMetal.esp
      CRC: A1B19818
      Version: 1.06
    • Falskaar - Notice Board.esp
      CRC: 87952011
    • HF_MobilePlanters.esp
      CRC: C56211EA
      Version: 1f
    • HighResTexturePack01.esp
      CRC: D596F02A
    • craftplusweaponssteam.esp
      CRC: 61A5C13B
    • FISS.esp
      CRC: 589A93FB
    • RaceMenuPlugin.esp
      CRC: 8A8A009F
    • MarryMe.esp
      CRC: 15971FE5
    • HighResTexturePack03.esp
      CRC: D596F02A
    • HearthfireMultiKid.esp
      CRC: 534F45A6
    • HearthfireMultiKid_LastName.esp
      CRC: 4BA30BB0
    • alchemy_ingredient_recipes.esp
      CRC: 8CFEE077
    • BHTNF_Eli.esp
      CRC: E55BFCB6
    • Holidays.esp
      CRC: 8B93B372
      Version: 2.0
    • Inconsequential NPCs.esp
      CRC: 773D467E
    • BOTIXtra.esp
      CRC: C10B1ACA
    • Populated Lands Roads Paths.esp
      CRC: F0C03F40
    • EFFDialogue.esp
      CRC: 1E8DE8D6
    • Atlas Legendary.esp
      CRC: 6CB3897
      Version: 1.0
    • wizDynamicThings.esp
      CRC: 713BC295
    • MFVM_EFF_Patch.esp
      CRC: 30FD5C95
    • DragonSoulConverter.esp
      CRC: 63E6958C
    • Inconsequential NPCs - CRF Compatibility Patch.esp
      CRC: BDE8703C
    • NPC Knockout Overhaul.esp
      CRC: C98B5523
    • JaxonzDroppableStatics.esp
      CRC: 8408D327
    • MFVM_Hearthfire_Patch.esp
      CRC: F1C1A957
    • Melt_Down_Everything.esp
      CRC: 97853AAB
    • Mercy.esp
      CRC: CE9239CD
      Version: 1_3
    • Order My Items.esp
      CRC: A45F900F
      Version: 1.2
    • RaceMenu.esp
      CRC: 2765B7D0
    • SkyTweak.esp
      CRC: 8FB09152
    • SkyUI.esp
      CRC: BEA2DC76
      Version: 5.1
    • WetandCold.esp
      CRC: 762DC693
      Version: 2.02
    • WetandCold - Ashes.esp
      CRC: 3D7CC687
    • batcave hearthfire.esp
      CRC: 92681E13
    • Populated Cities Towns Villages.esp
      CRC: 849BCB1F
    • Immersive Patrols II.esp
      CRC: D6F77688
    • Tame Beast.esp
      CRC: DD944705
    • ElysiumEstate.esp
      CRC: B4AC5D0F
    • ElysiumEstate-HF.esp
      CRC: 9EF5B675
    • Frostfall.esp
      CRC: 65BDB13
    • Immersive Speechcraft.esp
      CRC: 22471C88
    • CUYC_CleanUpYourCorpses.esp
      CRC: 49D93CB8
    • LLPatch.esp
      CRC: 288D74B9
    • SKMP.esp
      CRC: 15718C72
    • Sneak Tools.esp
      CRC: 2FD8A6F3
    • FPI Gallery.esp
      CRC: DD797745
    • Sneak Tools Vanilla Hoods.esp
      CRC: E2DCB39A
    • Sneak Tools Vanilla Masks.esp
      CRC: 6C7B8C82
    • craftingplusv2.esp
      CRC: FB9E7B
    • Smithmerge.esp
      CRC: B26B0ACF
    • ElysiumEstate-DB.esp
      CRC: B9AD681
    • LDWrapUpTutorialComplete.esp
      CRC: B6785684
    • Hunterborn.esp
      CRC: 83B040DA
    • Extended Encounters.esp
      CRC: AAB3FA19
    • BlackMarketV2.esp
      CRC: 56EE15C7
    • Bashed Patch, 0.esp
      CRC: F8F921B
      Version: 11/14/2015 3:57:01 AM
    • Hunterborn_Frostfall-Patch.esp
      CRC: 2D3EBDE
    • Hunterborn_RND-Patch.esp
      CRC: 59DD01FF
    • Shady Fences.esp
      CRC: 5250A9A6
      Version: 1.04
    • SkyrimShowRoom.esp
      CRC: E692ADCE
    • batcave2.esp
      CRC: B6103216
    • _empirebuilder_aio.esp
      CRC: 712041CB
      Version: 2.5
    • iNeed.esp
      CRC: D9020262
      Version: 1.602
    • iNeed - Dangerous Diseases.esp
      CRC: 8CFCAC00
    • portal2mod.esp
      CRC: C6D05444
    • JaxonzUtilities.esp
      CRC: 51B8096E
    • azurahouse.esp
      CRC: BC4FEBE9
    • craftplusmisc.esp
      CRC: F17EBDE0
    • gemcrafting.esp
      CRC: A925AD38
    • notice board - dragonborn patch.esp
      CRC: ECFC9408
    • MHIYH.esp
      CRC: 36159D2C
      Version: 4.3f
    • smelting mod by soto.esp
      CRC: F68E8B1F
    • sorcererstone.esp
      CRC: 87706BE7
    Summary LOOT Version 0.5.0 Masterlist Version N/A: No masterlist present Masterlist Updating Disabled Total Number of Messages 1 Number of Warnings 0 Number of Errors 0
    General Messages
    • Note: There have been no changes in the De
    • tails tab since LOOT was last run for this game.
    Hide Version NumbersHide CRCsHide Bash Tag SuggestionsHide NotesHide 'Do Not Clean' MessagesHide All Plugin MessagesHide Messageless Plugins
    0 of 94 plugins hidden.
    0 of 0 messages hidden.



    My spects are.


    CPU: AMD-FX 8350


    GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 760


    RAM: 16 GB DDR3


    OS: Windows XP x86



    Oh and my latest save is about 10 megabytes

  7. Yes Mass Effect was a good series. this does not mean every game needs to BE Mass Effect. It does not mean that eveyr game needs a voiced protaganist or an arbitrarily limiting dialogue system just because BioWare did it. New is not always better and new for the sake of new sho uldn't be praised just BECAUSE it is new.


    Mass effect is an RPG though and it kind of the same.

    Mass Effect is not even that much of an RPG by the time ME2 came out, it went full on action cover-based shooting with RPG-lite elements.


    Fallout's strangely gone down this route, even down to the dialogue which even Mass Effect did better. At least you had a wheel of options more than four, and you could often ask simple questions for expositions sake and then come back to the progressive dialogue choices without moving forward.


    Fallout 4 doesn't do this, and I find it pretty annoying, if you want to ask a question, the dialogue moves forward anyway, some will call this more dynamic, I disagree, it's a compromise for the 4 option system, it chooses to bypass further questioning for the sake of giving you equal options as you had before you even asked the question.


    Also, I've found some quests have given me the absolute illusion of choice, Diamond City blues for example comes to a point in the quest where I can spare someone for giving me information only for this decision to be completely taken away from my control and resolving itself in the same direction as me just choosing to kill them.




    So what do you think it means for TES VI?

    Exactly what Skyrim did.


    Take the skills and RPG elements you've had from the previous games and cut them in half. That's precisely what happened from Oblivion to Skyrim.


    Bethesda calls this streamlining.




    and somehow thay've still managed to be betyter than Lionhead about it. at what point will thay be done "streamlining"?



    This is really a problem that we need to stop condoning. We need to stop just buying a dumbed down product hoping that modders will fix it. It's why I have yet to buy the game ebcause I don't want to give this behavior my money.

    Good point and advice. I hope many will try following that for tes6, buy it at summer sales at least with all the patches out already.

    With that said, why are you even here then?




    What do you mean?

  10. The game is ok, it's the casualization/consolization mentality that's the problem.

    Every area of the game has been dumbed down (dialogue system, skill system, etc) to pull off the infamous "appeal to a wider audience" stunt, removing all complexity to make the game playable by the average dudebro.

    They got more sales and the old playerbase still buys the game hoping mods will add in everything that the company left out.




    This is really a problem that we need to stop condoning. We need to stop just buying a dumbed down product hoping that modders will fix it. It's why I have yet to buy the game ebcause I don't want to give this behavior my money.

  11. OK So I"m looking for a mod that would do the following. basically add a spell, power, or other means of



    Applying one of the various "Ghost abilities" to the targeted (or console selected) NPC/Creature


    and than the ability to, if desired, remove the ability and reset the NPC/creature's Alpha back to normal.

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